Lardil language

RegionBentinck Island, north west Mornington Island, Queensland
EthnicityLardil people
Native speakers
65 (2016 census)[1]
Marlda kangka
Language codes
ISO 639-3lbz
Location of Wellesley Islands, the area traditionally associated with Lardil
Lardil is classified as Critically Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger

Lardil, also spelled Leerdil or Leertil, is a moribund language spoken by the Lardil people on Mornington Island (Kunhanha), in the Wellesley Islands of Queensland in northern Australia.[3] Lardil is unusual among Aboriginal Australian languages in that it features a ceremonial register, called Damin (also Demiin). Damin is regarded by Lardil-speakers as a separate language and has the only phonological system outside Africa to use click consonants.[4]

Associated languages

Lardil is a member of the Tangkic family of Non-Pama–Nyungan Australian languages, along with Kayardild and Yukulta, which are close enough to be mutually intelligible.[5] Though Lardil is not mutually intelligible with either of these,[6] it is likely that many Lardil speakers were historically bilingual in Yangkaal (a close relative of Kayardild), since the Lardil people have long been in contact with the neighboring Yangkaal tribe and trading, marriage and conflict between them seem to have been common.[7] There was also limited contact with mainland tribes including the Yanyuwa, of Borroloola; and the Garawa and Wanyi, which groups ranged as far east as Burketown.[8] Members of the Kaiadilt tribe (i.e. speakers of Kayardild) also settled on nearby Bentinck Island in 1947.[9]


The number of Lardil speakers has diminished dramatically since Kenneth Hale's study of the language in the late 1960s. Hale worked with a few dozen speakers of Lardil, some of these fluent older speakers, and others younger members of the community who had only a working or passive understanding.[10][11] When Norvin Richards, a student of Hale's, returned to Mornington Island to continue work on Lardil in the 1990s, he found Lardil children had no understanding of the language and that only a handful of aging speakers remained; Richards has stated that "Lardil was deliberately destroyed"[11] by assimilation and relocation programs in the years of the "Stolen Generation". A dictionary and grammatical sketch of the language were compiled and published by the Mornington Shire Council in 1997,[12] and the Mornington Island State School has implemented a government-funded cultural education program incorporating the Lardil language.[13] The last fluent speaker of so-called Old Lardil died in 2007,[14] though a few speakers of a grammatically distinct New variety remain.[11]

Kinship terms

Lardil has an intensely complex system of kinship terms reflecting the centrality of kin-relations to Lardil society; all members of the community are addressed by the terms as well as by given names.[15] This system also features a few dyadic kinship terms, i.e. titles for pairs rather than individuals, such as kangkariwarr 'pair of people, one of whom is the paternal great uncle/aunt or grandparent of the other'.[16]

Lardil kinship terms
Title Relation(s)
kangkar FaFa, FaFaBr, FaFaSi
kantha Fa, FaBr
babe FaMo, FaMoSi, FaMoBr
jembe MoFa, MoFaBr, MoFaSi
nyerre MoMo, MoMoBro, MoMoBrSoCh
merrka FaSi
wuyinjin WiFa, HuFa, FaFaSiSo, FaMoBrSo
ngama Mo, MoSi, SoWi, BrSoWi
kunawun WiMo, WiMoBr
yaku MoBrDaDa, sister (male ego), elder sister (female ego)
kambin Ch, BrCh (both male ego)
karda Ch, SiCh, WiFaSi, MoMoMo(and siblings) (all female ego)
kernde Wi, WiSi, 'second cross-cousin'
kangkur SoSo, SoDa (both male ego); BrSoSo, BrSoDa (both female ego)
nginngin SoCh (female ego), SiSoCh (male ego)
benyin DaSo, DaDa

Initiate languages

Traditionally, the Lardil community held two initiation ceremonies for young men. Luruku, which involved circumcision, was undergone by all men following the appearance of facial hair;[17] warama, the second initiation, was purely voluntary and culminated in a subincision ceremony.[18]

Luruku initiates took a year-long oath of silence and were taught a sign language known as marlda kangka (literally, 'hand language'), which, though limited in its semantic scope, was fairly complex.[19] Anthropologist David McKnight's research in the 1990s suggests that marlda kangka classifies animals somewhat differently from Lardil, having, for example, a class containing all shellfish (which Lardil lacks) and lacking an inclusive sign for 'dugong+turtle' (Lardil dilmirrur).[16] In addition to its use by luruku initiates, marlda kangka had practical applications in hunting and warfare.[20]

