Local service carrier

1953 US local service airline network. Map key in lower left-hand corner. 1953 was after the CAB withdrew certificates of Florida Airways, E.W. Wiggins and Mid-West, resulting no routes on map in Florida, most of New England and Nebraska/S. Dakota respectively. Trunk carrier Braniff appears in map because in 1952 it bought fellow trunk carrier Mid-Continent, which received feeder routes in 1950. Braniff also had trunk routes: see similar 1953 map in trunk carrier article. Feeder certificates became permanent in 1955. See article.

Local service carriers, or local service airlines, originally known as feeder carriers or feeder airlines, were a category of US domestic airline created/regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), the now-defunct federal agency that tightly regulated the US airline industry 1938–1978. Initially 23 such airlines were certificated from 1943 to 1949 to serve smaller US domestic markets unserved/poorly served by existing domestic carriers, the trunk carriers, which flew the main, or trunk, routes. However, not all of these started operation and some that did later had their certificates withdrawn. One other carrier was certificated in 1950 as a replacement. "Feeder airline" alludes to another purpose, that such airlines would feed passengers to trunk carriers. It was expected that a significant number of passenger itineraries would involve a connection between a local service carrier and a trunk carrier.

Local service carriers ultimately became substantial carriers in their own right, all such carriers flew jet aircraft by the end of the regulated era (1978). Over time, local service carriers began to compete more directly with trunk carriers. But a clear distinction, visible in financial and operating data, continued to exist between the two types of domestic carriers through the end of the regulated era, reflecting a difference in how the CAB regulated the two types of carriers. In particular, in contrast to trunk carriers, local service airlines received government subsidies throughout the regulated era. But after US airline deregulation in 1979, the distinction between trunk and local service carriers vanished.



The passage of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 put almost all US commercial air transport under the tight control of a newly formed Federal agency, the Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA). In 1940, those regulatory functions passed to another Federal agency, the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). With the exception of intrastate airlines, only airlines certificated by the CAA/CAB could engage in scheduled air transport. Airlines that could show they were flying scheduled service before the passage of the 1938 Act were entitled to certification by grandfathering. 19 domestic passenger airlines were certificated in this way. The 16 of these that continued to operate after World War II were called the trunk carriers or trunk airlines. In many respects, the CAB regulated the industry in the interests of the trunk carriers.

Essair and the Local Service case

Pioneer Air Lines Douglas DC-3 in 1948

In November 1943, the CAB certificated Houston-based Essair (later called Pioneer Air Lines) to fly feeder routes in Texas, the first airline to be certificated to fly domestic passengers since the grandfathering of the trunk carriers. Essair started feeder service on 1 August 1945 on a route from Houston to Amarillo, Texas via many intermediate points. The CAB regarded this as an experiment so Essair's certification was temporary. The airline would need to renew its certificate in three years.[1][16]

In the meantime, prompted by the Essair certification, the CAB initiated a case, published July 1944, to consider local air service nationally. Politicians, business groups, would-be airlines and others pushed for such airlines, although the CAB and the post office (which at the time subsidized air transport through airmail contracts) were "not enthusiastic."[17] By January 1944, the CAB had received 435 applications by would-be feeder airlines. The Board saw itself obligated by the 1938 Act to expand air service to smaller markets.[18] The Board was not confident feeder service could be provided on a cost-efficient basis by the trunks, therefore the CAB decided to certificate new carriers, with the idea they would become specialists in serving small routes efficiently. By giving them temporary certificates, the increased subsidies for providing local service was also theoretically temporary. The CAB may also not have wanted to risk the progress trunk carriers made in evolving towards subsidy-free operation.[19]

Certificating new feeder airlines

Even before it published its local service findings, the CAB launched a series of cases to certificate new feeder carriers across the contiguous United States.[20] The CAB separately certificated "territorial" airlines for Hawaii and Alaska which, at the time, were territories not states. 14 feeder cases completed during the timeframe 1946–1949, awarding an additional 22 new entities (beyond Pioneer) feeder service certificates covering most of the contiguous United States. These certificates were temporary and conditional. Successful local service applicants had to demonstrate access to the funding they claimed to have, and that a sufficient number of airports had necessary infrastructure (e.g. sufficiently long runways, radios, etc) to handle commercial service.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][21][11][12][13]

