Kata sifat Erosentris atau Eropasentris sudah digunakan dalam berbagai konteks sejak 1920-an.[3]
Kata ini (bahasa Prancis: européocentrique) mulai populer dalam kajian dekolonisasi dan internasionalisme pada pertengahan abad ke-20.[4] Istilah ideologi Erosentris dalam politik identitas muncul pada pertengahan 1980-an.[5]
Kata benda abstrakErosentrisme (bahasa Prancis: eurocentrisme/europocentrisme) yang menandakan ideologi diciptakan pada tahun 1970-an oleh ekonom Marxis asal Mesir, Samir Amin, direktur African Institute for Economic Development and Planning di Komisi Ekonomi Afrika Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.[6] Amin menggunakan istilah ini dalam konteks model pembangunan kapitalis global, negara inti-pinggiran, atau ketergantungan (dependen).
English usage of Eurocentrism is recorded by 1979.[7]
Istilah Western-centrism baru muncul pada akhir 1990-an dan hanya ada dalam bahasa Inggris.[8]
^The German adjective europa-zentrisch ("Europe-centric") is attested in the 1920s, unrelated to the Marxist context of Amin's usage.
Karl Haushofer, Geopolitik des pazifischen Ozeans (pp. 11–23, 110-113, passim). The context is Haushofer's comparison of the "Pacific space" in terms of global politics vs. "Europe-centric" politics.
^A Rey (ed.) Dictionnaire Historique de la langue française (2010):
À partir du radical de européen ont été composés (mil. XXe s.) européocentrique adj. (de centrique) « qui fait référence à l'Europe » et européocentrisme n.m. (variante europocentrisme n.m. 1974) « fait de considérer (un problème général, mondial) d'un point de vue européen » ."
Hussein Abdilahi Bulhan, Frantz Fanon and the Psychology of Oppression (1985), 63ff: "Fanon and Eurocentric Psychology", where "Eurocentric psychology" refers to "a psychology derived from a white, middle-class male minority, which is generalized to humanity everywhere".
^Alexandre A. Bennigsen, S. Enders Wimbush
, Muslim National Communism in the Soviet Union: A Revolutionary Strategy for the Colonial World (1979), p. 19.
"pluralistic cultural coexistence as opposed to Western centrism and Asian centrism" (unhyphenated) in: Mabel Lee, Meng Hua, Cultural dialogue & misreading (1997), p. 53.
"our incomplete perception of Chinese behavior, which tends to be 'Western-centric.'" (using scare-quotes) in: Houman A. Sadri, Revolutionary States, Leaders, and Foreign Relations: A Comparative Study of China, Cuba, and Iran (1997), p. 35.
"Euro- or western-centrism" in the context of the "traditional discourse on minority languages" in: Jonathan Owens (ed.), Arabic as a Minority Language (2000), p. 1.
Use of Latinate occido-centrism remains rare (e.g. Alexander Lukin, Political Culture of the Russian 'Democrats' (2000), p. 47).
Baudet, E. H. P. (1959). Paradise on Earth: Some Thoughts on European Images of Non-European Man. Translated by Elizabeth Wentholt. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ASINB0007DKQMW. (1965).
Malhotra, Rajiv (2013). Being Different: An indian challenge to western universalism. Noida: Harpercollins India.
Preiswerk, Roy; Dominique Perrot (1978). Ethnocentrism and History: Africa, Asia, and Indian America in Western Textbooks. New York and London: NOK. ISBN0-88357-071-8.
Rüsen, Jörn (2004). "How to Overcome Ethnocentrism: Approaches to a Culture of Recognition by History in the Twenty-First Century". History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History (43:2004): 118–129.
Jose Rabasa, Inventing America: Spanish Historiography and the Formation of Eurocentrism (Oklahoma Project for Discourse and Theory, Vol 2), University of Oklahoma Press 1994
Ella Shohat and Robert Stam, Unthinking Eurocentrism: multiculturalism and the media, Routledge 1994
Ilia Xypolia, Eurocentrism and Orientalism, The Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies, 2016.