While marlda kangka was essentially a male language, the non-initiated were not forbidden to speak it.[20] Damin, on the other hand, was (at least nominally) a secret language spoken only by warama initiates and those preparing for second initiation,[4] though many community members seem to have understood it.[21] Damin, like marlda kangka, was phonologically, lexically and semantically distinct from Lardil, though its syntax and morphology seem to be analogous.[22] Research into the language has proved controversial, since the Lardil community regards it as cultural property and no explicit permission was given to make Damin words public.[21]


Death in Lardil tends to be treated euphemistically; it is common, for example, to use the phrase wurdal yarburr 'meat' when referring to a deceased person (or corpse).[16] Yuur-kirnee yarburr (literally, 'The meat/animal has died') has the sense 'You-know-who has died', and is preferable to a more direct treatment.[16] It is taboo to speak the name of a deceased person, even (for a year or so) when referring to living people with the same name; these people are addressed as thamarrka.[23] The deceased is often known by the name of his/her death or burial place plus the necronym suffix -ngalin, as in Wurdungalin 'one who died at Wurdu'.[23] Sometimes other strategies are used to refer to the dead, such as circumlocution via kinship terms.[23]



The consonant inventory is as follows, with the practical orthography in parentheses.

Peripheral Laminal Apical
Bilabial Velar Palatal Dental Alveolar Retroflex
Plosive p (b) k (k) tʲ (j) t̪ (th) t (d) ʈ (rd)
Nasal m (m) ŋ (ng) ɲ (ny) n̪ (nh) n (n) ɳ (rn)
Trill or flap r (rr)
Lateral ʎ (ly) l (l) ɭ (rl)
Approximant w (w) j (y) ɻ (r)

Lardil's consonant inventory is fairly typical with respect to Australian phonology; it does not distinguish between voiced and unvoiced stops (such as b/p and g/k), and features a full set of stops and nasals at six places of articulation.[24] The distinction between 'apical' and 'laminal' consonants lies in whether the tip (apex) of the tongue or its flattened blade makes contact with the place of articulation.[21] Hale's 1997 practical orthography has 'k' for /k ~ ɡ/ in order to disambiguate nasal+velar clusters (as in wanka 'arm'[25]) from instances of the velar nasal phoneme /ŋ/ (as in wangalboomerang[25]) and to avoid suggesting /ɡ/-gemination in + k~ɡ/ clusters (as in ngangkirr 'together'[25]). The sounds represented by the digraphs 'nh' and 'ly' are not common in Lardil, but speakers perceive them as distinct, respectively, from /n/ and /l/, and they do occur in some words (e.g. minhal 'burnt ground', balyarriny [title of a social subsection]).[26]


Vowel phonemes
Front Central Back
High i iː (ii) u uː (uu)
Mid e eː (ee)
Low a aː (aa)

Lardil has eight phonemically distinct vowels, differentiated by short and long variants at each of four places of articulation.[27] Phonemic vowel length is an important feature of many Australian languages; minimal pairs in Lardil with a vowel length distinction include waaka/waka 'crow'/'armpit' and thaldi/thaldii 'come here!’/'to stand up'.[25] Long vowels are roughly twice as long as their short counterparts.[27] Some sources describe /e eː/ as low vowels, closer to /æ æː/.


Primary word stress in Lardil falls on the initial syllable, and primary phrase stress on the final word in the phrase.[28] These stress rules have some exceptions, notably compounds containing tangka 'man' as a head noun modified by a demonstrative or another nominal; these expressions, and other compound phrases, have phrase-initial stress.[29]


Common alternations (consonants)

  • /rr ~ d/, _#
The distinction between /rr/ and /d/ is lost word-finally, as in yarburr 'bird/snake', which may be realized as [jaɻpurr] or [yaɻpud], depending on the instance.[30]
  • /d ~ n, j ~ ny/, _N
/d/ and /j/ may assimilate to a following nasal, as in bidngen > binngen 'woman', or yuujmen > yuunymen 'oldtime'.[30]
  • /r ~ l/, #_
Word-initial /r/ is often expressed as /l/; as with /rr ~ d/, either (e.g.) [leman] or [reman] may be heard for 'mouth'.[30]