Cases could take well over a year, sometimes longer, to decide (note the gap between when the CAB launched the cases in 1944 and the publishing of the first case in spring 1946) typically had over a dozen applicants and other participants, public hearings, an initial finding by an examiner, followed by the decision of the full five-member Board. Each case usually certificated one or more new local service carriers and might also allocate longer routes in the same region to trunks. For instance, the March 1946 decision in the Service in the Rocky Mountain States Area case (which launched in the summer of 1944) certificated two new feeder lines (soon to adopt the names Monarch Air Lines and Challenger Airlines) splitting local routes across Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico, while awarding additional routes in the same region to Western Air Lines and Inland Air Lines, two trunk carriers.[3] Some airlines won routes in multiple cases. Parks Air Lines, for instance, won routes in three.[7][10][21] One later case allocated routes only to feeders previously certificated in earlier cases.[21] A cleanup case re-awarded routes to Southern Airways that the CAB was not confident had been properly awarded previously.[22] CAB decisions could be challenged in Federal courts and some feeder certifications were (such as the original case certificating Essair).[23] The CAB did not distribute route authorities to feeders equally. The size of the Parks Air Lines network was over eight times the size of the Florida Airways network, for instance.[24]

Among successful applicants, All-American Aviation (later Allegheny Airlines, the predecessor to US Airways) was unique because it already had CAB-certification. The CAB certificated All American for “pick-up” service in 1940 – All American picked up mail without landing through use of a device to hook mailbags in flight. This certification was de-novo, rather than grandfathered, but valid only for mail and freight.[25]

Failure to launch

Some applicants failed to launch service at all. In the case of three applicants with unusual business plans, certification eventually expired or was revoked due to failure to operate:

  • Air Commuting won a certificate for seaplane service from New York City but never launched, with its certification lapsing. Later it unsuccessfully applied for New York City helicopter service certification in the case that was won by New York Airways.[26]
  • Island Air Ferries won a certificate to provide low-frills service across Long Island Sound from Long Island to Connecticut, as a substitute for ferry service. The CAB declined to extend certification past its original term.[27]
  • Yellow Cab Company of Cleveland won a certificate to provide helicopter service in Cleveland. This never launched and the certificate expired.[28]

Arizona Airways failed to launch as a feeder carrier but avoided certificate revocation.

The airline flew (1946–1948) as an Arizona intrastate airline before winning a feeder certificate for routes in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. But intrastate service exhausted its capital. The airline ceased operating while preparing for feeder service, was unable to raise funding, and the CAB threatened to revoke its certificate. At the last minute, the carrier, still grounded, agreed to a takeover by Monarch Air Lines. This turned into a three-way merger with the addition of Challenger Airlines, resulting in the creation of the original Frontier Airlines in 1950 as one of the largest local service carriers, flying small routes from the Mexican to Canadian borders in the mountain states.

Parks, Ozark and Mid-Continent

Parks Air Lines routes certificated by the Civil Aeronautics Board

Parks Air Lines received routes in three CAB cases, leaving it with a feeder network deemed one of the richest. But it was unable to raise funds. The airline proposed a series of launch alternatives the CAB found unacceptable, leading to the CAB revoking the company’s certification in 1950. The CAB awarded most of Parks's routes to a new feeder carrier, Ozark Air Lines, making Ozark the last feeder to be certificated. The CAB awarded the remaining Parks routes to Mid-Continent Airlines, a trunk carrier, a controversial decision since feeder and trunk airlines were supposed to be separate.

Shortly before the CAB's revocation, Parks started service on a single route. After litigation failed to stop the CAB from moving forward, Parks sold itself to Ozark. Since Ozark had no airline operation at the time, Parks essentially became Ozark.

Purdue stopgap

In 1949, Purdue Aeronautics Corporation (PAC), a Purdue University subsidiary, was awarded stopgap certification for a single route, Chicago-Lafayette, Indiana. The route authority was held by feeder airline Turner Airlines, shortly to become Lake Central Airlines, which was slow starting service. PAC flew the route for just over two months in late 1949 and early 1950 until Turner was ready to go. That was the end of Purdue University's brief time operating a Federally-certificated scheduled airline, but two years later, Purdue played a role in the fate of Mid-West Airlines, as detailed below.

