Jembatan Kasiyan

Jembatan Kasian
Koordinat8°18′46″S 113°28′20″E / 8.31278°S 113.47222°E / -8.31278; 113.47222
Moda transportasi2 Lajur
MelintasiSungai Besini
LokalJawa Timur (Kabupaten Jember - Kabupaten Lumajang)
Nama resmiJembatan Kasian
PemilikDinas Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga Provinsi Jawa Timur
PengelolaUPT PJJ Jember
Kepala UPT PJJ Jember: Aryo Yudhanto Wijokongko
PPK Penggantian Jembatan: Yudha Rahmadhani Fais
DesainJembatan Gelagar Baja
Panjang total30,60 m (100 ft 4+12 in)
Lebar6,00 meter (20 ft) Lebar Jembatan
1,00 meter (3 ft) Lebar Trotoar (kiri dan Kanan)
Tinggi9,00 meter (30 ft) Dari Muka Air Normal
Kedalaman air1,00 meter (3 ft) Kedalaman Sungai dari Muka Air Normal
Dibangun oleh-
Dibangun(sekitar tahun 1990an)
Mulai dibangun1 April 2024; 7 bulan lalu (2024-April-01)
Selesai dibangun(direncanakan selesai) 31 Desember 2024; 5 hari ke depan (2024-December-31)
Dibangun ulangKontraktor Pelaksana: PT. Cahaya Indah Madya Pratama
Konsultan Supervisi: PT. Bhakti Persada
Penggantian Tahun 2024
<mapframe>: Isi JSON bukan GeoJSON+simplestyle yang sah. Daftar ini menunjukkan semua upaya untuk menafsirkannya menurut Skema JSON. Tidak semuanya merupakan galat.
  • /0/query: The property query is required
  • /0/ids: The property ids is required
  • /0: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /0/title: The property title is required
  • /0/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /0: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /0/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /0/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
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  • /0/features: The property features is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /1/query: The property query is required
  • /1/ids: The property ids is required
  • /1: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /1/title: The property title is required
  • /1/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /1: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /1/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /1/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /1/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /1/features: The property features is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /2/query: The property query is required
  • /2/ids: The property ids is required
  • /2: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /2/title: The property title is required
  • /2/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /2: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /2/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /2/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /2/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /2/features: The property features is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /3/query: The property query is required
  • /3/ids: The property ids is required
  • /3: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /3/title: The property title is required
  • /3/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /3: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /3/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /3/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /3/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /3/features: The property features is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /4/query: The property query is required
  • /4/ids: The property ids is required
  • /4: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /4/title: The property title is required
  • /4/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /4: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /4/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /4/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /4/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /4/features: The property features is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /5/query: The property query is required
  • /5/ids: The property ids is required
  • /5: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /5/title: The property title is required
  • /5/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /5: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /5/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /5/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /5/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /5/features: The property features is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /6/query: The property query is required
  • /6/ids: The property ids is required
  • /6: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /6/title: The property title is required
  • /6/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /6: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /6/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /6/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /6/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /6/features: The property features is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /7/query: The property query is required
  • /7/ids: The property ids is required
  • /7: Failed to match at least one schema
  • /7/title: The property title is required
  • /7/service: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["page"]
  • /7: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /7/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /7/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /7/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /7/features: The property features is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]

Kasiyan adalah Desa di Kecamatan Puger, Jember Kabupaten Jember Jawa Timur Indonesia. Pertanian merupakan pekerjaan sehari-hari namun Desa Kasiyan juga menghasilkan rantang wada ikan sebagai produk UMKM rumahan.


Jembatan Kasian adalah jembatan yang terbentang di atas sungai Besini dan merupakan salah satu jembatan yang menghubungkan Desa Kasiyan Timur dan Desa Kasiyan, Kecamatan Puger serta merupakan akses utama yang melintasi Kabupaten Jember menuju Kabupaten Lumajang.

