Hugh Trevor-Roper, barón de Dacre of Glanton, naixito de Glanton (Northumberland) o 15 de chinero de 1914 y muerto en Oxford o 26 de chinero de 2003, estió un destacato historiador britanico, especializato en a historia moderna d'o Reino Uniu y en o Tercer Reich, con una ampla obra publicata.
- 1940: Archbishop Laud, 1573-1645.
- 1947: The Last Days of Hitler (re-edición revisata en 1995).
- 1953: Secret Conversations, 1941-1944 (publicato posteriorment con o títol de Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944).
- 1957: Historical Essays.
- 1959: "The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century" pachinas 31–64 de Past and Present, Volumen 16, 1959.
- 1960: "Hitlers Kriegsziele" pachinas 121–133 de Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitsgeschichte, Volumen 8, 1960, traducito a l'anglés como "Hitler's War Aims" pachinas 235–250 de Aspects of The Third Reich editato por H.W. Koch, Londres: Macmillan Ltd, 1985.
- 1961: "A. J. P. Taylor, Hitler and the War" pachinas 86–96 de Encounter, Volumen 17, chulio de 1961.
- 1962: "E. H. Carr's Success Story" pachinas 69–77 de Encounter, Volumen 84, Issue #104.
- 1964-1965: Blitzkrieg to Defeat: Hitler's War Directives, 1939-1945.
- 1964: Essays in British history presented to Sir Keith Feiling editato por H.R. Trevor-Roper; con introducción de Lord David Cecil.
- 1965: The Rise of Christian Europe.
- 1965: Hitler's Place in History.
- 1967: The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: Religion, the Reformation, and Social Change, and Other Essays.
- 1968: The Age of Expansion, Europe and the World, 1559-1600, editato por Hugh Trevor-Roper.
- 1968: The Philby Affair: Espionage, Treason, and Secret Services.
- 1969: The Romantic Movement and the Study of History: the John Coffin memorial lecture delivered before the University of London on 17 February 1969.
- 1969: The European Witch-Craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
- 1970: The Plunder of the Arts in the Seventeenth Century.
- 1971: Queen Elizabeth's First Historian: William Camden and the Beginning of English "Civil History",.
- 1973: "Foreword" pachinas 9–16 de 1914: Delusion or Design The Testimony of Two German Diplomats editato por John Röhl.
- 1976: A Hidden Life: The Enigma of Sir Edmund Backhouse (publicato en Estaus Unius con o títol de The Hermit of Peking: The Hidden Life of Sir Edmund Backhouse).
- 1976: Princes and Artists: Patronage and Ideology at Four Habsburg Courts, 1517-1633.
- 1980: History and Imagination: A Valedictory Lecture Delivered before the University of Oxford on 20 May 1980.
- 1985: Renaissance Essays.
- 1987: Catholics, Anglicans and Puritans: Seventeenth Century Essays.
- 1992: From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution.
- 1993: Edward Gibbon - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. 1 introducción (Londres: Everyman's Library).
- 2006: Letters from Oxford: Hugh Trevor-Roper to Bernard Berenson. Edited by Richard Davenport-Hines. L.: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, ISBN 0-297-85084-9.
- 2007: Europe's Physician: The Various Life of Sir Theodore De Mayerne, ISBN 0-300-11263-7.
- 2008: The Invention of Scotland: Myth and History, ISBN 0-300-13686-2