সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়ক

সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়ক

২০১১ চনত সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়ক
জন্ম ১৫ এপ্ৰিল, ১৯৭৭ (৪৭ বছৰ)
পুৰী, ওড়িশা, ভাৰত
পেচা বলুকা শিল্পী
বঁটা, সন্মান, পুৰস্কাৰ আদি পদ্মশ্ৰী (২০১৪)[1]
Sand sculpture at Bandrabhan, Hoshangabad by Sudarshan Pattanaik

সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়ক (জন্ম: ১৫ এপ্ৰিল ১৯৭৭) এগৰাকী ভাৰতীয় বলুকা শিল্পী। তেওঁ উৰিষ্যাৰ বাসিন্দা। ২০১৪ চনত তেওঁক ভাৰত চৰকাৰে পদ্মশ্ৰী সন্মানেৰে সন্মানিত কৰে।[2]

পৰিয়াল আৰু শৈশৱ

সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়কৰ জন্ম হয় উৰিষ্যাৰ পুৰীত। তিনিজনীয়া সন্তানৰ পৰিয়ালটোত সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়ক আছিল কনিষ্ঠ। অত্যন্ত অভাৱ-অনাতনৰ মাজেৰে পাটনায়কে নিজৰ শৈশৱ কাল অতিবাহিত কৰিছিল। বলুকা শিল্পত তেওঁৰ নিজৰ একাগ্ৰতা আৰু অভ্যাসৰ ফলতে পাৰদৰ্শিতা লাভ কৰে। কোনো ধৰণৰ প্ৰশিক্ষণ নোলোৱাকৈ একমাত্ৰ নিজৰ চেষ্টাৰেই সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়কে বলুকা শিল্প চৰ্চা আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল।[3]


সাত বছৰ বয়সৰপৰাই সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়কে বালিত বিভিন্ন চিত্ৰ কৰ্ম আঁকিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল। বৰ্তমানলৈ তেওঁ শতাধিক বলুকা শিল্প সৃষ্টি কৰিছে।

তেওঁ বৰ্তমান NALCO, Indiaৰ ব্ৰেণ্ড এম্বেচাডৰ। .[4]

পাটনায়কে ভাৰতৰ প্ৰথমটো বলুকা শিল্প চৰ্চাৰ "The Golden Sand Art Institute" কেন্দ্ৰটো প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰিছিল। সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়কৰ বলুকা শিল্প সৃষ্টিসমূহত প্ৰধানকৈ পৰিৱেশ সুৰক্ষা, বিভিন্ন উৎসৱ, দেশৰ ঐক্য-সম্প্ৰীতি আৰু ধৰ্মীয় সহিষ্ণুতাৰ বিষয়বোৰে প্ৰধান্য লাভ কৰে।

বৰ্তমানলৈ ৫০ৰ অধিক বিভিন্ন আন্ত:ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় বলুকা শিল্প প্ৰতিযোগিতা তথা উৎসৱত সুদৰ্শন পাটনায়কে অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰিছে আৰু ২৭ টাৰো অধিক পদক জয়ী হৈ দেশলৈ সুনাম কঢ়িয়াই আনিছে। ২০১৩ বৰ্ষত তেওঁ ৰাছিয়াত অনুষ্ঠিত 12th International sand sculpture competitionত স্বৰ্ণপদক, ডেনমাৰ্কত অনুষ্ঠিত International Sand competition Championshipত Danish grand আৰু ৰাছিয়াৰ Moscow museum বঁটা অৰ্জন কৰে। ২০১১ চনত তেওঁ ডেনমাৰ্কত অনুষ্ঠিত বলুকা শিল্প প্ৰতিযোগিতাত প্ৰথম স্থান আৰু ২০১২ চনত অনুষ্ঠিত Solo International sand art contest,Mervalaত দুটাকৈ খিতাপ অৰ্জন কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হয়। ২০১০ চনত মস্কোত অনুষ্ঠিত 3rd Moscow World sand sculpture championship প্ৰতিযোগিতাত তেওঁ people choice award হিচাপে স্বৰ্ণপদক লাভ কৰে। তদুপৰি তেওঁ ২০১০ চনৰ North American solo sand sculpture championship প্ৰতিযোগিতাত তিনিটা খিতাপ, কানাডা আৰু মস্কোত অনুষ্ঠিত প্ৰতিযোগিতাত People Choice award লাভ কৰে। ২০০৯ চনত তেওঁ লাভ কৰে Korea sand sculpture award বঁটা আৰু ২০০৮ চনত তেওঁ লাভ কৰিছিল বাৰ্লিনত আয়োজিত USF World sand sculpture championshipৰ World champion খিতাপ। তেওঁ এতিয়ালৈ বাৰ্লিনত আয়োজিত বলুকা শিল্প প্ৰতিযোগিতাত পাঁচবাৰকৈ people choice award বঁটা লাভ কৰি খ্যাতি অৰ্জন কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছে।