Word-final phonology

In addition to the common phonological alterations noted above, Lardil features some complex word-final phonology which is affected by both morphological and lexical factors.[31]

Augmentation acts on many monomoraic forms, producing, for example, /ʈera/ 'thigh' from underlying *ter.[31]

High vowels tend to undergo lowering at the end of bimoraic forms, as in *penki > penke 'lagoon'.[31] In several historical locative/ergatives, lowering does not occur.[31] It does occur in at least one long, u-final stem, and it coexists with the raising of certain stem-final /a/s.[31]

In some trimoraic (or longer) forms, final, underlying short vowels undergo apocope (deletion), as in *jalulu > jalul 'fire'.[31] Front-vowel apocope fails to occur in locatives, verbal negatives, many historical locative/ergatives, and a number of i-final stems such as wan̪t̪alŋi 'a species of fish'.[31] Back-vowel apocope also has lexically-governed exceptions.[21]

Cluster reduction simplifies underlying word-final consonant clusters, as in *makark > makar 'anthill'.[31] This process is "fed" in a sense by apocope, since some forms that would otherwise end in a short vowel arise as cluster-final after apocope (e.g. *jukarpa > *jukarp > jukar 'husband').[31]

Non-apical truncation results in forms like ŋalu from underlying *ŋaluk, in which the underlying form would end in a non-apical consonant (i.e. one not produced with the tip of the tongue).[31] This process is also fed by apocope, and seems to be lexically governed to an extent, since Lardil words can end in a laminal; compare kakawuɲ 'a species of bird', kulkic 'a species of shark'.[31]

In addition to the dropping of non-apicals, a process of apicalization is at work, giving forms such as ŋawit from underlying laminal-final *ŋawic. It has been proposed that the process responsible for some of these forms is better described as laminalization (i.e. nawit is underlying and nawic occurs in inflected forms), but apicalization explains the variation between alveolar /t/ and dental /t̪/ (contrastive but both apical) in surface forms with an underlying non-apical, and does not predict/generate as many invalid forms as does the laminalization model.[31]


Parts of speech


The first major lexical class in Lardil is its verbs, which may be subclassified as intransitive, transitive, and intransitive- and transitive complemented.[32] Verbs are both semantically and (as discussed below), morphologically distinct from nominals.[33]


Nominals are a semantically and functionally diverse group of inflected items in Lardil. Some of them are 'canonical nouns' which refer to items, people or concepts;[32] but many, the stative or attributive nominals, are semantically more like adjectives or other predicates.[32] Kurndakurn 'dry', durde 'weak', and other lexical items with adjectival meanings inflect exactly like other nominals.[34] Determiners (e.g. nganikin 'that', baldu(u)rr 'that (distant) west'[16]), are also morphological nominals, as are inherently temporal and spatial adverbs[33] (e.g. dilanthaarr 'long ago', bada 'in the west'[16]).


Lardil has a rich pronominal system featuring an inclusive-exclusive plurality distinction, a dual number and generational harmony.[35]

A 'harmonic' relationship exists between individuals of alternate generations (e.g. grandparent/grandchild); a 'disharmonic' relation is between individuals of consecutive or odd-numbered generations (e.g. parent/child, great-grandparent/great-grandchild).[36]

Lardil pronouns (nominative)[37]
Singular Dual Plural
harmonic disharmonic harmonic disharmonic
1st person exclusive ngada nyarri nyaan nyali nyalmu
inclusive ngakurri ngakuni ngakuli ngakulmu
2nd person nyingki kirri nyiinki kili kilmu
3st person niya birri nyiinki bili bilmu

Uninflected elements

Uninflected elements in Lardil include:

  • Particles, such as nyingkeni 'completely gone' or niimi 'thus, therefore'.[16][38]
  • Exclamations, such as may (a guilty plea, roughly) and bardu 'Gotcha!’ (said when something is offered and then snatched away).[16][38]
  • Preverbs, such as bilaa- 'tomorrow', and other coverbs.[16][38]
  • Enclitics, such as -kili, an optative suffix, as in Manme-kili barnjibarn 'dry+OPT hat' = "Let (your hat dry)".[16][38]


Verbal morphology

Nine basic inflectional endings appear on verbs in Lardil:

The future marker (-thur) indicates anticipation/expectation of an event, or, when combined with the particle mara, either the proposed outcome of a hypothetical (If you had done X, I would have Y’ed) or an unachieved intention; it also marks embedded verbs in jussive clauses.[39]

