The season focuses on the personal lives and relationships of some of the "baddest" and "wildest" Baddies yet, including Natalie Nunn, Chrisean "Rock" Malone, Goldie "Rollie" Martin, Scotlynd Ryan, Damerlin "Biggie" Baez, Stunna Girl, Lo London, Tommie Lee, Cleo "DJ Sky High Baby" Rahman, Monique "Razor" Samuels and Catya Washington. The season consisted of 19 episodes, including a three-part auditions special and a two-part reunion special hosted by Janeisha John and Stevie J.[2]
Production and crew
The third season featured eleven baddies as they toured around the Western States of the US in a "decked-out" tour bus, with cameras capturing club performances and their luxurious vacations in mansions throughout various States.
An official teaser for the season was dropped in December 2022, with the final super trailer being released on January 15, 2023.
The season shows the cast as they travel from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Phoenix, Oakland, and Portland. Whilst travelling, some friendships crumble as other relationships form, strengthen and blossom.
Prior to the release of the show's third season, a three-part auditions special was aired from October 23, 2022, to November 6, 2022, as Natalie Nunn— along with main stage judges Tommie Lee and Sukihana, pre-screen judges Jelaminah Lanier, Goldie "Rollie" Martin, Scotlynd Ryan and Briana Walker from the show's second season, and host Janeisha John —sought out cast members for the upcoming season.[3]
A day after the final part of the auditions special aired, the official cast was announced; featuring Nunn, Chrisean "Rock" Malone, Martin and Ryan as the only series regulars to reprise their roles from the previous season. The rest of the cast included Damerlin “Biggie” Baez, Stunna Girl, Lee, Lo London, Cleo "DJ Sky High Baby" Rahman, Monique “Razor” Samuels and Catya Washington. Catya is referred to as “Ms Cat” on the show, and Loren is referred as “Lo London”[4]
The final episode was followed by a two-part reunion special, hosted by John and Stevie J, which was released from May 14, 2023 to May 21, 2023. Malone and Samuels were not present at the reunion taping, with Malone's announcement to the cast that she was expecting her first child via a pre-recorded video, and Samuels missing her flight, hence their absence from the special.
^Atasha appeared only by via FaceTime with Natalie.
^Chrisean left the show after an altercation with Natalie.
^Chrisean performed at the last tour stop and delivered her final thoughts of the season in her confessional.
^Chrisean sent in a video message in physical absence.
After filming
Natalie, Scotlynd, Chrisean, Rollie, Biggie, Stunna Girl & DJ Sky High Baby all returned for the fourth season of Baddies East with Catya making a guest appearance.
Natalie, Lo London, Scotlynd, Catya, Rollie, Chrisean, & Biggie were judges for the Baddies East Auditions.
Natalie, Lo London, Catya, Rollie, Scotlynd, Biggie, & DJ Sky High Baby all made guest appearances on Bad vs. Wild.
Natalie, Scotlynd, Rollie, & Biggie all returned for the fifth season of Baddies Caribbean with Tommie making a special guest appearance and DJ Sky High Baby.
Natalie, Scotlynd and Biggie were judges for the Baddies Caribbean Auditions.
Rollie went on to have her own show titled Transforming Rollie.
Stunna Girl went on to have her own network titled RedRum and show titled Stunna Girls.
Natalie, Scotlynd, and Rollie appeared on Aunt Tea Podcast.
Natalie, Scotlynd, Rollie and Biggie were judges for the Baddies Midwest & Gone Wild Audtions.
Natalie, Scotlynd, Rollie, Biggie and Stunna Girl returned for the sixth season of Baddies Midwest with Chrisean and Tommie making special guest appearances.