Maya Region

Maya Region
  • Maya Area
  • Maya Realm
Map showing the Maya Region of Mesoamerica, with major rivers, mountain ranges, and regions labelled, published 2015 by Simon Burchell.
The Maya Region / major rivers, mountain ranges, and regions labelled / 2015 map by S. Burchell
Maya Region is located in Mesoamerica
Maya Region
Maya Region
Location of the Maya Region in Mesoamerica
Coordinates: 17°N 90°W / 17°N 90°W / 17; -90
LocationBelize, Guatemala, western El Salvador, northwestern Honduras, southeastern Mexico
Part ofMesoamerica
 • Total125,000 sq mi (320,000 km2)a
 • Length540 mi (870 km)b
 • Width410 mi (660 km)b
Highest elevation13,845 ft (4,220 m)c
a cf [note 1]

b cf [note 2]

c cf [note 3]

The Maya Region is cultural, first order subdivision of Mesoamerica, located in the eastern half of the latter. Though first settled by Palaeoindians by at least 10,000 BC, it is now most commonly characterised and recognised as the territory which encompassed the Maya civilisation in the pre-Columbian era.


The Maya Region is firmly bounded to the north, east, and southwest by the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean, respectively.[1][2] It is less firmly bounded to the west and southeast by 'zones of cultural interaction and transition between Maya and non-Maya peoples.'[3][2] The western transition between Maya and non-Maya peoples roughly corresponds to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, while the southeastern one roughly corresponds to a line running northwards from the mouth of the Lempa River to that of the Ulua River.[4][2][5][note 4]


The Maya Region is traditionally divided into three cultural and geographic, first order subdivisions, namely, the Maya Lowlands, Maya Highlands, and the Maya Pacific.[6][note 5] The Region's internal borders, like some of its external ones, are not usually precisely fixed, as they are rather demarcated by 'subtle environmental changes or transitions from one zone to another.'[7][8] Additionally, the Lowlands, Highlands, and Pacific are often further subdivided along similarly imprecise lines, giving rise to a myriad roughly-demarcated second order subdivisions for the Maya Region.[9][10]


The Maya Lowlands are a low-lying karstic plain stretching from Campeche in Mexico through northern Guatemala and into northwestern Honduras, thereby encompassing all of the Yucatan Peninsula and its abutting plains (including all of Belize).[11] The plain generally lies below 2,625 feet (800 m).[12][note 6] Mean annual temperatures and rainfall range within 77–95 °F (25–35 °C) and 20–120 inches (510–3,050 mm), respectively.[13] Wet seasons range from six to eleven months (usually starting in May or June), with dry seasons ranging from one to six months.[13][note 7]


The Maya Highlands are a geologically-active east-west band of peaks and valleys stretching from Tabasco in Mexico through central Guatemala and into northwestern Honduras, and generally topping 2,625 feet (800 m).[14][15] Mean annual temperatures and rainfall range within 59–77 °F (15–25 °C) and 80–120 inches (2,000–3,000 mm), respectively.[16] Wet seasons typically last eight months (May–December), with dry seasons typically compressed to four (January–April).[16][note 8]


The Maya Pacific, also known as the Pacific Coastal Plain, is a fertile volcanic-sedimentary plain stretching along the Pacific coast from Chiapas in Mexico through southern Guatemala and into western El Salvador.[17] Mean annual temperatures and rainfall range within 77–95 °F (25–35 °C) and 80–120 inches (2,000–3,000 mm), respectively.[18] Wet seasons typically last eight months (May–December), with dry seasons typically compressed to four (January–April).[18]



The Maya Region is 'one of the most varied environments on earth.'[19] Its terrain ranges from vast sea-level plains to near-inaccessible peaks topping 10,000 feet (3,000 m).[19][20] Its soils range from rich alluvial and volcanic types to poor karstic ones, resulting in vegetation ranging from lush to sparse.[19][8] Mean annual temperatures and rainfall range within 59–95 °F (15–35 °C) and 20–160 inches (500–4,000 mm), respectively.[21][22] Wet seasons range from six to eleven months, with dry seasons ranging from one to six months.[23][note 9] Surface freshwater is readily available year-round in some areas, and virtually absent in others.[7][24] Nonetheless, broadly speaking, the Region is described as featuring two geographic zones , namely, lowlands and highlands, with the former lying below circa 1,000–2,625 feet (305–800 m), and the latter above.[25][26] Naturally, lowlands are predominantly found within the Maya Lowlands and Pacific, with highlands generally restricted to the Maya Highlands.[26]