The (marked) non-future is used primarily in dependent clauses to indicate a temporal limit to an action.[40]

The contemporaneous ending marks a verb in a subordinate clause when that verb's referent action is contemporaneous with the action described in the main clause.[41]

The evitative ending, which appears as -nymerra in objective (oblique) case, marks a verb whose event or process is undesirable or to be avoided, as in niya merrinymerr 'He might hear' (and we don't want him to); it is somewhat analogous to English 'lest', though more productive.[42]

When one imperative follows another closely, the second verb is marked with a Sequential Imperative ending.[43]

Negation is semantically straightforward, but is expressed with a complex set of affixes; which is used depends on other properties of the verb.[44]

Other processes, which may be characterized as derivational rather than inflectional, express duration/repetition, passivity/reflexivity, reciprocality, and causativity on the verb.[45] Likewise, nouns may be derived from verbs by adding the suffix (-n ~ -Vn), as in werne-kebe-n 'food-gatherer' or werne-la-an 'food-spearer'; the negative counterpart of this is (-jarr), as in dangka-be-jarr (man+bite+neg) 'non-biter-of-people'.[46]

Nominal morphology

Lardil nominals are inflected for objective, locative and genitive cases, as well as future and non-future; these are expressed via endings that attach to the base forms of nominals.

Nominative case

The nominative case, which is used with sentence subjects and objects of simple imperatives (such as yarraman 'horse' in Kurri yarraman ‘(You) Look at the horse.') is not explicitly marked; uninflected nouns carry nominative case by default.[47]

Objective (oblique) case

The objective case (-n ~ -in) has five general functions, marking:

  1. the object of a verb in plain (i.e. unmarked non-future) form
  2. the agent of a passive verb in plain form
  3. the subject of a contemporaneous dependent clause (i.e. a 'while'/'when' clause)
  4. the locative complement of a verb in the plain negative or negative imperative
  5. the object of the sequential imperative (see section on verb morphology above).[33] Lardil displays some irregularities in object-marking morphology.[47]
Locative case

The locative marker (-nge ~ -e ~ -Vː) appears on the locative complement of a verb in plain form.[48] The objective case serves this purpose with negative verbs.[48] Locative case is formed by lengthening the final vowel in instances of vowel-final base forms such as barnga 'stone' (LOC barngaa).[48] While the Locative case can denote a variety of locative relations (such as those expressed in English by at, on, in, along, etc.), such relations may be specified using inherently locative nominals (e.g. minda 'near', nyirriri 'under') that do not themselves inflect for this case. Nominals corresponding to animate beings tend not to be marked with Locative case; Genitive is preferred for such constructions as yarramangan 'on the horse' (lit. 'of the horse'). On pronouns, for which case-marking is irregular, Locative case is realized via 'double-expression' of Genitive case: ngada 'I' > ngithun 'I(gen) = my' > ngithunngan 'I(gen)+gen = on me'.[48]

Genitive case

The genitive morpheme (-kan ~ -ngan) marks

  1. a possessor nominal
  2. the agent of a passive verb in the future, non-future or evitative
  3. the pronominal agent of any passive verb
  4. the subject of a relative clause, if it is a non-subject in the sentence
  5. the subject of a cleft construction in which the topic is a non-subject (e.g. Diin wangal, ngithun thabuji-kan kubaritharrku 'This boomerang, my brother made.').[49]

The object of a verb in future tense (either negative or affirmative) is marked for futurity[50] by a suffix (-kur ~ -ur ~ -r), as in the sentence below:








Ngada bulethur yakur.

1SG(NOM) catch+FUT fish+FUT

'I will catch a fish.'

The future marker also has four other functions. It marks:

  1. the locative complement ('into the house', 'on the stone') of a future verb
  2. the object of a verb in contemporaneous form
  3. the object of a verb in the evitative form (often translated as 'be liable to V', 'might V')
  4. the dative complement of certain verbs (e.g. ngukur 'for-water' in Lewurda ngukur 'Ask him for water').