Failure to renew

Feeder certificates were initially temporary, subject to renewal every three years. This was not just for show; the CAB declined to renew the certificates of three feeders, Florida Airways in 1949, Mid-West in 1952 and E.W. Wiggins Airways in 1953. The issue was economics; the CAB deemed unacceptable the amount of government subsidy required to keep the airlines operating.

In the case of Mid-West, another subsidiary of Purdue University bought the carrier in 1951, with a plan to substantially upgrade the airline (e.g. moving from single-engined aircraft to Douglas DC-3s). The CAB allowed Purdue to buy the airline, but then refused to renew its certificate the next year.

Florida Airways and Mid-West went out of business as a result of losing their certificates. The scheduled passenger operations of E.W. Wiggins were part of a larger business and the company is still a going concern as of 2024, operating as a feeder cargo carrier for UPS Airlines and Fedex Express since the 1980s.

Advent of commuter airlines

Air New England DC-3 at Miami in 1974

In 1952, early in the development of feeder airlines, the CAB chose to deregulate airlines flying "small aircraft". This was formalized in Part 298 of the Board's economic regulations, which gave blanket authorization for airlines operating an aircraft with a maximum gross takeoff weight of 12,500 lbs or less. Such airlines were originally known as scheduled air taxis, later as commuter airlines or Part 298 carriers. This effectively created a new category of airline underneath the local service carriers. In 1972 the CAB expanded the aircraft size limit to include those of 30 passengers or fewer, with a payload of less than 7,500 lbs.[29] Such carriers did have to obtain Federal Aviation Administration operational/safety certification but were otherwise able to fly wherever they pleased. The CAB would, on occasion, also exempt commuter operators to operate aircraft larger than the limits. For instance, in 1971, it exempted Executive Airlines and Air New England (at that time a commuter carrier) to fly propeller aircraft up to 44 seats to expand service in New England.[30]

Permanent certificates

Southern DC-9 Birmingham 1973

In 1955, the US Congress forced the CAB to make the certificates of these carriers permanent (Public Law 38, enacted May 19, 1955 amending the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938).[31] This was done against the wishes of the CAB; it had made "elaborate promises" to the trunks that local service carriers would never be able to "come into full competitive status".[32] (see "Trunks, the protected class" below). Prior to permanent certificates, the uncertainty of their regulatory status made it impossible for local service carriers to borrow on a long-term basis. Consequently, the carriers were largely equity funded prior to permanent certificates.[33]


CAB-regulated airlines interlined with every other carrier (which was done with CAB approval through a subsidiary of the Air Transport Association, at the time the club for all the CAB air carriers). It was normal for passenger itineraries to involve a ticket on more than one airline. No airline offered comprehensive service because the CAB intentionally limited competition. This can be seen in statistics for the local service carrier connections. In 1964, over 40% of passengers on local service carriers were on a ticket connecting to another airline.[34]

Trunks, the protected class

The CAB saw the trunks as a special category of airline to be particularly protected:

  • Until shortly before deregulation, the CAB did not authorize a single airline to compete with trunklines on an equal basis.[35]
  • Once the trunk airlines were certificated, the CAB's view was their number comprised a sufficient number of airlines, no others were needed.[36]
  • The CAB took particular care to ensure local service carriers did not compete with the trunk carriers, seeing itself as having an obligation to the trunks to protect them from competition.[37]

Over time, local service carriers did come to compete with trunk carriers to a degree. In permitting local service carriers to enter some trunk routes, the CAB was motivated in significant part by a desire reduce government subsidy paid to local service carriers, a process known as “route strengthening.”[38] The first time a local service carrier went head-to-head with a trunk was in 1957, when the CAB allowed Mohawk to compete with American Airlines on the Syracuse-New York City route.[39]

Further, some local service carrier routes were assigned to trunks. As previously noted, in 1950, some of the routes originally awarded to Parks Air Lines, a local service carrier, were handed to Mid-Continent Airlines, a trunk, after Parks failed to start operation in a timely manner.[40] And in 1955, the CAB permitted a trunk airline to buy a local service carrier, when Continental Air Lines bought Pioneer.[41] So the division between local service carriers and trunks was far from absolute.