The Maya Region is generally described as having two climes, a cool, temperate one (prevalent in highlands), and a hot, tropical one (prevalent in lowlands).[19] Each of these experiences two seasons, a wet one, and a dry one. Rainfall in the wet season is usually heaviest during June and October, and is thereby described as 'following a double-peaked distribution.'[27]

Scholars had 'usually assumed that the climatic conditions which now [2010s] prevail in the Maya [Region] have always been the same, all through Maya prehistory and history[; b]ut recent palaeoclimatic research has challenged this assumption, revealing far more climatic fluctuation that previously anticipated.'[28][29]




Middle America, including the Maya Region, is thought to have taken shape sometime after 170 million years ago.[30] Its formation is thought to have 'involved [the] complex movement of [various] crustal blocks and terrains between the two pre-existing continental masses [ie North and South America].'[31] Details of the pre-Cenozoic portion of this process (ie 170–67 million years ago), however, are not widely agreed upon.[31][note 10] Nonetheless, it has been proposed that the northern Lowlands were subaerially exposed by some 150 million years ago.[32][33][note 11]


Details of the Cenozoic (ie 66–0 million years ago) geologic history of Middle America, including the Maya Region, are relatively more widely agreed upon.[31] In broad strokes, the Maya Highlands and Pacific are thought to have been subaerially exposed by some 40 million years ago, with these being initially separated from the northern Lowlands by the incipient Bay of Honduras.[34] The Bay is thought to have closed by at least 20 million years ago, thereby finally linking the northern and southern portions of the Maya Region together.[35][36][note 12]


Prominent geologic events in or relevant to the Maya Region.[note 13]
Start End Unit Epoch Event Notes
165 165 Ma Middle Jurassic Gulf of Mexico seafloor spreading starts inc. exposed northern Lowlands; cf[37]
144 144 Ma Early Cretaceous Caribbean Sea seafloor spreading starts cf[37][note 14]
120 120 Ma Early Cretaceous Chortis Block subduction into southwestern Mexico stops cf[38][note 15]
65 65 Ma Palaeocene Chicxulub impact cf[39]
49 49 Ma Eocene Cayman Trough rifting starts cf[40]
26 20 Ma OligoceneMiocene Cayman Trough rifting slows down cf[40]
23 22 Ma Miocene Farallon Plate rifting starts cf[41]
22 22 Ma Miocene Cocos Plate subduction into Chortis Block starts inc. end of eastwards migration of Chortis Block; inc. possible uplift of Chortis Block; inc. formation of Bay of Honduras ie initial linking of northern and southern portions of the Maya Region; cf[42]



The Maya Region is thought to fully or partially encompass at least fourteen geologic provinces.[43][44][note 16]

Geologic provinces within the Maya Region per 21st century literature.[43][44][note 17]
USGS No. Name Location Notes
5308 Yucatan Platform northern Lowlands
6117 Greater Antilles Deformed Belt offshore Lowlands
6120 Cayman Trough southern Lowlands
6125 Maya Mountains central Lowlands
5305 Villahermosa Uplift western Lowlands
5306 Macuspana Basin western Lowlands
5304 Saline–Comalcalco Basin western Lowlands
5302 Veracruz Basin western Lowlands
5303 Tuxla Uplift western Lowlands
5311 Chiapas Massif western Lowlands
5310 Sierra Madre de Chiapas–Peten Foldbelt southern Lowlands, northern Highlands
6088 Pacific Offshore Basin Pacific
6122 Chiapas Massif–Nuclear Central America Highlands
6087 Choco Pacific Basin Highlands


