Urutan protokoler Amerika Serikat

Urutan protokoler Amerika Serikat adalah sebuah hierarki nominal dan simbolis mengenai posisi-posisi penting dalam pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Urutan ini disusun oleh kantor Presiden Amerika Serikat dan dapat diubah oleh Presiden, meskipun pada praktiknya urutan ini cukup mapan dan jarang sekali diubah-ubah. Urutan ini tidak mempunyai ikatan hukum (misalnya, ia tidak mencerminkan urutan suksesi presiden Amerika Serikat), dan sebaliknya digunakan untuk menetapkan protokol upacara. Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat bertanggung jawab dalam memberlakukan masalah-masalah protokoler dalam dunia diplomatik AS.

Kedudukan protokoler adalah memberikan penempatan pejabat negara atau pejabat pemerintah untuk mendapatkan penghormatan, perlakuan, dan tata tempat dalam acara resmi dan tidak resmi. Hal ini menjadikan kedudukan protokoler dalam kelembagaan pemerintahan menjadi penting. Bagi setiap aparatur pemerintah bahkan dituntut untuk memiliki kepedulian dan memahami tata tertibnya. Protokoler dapat dikatakan sebagai garda depan dalam pelayanan terhadap pimpinan serta menjaga martabat dan wibawa pimpinan. Kesan pertama suatu unit kerja dapat dilihat dari pelayanan keprotokolannya. Baik buruknya citra unit kerja dan pimpinan, tergantung pada pelayanan protocol yang ditunjukkan.[1]


  1. Presiden Amerika Serikat[n 1] (Donald Trump)
  2. Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat[n 1] (JD Vance)
  3. Gubernur Negara Bagian [n 1] – bila berada di negara bagiannya
  4. Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Amerika Serikat (Mike Johnson)
  5. Ketua Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat (John Roberts)
  6. Mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat atau pasangan mantan presiden (yang sudah meninggal) (diurutkan berdasarkan urutan waktu menjabat):
    1. Bill Clinton (20 Januari 1993 – 20 Januari 2001)
    2. George W. Bush (20 Januari 2001 – 20 Januari 2009)
    3. Barack Obama (20 Januari 2009 – 20 Januari 2017)
    4. Joe Biden (20 Januari 2021 – 20 Januari 2025)
  7. Mantan wakil presiden Amerika Serikat atau pasangan mantan wapres (yang sudah meninggal) (diurutkan berdasarkan urutan waktu menjabat):
    1. Dan Quayle (20 Januari 1989 – 20 Januari 1993)
    2. Al Gore (20 Januari 1993 – 20 Januari 2001)
    3. Dick Cheney (20 Januari 2001 – 20 Januari 2009)
    4. Mike Pence (20 Januari 2017 – 20 Januari 2021)
    5. Kamala Harris (20 Januari 2021 – 20 Januari 2025)
  8. Duta besar Amerika yang luar biasa dan berkuasa penuh untuk pemerintah asing - saat dalam jabatannya
  9. Duta besar Amerika, perwakilan tetap atau perwakilan organisasi internasional yang memegang wewenang sebagai kepala misi[n 2] – Saat dalam jabatannya
  10. Atase Amerika Serikat ad interim – Saat dalam jabatannya
  11. Menteri Luar Negeri (Marco Rubio)
  12. Presiden, Majelis umum PBB – ketika saat dalam sesi (Philémon Yang)
  13. Sekretaris Jenderal PBB – ketika di Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (António Guterres)
  14. Presiden, Majelis umum PBB – ketika tidak dalam sesi
  15. Para Duta Besar Luar Biasa dan Berkuasa Penuh dari negara-negara asing (menurut masa jabatannya)[n 3] (dalam rangka penyerahan surat kepercayaan kepada Presiden Amerika Serikat)
  16. Hakim Anggota Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat (mengikuti urutan pengangkatan):
    1. Clarence Thomas (18 Oktober 1991)
    2. Samuel Alito (31 Januari 2006)
    3. Sonia Sotomayor (8 Agustus 2009)
    4. Elena Kagan (7 Agustus 2010)
    5. Neil Gorsuch (8 April 2017)
    6. Brett Kavanaugh (6 Oktober 2018)
    7. Amy Coney Barrett (27 Oktober 2020)
    8. Ketanji Brown Jackson (30 Juni 2022)
  17. Pensiunan Ketua Mahkamah Agung (saat ini semua telah meninggal dunia)
  18. Pensiunan Hakim Anggota dari Mahkamah Agung, kecuali mengundurkan diri (mengikuti urutan pengangkatan):
    1. Anthony Kennedy (18 Februari 1988 – 31 Juli 2018)
    2. David Souter (9 Oktober 1990 – 29 Juni 2009)
    3. Stephen Breyer (3 Agustus 1994 – 30 Juni 2022)
  19. Kabinet (selain Menteri Luar Negeri), diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal berdirinya departemen tersebut,[n 4] sebagaimana ditambahkan oleh presiden,[n 5] sebagai berikut:
    1. Menteri Keuangan (Scott Bessent)
    2. Menteri Pertahanan (Pete Hegseth)
    3. Jaksa Agung (James McHenry) (Plt.)
    4. Menteri Dalam Negeri (Walter Cruickshank) (Plt.)
    5. Menteri Pertanian (Gary Washington) (Plt.)
    6. Menteri Perdagangan (Jeremy Pelter) (Plt.)
    7. Menteri Tenaga Kerja (Vince Micone) (Plt.)
    8. Menteri Kesehatan dan Pelayanan Kemanusiaan (Dorothy Fink) ((Plt.)
    9. Menteri Perumahan dan Pembangunan Perkotaan (Matt Ammon) (Plt.)
    10. Menteri Transportasi (Sean Duffy)
    11. Menteri Energi (Ingrid Kolb) (Plt.)
    12. Menteri Pendidikan (Denise Carter) (Acting)
    13. Menteri Urusan Veteran (Todd Hunter) (Acting)
    14. Menteri Keamanan Dalam Negeri (Kristi Noem)
    15. Kepala Staf Gedung Putih (Susie Wiles)
    16. Administrator, Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan (Lee Zeldin)
    17. Direktur Kantor Manajemen dan Anggaran (Matthew Vaeth) (Plt.)
    18. Kantor Perwakilan Dagang Amerika Serikat (Juan Millán) (Plt.)
    19. Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (Dorothy Shea) (Plt.)
