Corvus cornix (Gagak bertudung) adalah spesies burung gagak yang banyak ditemukan di Eropa dan Asia. Tubuh Corvus cornix mempunyai bulu abu-abu pucat di hampir seluruh tubuh. Bulu hitam menutupi bagian kepala, leher, kaki, dan bulu ekor.[1]Corvus cornix sangat aktif bergerak, namun hanya menjelajah di sekitar sarangnya. Corvus cornix lebih sering mencari makanan dengan mengais tanah.[2]
Variasi Corvus cornix dapat dibedakan berdasarkan ukuran tubuh dan warna bulu. Di Eropa Selatan, Corvus cornix berukuran lebih kecil dan bulunya berwarna abu-abu gelap. Corvus cornix berukuran besar dan berwarna abu-abu terang ditemukan di Eropa Utara dan Eropa Barat.[4] Ukuran tubuh Corvus cornix yang sangat kecil dan agak gelap ditemukan di Turki, Kaukasus, dan Iran.[5]
^Giammarino et al. (2014), hlm. 411."Hooded crows are quite sedentary, never venturing far from their nests and can therefore be considered as residing in this contained area. In addition, their propensity to scavenge."
^Parkin et al. (2003), hlm. 275."‘Hooded Crow’ C. c. cornix occurs in the Faeroes, Ireland and the Isle of Man, northern Scotland, Denmark and Fennoscandia, and east to the Yenisey valley. It also occurs in eastern Germany, Hungary, northwest Romania, northern Croatia, northern Italy and Corsica, and northeast to about 49°N in Russia. The race sharpii is found in Sardinia, Sicily and south mainland Italy; from coastal Croatia east to Romania, and Bulgaria south to Greece; through Moldova and Turkey, east through southern Ukraine and northern Kazakhstan to the western Altai; and through the Caucasus and northern Iran. It grades into cornix in Ukraine, European Russia, and Kazakhstan, overlapping and partly hybridising with orientalis in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. The race pallescens occurs from Cyprus and southeast Turkey to northern Iraq and Egypt. The race capellanus occurs in Iraq and southwest Iran."
^Parkin et al. (2003), hlm. 275-276."Within the Hooded Crow group, variation is also slight and clinal, involving the dimensions of wing, bill and tarsus, and tone of grey feathering. Birds are generally smaller in the south, and paler in the south and east. In northern Europe, cornix is typically large, close to nominate corone from western Europe in size, with a light ash-grey body. Those from southern and central Europe are slightly darker"
^Parkin et al. (2003), hlm. 276."Birds from Turkey, Caucasus (‘kaucasicus’) and northern Iran are slightly smaller than sharpii, and the grey is slightly darker."
Daftar pustaka
Giammarino; et al. (Agustus 2014). "The Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) as an Environmental Bioindicator Species of Heavy Metal Contamination". Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 93. doi:10.1007/s00128-014-1362-y. ISSN0007-4861.Parameter |url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)Pemeliharaan CS1: Penggunaan et al. yang eksplisit (link)
Parkin; et al. (Juni 2003). "The taxonomic status of Carrion and Hooded Crows". British Birds. 96: 274–290.Parameter |url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)Pemeliharaan CS1: Penggunaan et al. yang eksplisit (link)