The Maya Region is believed to fully or partially comprehend at least five sedimentary basins.[45]

Sedimentary basins within the Maya Region per 21st century literature.[45][note 18]
Evenick ID Name Location Notes
119 Campeche northern Lowlands
519 Peten–Corozal central Lowlands
757 Yucatan northern Lowlands
647 Sureste western Lowlands
Limon–Bocas del Toro Pacific, southern Highlands


The majority of the Maya Region sits on the Maya Block of the North American Plate, though its southernmost extremes extend beyond this crustal fragment into the neighbouring Chortis Block of the Caribbean Plate.[46][47][48][note 19] The Region notably houses the active Motagua–Polochic Fault Zone in the south, part of the Central American Volcanic Front in the southwest, and further borders the Eastern Mexican Transform to the west.[49][50][51][note 20]


The Maya Region's pre-Mesozoic crystalline basement is only exposed in the Mixtequita or Guichicovi Complex, the Chiapas Massif, the Altos Cuchumatanes, the Maya Mountains, and along the Chicxulub impact crater.[52] It is elsewhere blanketed by extensive Mesozoic sedimentary cover.[53][54]

Notes and references

Explanatory footnotes

  1. ^ As per Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 23.
  2. ^ As per Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 24 within 10 mi (16 km) accuracy. However, Adams & Macleod 2000a, p. 200 give these values as 550 mi (890 km) and 350 mi (560 km), respectively.
  3. ^ As per Goldberg 2008, para 1 and Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 29, fig. 1.4.
  4. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 28 draw the southeastern border as 'a line from the lower Lempa River in central El Salvador northward to Lake Yojoa and along the Ulua River to the Gulf of Honduras in the Caribbean Sea.' Adams & Macleod 2000a, p. 197 give the same as a line 'defined along the valleys of the Ulua [River], flowing north into the Caribbean, and the Lempa [River], running through central El Salvador to the Pacific.'
  5. ^ However, Adams & Macleod 2000a, p. 200 give the Region's traditional first order subdivisions as either (i) the Northern Lowlands, the Southern Lowlands, and the Highlands (including the Pacific), or as (ii) the Northern, Central, and Southern Areas. Carrasco 2006, article 'Mesoamerica' sec. 'Overview' para. 6, for instance, employ the first of these subdivisions (labelled (i)), while Coe & Houston 2015, ch. 1, fig. 1, and sec. 'Areas' employ the latter (labelled (ii)). Furthermore, some scholars prefer a simpler division of the Region into two first order subdivisions, namely, (i) the Lowlands and the Highlands (including the Pacific), or (ii) the Northern and Southern Areas. Adams & Macleod 2000a, pp. 203–204, for instance, employ the first of these (labelled (i)), while xx employ the latter (labelled (ii)).
  6. ^ The Maya Mountains top the 2,625 feet (800 m) mark, but are nonetheless encompassed by the Lowlands (Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 42).
  7. ^ Wet seasons given as lasting eight months, from May through December, in Coe & Houston 2015, ch. 1, sec. 'Setting,' para. 11.
  8. ^ Wet seasons given as lasting seven months, 'roughly from May through early November,' in Coe & Houston 2015, ch. 1, sec. 'Setting,' para. 3.
  9. ^ Though Adams & Macleod 2000a, p. 202 assert a June–November wet season, without immediately noting variation in its start-date nor duration.
  10. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 10 suggest that geologic models of the formation of Middle America differ most significantly in their handling of the Caribbean Plate, with one group of models proposing its formation in the Pacific and subsequent movement to its present location, and another group proposing its formation in its present location.
  11. ^ However, it has been further proposed that this portion of the Lowlands was subsequently re-submerged during 130–72 million years ago, with thick carbonate deposition beginning by at least 80 million years ago (DTM 2013, sec. Mesozoic maps nos. NAM_key-130Ma_EarK to NAM_key-72Ma_LateK, Ahmad & Escalona 2014, sec. 'Introduction' and sec. 'Preliminary Results').
  12. ^ The northern and eastern coasts of the Region, however, are not thought to have been fully subaerially exposed until some 5–2 million years ago (DTM 2013, sec. Cenozoic maps nos. NAM_key-5Ma_Plio and NAM_key_Pleist_Wisc). The Region's coastlines, which were initially more expansive than its present-day ones, are thought to have reached modern dimensions due to rising sea levels some 11–8 thousand years ago (DTM 2013, sec. Cenozoic maps nos. NAM_key_Present and NAM_key_Pleist_Holo).
  13. ^ In the Unit column, million years ago written as Ma.
  14. ^ Alternative models date the formation of the present-day Caribbean to during 130–80 million years ago (Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 211).
  15. ^ Event recorded by 'a well-dated, 120 Ma-old subduction complex along the northern edge of the Chortis block presently exposed on the southern margin of the Motagua valley of Guatemala' (Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 212). Dated to Late Cretaceous by Gómez-Pompa et al. 2003, pp. 32–33.
  16. ^ Alternative divisions of the Maya Region into geologic provinces have been offered, for instance, by Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 77, fig. 3.1.
  17. ^ USGS No. is the unique USGS province number as per French & Schenk 2004 and French & Schenk 2006.
  18. ^ Evenick ID is the unique basin identifier ie UBI as per Evenick 2021, app. A supp. no. 1. The Evenick ID for the Limon–Bocas del Toro Basin is not given in Evenick 2021, app. A supp. no. 1, though falls within 353–365, inclusive, given the alphabetical assignment of identifiers used therein.
  19. ^ Additionally, a northeastern portion of the Maya Region, in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, might extend beyond the Maya Block into the neighbouring Oaxaquia Block ie the Juarez, Cuicateco, or Oaxaquia Block, Terrane, or microcontinent (Ross et al. 2021, p. 243, fig. 1).
  20. ^ It further borders the Salina Cruz Fault to the west, and further houses the Rio Hondo Faults in the east (Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, pp. 278, 280–281, Gómez-Pompa et al. 2003, p. 32).

