At the 2011 Census of India, the population of the state of Tamil Nadu was 72,147,039, increasing from 62.4 million in 2001. There were 36,137,975 males and 36,009,064 females, with a sex ratio of 996 females per 1000 males. Its literacy rate was 80.09%. 10.51% of the population was below seven years old, and it had a population density of 555.[citation needed]
Distribution of population
The following table shows the distributions of male and female populations of Tamil Nadu's districts, as of 2011:[citation needed]
Districts with population and area as per 2011 census
As of 2011, Tamil Nadu's growth rate was 15.61%.[citation needed]
It performed reasonably well in literacy growth from 2001 to 2011, increasing from 73.47% to 80.09%. It came second in the CBSE pass percentage at 92.3%, after Trivandrum[2] Region.[citation needed]
Religion demographics
The following tables show the distribution of religious followers in Tamil Nadu, by number and percentage.