Eysarcoris is a genus of shield bugs belonging to the family Pentatomidae, subfamily Pentatominae,[2][3] and typical of the tribe Eysarcorini.
Stink bugs of this genus are relatively small (<6 mm in length) and obovate in shape. There is a dense covering of punctures on much of the body. The head and the ventral surface of the thorax are covered with club-shaped hairs.[4]
Eysarcoris belongs to a group of stink bugs (also including Sepontia, Spermatodes and Stagonomus) which have a broad scutellum and an auriculate/spine-like process anterior to the scent gland opening, and do not have a median sulcus in the thoracic sterna.[4]
Eysarcoris are herbivores that live on various plants.[4]
Some Eysarcoris are plant pests: E. guttiger is a pest of soybean and sesame,[5] while E. trimaculatus and E. ventralis are pests of rice.[6]