Short citations

  1. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 24, 26.
  2. ^ a b c Adams & Macleod 2000a, p. 197.
  3. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 24, 26–28.
  4. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 24, 26–28, 32.
  5. ^ Creamer 1987, p. 44.
  6. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 29–30.
  7. ^ a b Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 30.
  8. ^ a b Adams & Macleod 2000a, p. 203.
  9. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 30–31.
  10. ^ Adams & Macleod 2000a, pp. 203–204.
  11. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 24, 41–42.
  12. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 42.
  13. ^ a b Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 45–46, 49.
  14. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 24, 34.
  15. ^ Carrasco 2006, article 'Maya Highlands' para. 1-2.
  16. ^ a b Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 34.
  17. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 31.
  18. ^ a b Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 32.
  19. ^ a b c d Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 29.
  20. ^ Adams & Macleod 2000a, pp. 201–202.
  21. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 29–31.
  22. ^ Adams & Macleod 2000a, p. 202.
  23. ^ Sharer & Traxler 2006, p. 31-32, 34, 45-46, 49.
  24. ^ Adams & Macleod 2000a, pp. 202–203.
  25. ^ Coe & Houston 2015, ch. 1, sec. 'Setting,' para. 2.
  26. ^ a b Sharer & Traxler 2006, pp. 30, 32, 34, 42.
  27. ^ Coe & Houston 2015, ch. 1, sec. 'Setting,' para. 3.
  28. ^ Coe & Houston 2015, ch. 1, sec. 'Climate change and its cultural impact,' para. 1.
  29. ^ Nichols & Pool 2012, ch. 1, sec. 'Ecology and environment,' para. 1.
  30. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 9.
  31. ^ a b c Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 10.
  32. ^ DTM 2013, sec. Mesozoic maps nos. NAM_key-170Ma_MJur and NAM_key-150Ma_LJur.
  33. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 210, fig. 8.4 (a) to (b).
  34. ^ DTM 2013, sec. Cenozoic maps nos. NAM_key-50Ma_Eocene and NAM_key-40Ma_Eocene.
  35. ^ DTM 2013, sec. Cenozoic maps nos. NAM_key-35Ma_Eocene_Olig and NAM_key-20Ma_Ear_Mio.
  36. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 215, fig. 8.4 (g) to (h).
  37. ^ a b Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, pp. 209–210.
  38. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, pp. 211–212.
  39. ^ Gómez-Pompa et al. 2003, p. 31.
  40. ^ a b Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, pp. 208, 217.
  41. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, pp. 208, 213, 217.
  42. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, pp. 213–215.
  43. ^ a b French & Schenk 2004.
  44. ^ a b French & Schenk 2006.
  45. ^ a b Evenick 2021, pp. 4, 6 and app. A supp. no. 1.
  46. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 3, fig. 1.1.
  47. ^ Ross et al. 2021, p. 243, fig. 1.
  48. ^ Martens 2009, pp. 6–9.
  49. ^ Ross et al. 2021, pp. 242–243.
  50. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 125, fig. 4.1.
  51. ^ Gómez-Pompa et al. 2003, p. 33.
  52. ^ Ross et al. 2021, pp. 242, 244.
  53. ^ Ross et al. 2021, p. 242.
  54. ^ Bundschuh & Alvarado 2012, p. 10, fig. 1.4.