    20. Administrator, Administrasi UKM (Everett Woodel) (Plt.)
    21. Direktur Intelijen Nasional Amerika Serikat (Stacey Dixon) (Plt.)
    22. Direktur Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (John Ratcliffe)
  20. President pro tempore Senat A.S. (Chuck Grassley)
  21. Pimpinan Senat Mayoritas (John Thune)
  22. Pimpinan Senat Minoritas (Chuck Schumer)
  23. Wakil Pimpinan Senat Mayoritas (John Barrasso)
  24. Wakil Pimpinan Senat Minoritas (Dick Durbin)
  25. Senator Amerika Serikat lainnya (menurut Senioritas; jika sama, berdasarkan tanggal penerimaan negara bagian ke dalam Uni atau berdasarkan abjad negara bagian)
  26. Gubernur Negara Bagian[n 1] – ketika berada di luar negara bagian mereka sendiri (urutan prioritas di antara gubernur, yang semuanya berada di luar negara bagian mereka sendiri, ditentukan menurut tanggal penerimaan negara bagian ke dalam Persatuan atau berdasarkan abjad negara bagian)
    1. Gubernur Delaware (Matt Meyer)
    2. Gubernur Pennsylvania (Josh Shapiro)
    3. Gubernur New Jersey (Phil Murphy)
    4. Gubernur Georgia (Brian Kemp)
    5. Gubernur Connecticut (Ned Lamont)
    6. Gubernur Massachusetts (Maura Healey)
    7. Gubernur Maryland (Wes Moore)
    8. Gubernur South Carolina (Henry McMaster)
    9. Gubernur New Hampshire (Kelly Ayotte)
    10. Gubernur Virginia (Glenn Youngkin)
    11. Gubernur New York (Kathy Hochul)
    12. Gubernur North Carolina (Josh Stein)
    13. Gubernur Rhode Island (Daniel McKee)
    14. Gubernur Vermont (Phil Scott)
    15. Gubernur Kentucky (Andy Beshear)
    16. Gubernur Tennessee (Bill Lee)
    17. Gubernur Ohio (Mike DeWine)
    18. GGubernur Louisiana (Jeff Landry)
    19. GGubernur Indiana (Mike Braun)
    20. Gubernur Mississippi (Tate Reeves)
    21. Gubernur Illinois (J. B. Pritzker)
    22. Gubernur Alabama (Kay Ivey)
    23. Gubernur Maine (Janet Mills)
    24. Gubernur Missouri (Mike Kehoe)
    25. Gubernur Arkansas (Sarah Huckabee Sanders)
    26. Gubernur Michigan (Gretchen Whitmer)
    27. Gubernur Florida (Ron DeSantis)
    28. Gubernur Texas (Greg Abbott)
    29. Gubernur Iowa (Kim Reynolds)
    30. Gubernur Wisconsin (Tony Evers)
    31. Gubernur California (Gavin Newsom)
    32. Gubernur Minnesota (Tim Walz)
    33. Gubernur Oregon (Tina Kotek)
    34. Gubernur Kansas (Laura Kelly)
    35. Gubernur West Virginia (Patrick Morrisey)
    36. Gubernur Nevada (Joe Lombardo)
    37. Gubernur Nebraska (Jim Pillen)
    38. Gubernur Colorado (Jared Polis)
    39. Gubernur North Dakota (Kelly Armstrong)
    40. Gubernur South Dakota (Larry Rhoden)
    41. Gubernur Montana (Greg Gianforte)
    42. Gubernur Washington (Bob Ferguson)
    43. Gubernur Idaho (Brad Little)
    44. Gubernur Wyoming (Mark Gordon)
    45. Gubernur Utah (Spencer Cox)
    46. Gubernur Oklahoma (Kevin Stitt)
    47. Gubernur New Mexico (Michelle Lujan Grisham)
    48. Gubernur Arizona (Katie Hobbs)
    49. Gubernur Alaska (Mike Dunleavy)
    50. Gubernur Hawaii (Josh Green)
  27. Ketua Partai Mayoritas di DPR (Steve Scalise)
  28. Ketua Partai Minoritas di DPR (Hakeem Jeffries)
  29. Wakil Ketua Partai Mayoritas di DPR (Tom Emmer)
  30. Wakil Ketua Partai Minoritas di DPR (Katherine Clark)
  31. Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Amerika Serikat (berdasarkan lamanya masa jabatan; jika sama, berdasarkan tanggal penerimaan negara bagian ke dalam Uni atau berdasarkan abjad berdasarkan negara bagian)
  32. Delegasi atau residen Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (anggota non-voting) dari Teritori Samoa Amerika, District of Columbia, Teritori Guam, Persemakmuran Puerto Riko, Persemakmuran Kepulauan Mariana Utara, dan Kepulauan Virgin Amerika Serikat (berdasarkan lama masa jabatan)
    1. Eleanor Holmes Norton dari District of Columbia (3 Januari 1991)
    2. Amata Coleman Radewagen dari Samoa Amerika (3 Januari 2015)
    3. Stacey Plaskett dari Kepulauan Virgin Amerika Serikat (3 Januari 2015)
    4. James Moylan dari Guam (3 Januari 2023)
    5. Pablo Hernández Rivera dari Residen Puerto Rico (3 Januari 2025)
    6. Kimberlyn King-Hinds dari Kepulauan Mariana Utara (3 Januari 2025)
  33. Gubernur of Persemakmuran Puerto Riko, Teritori Guam, Teritor Samoa Amerika, Kepulauan Virgin Amerika Serikat,dan Persemakmuran Kepulauan Mariana Utara (diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal wilayah memasuki yurisdiksi AS atau berdasarkan abjad berdasarkan wilayah):
    1. Gubernur Puerto Riko (Jenniffer González-Colón)
    2. Gubernur Guam (Lou Leon Guerrero)
    3. Gubernur Samoa Amerika (Pula Nikolao Pula)
    4. Gubernur Kepulauan Virgin A.S. (Albert Bryan)
    5. Gubernur Kepulauan Mariana Utara (Arnold Palacios)
  34. Asisten Presiden:
    1. Penasihat Keamanan Nasional (Michael Waltz)
    2. Penasehat Presiden (diurutkan berdasarkan pengangkatan):
      1. Alina Habba (20 Januari 2025)
      2. Peter Navarro (20 Januari 2025)
      3. Stanley Woodward (20 Januari 2025)
    3. Wakil Kepala Staf Gedung Putih (diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal pengangkatan):
      1. Dan Scavino (20 Januari 2025)
      2. Cora Alvi (20 Januari 2025)
      3. Stephen Miller (20 Januari 2025)
      4. James Blair (20 Januari 2025)
      5. Taylor Budowich (20 Januari 2025)
      6. Nicholas Luna (20 Januari 2025)
      7. Beau Harrison 20 Januari 2025)
    4. Chief of Staff to the spouse of the president (Hayley Harrison)
    5. Chief of Staff to the vice president (Jacob Reses)
    6. Senior advisors to the president (ordered by date of appointment):
    7. Massad Boulos (January 20, 2025)
    8. Remaining assistants to the president or special presidential envoys who previously held Cabinet rank (ordered by date of appointment; excluding those already listed above)
  35. Other counselors to the president (ranked by date of appointment; currently none):
  36. Other senior advisors to the president (ranked by date of appointment):
  37. Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (Vacant)
  38. Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (Vacant)
  39. Presidential Science Advisor and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (Vacant)
  40. Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (Vacant)
  41. Chief of Protocol (Monica Crowley) – when with the president or for a White House event
  42. Ambassadors from the United States to international organizations who do not hold Chief of Mission authority (when at post)[n 6]
  43. Chargés d'affaires to the United States (ordered by assumption of office)
  44. Former secretaries of state (ordered by term):
    1. James Baker (January 20, 1989 – August 23, 1992)
    2. Condoleezza Rice (January 26, 2005 – January 20, 2009)
    3. Hillary Clinton (January 21, 2009 – February 1, 2013) (note that Hillary Clinton would appear above when in attendance with her husband, former president Bill Clinton)
    4. John Kerry (February 1, 2013 – January 20, 2017)
    5. Rex Tillerson (February 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018)
    6. Mike Pompeo (April 26, 2018 – January 20, 2021)
    7. Antony Blinken (January 26, 2021 – January 20, 2025)
  45. Former members of the U.S. Cabinet (ordered by term, who do not already rank higher by virtue of another office)
  46. Former U.S. senators (ordered by leadership position, then by term; if same, then by date of statehood or ratification of the Constitution, who do not already rank higher by virtue of another office)
  47. Former governors of the state or territory in which the event is held (ordered by term, who do not already rank higher by virtue of another office)
  48. Former governors (of states other than the state in which the event is held, by date of statehood or ratification of the Constitution, who do not already rank higher by virtue of another office)
  49. Former U.S. representatives (ordered by leadership position, then by term; if same, then by date of statehood or ratification of the Constitution, who do not already rank higher by virtue of another office)
  50. Deputy secretaries of executive departments (in the order of the creation of the respective departments or presidential appointment as for Cabinet above):
    1. Deputy Secretary of State (Vacant)
    2. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources (Vacant)
    3. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury (David Lebryk) (Acting)
    4. Deputy Secretary of Defense (Vacant)
    5. Deputy Attorney General (Emil Bove) (Acting)
    6. Deputy Secretary of the Interior (Vacant)
    7. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture (Vacant)
    8. Deputy Secretary of Commerce (Vacant)
    9. Deputy Secretary of Labor (Vacant)
    10. Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services (Vacant)
    11. Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (Vacant)
    12. Deputy Secretary of Transportation (Vacant)
    13. Deputy Secretary of Energy (Vacant)
    14. Deputy Secretary of Education (Vacant)
    15. Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Vacant)
    16. Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (MaryAnn Tierney) (Acting)
    17. Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (Vacant)
    18. Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (Vacant)
    19. Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (Stacey Dixon)
    20. Deputy trade representatives:
    21. Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations (Dorothy Shea)
    22. Deputy Administrator of the Small Business Administration (Vacant)
  51. Secretaries of the military departments (by creation order of branch):
    1. Secretary of the Army (Mark Averill) (Acting)
    2. Secretary of the Navy (Terence Emmert) (Acting)
    3. Secretary of the Air Force (Gary Ashworth) (Acting)
  52. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Charles Q. Brown Jr.)
