Geologically Jebel Ghawil constitutes a formation with Jebel Suweini.[1] It consists of Triassic limestone, which is said to be "underlain by a thick sequence of pillow lavas, which are partly imbricated with cherts".[2] There are three sills intruded into basaltic lavas and tuffs dated to the late Triassic and its sills reportedly give K-Ar ages on separated biotites of 93-4 ±4Ma.[3]
Note: Mountains are sorted in alphabetical order, unless where it concerns ranges. The highest confirmed mountains in each country are indicated with 'HP', and those with the highest peak are indicated with 'HP', bearing in mind that in the UAE, the highest mountain and the mountain with the highest peak are different. Outcrops are indicated with 'OC', and outliers with 'OL', and anticlines with 'AC'. Volcanoes are indicated with 'V', volcanic craters with 'VC', lava fields with 'LF', and volcanic fields with 'VF'.