Air New England: not a local service carrier

In 1974, the CAB certificated a new domestic carrier, Air New England (ANE), to placate New England politicians, business groups and citizens who felt they deserved to have a certificated carrier fly small routes in New England (as opposed to relying on unregulated commuter operators). These routes were previously flown by Northeast Airlines, a small trunk carrier that Delta Air Lines bought in 1972. ANE was initially nationally reported as the first new local service carrier since Ozark in 1950.[42][43] Initially the CAB regulated ANE as such, but in 1976 ANE was relabeled as something new in the CAB taxonomy, a "regional carrier". The clear intent of the CAB when it certificated ANE was to keep it focused on small New England routes. Oddly, when the CAB came to create a specific regional certificate for ANE, it found the existing form of ANE's certificate was that of a trunk, not a local service carrier.[44]

Aspiring to be big

Allegheny Airlines BAC 1-11 in 1975, part of one of the "largest jet fleets in the world"

Local service carriers aspired to be seen as “big” airlines. For instance, in the mid-1970s, Allegheny, the largest of the local service carriers, ran an advertising campaign “It takes a big airline”, comparing itself to the trunks, and it adopted a tag-line “did you know Allegheny is that big?” Ads noted Allegheny:

  • Flew more annual flights than TWA
  • Flew more annual passengers than Pan Am
  • Flew to more cities than American Airlines
  • Had one of the largest jet fleets in the world[45][46]

However, as Table 2 shows, the distinction between trunk airline and local service airline remained obvious all the way to 1978, the last year of the regulated era. Relative to local service carriers, even the smallest trunk airlines flew substantially greater seat-miles and distances and with substantially larger aircraft.

Local service carrier events during regulated era

  • 1943–1949: CAB certificates 23 feeder/local service airlines
  • Air Commuter, Island Air Ferries and Yellow Cab of Cleveland certificates never used and either expire or are revoked.
  • The CAB withdraws certifications of Florida Airways (1949), Mid-West (1952) and E.W. Wiggins (1953).
  • 1950: Monarch, Challenger and Arizona Airways merge to create Frontier.
  • 1950: Parks Air Lines merges into Ozark Air Lines.
  • 1952: Empire merges into West Coast.[47]
  • 1952: Robinson Airlines changes its name to Mohawk Airlines[48]
  • 1952: Wisconsin Central changes name to North Central Airlines.[49]
  • 1953: All American Airways changes name to Allegheny Airlines.[50]
  • 1955: Pioneer merges into trunk airline Continental Air Lines[47]
  • 1958: Southwest Airways changes name to Pacific Air Lines[51]
  • 1967: Central merges into Frontier[47]
  • 1968: Three-way merger of Bonanza, Pacific and West Coast creates Air West[47]
  • 1968: Lake Central merges into Allegheny[47]
  • 1969: Trans-Texas Airways changes name to Texas International Airlines[52]
  • 1970: Air West becomes Hughes Air Corporation dba Hughes Airwest[53]
  • 1972: Mohawk merges into Allegheny[54]

These events left eight local service carriers in 1978 as shown in Table 2.

Former local service carrier events after 1979 US airline deregulation


As of 2024, American Airlines is the corporate successor to the following original local service certificates:

As of 2024, Delta Air Lines is the corporate successor to the following original local service certificates:

As of 2024, United Airlines is the corporate successor to the following original local service certificates:


  1. ^ a b c "Continental Air Lines, Inc. et al., Texas Air Service". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 4. Civil Aeronautics Board: 478–493. December 1942 – June 1944. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657885.
  2. ^ a b "The Florida Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 6. Civil Aeronautics Board: 765–797. July 1944 – May 1946. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657786.
  3. ^ a b c d "Service in the Rocky Mountain States Area". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 6. Civil Aeronautics Board: 695–763. July 1944 – May 1946. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657786..
  4. ^ a b c d "West Coast Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 6. Civil Aeronautics Board: 961–1039. July 1944 – May 1946. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657786.
  5. ^ a b "New England Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 7. Civil Aeronautics Board: 27–82. June 1946 – March 1947. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657737.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  6. ^ a b c "Texas-Oklahoma Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 7. Civil Aeronautics Board: 481–597. June 1946 – March 1947. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657737.
  7. ^ a b c d e "North Central Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 7. Civil Aeronautics Board: 639–713. June 1946 – March 1947. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657737.
  8. ^ a b c "Southeastern States Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 7. Civil Aeronautics Board: 863–941. June 1946 – March 1947. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657737.
  9. ^ a b "Air Commuting, Inc., New York City Area Service". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 8. Civil Aeronautics Board: 1–9. April–December 1947. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657687.
  10. ^ a b c d "Great Lakes Area Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 8. Civil Aeronautics Board: 360–456. April–December 1947. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657687.
  11. ^ a b "Arizona-New Mexico Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 9. Civil Aeronautics Board: 85–130. January–December 1948. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657638.
  12. ^ a b c d "Middle Atlantic Area Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 9. Civil Aeronautics Board: 131–220. January–December 1948. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657638.
  13. ^ a b "Additional California-Nevada Service". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 10. Civil Aeronautics Board: 405–454. January–November 1949. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657588.
  14. ^ "Purdue Aeronautics Corporation, Lafayette-Chicago Operation". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 10. Civil Aeronautics Board: 552–563. January–November 1949. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657588.
  15. ^ "Parks Investigation Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 11. Civil Aeronautics Board: 779–851. December 1949 – August 1950. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657539.
  16. ^ "Essair, Inc., Temporary Mail Rate". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 6. Civil Aeronautics Board: 687–694. July 1944 – May 1946. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657786.
  17. ^ Eads, George C. (1972). The Local Service Airline Experiment. Brookings Institution. p. 75. ISBN 9780815720225.
  18. ^ "Investigation of Local, Feeder and Pick-Up Air Service". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 6. Civil Aeronautics Board: 1–57. July 1944 – May 1946. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657786.
  19. ^ Eads 1972, p. 75–78.
  20. ^ "Examiners Assigned Four Feeder Cases". Aviation Week. 45 (1): 41. 5 June 1944. ISSN 0005-2175.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  21. ^ a b c "Mississippi Valley Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 8. Civil Aeronautics Board: 726–804. April–December 1947. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657687.
  22. ^ "Reopened Mississippi Valley and Southeastern States Cases". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 11. Civil Aeronautics Board: 979–998. December 1949 – August 1950. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657539.
  23. ^ Braniff Airways v. Civil Aeronautics Board, 147 F.2d 152 (D.C. Cir. 1945).
  24. ^ "Feeder Mileage". Aviation Week. 48 (14): 36. 5 April 1948. ISSN 0005-2175.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  25. ^ "All American Aviation, Inc.—Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 2. Civil Aeronautics Board: 133–158. July 1940 – August 1941. hdl:2027/osu.32435022360663.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  26. ^ "New York City Area Helicopter Service Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 15. Civil Aeronautics Board: 259–278. January–June 1952. hdl:2027/osu.32435022360598.
  27. ^ "Island Air Ferries Renewal Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 16. Civil Aeronautics Board: 546–554. July 1952 – February 1953. hdl:2027/osu.32435022360580.
  28. ^ Civil Aeronautics Board Reports to Congress 1968 (Report). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 9 December 1968. p. 160. hdl:2027/pst.000067708055.