  53. Chairman of the Federal Reserve (Jerome Powell)
  54. Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (Michelle King) (Acting)
  55. Heads of independent federal agencies at Level II of the Executive Schedule (ordered by agency creation date, if same, then by term)
    1. Director of the National Science Foundation (Sethuraman Panchanathan)
    2. Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Janet Petro) (Acting)
    3. Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (Jason Gray) (Acting)
    4. Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States (Vacant)
    5. Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (David A. Wright)
    6. Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management (Charles Ezell) (Acting)
    7. Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (Vacant)
    8. Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Vacant)
    9. CEO of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (Scott Nathan)
  56. Vice-chair and governors of the Federal Reserve (by length of service)
    1. Michelle Bowman
    2. Christopher Waller
    3. Lisa D. Cook
    4. Philip Jefferson
    5. Michael Barr
    6. Adriana Kugler
  57. Deputy Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (Vacant)
  58. Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (Vacant)
  59. Principal Deputy Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (Vacant)
  60. Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (Don Holstead) (Acting)
  61. Deputy heads of independent federal agencies at Level II of the Executive Schedule (ordered by agency creation date, if same, then by term)
  62. Under secretaries of state and departmental positions of equivalent rank (ordered by departmental line of succession)
    1. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Lisa D. Kenna) (Acting)
    2. Under Secretary of State for Management (Tibor P. Nagy) (Acting)
    3. Remaining under secretaries of state, ordered by date of appointment:
      1. Counselor of the United States Department of State (Michael Needham)
      2. Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights (Vacant)
      3. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs (Brent T. Christensen) (Acting)
      4. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment (Vacant)
      5. Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (Vacant)
  63. Under secretaries of executive departments and departmental positions of equivalent rank, Treasurer of the United States, associate attorneys general, and Solicitor General (ordered as Cabinet above and then by departmental line of succession)
  64. Heads of federal departmental agencies (ordered as Cabinet above and then as by departmental line of succession). This includes the directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Secret Service, the Federal Aviation Administration, and Customs and Border Protection
  65. Former chairs of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (ordered by term)
    1. Hugh Shelton (October 1, 1997 – September 30, 2001)
    2. Richard Myers (October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2005)
    3. Peter Pace (October 1, 2005 – September 30, 2007)
    4. Michael Mullen (October 1, 2007 – September 30, 2011)
    5. Martin Dempsey (October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2015)
    6. Joseph Dunford (October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2019)
    7. Mark Milley (October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2023)
  66. Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Christopher W. Grady)
  67. Joint chiefs of staff (ordered by date of appointment):
    1. Chief of Space Operations (B. Chance Saltzman) (November 2, 2022)
    2. Chief of Staff of the Army (Randy A. George) (September 21, 2023)
    3. Commandant of the Marine Corps (Eric M. Smith) (September 22, 2023)
    4. Chief of Naval Operations (Lisa M. Franchetti) (November 2, 2023)
    5. Chief of Staff of the Air Force (David W. Allvin) (November 2, 2023)
  68. Chief of the National Guard Bureau (Steven S. Nordhaus)
  69. Commandant of the Coast Guard (Kevin E. Lunday) (Acting)
  70. Combatant commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands of four-star grade (ordered by date of appointment):
    1. Central Command (Michael E. Kurilla) (April 1, 2022)
    2. European Command (Christopher G. Cavoli) (July 1, 2022)
    3. Africa Command (Michael E. Langley) (August 9, 2022)
    4. Special Operations Command (Bryan P. Fenton) (August 30, 2022)
    5. Strategic Command (Anthony J. Cotton) (December 9, 2022)
    6. Space Command (Stephen N. Whiting) (January 10, 2024)
    7. Cyber Command (Timothy D. Haugh) (February 2, 2024)
    8. Northern Command (Gregory M. Guillot) (February 5, 2024)
    9. Indo-Pacific Command (Samuel J. Paparo Jr.) (May 3, 2024)
    10. Transportation Command (Randall Reed) (October 4, 2024)
    11. Southern Command (Alvin Holsey) (November 7, 2024)
  71. Heads of independent federal agencies at Level III of the Executive Schedule (ordered by agency creation date, if same, then by term)
  72. Deputy heads of independent federal agencies at Level III of the Executive Schedule (ordered by agency creation date, if same, then by term)
  73. Postmaster General (Louis DeJoy)
  74. Lieutenant governor (of the state in which the event is held)
  75. Mayor (of the city in which the event is held)
  76. Heads of international organizations when not at post (ranked by date of establishment)
  77. Ambassadors or permanent representatives of foreign governments accredited to international organizations headquartered in the United States
  78. Ambassadors from the United States to foreign governments (on official business in the United States or another country)
  79. Chief of Protocol (when at the Department of State or at events outside the White House, otherwise appears above)
  80. Ambassadors from the United States to international organizations who hold Chief of Mission authority (on official business in the United States or another country)
  81. Ambassadors from the United States to international organizations who do not hold Chief of Mission authority (on official business in the United States or another country)
  82. Career ambassadors
  83. National Security Council Chief of Staff and Executive Secretary (Vacant)
  84. Chief of Staff to the Spouse of the Vice President (Vacant)
  85. Deputy Assistants to the President (ordered by date of appointment)
  86. Executive Secretary of the National Space Council (Vacant)
  87. Chief judges and circuit judges of the United States Courts of Appeals (by length of service)
  88. Chief judges and district judges of the United States District Courts (by length of service)
  89. Chief Judge and judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (by length of service)
    1. Kevin A. Ohlson (November 1, 2013)
    2. John E. Sparks (April 19, 2016)
    3. Gregory E. Maggs (January 29, 2018)
    4. Liam P. Hardy (December 8, 2020)
    5. M. Tia Johnson (January 3, 2023)
  90. Chief Judge and judges of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (by length of service)
    1. Margaret Bartley (June 28, 2012)
    2. Coral Wong Pietsch (June 28, 2012)
    3. William S. Greenberg (December 28, 2012)
    4. Michael P. Allen (August 3, 2017)
    5. Amanda Meredith (August 3, 2017)
    6. Joseph Toth (August 3, 2017)
    7. Joseph L. Falvey Jr. (May 2018)
    8. Scott J. Laurer (August 2020)
    9. Grant C. Jaquith (September 3, 2020)
  91. Chief Judge and judges of the United States Tax Court (by length of service)
  92. Chargés d'affaires from the United States (ordered by assumption of office)
  93. Under secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force (ordered by date of appointment)
    1. Under Secretary of the Army (Vacant)
    2. Under Secretary of the Navy (Vacant)
    3. Under Secretary of the Air Force (Vacant)
  94. Assistant secretaries (ordered as Cabinet above and then as by departmental line of succession)
  95. Chiefs of staff to heads of executive departments (ordered as Cabinet above and then as by departmental line of succession)
  96. Ambassadors-at-large (ordered as Cabinet above and then as by departmental line of succession)
  97. Special envoys/representatives (ordered as Cabinet above and then as by departmental line of succession)
  98. Assistant attorneys general (ordered by departmental line of succession)
  99. White House Social Secretary (Carlos Elizondo)
  100. Senior directors of the National Security Council
  101. Legal advisers of executive departments (ordered as Cabinet above and then as by departmental line of succession)
  102. Special assistants to the president (ranked by date of appointment)
  103. Heads of independent federal agencies at Level IV of the Executive Schedule (ordered by agency creation date, if same, then by term)
    1. Director of the Selective Service System (Vacant)
    2. Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Travis Hill) (Acting)
    3. Chairman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights (Peter Kirsanow)
    4. Chairman of the Postal Regulatory Commission (Vacant)
    5. President of the Inter-American Foundation (Vacant)
    6. Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (Vacant)
    7. Chairman of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (Vacant)
    8. Special Counsel of the Office of Special Counsel (Vacant)
    9. Director of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (Vacant)
    10. Chairperson of the Chemical Safety Board (Vacant)
    11. CEO of the Broadcasting Board of Governors and Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau (Vacant)
    12. Chairman of the Election Assistance Commission (Vacant)
  104. Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Robert Kissane) (Acting)
  105. Deputy heads of independent federal agencies at Level IV of the Executive Schedule (ordered by agency creation date, if same, then by term)
  106. Assistant administrators of the Environmental Protection Agency
  107. Assistant administrators of the United States Agency for International Development
  108. Assistant trade representatives
  109. Associate administrators of the Small Business Administration
  110. Comptroller General of the United States (Gene Dodaro)
  111. Members of the Council of Economic Advisers (ranked alphabetically)
  112. Members of the Council on Environmental Quality (ranked alphabetically)
  113. American ambassadors-designate (in the United States)
  114. Mayors of U.S. cities (when not in own city; if multiple mayors present, rank by length of service)
  115. Mayor of the District of Columbia (Muriel Bowser) (when not in own city)
  116. Mayors of U.S. territories (when not in own city)
  117. Vice chiefs of staff (ordered by date of appointment):
    1. Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps (Christopher J. Mahoney) (November 3, 2023)
    2. Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force (James C. Slife) (December 19, 2023)
    3. Vice Chief of Staff of the Army (James J. Mingus) (January 5, 2024)
    4. Vice Chief of Naval Operations (James W. Kilby) (January 5, 2024)
    5. Vice Chief of Space Operations (Michael A. Guetlein) (January 5, 2024)
  118. Vice Chief of the National Guard Bureau (Timothy L. Rieger) (Acting)
  119. Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard (Kevin E. Lunday)[n 7]
  120. Assistant secretaries and general counsels of the Department of the Army, Navy, and Air Force (by date of appointment)
    1. Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations and Environment) (Vacant)
    2. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) (Vacant
    3. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) (Vacant)
    4. General Counsel of the Army (Vacant)
    5. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) (Vacant)
    6. Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (Vacant)
    7. General Counsel of the Navy (Vacant)
    8. General Counsel of the Air Force (Vacant)
    9. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment) (Vacant)
    10. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management & Comptroller) (Vacant)
    11. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration (Vacant)
    12. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) (Vacant)
    13. Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) (Vacant)
    14. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (Vacant)
    15. Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (Vacant)
    16. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations, Environment & Energy) (Vacant)
    17. Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) (Vacant)
  121. Four-star military officers (in order of seniority: retired officers rank with but after active-duty officers)
  122. Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (if not listed above)
  123. Officers of the U.S. Senate:
    1. Chaplain (Barry Black)
    2. Secretary for the Majority (Gary B. Myrick)
    3. Secretary for the Minority (Robert M. Duncan)
    4. Secretary of the Senate (Sonceria Berry)
    5. Sergeant at Arms (Karen Gibson)
    6. Parliamentarian (Elizabeth MacDonough)
  124. Officers of the U.S. House of Representatives:
    1. Chaplain (Margaret G. Kibben)
    2. Chief Administrative Officer (Catherine Szpindor)
    3. Clerk of the House (Kevin McCumber) (Acting)
    4. Sergeant at Arms (William McFarland)
  125. Three-star military officers (in order of seniority: retired officers rank with but after active-duty officers)
  126. State senators (when in own state; ranked by length of service, when the same, by alphabetical order by surname)
  127. State representatives (when in own state; ranked by length of service, when the same, by alphabetical order by surname)
  128. Former American ambassadors/chiefs of diplomatic missions (in order of presentation of credentials at first post, who do not already rank higher by virtue of another office)
  129. Chairmen or heads of other federal boards, councils and commissions not previously listed
  130. Librarian of Congress (Carla Hayden)
  131. Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution (Lonnie Bunch)