Full citations


  1. Adams, Richard E. W.; Macleod, Murdo J., eds. (2000a). Mesoamerica, Part 1. The Cambridge history of the native peoples of the Americas. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CHOL9780521351652. ISBN 9781139053778. S2CID 163512332.
  2. Adams, Richard E. W.; Macleod, Murdo J., eds. (2000b). Mesoamerica, Part 2. The Cambridge history of the native peoples of the Americas. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CHOL9780521652049. ISBN 9781139053464.
  3. Braswell, Geoffrey E., ed. (2022). 3,000 Years of War and Peace in the Maya Lowlands: Identity, Politics, and Violence. Routledge archaeology of the ancient Americas. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781351268004. ISBN 9781351268004. S2CID 246542762.
  4. Bundschuh, Jochen; Alvarado, Guillermo E., eds. (2012) [2007]. Central America: Geology, Resources and Hazards (Reprint of 1st ed.). London: Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1201/9780203947043. ISBN 9780429074370. OCLC 905983675.
  5. Carrasco, Davíd, ed. (2006) [2001]. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilisations of Mexico and Central America (Online reprint of 1st print ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acref/9780195108156.001.0001. ISBN 9780195188431.
  6. Coe, Michael D.; Houston, Stephen D. (2015) [1966]. The Maya (9th ed.). New York: Thames & Hudson. OCLC 915597000.
  7. Demarest, Arthur A., ed. (2007) [2004]. Ancient Maya: The rise and fall of a rainforest civilization. Case Studies in Early Societies (Reprint of 1st ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. OCLC 717693582. OL 3440009M.
  8. Ford, Anabel; Nigh, Ronald (2015). The Maya forest garden: eight millennia of sustainable cultivation of the tropical woodlands. New frontiers in historical ecology. Vol. 6. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. ISBN 9781611329971. OCLC 894750131.
  9. Gómez-Pompa, Arturo; Allen, Michael F.; Fedick, Scott L.; Jiménez-Osornio, Juan J., eds. (2003). The Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface. Binghamton, NY: Food Products Press. ISBN 1560229705. OCLC 50725221.
  10. Houk, Brett A., ed. (2019). Approaches to Monumental Landscapes of the Ancient Maya: A Legacy of Human Occupation. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. ISBN 9780813057347. OCLC 1137019195.
  11. Hutson, Scott R.; Ardren, Traci, eds. (2020). The Maya World. Routledge worlds. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781351029582. ISBN 9781351029582.
  12. Nichols, Deborah L.; Pool, Christopher A., eds. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Mesoamerican Archaeology. Oxford Handbooks (1st ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-539093-3. OCLC 1109248998.
  13. Sharer, Robert J.; Traxler, Loa P., eds. (2006) [1946]. The Ancient Maya (6th ed.). Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. hdl:2027/mdp.39015062626216. ISBN 9780804748179. OCLC 57577446.


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