The instrumental case inflection is homophonous with the future marker, but both may appear on the same nominal in certain instances.[51]


The object of a verb in the (negative or affirmative) marked non-future also inflects for non-futurity. The non-future marking (-ngarr ~ -nga ~ -arr ~ -a) is also used to mark time adverbials in non-future clauses as well as the locative complement of a non-future verb.[52]

Verbal case

In addition to these inflectional endings, Lardil features several morphologically verbal affixes that are semantically similar to case markers ("verbal case") and, like case endings, mark noun phrases rather than individual nouns. Allative and ablative meanings (i.e. movement to or from) are expressed with these endings; as are the desiderative and a second type of evitave; comitative, proprietive and privative.[53]

Verbalizing suffixes

Lardil nominals may also take one of two derivational (verbalizing) suffixes: the Inchoative (-e ~ -a ~ -ya), which has the sense 'become X', and the Causative (-ri ~ -iri), which has the sense 'make X Y'; other verbalizing suffixes exist in Lardil but are far less productive than these two.[54]


Reduplication is productive in verbal morphology, giving a non-future durative with the pattern V-tharr V (where V is a verb), having the sense 'keep on V-ing', and a future durative with V-thururr V-thur.[43]

In some instances nominal roots may be reduplicated, in their entirety, to indicate plurality, but Lardil nominals are not generally marked for number and this form is fairly rare.[55]


Given the rich morphology of Lardil, it is not surprising that its word order is somewhat flexible; however, the basic sentence order has been described as SVO, with direct object either following or preceding indirect object and other dependents following these.[56] Clitics appear clause-second and/or on either side of the verb.[56]

Syntax and case assignment

Unlike most other Australian Aboriginal languages, Lardil is a non-ergative language.[56] In an ergative language, the subject of an intransitive verb takes nominative case while the subject of a transitive verb takes ergative case (the object of this verb takes nominative case). In Lardil, subjects of both verb types are inflected for nominative case, and both indirect and direct objects marked for accusative[56] as in the following sentences:










Ngada kudi kun yaramanin

1SG(NOM) see EV horse+ACC

'I saw a horse.'[56]














Pidngen wutha kun ngimpeen tiin midithinin

woman+NOM give EV 2SG(ACC) this+ACC medicine+ACC

'The woman gave you this medicine.'[56]

Kun, glossed as 'EV', is an eventive marker, marking a verb referring to something that actually occurred or is occurring.

Subjects (i.e. patients) of passive verbs also take nominative case, and their objects (i.e. agents), take accusative,[57] as in:












Ngithun wangal yuud wuungii tangan

1SG(ACC) boomerang+ACC PERF steal+R man+ACC

'My boomerang was stolen by a man.'[57]

Here, R is a maker of reflexivity.

Part-whole compounds

Though part-whole relations are sometimes expressed using the genitive case as in (1) below, it is more common to mark both part and whole with the same case, placing the 'part' nominal immediately after its possessor nominal, as in (2).[58]






bidngenngan lelka

woman+GEN head(NOM)

'the woman's head'[58]










Ngada yuud-latha karnjinin lelkin

1SG(NOM) PERF+spear wallaby+OBJ head+OBJ

'I speared the wallaby in the head.' (lit. 'I speared the wallaby head')[58]

New Lardil

While very few speakers of Lardil in its traditional form remain, Norvin Richards and Kenneth Hale both worked with some speakers of a "New Lardil" in the 1990s which displays significant morphological attrition compared to the Old variety.[59][11] Previously minor sentence forms in which the object of a verb takes nominative case have become generalized, even in instances where the verb is in future tense (objects of future verbs historically inflected for futurity).[59] One of a number of negation patterns has become generalized, and the augmented forms of monosyllabic verb roots reinterpreted as base forms.[60]