  132. Chairman of the American Red Cross (Gail J. McGovern)
  133. Deputy chiefs of Protocol (ranked by date of appointment)
  134. Minister-rank officials assigned to foreign bilateral diplomatic missions in Washington, D.C.
  135. Deputy under secretaries of executive departments (according to date of establishment of the Department; if more than one from a department, then as ranked within the department)
  136. Principal deputy assistant secretaries of executive departments (according to date of establishment of the department; if more than one from a department, then as ranked within the department)
  137. Deputy counsels of executive departments (according to date of establishment of the department; if more than one from a department, then as ranked within the department)
  138. Two-star military officers (in order of seniority: retired officers rank with but after active-duty officers)
  139. Deputy assistant secretaries of executive departments (according to date of establishment of the department; if more than one from a Department, then as ranked within the department)
  140. Deputy assistant secretaries and deputy general counsels of the Army, Navy and Air Force (by date of appointment)
  141. Directors of the National Security Council
  142. American consuls general to foreign governments (at post)
  143. American deputy chiefs of mission (at post)
  144. Deputy ambassadors or permanent representatives of foreign governments accredited to international organizations headquartered in the United States
  145. Assistant chiefs of protocol
  146. Minister-Counselor-rank officials assigned to foreign diplomatic missions
  147. Chief Judge and judges, United States Court of International Trade (by seniority)
    1. Mark A. Barnett (May 28, 2013) (Chief Judge)
    2. Claire R. Kelly (May 28, 2013)
    3. Jennifer Choe-Groves (June 8, 2016)
    4. Gary Stephen Katzmann (September 15, 2016)
    5. Timothy M. Reif (August 8, 2019)
    6. M. Miller Baker (December 18, 2019)
    7. Stephen Vaden (December 21, 2020)
    8. Lisa Wang (February 7, 2024)
    9. Joseph A. Laroski (February 14, 2024)
  148. Chief Judge and associate judges, United States Court of Federal Claims (by seniority)
    1. Elaine D. Kaplan (November 6, 2013) (Chief Judge)
    2. Richard Hertling (June 12, 2019)
    3. Ryan T. Holte (July 11, 2019)
    4. David A. Tapp (November 19, 2019)
    5. Matthew H. Solomson (February 3, 2020)
    6. Eleni M. Roumel (February 24, 2020)
    7. Edward H. Meyers (October 20, 2020)
    8. Kathryn C. Davis (December 16, 2020)
    9. Zachary Somers (December 22, 2020)
    10. Thompson Michael Dietz (December 22, 2020)
    11. Stephen S. Schwartz (December 22, 2020)
    12. Armando Bonilla (February 17, 2022)
    13. Carolyn N. Lerner (February 17, 2022)
    14. Molly Silfen (June 13, 2023)
    15. Philip Hadji (September 28, 2023)
    16. Robin M. Meriweather (August 8, 2024)
  149. One-star military officers (in order of seniority: retired officers rank with but after active-duty officers)
  150. Directors of offices of executive departments
  151. Consuls general of foreign governments accredited to the United States
  152. Counselor-rank officials assigned to foreign bilateral diplomatic missions in Washington, D.C.
  153. Members of the Senior Executive Service not holding previously listed positions (by date of appointment, unless ranked differently as determined by the respective executive department)
  154. Members of other federal boards, councils, and commissions not previously listed
  155. Desk officers of executive departments
  156. First Secretary-rank officials assigned to foreign bilateral diplomatic missions in Washington, D.C.

Rincian pada Januari 2009

  1. Presiden Amerika Serikat (Barack Obama) dan Ibu Negara (Michelle Obama) (bila hadir)
  2. Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat dan Presiden Senat (Joe Biden) dan Jill Biden) (bila hadir)
  3. Gubernur (bila berada di negara bagiannya)
  4. Wali kota (bila berada di kotanya)
  5. Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Amerika Serikat (Nancy Pelosi)
  6. Ketua Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat (John Roberts)
  7. Para mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat (menurut masa jabatannya):
    1. Jimmy Carter (19771981) dan Rosalynn Carter (bila hadir)
    2. George H. W. Bush (19891993) dan Barbara Bush (bila hadir)
    3. Bill Clinton (19932001) dan Hillary Rodham Clinton (bila hadir)
    4. George W. Bush (20012009) dan Laura Bush (bila hadir)
  8. Duta besar AS (sementara berada dalam jabatannya)
  9. Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat (Hillary Rodham Clinton)
  10. Para Duta Besar Luar Biasa dan Berkuasa Penuh dari negara-negara asing (menurut masa jabatannya)
  11. Para janda mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat (menurut masa jabatan pasangan mereka):
    1. Betty Ford (19741977)
    2. Nancy Reagan (19811989)
  12. Para menteri dari negara-negara asing
  13. Hakim Anggota Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat (imengikuti urutan pengangkatan):
    1. John Paul Stevens (19 Desember 1975)
    2. Antonin Scalia (26 September 1986)
    3. Anthony Kennedy (18 Februari 1988)
    4. David Souter (9 Oktober 1990)
    5. Clarence Thomas (18 Oktober 1991)
    6. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (10 Agustus 1993)
    7. Stephen Breyer (3 Agustus 1994)
    8. Samuel Alito (3 Januari1 2006)
