Bad Girls Club: Redemption is the thirteenth installment of the Oxygenreality television series Bad Girls Club. It premiered on October 7, 2014, and concluded on January 6, 2015. The season featured an alumni cast consisting of nine women from the previous seasons.[1] It is the second season to feature life coach Laura Baron from the twelfth season.
The season began with nine original bad girls, of which one left voluntarily and three were removed by production. One replacement bad girl was introduced in their absences later in the season.
The Girls who will soon arrive at the Los Angeles mansion for season 13 are introduced, though they come from different seasons and backgrounds, they all have one thing in common, they are seeking redemption.
Season 13 opens with an all-star cast of "bad girls" returning to the fold, but Judi proves that old habits die hard. The girls don't believe that Natalie has changed into a bigger woman and slowly see through her evil ways. Judi's friendships with Julie and Danni start to crack due to Judi's old drinking ways.
Judi forges an alliance with two unlikely housemates, irritating Julie and Danni. After Natalie said that she wanted Judi out of the house, and then see her being friends with her the next day, the other girls question her loyalty leading to Camilla throw a drink at Natalie, and Redd spitting at her in the face. Rocky tries to understand Judi's low self esteem through a tearful conversation which brings them closer together.
A different side of Jada emerges as Judi continues to live in Natalie's shadow. Meanwhile, Camilla finds out someone took her eyelashes without asking her. After she confronted everyone, Judi tells Sarah, Natalie and Rocky that she took the eyelashes, sparking a huge argument between Camilla and Jada against Judi. After Jada's cigarettes go missing, she immediately targets Judi, leading to Judi to throw a cup of alcohol in Jada's face. Judi is ultimately sent to a hotel.
Judi comes back to the house after spending the night in a hotel. Natalie calls out Camilla which sparks a huge argument leading to Rocky to defend Camilla which eventually ends up in a physical altercation between Natalie and Rocky & Redd. Natalie is sent packing after starting the fight, and Redd is sent packing for physically attacking Natalie and biting her arm. Elsewhere, Danni celebrates her first birthday without her twin sister Gabi and tries to make the best of it, but after the girls start talking about how happy they were to see Natalie get beat up, Sarah and Judi decide to leave Danni's birthday dinner and hide all of the family pictures that are on the wall.
Note: Natalie and Alyssa are both removed from the house.
Sarah and Judi unite and face off with their housemates after the other girls found out they hid the family photos. While an attempt at bonding together for charity, it eventually drives the girls further apart.
Rocky and Jada continue to feud with Sarah and Judi. Judi and Sarah continue to face off with the rest of the roommates. Judi makes a shocking decision to leave the house after getting tired of the girl's bullying antics. Tension slowly starts to mount between Camilla & Jada.
The girls fly to Hawaii. Danni and Judi's friendship gets driven apart even more. Sarah joins the Camilla and Danni clique. Jada destroys Camilla's camera sparking in a huge argument on the way back home from Hawaii.
The girls come home and see the new girl, Rima. Camilla and Jada have a huge altercation in the limo, leading to Jada throwing a heal across the bus, which eventually hits Danni in the eyebrow, leading to her eyebrow to be busted open and bleeding. Jada is sent home for causing physical harm to Danni. The girls' family arrive for parents weekend.
Notes: Rima replaces Judi. Jada is removed from the house.
The Bad Girls return to Los Angeles, except Julie, who didn't want to come, Natalie, who couldn't come, and Redd, who was not allowed to come. Natalie shares shocking news with Judi and Sarah.
Sarah's craziness comes to a boil leading to a physical altercation between her and Rocky, leading to Sarah getting kicked off the reunion for the second time. Jada comes out resulting in a nightmare on stage between her and Camilla. After Jada punches Danni in the face, Tanisha has some words for her, resulting in a huge argument.
The episode picks up with Tanisha yelling at Jada and Rima. Rima decides to try and attack Judi when she comes out onto stage, leading to her getting kicked off the reunion. Redd shares her experience about this season via Skype, and Natalie shares her experience via video. The all stars officially say goodbye to this season of Bad Girls Club Redemption.