See also


  1. ^ "Census 2016, Language spoken at home by Sex (SA2+)". Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved 29 October 2017.
  2. ^ G38 Lardil at the Australian Indigenous Languages Database, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
  3. ^ McKnight 1999, 3
  4. ^ a b McKnight 1999, 26
  5. ^ McKnight 1999, 3-6
  6. ^ McKnight 1999, 4
  7. ^ McKnight 1999, 5
  8. ^ McKnight 1999, 3-5
  9. ^ McKnight 1999, 3-4
  10. ^ Hale 1997, 54
  11. ^ a b c d Wright, Sarah H. (22 October 2003). "Professor brings Aboriginal language to life". MIT News. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved 13 October 2020.
  12. ^ Leman 1997, 2
  13. ^ Mornington Island State School Archived 10 October 2010 at the Wayback Machine
  14. ^ "Foundation For Endangered Languages Issue 33". Retrieved 3 October 2018.
  15. ^ McKnight 1999, 33
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Leman 1997
  17. ^ McKnight 1999, 22
  18. ^ McKnight 1999, 25
  19. ^ McKnight 1999, 24 and 157
  20. ^ a b McKnight 1999, 158
  21. ^ a b c d Round 2011
  22. ^ McKnight 1999, 26 and Round 2011
  23. ^ a b c McKnight 1999, 68
  24. ^ Klokeid 1976, 16
  25. ^ a b c d Leman 1999
  26. ^ Hale 1997, 15, 16
  27. ^ a b Hale 1997, 18
  28. ^ Klokeid 1976, 29
  29. ^ Klokeid 1976, 29-30
  30. ^ a b c Hale 1997, 17
  31. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Round forthc. 2011
  32. ^ a b c Hale 1997, 51
  33. ^ a b c Hale 1997
  34. ^ Hale 1997, 52
  35. ^ Hale 1997, 53 and Klokeid 1976 108-110
  36. ^ McKnight 1999, 41-43
  37. ^ Hale 1997 and Klokeid 1976
  38. ^ a b c d Hale 1997, 52
  39. ^ Hale 1997, 24
  40. ^ Hale 1997, 25
  41. ^ Hale 1997, 27
  42. ^ Hale 1997, 27-28
  43. ^ a b Hale 1997, 29
  44. ^ Hale 1997, 28
  45. ^ Hale 1997, 29-31
  46. ^ Hale 1997, 31
  47. ^ a b Hale 1997, 34
  48. ^ a b c d Hale 1997, 41-43
  49. ^ Hale 1997, 43
  50. ^ Hale 1997, 36
  51. ^ Hale 1997, 36-39
  52. ^ Hale 1997, 39-41
  53. ^ Hale 1997, 46-50
  54. ^ Hale 1997, 50-51
  55. ^ Klokeid 1976, 66
  56. ^ a b c d e f Klokeid 1976, 9
  57. ^ a b Klokeid 1976, 274
  58. ^ a b c Hale 1997, 45
  59. ^ a b Hale 1997, 54-56 (appendix)
  60. ^ Hale 1997, 56 (appendix)


  • Bowern, Claire and Erich Round. Lectures on Australian Aboriginal languages. Spring 2011. Yale University.
  • Hale, Kenneth L. and D. Nash. 1997. Damin and Lardil Phonotactics.
  • Klokeid, Terry J. 1976. Topics in Lardil Grammar.
  • McKnight, D. 1999. People, Countries and the Rainbow Serpent.
  • Ngakulmungan Kangka Leman and K.L. Hale. 1997. Lardil dictionary : a vocabulary of the language of the Lardil people, Mornington Island, Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland: with English-Lardil finder list. Gununa, Qld, Mornington Shire Council. ISBN 0-646-29052-5
  • Richards, Norvin. Leerdil Yuujmen bana Yanangarr (Old and New Lardil). MIT, 1997.
  • Round, Erich. Lecture on Kayardild and related languages. 4/7/2011, Yale University.
  • Round, Erich R. 2011 (forthcoming). Word final phonology in Lardil: Implications of an expanded data set. Australian Journal of Linguistics.

Further reading

  • Bond, Hilary (March 2004). 'We're the mob you should be listening to': Aboriginal Elders talk about community-school relationships on Mornington Island (PDF) (PhD). James Cook University.
  • Dixon, R. M. W. 1980. The Languages of Australia.
  • Evans, Nicholas (with Paul Memmott and Robin Horsman). 1990. Chapter 16: Travel and communication. In P. Memmott & R. Horsman, A changing culture. The Lardil Aborigines of Mornington Island. Social Sciences Press, Wentworth Falls, NSW.
  • Hale, Kenneth L. 1966. Kinship Reflections in Syntax: Some Australian Languages WORD, 22:1–3, 318–324,
  • Hale, Kenneth L. 1967. Some Productive Rules in Lardil (Mornington Island) Syntax, pp. 63–73 in Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 2, ed. by C.G. von Brandenstein, A. Capell, and K. Hale. Pacific Linguistics Series A, No. 11.
  • Hale, Kenneth L. . 1973. Deep-Surface Canonical Disparities in Relation to Analysis and Change.
  • Memmott, P., N. Evans and R. Robinsi Understanding Isolation and Change in Island Human Population though a study of Indigenous Cultural Patterns in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
  • Truckenbrodt, Hubert. 2005. "Lardil syllable structure and stray erasure".