  14. Pensiunan Ketua Mahkamah Agung (saat ini semua telah meninggal dunia)
  15. Pensiunan Hakim Anggota dari Mahkamah Agung
    1. Sandra Day O'Connor
  16. Para anggota Kabinet Amerika Serikat (menurut urutan pembentukan departemen mereka, perhatikan bahwa Menteri Luar Negeri AS sudah muncul di atas, pada no. 9, juga, tanggal pembentukan untuk Menteri Peperangan digunakan sebagai tanggal untuk tempat Menteri Pertahanan dalam urutan protokoler):
    1. Menteri Keuangan (Timothy Geithner)
    2. Menteri Pertahanan (Robert Gates)
    3. Jaksa Agung (Eric Holder)
    4. Menteri Dalam Negeri (Ken Salazar)
    5. Menteri Pertanian (Tom Vilsack)
    6. Menteri Perdagangan
    7. Menteri Tenaga Kerja (Hilda Solis)
    8. Menteri Kesehatan dan Pelayanan Kemanusiaan
    9. Menteri Perumahan dan Pembangunan Perkotaan (Shaun Donovan)
    10. Menteri Transportasi (Ray LaHood)
    11. Menteri Energi (Steven Chu)
    12. Menteri Pendidikan (Arne Duncan)
    13. Menteri Urusan Veteran (Eric Shinseki)
    14. Menteri Keamanan Dalam Negeri (Janet Napolitano)
  17. Kepala Staf Gedung Putih (Rahm Emanuel)
  18. Direktur Kantor Manajemen dan Anggaran (Peter Orszag)
  19. Direktur Kebijakan Pengendalian Obat Terlarang Nasional
  20. Wakil Perdagangan Amerika Serikat (Ron Kirk)
  21. Direktur Intelijen Nasional (Dennis Blair)
  22. Perwakilan Tetap AS di PBB (Susan Rice)
  23. Presiden Pro Tempore Senat Amerika Serikat (Robert Byrd)
  24. Senator Amerika Serikat lainnya (menurut Senioritas; perhatikan bahwa Robert Byrd, Senator paling senior saat ini, sudah muncul pada #23 di atas)
    1. Ted Kennedy (6 November 1962)
    2. Daniel Inouye (3 Januari 1963)
    3. Patrick Leahy (3 Januari 1975)
    4. Richard Lugar (4 Januari 1977)
    5. Orrin Hatch (4 Januari 1977)
    6. Max Baucus (15 November 1978)
    7. Thad Cochran (27 Desember 1978)
    8. Carl Levin (3 Januari 1979)
    9. Christopher Dodd (3 Januari 1981)
    10. Chuck Grassley (3 Januari 1981)
    11. Arlen Specter (3 Januari 1981)
    12. Jeff Bingaman (3 Januari, 1983)
    13. John Kerry (2 Januari 1985)
    14. Tom Harkin (3 Januari 1985)
    15. Mitch McConnell (3 Januari 1985)
    16. Jay Rockefeller (15 Januari 1985)
    17. Barbara Mikulski (3 Januari 1987)
    18. Richard Shelby (3 Januari 1987)
    19. John McCain (3 Januari 1987)
    20. Harry Reid (3 Januari 1987)
    21. Kit Bond (3 Januari 1987)
    22. Kent Conrad (3 Januari 1987)
    23. Herb Kohl (3 Januari 1989)
    24. Joe Lieberman (3 Januari 1989)
    25. Daniel Akaka (16 Mei 1990)
    26. Dianne Feinstein (10 November 1992)
    27. Byron Dorgan (15 Desember 1992)
    28. Barbara Boxer (3 Januari 1993)
    29. Judd Gregg (3 Januari 1993)
    30. Russ Feingold (3 Januari 1993)
    31. Patty Murray (3 Januari 1993)
    32. Bob Bennett (3 Januari 1993)
    33. Kay Bailey Hutchison (14 Juni 1993)
    34. Jim Inhofe (17 November 1994)
    35. Olympia Snowe (3 Januari 1995)
    36. Jon Kyl (3 Januari 1995)
    37. Ron Wyden (6 Februari 1996)
    38. Sam Brownback (7 November 1996)
    39. Pat Roberts (7 Januari 1997)
    40. Dick Durbin (7 Januari 1997)
    41. Tim Johnson (7 Januari 1997)
    42. Jack Reed [7 Januari 1997)
    43. Mary Landrieu (7 Januari 1997)
    44. Jeff Sessions (7 Januari 1997)
    45. Susan Collins (7 Januari 1997)
    46. Mike Enzi (7 Januari 1997)
    47. Chuck Schumer (3 Januari 1999)
    48. Jim Bunning (3 Januari 1999)
    49. Mike Crapo (3 Januari 1999)
    50. Blanche Lincoln (3 Januari 1999)
    51. George Voinovich (3 Januari 1999)
    52. Evan Bayh (3 Januari 1999)
    53. Bill Nelson (3 Januari 2001)
    54. Thomas Carper (3 Januari 2001)
    55. Debbie Stabenow (3 Januari 2001)
    56. John Ensign (3 Januari 2001)
    57. Maria Cantwell (3 Januari 2001)
    58. Ben Nelson (3 Januari 2001)
    59. Lisa Murkowski (20 Desember 2002)
    60. Frank Lautenberg (3 Januari 2003)
    61. Saxby Chambliss (3 Januari 2003)
    62. Lindsey Graham (3 Januari 2003)
    63. Lamar Alexander (3 Januari 2003)
    64. John Cornyn (3 Januari 2003)
    65. Mark Pryor (3 Januari 2003)
    66. Richard Burr (3 Januari 2005)
    67. Jim DeMint (3 Januari 2005)
    68. Tom Coburn (3 Januari 2005)
    69. John Thune (3 Januari 2005)
    70. Johnny Isakson (3 Januari 2005)
    71. David Vitter (3 Januari 2005)
    72. Mel Martinez (3 Januari 2005)
    73. Bob Menendez (18 Januari 2006)
    74. Ben Cardin (3 Januari 2007)
    75. Bernie Sanders (3 Januari 2007)
    76. Sherrod Brown (3 Januari 2007)
    77. Jim Webb (3 Januari 2007)
    78. Bob Casey (3 Januari 2007)
    79. Bob Corker (3 Januari 2007)
    80. Claire McCaskill (3 Januari 2007)
    81. Amy Klobuchar (3 Januari 2007)
    82. Sheldon Whitehouse (3 Januari 2007)
    83. Jon Tester (3 Januari 2007)
    84. John Barrasso (22 Juni 2007)
    85. Roger Wicker (31 Desember 2007)
    86. Mark Udall (6 Januari 2009)
    87. Tom Udall (6 Januari 2009)
    88. Mike Johanns (6 Januari 2009)
    89. Mark Warner (6 Januari 2009)
    90. Jim Risch (6 Januari 2009)
    91. Jeanne Shaheen (6 Januari 2009)
    92. Kay Hagan (6 Januari 2009)
    93. Jeff Merkley (6 Januari 2009)
    94. Mark Begich (6 Januari 2009)
    95. Roland Burris (15 Januari 2009)
    96. Ted Kaufman (16 Januari 2009)
    97. Michael Bennet (22 Januari 2009)
    98. Kirsten Gillibrand (27 Januari 2009)
    99. Kosong (sebelumnya diduduki oleh Norm Coleman)
  25. Para Gubernur negara bagian bila berada di luar negara bagiannya (menurut urutan diterimanya sebagai bagian dari Uni)