পাটনায়কৰ সৃষ্টি কলা তাজ মহল (Black Taj Mahal) ভাস্কৰ্যই ইতিমধ্যে বিশ্বজুৰি প্ৰশংসা বুটলিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছে।

উল্লেখযোগ্য আন্তঃৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় খ্যাতি

  • 1998 United Kingdom Exhibited during the world travel market held at Earls Court, London in November 1998 with support of Govt. of India Tourist Office, London.
  • 1999 United Kingdom Exhibited during the world cup Cricket 99 held at EDGBASTON
  • 2000 France World Sand Sculpturing Championship.
  • 2000 China International Sand Sculpturing Championship.
  • 2000 United Kingdom International Sand Sculpturing Festival at Glassgow.
  • 2001 Singapore Participated in Sentosa Sandstation 3 June 2001, "Splendours of Golden Asia"
  • 2001 Denmark International Sand Sculpture festival 2001 Blokhus on 25 June 2001.
  • 2001 Italy 3rd prize in world's master Sand Sculpturing championship.
  • 2002 Netherlands Singles International Sand Sculpturing competition at SCHEVENINGEN on 6 May 2002.
  • 2002 Japan Champions medal in "29th International Snow Statue Contest 2002" at SAPPORO JAPAN.
  • 2002 Belgium Sand Sculpture Festival BLANKENBERGE.
  • 2002 NETHERLANDS The Dutch Sand Sculpture Festival Thorn 2002–03 at Holland in July.
  • 2002 China The First China Ningxia Sand Lake International Sand Sculpture event.
  • 2003 China The 3rd Luilang colour Sand Festival Demonstration Prize at china 2003.
  • 2003 Spain 2nd Prize inInternational Sand Sculpture Championship at Valadoli, Spain.
  • 2003 Germany 3rd Prize at Berlin International Sand Sculpture Championship.
  • 2003 China 4th Prize at China International Sand Sculpture competition.
  • 2004 Oman Sand Sculpture Demonstration at Muscat Festival 2004 at Oman.
  • 2004 Germany Participated at Sand World Festival at Travemunda.
  • 2004 Germany Public Prize at 2nd Berlin Sand Station Competition.
  • 2004 AUSTRALIA Participated at Sand Sculpting at Melbourne.
  • 2005 US Participated in Houston International Festival at Houston Texas. TAJMAHAL recreated in Sand.
  • 2005 Germany 1st Prize at3rd Berlin International Sand Sculpture competition.
  • 2006 Canada Representing India on Tournament of World Championship of Sand Sculpture
  • 2006 Doha Demonstrating on 15th Asian Game Doha, Qatar.
  • 2007 JAPAN Represented India at 34th Sapporo Snow Sculpture Festival.
  • 2007 UAE Demonstrating Sand Sculpture at International Student conference 2007 at Abu Dhabi.
  • 2007 Malaysia Representing India in 1st International Sand Sculpture Festival.
  • 2007 Turkey Representing India at 1st Instansbul International Sand Sculpture Festival.
  • 2007 Berlin 5th Public Prize at Berlin Representing India in 1st International Sand Sculpture Festival.
  • 2007 RUHR 1st Audience prize at Representing India in 1st International Sand Sculpture Festival.
  • 2008 JAPAN Represented India in Tottori Sand Museum.
  • 2008 MOSCOW Won people choice prize at 1st International Sand Sculpture Festival.
  • 2008 Berlin Won 1st Prize at USF World Championship 2008, Berlin. And got the title of world Champion.
  • 2009 JAPAN Participated in World Sand Art Festival.
  • 2009 MOSCOW Won Special Prize at world Sand Sculpture Championship 2009, by Russia Government.
  • 2009 South Korea: Korea sand sculptor award 2009 at 4th Haeundae Sand Festival at BUSAN
  • 2009 Berlin: People choice prize at 2nd USF World championship 2009, Berlin, Germany.
  • 2010 Russia: People choice prize at 2nd Moscow World sand sculpture championship, 2010.
  • 2010 Berlin: 1st place in people's choice at 8th International Berlin sand sculpture championship 2010(THIS IS THE 5Th TIME WINNING PEOPLE"S CHOICE PRIZE).
  • 2010 Canada: People’s choice prize at CNE International sand sculpture championship 2010
  • 2010 US: Won three medals in North American solo sand sculpture championship 2010.
  • 2011 Moscow: Gold medal for people’s choice at 3rd Moscow World sand sculpture championship, 2011.
  • 2011 Denmark: Won 1st prize at Copenhagen International sand sculpture championship, 2012.
  • 2012 Spain: Won double gold medal at Solo International sand art contest in Mervala 2012. One for the people choice and another for most positive sculpture.
  • 2012 Denmark: Won Public prize at Copenhagen International sand sculpture championship 2012.
  • 2013 Russia: Won Moscow museum prize at Moscow World sand art championship 2013.
  • 2013 Denmark : Won the Danish grand prize at 2nd Copenhagen International sand sculpture championship 2013.
  • 2014 ( France) He Exhibit sand sculpture at Cannes Film Festival at Cannes, France from 14 to 25 May.
  • 2014 (USA ) HE WON the People's Choice prize for his work "Save Tree, Save the Future" at the World Cup of Sand Sculpting-2014 held in the Atlantic City .
  • 2015 Sudharshan patnaik's Santa Claus sculpture on 29 December 2015 found a place in limca book of records. He took 22 hours to build this sculpture on 24 Dec 2015 and it will be active till 1 January 2016.