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1918–1992 country in Southeast Europe Not to be confused with the 1992–2006 state union between Serbia and Montenegro, called Federal Republic of Yugoslavia until 2003. For other uses, see Yugoslavia (disambiguation). YugoslaviaJugoslavijaЈугославија1918–19921941–1945: Axis occupation Top: Flag (1918–41)Bottom: Flag (1946–92) Top: Coat of arms(1918–41)Bottom: Emblem(1963–92) Anthem: National Anthem of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1919–1941)Hey, Slavs (1945–1992)…

Animal and Plant Health Agency Welsh: Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a PhlanhigionAgency overviewFormed2014 (2014)PrecedingAnimal Health and Veterinary Laboratories AgencyJurisdictionGreat BritainHeadquartersAddlestone, Surrey[1]51°21′13″N 0°29′37″W / 51.3535°N 0.4937°W / 51.3535; -0.4937Employees2,300Annual budget£90.2 millionfiscal year 2018/19[2]Agency executiveDavid Holdsworth, Chief ExecutiveParent departmentDepartment for Enviro…

San Franciscotrolleybus systemAn XT60 trolleybus on route 5-Fulton in December 2017OperationLocaleSan Francisco, California, United StatesOpenOctober 6, 1935 (1935-10-06)Routes15Operator(s)Market Street Railway (1935–1944)San Francisco Municipal Railway (1941–present)InfrastructureElectrificationParallel overhead lines, 600 V DCDepot(s)PotreroPresidioStock278 vehicles (as of 2023, excluding historic vehicles)StatisticsAnnual ridership42,240,000 (2023)[1]…

Regular object in four dimensional geometry Octaplex redirects here. For the clotting factors concentrate, see Prothrombin complex concentrate. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: Excessive explanatory footnotes, some of which include other explanatory footnotes, which include other explanatory footnotes, and so on. Linearize by trimming for brevity, inserting into main text, or spawning subarticle(s). Please help improve this article …

Period of the Government of the United Kingdom from 2007 to 2010 This article is about Gordon Brown's tenure as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. For the people in his ministry, see Brown ministry. Official portrait, c. 2008Premiership of Gordon Brown27 June 2007 – 11 May 2010MonarchElizabeth IICabinetBrown ministryPartyLabourSeat10 Downing Street← Tony BlairDavid Cameron → Coat of arms of HM Government This article is part of a series aboutGordon Brown…

مجموعة دونغفنغ للسيارات Dongfeng Motor Group   تاريخ التأسيس 18 مايو 2001[1]  البورصة بورصة هونغ كونغ (0489)[2]  الدولة الصين  أهم الشخصيات المؤسس شركة دونغفينغ موتور المالك شركة دونغفينغ موتور  المقر الرئيسي ووهان  الصناعة Automotive موقع ويب الموقع الرسمي  ايرادات وعا…

Fictional species of the Japanese gaming franchise This article is about the fictional creatures known as Pokémon. For the human characters in the Pokémon franchise, see List of Pokémon characters. For the characters in the anime TV series, see List of Pokémon anime characters. For the characters in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, see List of Pokémon Adventures characters. The first 150 Pokémon as they appear in Pokémon Stadium, starting with Bulbasaur in the top left corner and end…

PBS member station in Marquette, Michigan WNMUMarquette, MichiganUnited StatesChannelsDigital: 8 (VHF)Virtual: 13BrandingWNMU-TV PBSProgrammingAffiliations13.1: PBS13.2: PBS Kids13.3: WNMU-TV Plus (PBS West)13.4: Michigan Learning Channel13.7: AudioOwnershipOwnerNorthern Michigan University(Board of Control, Northern Michigan University)Sister stationsWNMU-FMHistoryFirst air dateDecember 28, 1972 (51 years ago) (1972-12-28)Former call signsWNPB (1972–1975)WNMU-TV (1975–?)[1…

Si ce bandeau n'est plus pertinent, retirez-le. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus. Cet article peut contenir un travail inédit ou des déclarations non vérifiées (août 2020). Vous pouvez aider en ajoutant des références ou en supprimant le contenu inédit. Voir la page de discussion pour plus de détails. Entre peuplement, géographie et urbanisme, les horizons territoriaux. Le territorialisme se dit d'une tendance particulière à se centrer sur un territoire et à le défendre. Sciences et…