    1. Gubernur Delaware (Jack Markell)
    2. Gubernur Pennsylvania (Ed Rendell)
    3. Gubernur New Jersey (Jon Corzine)
    4. Gubernur Georgia (Sonny Perdue)
    5. Gubernur Connecticut (M. Jodi Rell)
    6. Gubernur Massachusetts (Deval Patrick)
    7. Gubernur Maryland (Martin O'Malley)
    8. Gubernur South Carolina (Mark Sanford)
    9. Gubernur New Hampshire (John Lynch)
    10. Gubernur Virginia (Tim Kaine)
    11. Gubernur New York (David Paterson)
    12. Gubernur North Carolina (Beverly Perdue)
    13. Gubernur Rhode Island (Donald Carcieri)
    14. Gubernur Vermont (Jim Douglas)
    15. Gubernur Kentucky (Steve Beshear)
    16. Gubernur Tennessee (Phil Bredesen)
    17. Gubernur Ohio (Ted Strickland)
    18. Gubernur Louisiana (Bobby Jindal)
    19. Gubernur Indiana (Mitch Daniels)
    20. Gubernur Mississippi (Haley Barbour)
    21. Gubernur Illinois (Pat Quinn)
    22. Gubernur Alabama (Bob Riley)
    23. Gubernur Maine (John Baldacci)
    24. Gubernur Missouri (Jay Nixon)
    25. Gubernur Arkansas (Mike Beebe)
    26. Gubernur Michigan (Jennifer Granholm)
    27. Gubernur Florida (Charlie Crist)
    28. Gubernur Texas (Rick Perry)
    29. Gubernur Iowa (Chet Culver)
    30. Gubernur Wisconsin (Jim Doyle)
    31. Gubernur California (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
    32. Gubernur Minnesota (Tim Pawlenty)
    33. Gubernur Oregon (Ted Kulongoski)
    34. Gubernur Kansas (Kathleen Sebelius)
    35. Gubernur West Virginia (Joe Manchin)
    36. Gubernur Nevada (Jim Gibbons)
    37. Gubernur Nebraska (Dave Heineman)
    38. Gubernur Colorado (Bill Ritter)
    39. Gubernur North Dakota (John Hoeven)
    40. Gubernur South Dakota (Mike Rounds)
    41. Gubernur Montana (Brian Schweitzer)
    42. Gubernur Washington (Christine Gregoire)
    43. Gubernur Idaho (Butch Otter)
    44. Gubernur Wyoming (Dave Freudenthal)
    45. Gubernur Utah (Jon Huntsman, Jr.)
    46. Gubernur Oklahoma (Brad Henry)
    47. Gubernur New Mexico (Bill Richardson)
    48. Gubernur Arizona (Jan Brewer)
    49. Gubernur Alaska (Sarah Palin)
    50. Gubernur Hawaii (Linda Lingle)
  26. Para penjabat kepala eksekutif departemen
    1. Pejabat sementara Menteri Perdagangan (Otto Wolff)
    2. Pejabat sementara Menteri Kesehatan dan Pelayanan Kemanusiaan (Charles Johnson)
  27. Mantan Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat (menurut urutan jabatannya):
    1. Walter Mondale (19771981)
    2. Dan Quayle (19891993)
    3. Al Gore (19932001)
    4. Dick Cheney (2001-2009)
  28. Para anggota lainnya dari Dewan Perwakilan Amerika Serikat (menurut lamanya dalam jabatan)
    1. John Dingell (1955)
    2. John Conyers (1965)
    3. Dave Obey (1969)
    4. Charles B. Rangel (1971)
    5. Bill Young (1971)
    6. Ralph Regula (1973)
    7. Pete Stark (1973)
    8. Don Young (1973)
    9. John Murtha (1974)
    10. George Miller (1975)
    11. Jim Oberstar (1975)
    12. Henry Waxman (1975)
    13. Ed Markey (1976)
    14. Norman D. Dicks (1977)
    15. Dale E. Kildee (1977)
    16. Nick Rahall (1977)
    17. Ike Skelton (1977)
    18. Jerry Lewis (1979)
    19. Jim Sensenbrenner (1979)
    20. Tom Petri (1979)
    21. David Dreier (1981)
    22. Barney Frank (1981)
    23. Ralph Hall (1981)
    24. Hal Rogers (1981)
    25. Chris Smith (1981)
    26. Frank Wolf (1981)
    27. Steny Hoyer (1981)
    28. Howard Berman (1983)
    29. Rick Boucher (1983)
    30. Dan Burton (1983)
    31. Marcy Kaptur (1983)
    32. Sander M. Levin (1983)
    33. Alan Mollohan (1983)
    34. Solomon P. Ortiz (1983)
    35. John M. Spratt, Jr. (1983)
    36. Ed Towns (1983)
    37. Gary Ackerman (1983)
    38. Joe Barton (1985)
    39. Howard Coble (1985)
    40. Bart Gordon (1985)
    41. Paul E. Kanjorski (1985)
    42. Pete Visclosky (1985)
    43. Peter DeFazio (1987)
    44. Elton Gallegly (1987)
    45. Wally Herger (1987)
    46. John Lewis (1987)
    47. Louise McIntosh Slaughter (1987)
    48. Lamar S. Smith (1987)
    49. Fred Upton (1988)
    50. Jerry Costello (1988)
    51. Jimmy Duncan (1988)
    52. Frank Pallone (1988)
    53. Eliot Engel (1989)
    54. Nita Lowey (1989)
    55. Jim McDermott (1989)
    56. Richard Neal (1989)
    57. Donald Payne (1989)
    58. Dana Rohrabacher (1989)
    59. Cliff Stearns (1989)
    60. John Tanner (1989)
    61. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (1989)
    62. Gene Taylor (1989)
    63. José Serrano (1990)
    64. Rob Andrews (1990)
    65. Neil Abercrombie (1991) (sebelumnya pernah terplih dari tahun 1986 sampai dengan tahun 1987)
    66. John Boehner (1991)
    67. David Camp (1991)
    68. Rosa DeLauro (1991)
    69. Chet Edwards (1991)
    70. Jim Moran (1991)
    71. Collin Peterson (1991)
    72. Maxine Waters (1991)
    73. Sam Johnson (1991)
    74. John Olver (1991)
    75. Ed Pastor (1991)
    76. Jerrold Nadler (1992)
    77. Spencer Bachus (1993)
    78. Roscoe Bartlett (1993)
    79. Xavier Becerra (1993)
    80. Sanford Bishop (1993)
    81. Corrine Brown (1993)
    82. Steve Buyer (1993)
    83. Ken Calvert (1993)
    84. Michael Castle (1993)
    85. Jim Clyburn (1993)
    86. Nathan Deal (1993)
    87. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (1993)
    88. Anna Eshoo (1993)
    89. Bob Filner (1993)
    90. Bob Goodlatte (1993)
    91. Gene Green (1993)
    92. Luis Gutiérrez (1993)
    93. Alcee Hastings (1993)
    94. Maurice Hinchey (1993)
    95. Peter Hoekstra (1993)
    96. Tim Holden (1993)
    97. Eddie Bernice Johnson (1993)
    98. Peter King (1993)
    99. Jack Kingston (1993)
    100. John Linder (1993)
    101. Carolyn Maloney (1993)
    102. Donald Manzullo (1993)
    103. John McHugh (1993)
    104. Howard McKeon (1993)
    105. John Mica (1993)
    106. Earl Pomeroy (1993)
    107. Lucille Roybal-Allard (1993)
    108. Ed Royce (1993)
    109. Bobby Rush (1993)
    110. Bobby Scott (1993)
    111. Bart Stupak (1993)
    112. Nydia Velázquez (1993)
    113. Mel Watt (1993)
    114. Lynn Woolsey (1993)
    115. Bennie Thompson (1993)
    116. Sam Farr (1993)
    117. Vern Ehlers (1993)
    118. Frank Lucas (1994)
    119. Lloyd Doggett (1995)
    120. Michael Doyle (1995)
    121. Chaka Fattah (1995)
    122. Rodney Frelinghuysen (1995)
    123. Doc Hastings (1995)
    124. Sheila Jackson-Lee (1995)
    125. Walter Jones (1995)
    126. Patrick Kennedy (1995)
    127. Tom Latham (995)
    128. Steve LaTourette (1995)
    129. Frank LoBiondo (1995)
    130. Zoe Lofgren (1995)
    131. Sue Myrick (1995)
    132. George Radanovich (1995)
    133. John Shadegg (1995)
    134. Mark Souder (1995)
    135. Mac Thornberry (1995)
    136. Todd Tiahrt (1995)
    137. Zach Wamp (1995)
    138. Ed Whitfield (1995)
    139. Jesse Jackson (1995)
    140. Elijah Cummings (1996)
    141. Earl Blumenauer (1996)
    142. Jo Ann Emerson (1996)
    143. David Price (1997) (sebelumnya terplih pada tahun 1987 sampai dengan tahun 1995)
    144. Ron Paul (January 3, 1997) (sebelumnya terplih pada tahun 1976 sampai dengan tahun 1977 pada tahun 1979 sampai dengan tahun 1985)
    145. Robert Aderholt (1997)
    146. Marion Berry (1997)
    147. Roy Blunt (1997)
    148. Leonard Boswell (1997)
    149. Allen Boyd (1997)
    150. Kevin Brady (1997)
    151. Danny Davis (1997)
    152. Diana DeGette (1997)
    153. Bill Delahunt (1997)
    154. Bob Etheridge (1997)
    155. Kay Granger (1997)
    156. Rubén Hinojosa (1997)
    157. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (1997)
    158. Ron Kind (1997)
