The following list of clubmosses, spikemosses, horsetails and ferns comes from the publications by [F] Fleming et al. 1995, [M] Monteferrante 1973, [R] Reed 1984, [We] Wennerstrom 1995, and the unpublished data by [Wo] Worthley 1955-1985.
Brown, Melvin L. and Russell G. Brown. 1984. Herbaceous Plants of Maryland. Port City Press, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 1127 pages.
Davis, Charles A. 2004. List of Plants of Soldier's Delight. (Unpublished).
Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 1993. Flora of North America. Volume 2. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Oxford University Press. New York and Oxford, 475 pages.
Gleason, Henry A., and Arthur Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. (Second Edition) The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, 910 pages.
Holmgren, Noel H. 1998. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual. Illustrations of the Vascular Plants of Northeastern U. S. and Adjacent Canada. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, 937 pages.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2003. Explanation of Rank and Status Codes.[6]
Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2004. Current and Historical Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Baltimore County, Maryland.[7]
[M] Monteferrante, Frank. 1973. A Phytosociological Study of Soldiers Delight, Baltimore County, Maryland. Towson State College, Towson, Maryland.
[R] Reed, Clyde F. 1984. Floras of the Serpentinite Formations in Eastern North America, with descriptions of geomorphology and mineralogy of the formations. Reed Herbarium, Baltimore, Maryland.
Uebel, Edward C. 2000. Maryland Bryophytes Collected by Elmer G. Worthley. The Maryland Native Plant Society, P.O. Box 4877, Silver Spring, Maryland 20914, 100 pages.[8]
[We] Wennerstrom, Jack. 1995. Soldiers Delight Journal - Exploring a Globally Rare Ecosystem. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburg and London, 247 pages.
[Wo] Worthley, Elmer G. 1955-1985. List of Plants of Soldier's Delight. Unpublished.