Garautha is a Tehsil and a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. The Garautha City is divided into 10 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. Garautha is 80 and 36 km away from Jhansi and Tahrauli. There is also tehseel headquarter. Garautha is a largest Tahseel of Jhansi District. There are some religious places near Garautha as Jharkhand dham,Hanuman mandir,lathator dham ashram.
The Garautha Tehsil as per Census 2011[2] has a population of 233,688 of which 124,934 are males and 108,754 are females.
The Garautha Nagar Panchayat has population of 10,807 of which 5,682 are males while 5,125 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Literacy rate of Garautha Nagar Panchayat is 80.67% higher than state average of 67.68%.
Education institute providing educations from elementary to graduate degrees are available and functioning in Garautha. The degree colleges at Garautha are affiliated to Bundelkhand University and Schools are affiliated to UP Board and CBSE Board.