    159. Dennis Kucinich (1997)
    160. Carolyn McCarthy (1997)
    161. Jim McGovern (1997)
    162. Mike McIntyre (1997)
    163. Jerry Moran (1997)
    164. Bill Pascrell (1997)
    165. Joseph Pitts (1997)
    166. Silvestre Reyes (1997)
    167. Steve Rothman (1997)
    168. Loretta Sánchez (1997)
    169. Pete Sessions (1997)
    170. Brad Sherman (1997)
    171. John Shimkus (1997)
    172. Adam Smith (1997)
    173. Vic Snyder (1997)
    174. Ellen Tauscher (1997)
    175. John Tierney (1997)
    176. Robert Wexler (1997)
    177. Gregory Meeks (1998)
    178. Lois Capps (1998)
    179. Mary Bono Mack (1998)
    180. Barbara Lee (1998)
    181. Bob Brady (1998)
    182. Jay Inslee (1999) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun1995)
    183. Brian Baird (1999)
    184. Tammy Baldwin (1999)
    185. Shelley Berkley (1999)
    186. Judy Biggert (1999)
    187. Mike Capuano (1999)
    188. Joseph Crowley (1999)
    189. Charlie Gonzalez (1999)
    190. Rush Holt (1999)
    191. John Larson (1999)
    192. Gary Miller (1999)
    193. Dennis Moore (1999)
    194. Grace Napolitano (1999)
    195. Paul Ryan (1999)
    196. Jan Schakowsky (1999)
    197. Mike Simpson (1999)
    198. Lee Terry (1999)
    199. Mike Thompson (1999)
    200. Greg Walden (1999)
    201. Anthony Weiner (1999)
    202. David Wu (1999)
    203. Joe Baca (1999)
    204. Jane Harman (2001) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun 1999)
    205. Todd Akin (2001)
    206. Henry Brown (2001)
    207. Eric Cantor (2001)
    208. Shelley Moore Capito (2001)
    209. Lacy Clay (2001)
    210. Ander Crenshaw (2001)
    211. John Culberson (2001)
    212. Susan Davis (2001)
    213. Jeff Flake (2001)
    214. Sam Graves (2001)
    215. Mike Honda (2001)
    216. Steve Israel (2001)
    217. Darrell Issa (2001)
    218. Tim Johnson (2001)
    219. Mark Kirk (2001)
    220. James Langevin (2001)
    221. Rick Larsen (2001)
    222. Jim Matheson (2001)
    223. Betty McCollum (2001)
    224. Mike Pence (2001)
    225. Todd Platts (2001)
    226. Adam Putnam (2001)
    227. Denny Rehberg (2001)
    228. Mike Rogers (2001)
    229. Mike Ross (2001)
    230. Adam Schiff (2001)
    231. Pat Tiberi (2001)
    232. Bill Shuster (2001)
    233. Diane Watson (2001)
    234. Randy Forbes (2001)
    235. Stephen Lynch (2001)
    236. Jeff Miller (2001)
    237. John Boozman (2001)
    238. Joe Wilson (2001)
    239. John Sullivan (2002)
    240. Jim Cooper (2003) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1983 sampai dengan tahun 1995)
    241. Rodney Alexander (2003)
    242. Gresham Barrett (2003)
    243. Rob Bishop (2003)
    244. Tim Bishop (2003)
    245. Marsha Blackburn (2003)
    246. Jo Bonner (2003)
    247. Ginny Brown-Waite (2003)
    248. Michael Burgess (2003)
    249. Dennis Cardoza (2003)
    250. John Carter (2003)
    251. Tom Cole (2003)
    252. Artur Davis (2003)
    253. Lincoln Davis (2003)
    254. Mario Diaz-Balart (2003)
    255. Trent Franks (2003)
    256. Scott Garrett (2003)
    257. Jim Gerlach (2003)
    258. Phil Gingrey (2003)
    259. Raúl Grijalva (2003)
    260. Jeb Hensarling (2003)
    261. Steve King (2003)
    262. John Kline (2003)
    263. Jim Marshall (2003)
    264. Thaddeus McCotter (2003)
    265. Kendrick Meek (2003)
    266. Mike Michaud (2003)
    267. Brad Miller (2003)
    268. Candice Miller (2003)
    269. Tim Murphy (2003)
    270. Devin Nunes (2003)
    271. Mike Rogers (2003)
    272. Dutch Ruppersberger (2003)
    273. Tim Ryan (2003)
    274. Linda Sánchez (2003)
    275. David Scott (2003)
    276. Michael Turner (2003)
    277. Chris Van Hollen (2003)
    278. Randy Neugebauer (2003)
    279. Ben Chandler (2004)
    280. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (2004)
    281. George Butterfield (2004)
    282. Dan Lungren (2005) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1979 sampai dengan tahun 1989)
    283. Bob Inglis (January 3, 2005) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun 1999)
    284. John Barrow (2005)
    285. Melissa Bean (2005)
    286. Dan Boren (2005)
    287. Charles Boustany (2005)
    288. Russ Carnahan (2005)
    289. Emanuel Cleaver (2005)
    290. Mike Conaway (2005)
    291. Jim Costa (2005)
    292. Henry Cuellar (2005)
    293. Geoff Davis (2005)
    294. Charlie Dent (2005)
    295. Jeff Fortenberry (2005)
    296. Virginia Foxx (2005)
    297. Louie Gohmert (2005)
    298. Al Green (2005)
    299. Brian Higgins (2005)
    300. Dan Lipinski (2005)
    301. Connie Mack (2005)
    302. Kenny Marchant (2005)
    303. Michael McCaul (2005)
    304. Patrick McHenry (2005)
    305. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (2005)
    306. Charlie Melancon (2005)
    307. Gwen Moore (2005)
    308. Ted Poe (2005)
    309. Tom Price (2005)
    310. Dave Reichert (2005)
    311. John Salazar (2005)
    312. Allyson Schwartz (2005)
    313. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (2005)
    314. Lynn Westmoreland (2005)
    315. Doris Matsui (2005)
    316. Jean Schmidt (2005)
    317. John Campbell (2005)
    318. Brian Bilbray (2006) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1995 sampai dengan tahun 2001)
    319. Albio Sires (2006)
    320. Ciro Rodriguez (2007) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1997 sampai dengan tahun 2005)
    321. Baron Hill (2007) (sebelumnya terpilih pada tahun 1999 sampai dengan tahun 2005)
    322. Jason Altmire (2007)
    323. Mike Arcuri (2007)
    324. Michele Bachmann (2007)
    325. Gus Bilirakis (2007)
    326. Bruce Braley (2007)
    327. Vern Buchanan (2007)
    328. Chris Carney (2007)
    329. Kathy Castor (2007)
    330. Yvette Clarke (2007)
    331. Steve Cohen (2007)
    332. Joe Courtney (2007)
    333. Joe Donnelly (2007)
    334. Keith Ellison (2007)
    335. Brad Ellsworth (2007)
    336. Mary Fallin (2007)
    337. Gabrielle Giffords (2007)
    338. John Hall (2007)
    339. Phil Hare (2007)
    340. Dean Heller (2007)
    341. Mazie Hirono (2007)
    342. Paul Hodes (2007)
    343. Hank Johnson (2007)
    344. Jim Jordan (2007)
    345. Steve Kagen (2007)
    346. Ron Klein (2007)
    347. Doug Lamborn (2007)
    348. David Loebsack (2007)
    349. Kevin McCarthy (2007)
    350. Jerry McNerney (2007)
    351. Harry Mitchell ( 2007)
    352. Chris Murphy (2007)
    353. Patrick Murphy (2007)
    354. Ed Perlmutter (2007)
    355. Peter Roskam (2007)
    356. John Sarbanes (2007)
    357. Joe Sestak (2007)
    358. Heath Shuler (2007)
    359. Carol Shea-Porter (2007)
    360. Adrian Smith (2007)
    361. Zack Space (2007)
    362. Betty Sutton (2007)
    363. Tim Walz (2007)
    364. Peter Welch (2007)
    365. Charlie Wilson (2007)
    366. John Yarmuth (2007)
    367. Paul Broun (2007)
    368. Laura Richardson (2007)
    369. Niki Tsongas (2007)
    370. Bob Latta (2007)
    371. Rob Wittman (2007)
    372. Bill Foster (2008)
    373. André Carson (2008)
    374. Jackie Speier (2008)
    375. Steve Scalise (2008)
    376. Travis Childers (2008)
    377. Donna Edwards (2008)
    378. Marcia Fudge (2008)
    379. John Adler (2009)
    380. Steve Austria (2009)
    381. John Boccieri (2009)
    382. Bobby Bright (2009)
    383. Joseph Cao (2009)
    384. Bill Cassidy (2009)
    385. Jason Chaffetz (2009)
    386. Mike Coffman (2009)
    387. Gerry Connolly (2009)
    388. Kathy Dahlkemper (2009)
    389. Steve Driehaus (J2009)
    390. John Fleming (2009)
    391. Alan Grayson (2009)
    392. Parker Griffith (2009)