Kazakh politician Bagdat MusinБағдат МусинMusin in 2023Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace IndustryIn office2 September 2020 – 30 April 2024Acting: 20 July 2020 – 2 September 2020PresidentKassym-Jomart TokayevPrime MinisterAsqar MaminÄlihan SmaiylovRoman Sklyar (acting)Oljas BektenovPreceded byAskar ZhumagaliyevSucceeded byJaslan Mädiev Personal detailsBorn (1983-03-03) 3 March 1983 (age 41)Ekibastuz, Kazakh SSR, Soviet UnionNationalityKazakhC…

Координати: 35°42′ пн. ш. 111°30′ зх. д. / 35.700° пн. ш. 111.500° зх. д. / 35.700; -111.500 Округ Коконіно, Аризона На мапі штату Аризона Розташування штату Аризона на мапі США Заснований 1891 Центр Флаґстаф Найбільше місто Флаґстаф Площа - Загальна - Суходол…

Ilustrasi potongan melintang dari sebuah kaison bertekanan Dalam rekayasa geoteknik, kaison adalah sebuah struktur kedap air yang biasa digunakan untuk menahan air di struktur tertentu. Struktur ini dapat dijumpai pada fondasi jembatan, konstruksi bendungan beton,[1] dan proses perbaikan kapal.[2] Nama kaison, juga disebut /ˈkeɪsən/ atau /ˈkeɪsɒn/, berasal dari bahasa Prancis caisson atau bahasa Italia cassone yang berarti kotak besar.[3] Kaison dibuat sedemikian ru…

Tomas BrolinBrolin nel 2013Nazionalità Svezia Altezza176 cm Peso76 kg Calcio RuoloCentrocampista, attaccante Termine carriera1998 CarrieraGiovanili 1975-1984 Näsvikens IK Squadre di club1 1984-1986 Näsvikens IK36 (10)1987-1989 GIF Sundsvall51 (13)1990 IFK Norrköping11 (7)1990-1995 Parma133 (20)1995-1996 Leeds Utd19 (4)1996→  Zurigo3 (0)1997→  Parma15 (0)1998 Crystal Palace13 (0)1998 Hudiksvalls ABK1 (0) Nazionale 1992 Svezia olimpica4 (2)1…

Comic strip The LockhornsThe LockhornsAuthor(s)Bill Hoest (1968–1988)Bunny Hoest (1988–present)Illustrator(s)Bill Hoest (1968–1988)John Reiner (1988–present)WebsiteThe LockhornsCurrent status/scheduleRunningLaunch dateSeptember 9, 1968; 55 years ago (September 9, 1968)Syndicate(s)King Features Syndicate (1968-2023)Andrews McMeel Syndication (2024-present) The Lockhorns is a United States single-panel cartoon created September 9, 1968 by Bill Hoest and originally distributed …

Chinese ship sunk on 1 June 2015 Sinking of MV Dongfang zhi XingSinking locationShow map of HubeiSinking locationShow map of ChinaDate1 June 2015Time21:28 (UTC+8)LocationYangtze River, Jianli County, HubeiCoordinates29°42′44″N 112°55′25″E / 29.7123°N 112.9236°E / 29.7123; 112.9236[1]Participants454[2][3]OutcomeShip sank, 12 rescuedDeaths442[4][5][6]Survivors12 MV Dongfang zhi Xing (Chinese: 东方之星; piny…

Subgenre of crime and mystery fiction Detective story redirects here. For other uses, see Detective Story. Consulting detective Sherlock Holmes examines a suspect's boots in an illustration to the 1891 story The Boscombe Valley Mystery Detective fiction is a subgenre of crime fiction and mystery fiction in which an investigator or a detective—whether professional, amateur or retired—investigates a crime, often murder. The detective genre began around the same time as speculative fiction and …

German politician Bettina Stark-WatzingerMdBStark-Watzinger in 2023Deputy Leader of the Free Democratic PartyIncumbentAssumed office 22 April 2023Serving with Wolfgang Kubicki and Johannes VogelLeaderChristian LindnerPreceded byNicola BeerMinister of Education and ResearchIncumbentAssumed office 8 December 2021ChancellorOlaf ScholzPreceded byAnja KarliczekChairwoman of the Free Democratic Party in HesseIncumbentAssumed office 27 March 2021DeputyWiebke KnellThorsten LiebPreced…