Data Teknis

Nama Jembatan : Jembatan Kasian
Lokasi KM : KM LMJ 39+598
Koordinat : Lintang Bujur
: -8.312833° 113.472306°
Panjang Jembatan : 30,60 m
Bentang Bersih Jembatan : 28,50 m
Lebar Jembatan : 6,00 m
Lebar Trotoar : 1,00 m
Tinggi Lantai dari Muka Air Normal : 9,00 m
Kedalaman Sungai dari Muka Air Normal : 1,00 m
Jenis Konstruksi : Gelagar Baja
Tahun Pembuatan : sekitar tahun 1990


Seiring dengan perkembangan daerah di Jawa Timur, terutama wilayah Kab. Jember - Kab. Lumajang mengakibatkan aktifitas lalu lintas di Ruas Jalan Kencong - Kasian (Link 203 ) bertambah padat dan mengakibatkan bertambahnya beban lalu lintas pada Jembatan Kasian.

Selain itu usia Jembatan Kasian sudah tidak dapat mengakomodasi volume kendaraan sehingga terjadi penyempitan lalu lintas. Adapun daerah Puger terdapat industri semen dimana kendaraan berat sering melintasi jembatan yang merupakan akses utama di lokasi tersebut.

Berdasarkan kondisi eksisting Jembatan Kasian, maka pada tahun 2024, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga Provinsi Jawa Timur melakukan penggantian Jembatan Kasian yang terletak di Desa Kasiyan Timur, Kecamatan Puger, Kabupaten Jember.

Penggantian Jembatan Kasian didesain dengan bentang 35,8 meter dan lebar 13 meter menggunakan konstruksi PC - I Girder pada struktur bangunan atas dan pondasi tiang pancang pada struktur bangunan bawah (ujar Yudha Rahmadhani Fais selaku PPK Penggantian Jembatan Kasian).

Pekerjaan Penggantian Jembatan Kasian diperkirakan memakan waktu 8 bulan dan ditargetkan selesai pada tanggal 31 Desember 2024. Untuk keamanan dan keselamatan pekerjaan penggantian Jembatan Kasian serta kelancaran lalu lintas disekitar lokasi, maka dilakukan rekayasa lalu lintas dengan skema:

  • Kendaraan dengan beban maksimal dibawah 8 ton akan melewati Jembatan sementara atau jembatan bailey dengan sistem buka-tutup (Bergantian);
  • kendaraan dengan kapasitas lebih dari 20 ton dari Surabaya menuju Puger akan melewati jalan nasional (pertigaan Wonorejo Lumajang menuju pertigaan Rambipuji) kemudian belok ke kanan, arah Balung - Kasian - Puger;
  • Kendaraan Penumpang, Sepeda Motor dan truk (dengan berat 10 ton) akan melewati beberapa alternatif sebagai berikut:
    • Telkom Balung - DAM SEPDO - Jl. Raya Gambiro - Pasar Reboan
    • Indomaret Balung Kulon - Jembatan Karang Duren - Pasar Reboan
    • Jambe Arum (bakso Rudal) - Balai desa Bagan - Jl. Raya Gambirono - Pasar Reboan
    • Dari Puger Jl. Harmain - Pasar Reboan;
    • Balai Desa Grenden - Jembatan Grenden - Pasar Reboan
    • TMP Puger - Jembatan Besini - Pertigaan Gumuk


Nama Jembatan Lokasi Panjang (M') Lebar (M') Konstruksi Tahun
Total Bentang (Bersih) Jalur L.1 Trotoar Bagian Bawah Bagian Atas Pembuatan Rehab/Pegantian
Jembatan Kasian KM LMJ 39+598 30,6 Meter 28,5 Meter 6 Meter 1 Meter LS Girder Baja Diperkiran 1990
KM LMJ 39+598 37,9 Meter 35,5 Meter 9,15 Meter 1 Meter Pondasi Dalam (Tiang Pancang) PC-I Girder 2024

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