    393. Brett Guthrie (2009)
    394. Debbie Halvorson (2009)
    395. Gregg Harper (2009)
    396. Martin Heinrich (2009)
    397. Jim Himes (2009)
    398. Duncan Hunter (2009)
    399. Lynn Jenkins (2009)
    400. Mary Jo Kilroy (2009)
    401. Ann Kirkpatrick (2009)
    402. Larry Kissell (2009)
    403. Suzanne Kosmas (2009)
    404. Frank Kratovil (2009)
    405. Leonard Lance (2009)
    406. Chris Lee (2009)
    407. Blaine Luetkemeyer (2009)
    408. Ben Luján (2009)
    409. Cynthia Lummis (2009)
    410. Dan Maffei (2009)
    411. Betsy Markey (2009)
    412. Eric Massa (2009)
    413. Tom McClintock (2009)
    414. Michael McMahon (2009)
    415. Walt Minnick (2009)
    416. Glenn Nye (2009)
    417. Pete Olson (2009)
    418. Erik Paulsen (2009)
    419. Tom Perriello (2009)
    420. Gary Peters (2009)
    421. Chellie Pingree (2009)
    422. Jared Polis (2009)
    423. Bill Posey (2009)
    424. Phil Roe (2009)
    425. Tom Rooney (2009)
    426. Mark Schauer (2009)
    427. Aaron Schock (2009)
    428. Kurt Schrader (2009)
    429. Harry Teague (2009)
    430. Glenn Thompson (2009)
    431. Dina Titus (2009)
    432. Paul Tonko (2009)
    433. Kosong (sebelumnya diduduki oleh Kirsten Gillibrand)
    434. Kosong (sebelumnya diduduki oleh Rahm Emanuel)
    435. Kosong (sebelumnya diduduki oleh Hilda Solis)
  29. Anggota delegasi Dewan Perwakilan tanpa hak suara
    1. Eni Faleomavaega (3 Januari 1989)
    2. Eleanor Holmes Norton (3 Januari 1991)
    3. Donna Christian-Christensen (3 Januari 1997)
    4. Madeleine Bordallo (3 Januari, 2003)
    5. Pedro Pierluisi (3 Januari 2009)
    6. Gregorio Sablan (3 Januari 2009)
  30. Gubernur Puerto Rico (Luis Fortuño)
  31. Penasihat Keamanan Nasional untuk Presiden (James Jones)
  32. Penasihat dan Pembantu Presiden
  33. Chargés d'affaires Negara-negara asing
  34. Mantan Menteri Luar Negeri (berdasarkan urutan masa jabatan)
    1. Henry Kissinger (22 September 1973 – 20 Januari 1977)
    2. Alexander Haig (22 Januari 1981 – 5 Juli 1982)
    3. George Shultz (16 Juli 1982 – 20 Januari 1989)
    4. James Baker (20 Januari 1989 – 23 Agustus 1992)
    5. Lawrence Eagleburger (8 Desember 1992 – 20 Januari 1993)
    6. Warren Christopher (20 Januari 1993 – 17 Januari 1997)
    7. Madeleine Albright (23 Januari 1997 – 20 Januari 2001)
    8. Colin Powell (20 Januari 2001 – 26 Januari 2005)
    9. Condoleezza Rice (26 Januari 2005 – 20 Januari 2009)
  35. Para Wakil Sekretaris Departemen Eksekutif
    1. Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri (Jacob Lew, James Steinberg)
    2. Wakil Menteri Keuangan
    3. Wakil Menteri Pertahanan (William Lynn)
    4. Wakil Jaksa Agung David Ogden)
    5. Wakil Menteri Dalam Negeri (Lynn Scarlett)
    6. Wakil Menteri Pertanian (Charles Conner)
    7. Wakil Menteri Perdagangan
    8. Wakil Menteri Tenaga Kerja
    9. Wakil Menteri Kesehatan dan Pelayanan Kemanusiaan (kosong)
    10. Wakil Menteri Perumahan dan Pembangunan Perkotaan (Roy Bernardi)
    11. Wakil Menteri Transportasi (Thomas Barrett)
    12. Wakil Menteri Energi
    13. Wakil Menteri Pendidikan
    14. Wakil Menteri Urusan Veteran
    15. Wakil Menteri Keamanan Dalam Negeri
  36. Pengacara Agung (kosong)
  37. Administratur Badan Pembangunan Internasional
  38. Direktur Badan Pengendalian dan Perlucutan Senjata Amerika Serikat
  39. Para Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri dan Penasihatnya
  40. Para Wakil Sekretaris Departemen Eksekutif
  41. Para Duta besar AS pada umumnya
  42. Sekretaris Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikat:
    1. Sekretaris Angkatan Darat (Pete Geren)
    2. Sekretaris Angkatan Laut (Donald C. Winter)
    3. Sekretaris Angkatan Udara (Michael Donley)
  43. Ketua Umum Kantor Pos (John E. Potter)
  44. Ketua Federal Reserve (Ben Bernanke)
  45. Ketua Dewan Kualitas Lingkungan (Nancy Sutley)
  46. Ketua Bank Export-Import Amerika Serikat (James H. Lambright)
  47. Ketua Dewan Investasi Pensiunan Federal (Andrew Saul)
  48. Kepala Staff Umum (Michael Mullen)
  49. Para Wakil Sekretaris Pertahanan
  50. Wakil Ketua, Kepala Staf Umum (James Cartwright)
  51. Para Kepala Staf dari Keempat Angkatan (imengikuti urutan pengangkatan):
    1. Panglima Korps Marinir (James T. Conway)
    2. Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (George Casey)
    3. Kepala Operasi Angkatan Laut (Gary Roughead)
    4. Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Norton Schwartz)
  52. Panglima Pengawal Pantai (Thad W. Allen)
  53. Para Komandan Komando Bersatu dan Spesifik Berbintang Empat
  54. Para jenderal Angkatan Darat, Para Jenderal Angkatan Udara, dan Admiral Angkatan Laut
  55. Wakil Gubernur Negara Bagian Amerika Serikat (atau yang setara) berdasarakan masuknya Negara Bagian ke Perserikatan
    1. Wakil Gubernur Delaware (Matthew Denn)
    2. Wakil Gubernur Pennsylvania (Joseph Scarnati)
    3. Presiden Senat New Jersey (Richard Codey)
    4. Wakil Gubernur Georgia (Casey Cagle)
    5. Wakil Gubernur Connecticut (Michael Fedele)
    6. Wakil Gubernur Massachusetts (Tim Murray)
    7. Wakil Gubernur Maryland (Anthony Brown)
    8. Wakil Gubernur South Carolina (André Bauer)
    9. Presiden Senat New Hampshire (Sylvia Larsen)
    10. Wakil Gubernur Virginia (Bill Bolling)
    11. Wakil Gubernur New York (Malcolm Smith)
    12. Wakil Gubernur North Carolina (Walter Dalton)
    13. Wakil Gubernur Rhode Island (Elizabeth Roberts)
    14. Wakil Gubernur Vermont (Brian Dubie)
    15. Wakil Gubernur Kentucky (Daniel Mongiardo)
    16. Wakil Gubernur Tennessee (Ron Ramsey)
    17. Wakil Gubernur Ohio (Lee Fisher)
    18. Wakil Gubernur Louisiana (Mitch Landrieu)
    19. Wakil Gubernur Indiana (Becky Skillman)
    20. Wakil Gubernur Mississippi (Phil Bryant)
    21. Jaksa Agung Illinois (Lisa Madigan)
    22. Wakil Gubernur Alabama (Jim Folsom)
    23. Presiden Senat Maine (Beth Edmonds)
    24. Wakil Gubernur Missouri (Peter Kinder)
    25. Wakil Gubernur Arkansas (Bill Halter)
    26. Wakil Gubernur Michigan (John Cherry)
    27. Wakil Gubernur Florida (Jeff Kottkamp)
    28. Wakil Gubernur Texas (David Dewhurst)
    29. Wakil Gubernur Iowa (Patty Judge)
    30. Wakil Gubernur Wisconsin (Barbara Lawton)
    31. Wakil Gubernur California (John Garamendi)
    32. Wakil Gubernur Minnesota (Carol Molnau)
    33. Menteri Luar Negeri Oregon (Kate Brown)
    34. Wakil Gubernur Kansas (Mark Parkinson)
    35. Presiden Senat West Virginia (Earl Tomblin)
    36. Wakil Gubernur Nevada (Brian Krolicki)
    37. Wakil Gubernur Nebraska (Rick Sheehy)
    38. Wakil Gubernur Colorado (Barbara O'Brien)
    39. Wakil Gubernur North Dakota (Jack Dalrymple)
    40. Wakil Gubernur South Dakota (Dennis Daugaard)
    41. Wakil Gubernur Montana (John Bohlinger)
    42. Wakil Gubernur Washington (Brad Owen)
    43. Wakil Gubernur Idaho (Brad Little)
    44. Menteri Luar Negeri Wyoming (Max Maxfield)
    45. Wakil Gubernur Utah (Gary Herbert)
    46. Wakil Gubernur Oklahoma (Jari Askins)
    47. Wakil Gubernur New Mexico (Diane Denish)
    48. Jaksa Agung Arizona (Terry Goddard)
    49. Wakil Gubernur Alaska (Sean Parnell)
    50. Wakil Gubernur Hawaii (James Aiona)
  56. Wakil Gubernur Teritori Amerika (atau yang setara)
    1. Menteri Luar Negeri Puerto Rico (Kenneth McClintock)


  1. ^ Hidayat, Deni Atif (25 Mei 2022). "Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Kementrian Keuangan Republik Indonesia". djkn.kemenkeu.go.id. 

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