  29. ^ "Part 298 Weight Limit Investigation". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 60: 142–194. August–December 1972. hdl:2027/mdp.39015007658480.
  30. ^ CAB Authorizes Prop Aircraft for N.E. Line, Fitchburg Sentinel, April 23, 1971
  31. ^ "Public Law 38, Chapter 41, May 19, 1955" (PDF). www.congress.gov. United States Congress. Retrieved 16 July 2024.
  32. ^ Caves, Richard E. (1962). Air Transport and its Regulators. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. p. 294. LCCN 62017216.
  33. ^ Eads 1972, p. 42.
  34. ^ Eads 1972, p. 162.
  35. ^ Civil Aeronautics Board Practices and Procedures: Report of the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure of the Committee of the Judiciary of the United States Senate, 94th Congress, 1st Session (Report). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1975. p. 217. hdl:2027/pur1.32754076881451.
  36. ^ Report 1975, p. 218.
  37. ^ Report 1975, p. 220.
  38. ^ Eads 1972, p. 105–176.
  39. ^ Eads 1972, p. 156.
  40. ^ "Parks Investigation Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 11: 779–851. December 1949 – August 1950. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657539.
  41. ^ "Continental-Pioneer Acquisition Case". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 20: 323–401. February–May 1955. hdl:2027/osu.32437011658321.
  42. ^ "Air New England Named Local". Aviation Week & Space Technology. 101 (3): 19. 22 July 1974. ISSN 0005-2175.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  43. ^ Air New England Service Upgraded, New York Times, July 18, 1974
  44. ^ "Civil Aeronautics Board [Docket 29648; Order 77-5-12] Air New England, Inc. Order to Show Cause". Federal Register. 42 (88): 23184–23185. 6 May 1977. hdl:2027/uc1.31158002894953. ISSN 0097-6326.
  45. ^ Big Airlines Better, Binghamton (NY) Press and Sun-Bulletin, 18 May 1976
  46. ^ "Allegheny Airlines advertisement". Black Enterprise. 7 (6): 16. January 1977. ISSN 0006-4165.
  47. ^ a b c d e Annual 1968, p. 159.
  48. ^ Mohawk: Robinson Airlines' Name To Change Friday, Ithaca (NY) Journal, 14 August 1952
  49. ^ Wisconsin Central Now North Central, Wausau (WI) Daily Herald, 16 December 1952
  50. ^ "Docket No. 5880, Allegheny Airlines, Inc. (formerly All American Airways, Inc.), Certificate Reissued—order No. E-7144, adopted February 6, 1953". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 16: 1005–1006. July 1952 – February 1953. hdl:2027/uc1.b2938507.
  51. ^ Debut of Pacific Air Lines, San Francisco Examiner, 19 March 1958
  52. ^ "Docket No. 20875, Texas International Airlines, Use of Initials "TIA"—order 69-10-162 adopted October 31, 1969". Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. 52: 971–972. August–November 1969. hdl:2027/osu.32437011657869.
  53. ^ Hughes's Properties Are Reported Worth $2-Billion, New York Times, 8 December 1970
  54. ^ Allegheny and Mohawk - - - now they are one, Boston Globe, 13 April 1972
  55. ^ Allegheny is dead; long live USAir, Philadelphia Inquirer, 28 October 1979
  56. ^ Corporate Sales and Earnings Reports, New York Times, 30 August 1979
  57. ^ Week in review: Corporate Name Changes, Tallahassee Democrat, 15 June 1980
  58. ^ Changes win Texas Air approval to buy Eastern
  59. ^ Republic Airlines Takes Over Hughes Line Today, Atlanta Constitution, 1 October 1980
  60. ^ Airlines' merger takes effect, Green Bay (WI) Press-Gazette, 31 October 1982
  61. ^ People Express Acquiring Frontier, New York Times, 9 October 1985
  62. ^ "Piedmont Buying Empire Airlines - The Buffalo News at Newspapers.com". Newspapers.com. The Buffalo News. 1985-10-03. p. 8. Retrieved 2024-05-02.
  63. ^ Frontier Airlines, Pressed For Cash, Halts All Service, New York Times, 25 August 1986
  64. ^ Petzinger, Thomas (1996). Hard Landing: The Epic Contest For Power and Profits That Plunged the Airlines into Chaos. Random House. pp. 321–322. ISBN 9780307774491.
  65. ^ USAir Plans to Buy PSA, Become 6th Largest Line, Los Angeles Times, December 8, 1986
  66. ^ "Northwest Orient will buy Republic to become third largest airline". Deseret News. UPI. January 24, 1986. p. 4A.
  67. ^ Ozark Air and TWA merge, San Francisco Examiner, 2 March 1986
  68. ^ Salpukas, Agis (1987-03-10). "PIEDMONT ACCEPTS USAIR BID". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331.
  69. ^ Bryant, Adam (1995-09-07). "USAir Chief, In a Surprise, Plans to Retire". New York Times.
  70. ^ Congress passes bill which restores 10% ticket tax, Taylorville (IL) Daily Breeze Courier, 28 February 1997
  71. ^ US Airways and America West Plan to Merge, New York Times, 20 May 2005
  72. ^ American and US Airways Announce Deal for $11 Billion Merger, New York Times, 13 February 2013
  73. ^ a b Annual Report: Fiscal Year 1977 and Transitional Quarter (Report). Civil Aeronautics Board. May 1978. pp. 154–155. hdl:2027/pst.000067708109.
  74. ^ Air Carrier Financial Statistics (Report). Civil Aeronautics Board. December 1979. pp. 1–58. hdl:2027/osu.32435022510978.
  75. ^ Air Transport Association 1979 Annual Report
  76. ^ a b c "Part III. Traffic Statistics of the Certificated Route Air Carriers". Supplement to the Handbook of Airline Statistics: Calendar Years 1977 and 1978 (Report). Civil Aeronautics Board. November 1979. pp. 12–27. hdl:2027/osu.32435025695669.