বঁটা আৰু পুৰস্কাৰ

  • He was awarded Padma Shri by Government of India, the fourth highest civilian award in India, in 2014 for his contribution in sand arts.[5]
  • "Honorary Doctorate" in LL.D. by Berhampur University, Odisha in 2012.
  • "Godavari Award" by kusumagraj pratisthan at Nasik, Maharashtra in 2012.
  • Felicitated and awarded by the Hon'ble President of India Smt. Pratibha Devi singh Patil at Puri beach in Odisha.
  • Young Indian leadership award 2010 by CNN IBN.
  • "People of the Year 2009" Limca book of Records honoured as on the occasion of 20th edition of Limca Book.
  • "Sarala award" by the state government for the year 2008.
  • 5 times Limca Book of World Record [উদ্ধৃতিৰ প্ৰয়োজন]
  • "Limca Book of Record" honoured as India Extraordinary for sand sculpture on the occasion of the celebration of sixty years of India's Independence on 25 September 2007, in New York.
  • "National Tourism award 2005–2006" for most innovative tourism project by Ministry of Tourism, Govt. India.
  • "EXCELLENCY AWARD 2006" held in July2006 at New Delhi by The Sulabh International and The Society of Sri Lanka Justice of the Peace Human Rights Organization.
  • "NATIONAL YOUTH AWARD 2004–2005" organised by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India at Patna, Bihar.
  • "BHARAT JYOTI AWARD 2001" At Kolkota. (Front for National progress)
  • "Award of Excellence" by ভাৰতীয় ষ্টেট বেংক BBSR Circle.[উদ্ধৃতিৰ প্ৰয়োজন]
  • People's Choice Award at Sand Sculpting World Cup 2014 at Atlantic City, US.[6]
  • His santa claus sculpture took place in limca book of records which he sculptured on 24 dec 2015.

বিশেষ কাৰ্য

  • Providing training to artists through open air Sudarsan Sand Art Institute at
  • Puri beach that I started in 1994 with a view to make these students learn and develop sand art as a professional art form. Students from India and abroad are enrolled for projects, regular and short term courses. My objective is to create professional artists through regular curriculum in this school of art and culture in a Gurukul concept.
  • Published a book regarding SAND ART.
  • Conducted training and workshops and demonstrated the art form in different Fair and Festivals in and around the countries to promote and popularise this art.
  • Created World record's on sand sculpture at puri beach in 2006, 2007,2008, 2009, 2010 which was placed in Limca Book of World record.
  • Sand animation show at the opening ceremony of Common Wealth Game 2010 at New Delhi.
  • Dept. of Culture, Govt. of Odisha appoint as Government nominee (Executive member) of Odisha Lalita Kala Academy.
  • Brand ambassador for National Aluminum Company Limited (NALCO).
  • Brand ambassador for International sand art festival of Odisha.

তথ্য সংগ্ৰহ

  1. "Four person from Odisha to get Padma Shri award including Sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik". Odishadiary.com. 25 January 2014. Archived from the original on 3 February 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20140203222442/http://www.orissadiary.com/CurrentNews.asp?id=47524। আহৰণ কৰা হৈছে: 26 January 2014. 
  2. Patnaik, Sudarshan. "Four people get Padma Shro". Orissadiary.com. Archived from the original on 2014-02-03. https://web.archive.org/web/20140203222442/http://www.orissadiary.com/CurrentNews.asp?id=47524। আহৰণ কৰা হৈছে: 2015-05-01. 
  3. "Footprints on the Sand: From Global Warming to Communal Harmony - An Interview with World Champion Sand Artist Sudarsan Pattnaik". Orissadiary.com. Archived from the original on 11 March 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20140311135422/http://orissadiary.com/inerview/sudarsan-patnaik.asp। আহৰণ কৰা হৈছে: 1 May 2015. 
  4. "Sudarsan Pattnaik becomes Nalco brand ambassador". Economic Times (Bhubaneshwar, India). 20 May 2011. Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. https://web.archive.org/web/20160305081116/http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-05-20/news/29564734_1_brand-ambassador-nalco-sand-art. 
  5. "Padma Awards Announced". Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs. 25 January 2014. http://www.pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=69364। আহৰণ কৰা হৈছে: 26 January 2014. 
  6. "Sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik wins international sculpting award". IANS. News.biharprabha.com. http://news.biharprabha.com/2014/06/sand-artist-sudarsan-pattnaik-wins-international-sculpting-award/। আহৰণ কৰা হৈছে: 28 June 2014. 

বাহ্যিক সংযোগ


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