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  关于与「內閣總理大臣」標題相近或相同的条目页,請見「內閣總理大臣 (消歧義)」。 日本國內閣總理大臣內閣總理大臣紋章現任岸田文雄自2021年10月4日在任尊称總理、總理大臣、首相、阁下官邸總理大臣官邸提名者國會全體議員選出任命者天皇任期四年,無連任限制[註 1]設立法源日本國憲法先前职位太政大臣(太政官)首任伊藤博文设立1885年12月22日,​…

Halaman ini berisi artikel tentang bangsa dan masyarakat Franka. Untuk perkembangan politik orang Franka, lihat Negeri Franka. Orang FrankaFranciBekal kubur bangsawan Franka dari zaman wangsa MerovingBahasaBahasa Franka LamaAgamaKepercayaan leluhur orang Franka, Katolik RomaKelompok etnik terkaitSuku-suku bangsa Jermani, bangsa Prancis Orang Franka (bahasa Latin: Franci, tunggal: Francus) atau suku Franka (bahasa Latin: Gens Francorum) adalah sebutan bagi sekumpulan suku dari rumpun Jerm…

Association football player Mehdi Abeid Abeid playing for Dijon in 2019Personal informationFull name Mehdi Abeid[1]Date of birth (1992-08-06) 6 August 1992 (age 31)[2]Place of birth Montreuil, FranceHeight 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in)[3]Position(s) MidfielderTeam informationCurrent team İstanbul BaşakşehirNumber 19Youth career1999–2002 Thiais2002–2003 US Alfortville2003–2010 LensSenior career*Years Team Apps (Gls)2010–2011 Lens II 12 (0)2011–2015 N…

Video or display resolutions with a width of around 5,000 pixels Resolution comparison chart for 16:9 aspect ratio comparison of common display resolutions 5K resolution refers to display formats with a horizontal resolution of around 5,000 pixels. The most common 5K resolution is 5120 × 2880, which has an aspect ratio of 16∶9 with around 14.7 million pixels (just over seven times as many pixels as 1080p Full HD), with exactly twice the linear resolution of 1440p and four times that of 72…

AlnabruAlnabru Station, c. 1922LokasiOsloKetinggian97,3 AMSLPemilikNorges StatsbanenJalurHovedbanenAlnabanenLoenga–AlnabruLinjenLetak6,50 km dari Stasiun Oslo PusatKonstruksiArsitekFinn Ivar Andreas KnudsenSejarahDibuka20 Januari 1902 (1902-01-20)Ditutup14 Juni 1971 (1971-06-14)Elektrifikasi1 January 1927Sunting kotak info • L • BBantuan penggunaan templat iniStasiun Alnabru (bahasa Norwegia: Alnabru stasjon) merupakan sebuah stasiun kereta api pada Hovedbanen yang …

The Ranks of the Independent State of Croatia Armed Forces are the ranks used by the Independent State of Croatia, it had similar insignia to those of the Armed Forces of Nazi Germany.[1] Officers Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Ustaše Militia[2][3] Krilnik Pukovnik Podpukovnik Bojnik Nadsatnik Satnik Natporučnik Poručnik Zastavnik Croatian Home Guard[4] Vojskovodja General pukovnik General poručnik General Puko…

Запрос «Провозглашение Российской империи» перенаправляется сюда. На эту тему нужно создать отдельную статью. Основные статьи: История России и Российская империя См. также: Формирование территории Российской империи История Российской империи — часть истории Росси…

Historical ethnic group inhabiting southern Kyūshū Prince Yamato Takeru attacking Kawakami Takeru (by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi) The Kumaso (熊襲) were a mythical people of ancient Japan mentioned in the Kojiki,[1][2] believed to have lived in the south of Kyūshū[3] until at least the Nara period. The last leader of the Kumaso, Torishi-Kaya was killed by Yamato Takeru in 397. The name of Kumamoto Prefecture originates from the Kumaso people. Origins Scholars, such as Kaku…

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Marty Stuart album – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this message) 1986 studio album by Marty StuartMarty StuartStudio album by Marty StuartReleasedAugust 9, 1986GenreRockabilly[1]Leng…

LGBT community and activism organization This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article relies excessively on references to primary sources. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Find sources: Audre Lorde Project – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (December 2021) (Learn how and when to remove thi…

شون باتريك فلانيري (بالإنجليزية: Sean Patrick Flanery)‏  معلومات شخصية الميلاد 11 أكتوبر 1965 (العمر 58 سنة)ليك تشارلز، لويزيانا، الولايات المتحدة مواطنة الولايات المتحدة  الزوجة لورين ميشيل هيل  الحياة العملية المدرسة الأم جامعة هارفارد  المهنة ممثل اللغة الأم الإنجليزية  …

Lokasi County County Cork (bahasa Irlandia: Contae Chorcaí) ialah county terluas di Republik Irlandia. Hampir setengah juta jiwa tinggal di County Cork. Pimpinan Perang Kemerdekaan Irlandia, Michael John Collins, lahir di Clonakilty, County Cork. Ia terbunuh di Béal na mBláth, Cork bagian barat. Cork Barat dikenal akan pemandangannya yang indah. Kota-kota utama di County Cork adalah Cork, Youghal, Mallow, Bandon, Clonakilty, Kinsale, Blarney dan Cobh. County ini dijuluki County Pemberontak.Co…

District in Moscow Oblast, RussiaSolnechnogorsky District Солнечногорский районDistrictThe Klyazma River in Mendeleyevo, Solnechnogorsky District FlagCoat of armsLocation of Solnechnogorsky District in Moscow Oblast (before July 2012)Coordinates: 56°11′N 36°59′E / 56.183°N 36.983°E / 56.183; 36.983CountryRussiaFederal subjectMoscow Oblast[1]Established1929Administrative centerSolnechnogorsk[1]Area[2] • Total1…

Roma Open 2024Sport Tennis Data22 – 28 aprile Edizione23ª CategoriaChallenger 75 SuperficieTerra rossa Montepremi73 000 € LocalitàRoma, Italia ImpiantoTennis Club Garden CampioniSingolare Alejandro Moro Cañas Doppio Luke Johnson / Skander Mansouri 2023 Il Roma Open 2024 è stato un torneo maschile di tennis professionistico. È stata la 23ª edizione del torneo, facente parte della categoria Challenger 75 nell'ambito dell'ATP Challenger Tour 2024, con un montepremi di 73 000 €…

La Belle Ferronnière di Leonardo da Vinci, ritenuto da molti un ritratto di Lucrezia Crivelli Lucrezia Crivelli (1464? – Canneto sull'Oglio, 12 aprile 1534) fu amante di Ludovico il Moro, duca di Milano e madre di Giovanni Paolo I Sforza, primo marchese di Caravaggio[1]. Indice 1 Biografia 1.1 Amante del duca 1.2 Morte della duchessa 1.3 Disfatta del Moro 2 Discendenza 3 Profilo di giovane donna 4 Note 5 Bibliografia 6 Altri progetti Biografia Figlia di Bernabò di Andrea Crivelli, …

Intermediate appellate court of Illinois Tool Works Parts of this article (those related to 2nd-5th Districts) need to be updated. The reason given is: Illinois redistricted appellate divisions. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (March 2024) Chicago (1st)Elgin (2nd)Ottawa (3rd)Springfield (4th)Mount Vernon (5th)class=notpageimage| Court locations The Illinois Appellate Court is the court of first appeal for civil and criminal cases rising in…