User talk:LoganXue您好,LoganXue!欢迎加入维基百科!
-- Frankou 2012年2月16日 (四) 12:34 (UTC) 翻译链接的工具[1],对翻译恒星列表很有用。--MakecatTalk 2012年3月21日 (三) 23:26 (UTC)
re不太清楚,你也许可以问一下User:Liangent。--MakecatTalk 2012年3月22日 (四) 08:49 (UTC) Re: Toolserver的ipv6jira:TS-1195. Liangent (留言) 2012年3月22日 (四) 11:28 (UTC) 机器人有管理员觉得您可能是在跑机器人,虽然我说可能不是,不过还是提醒您一下,如果您使用机器人(定义见此:WP:BOT),机器人的权限需要审批,否则可能面临封禁。--AddisWang (留言)协作计划 2012年3月22日 (四) 15:23 (UTC)
re:关于南船座的确是错了。诺顿星图的编辑Ian Ridpath认为:“It is sometimes asserted that Pyxis is one of the parts into which Lacaille divided the former Argo Navis, but that is not the case. Lacaille divided Argo into three – Carina, Puppis and Vela. Pyxis is an additional constellation, and Lacaille showed it separately on his map and in his catalogue.”以及“The modern constellation Pyxis, the compass, occupies an area next to the mast, but is not considered a part of the original Argo.”,也就是说罗盘座不是南船座的一部分。马上去改正。另外,留言的最后请加上~~~~用于签名。祝好。-iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年3月23日 (五) 06:52 (UTC) re:遇到一些问题
re:恒星光度列表一直注意到此类问题,建议召集专注于天文学领域的维基人对天文学条目的统一进行一次讨论,或可以开一个专题讨论页制定一些社群认可的标准。-iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年3月24日 (六) 09:48 (UTC) 请修正错误您最近创建的星座恒星列表里有诸多错误,如格式等错乱。请逐个复查,谢谢。-iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年3月25日 (日) 11:47 (UTC) 北冕座恒星列表北冕座恒星列表--AddisWang (留言)协作计划 2012年3月25日 (日) 18:15 (UTC) re跨语言链接留着就行了,不需要太在意;最近它们机器人效率比较低。--AddisWang (留言)协作计划 2012年3月26日 (一) 01:58 (UTC) re:关于双鱼座恒星列表
-iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年3月28日 (三) 13:55 (UTC) 巡查请先查速删及侵权,后挂其他模板。乌拉跨氪 2012年4月17日 (二) 06:22 (UTC) re:批量添加模板WP:AWB--MakecatTalk 2012年4月20日 (五) 10:33 (UTC) RE:恒星名字的对应问题按照赤经的来看的话,HIP 47965的确很可能被命名为44 Lyn;但HIP 47965进入大熊座的赤纬太多。但是天猫座是在1687年新加入的,佛兰斯蒂德在之后把这颗恒星叫做44 Lyn(1712年之后),这在逻辑上也没问题,但是我无法找到其他任何的佐证这个猜测。-iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年4月24日 (二) 09:23 (UTC) re:关于北天中西星名对照表感觉长度还可以接受。我感觉只要把对应的条目统一起来就好,现在东西南北方的恒星都没有把增星列入,如果要把北天的增星加入的话,工作量还挺大的。-iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年4月26日 (四) 10:24 (UTC) re:重名的星官召集一下天文维基人讨论一下吧,这种标准还是要社群来制定,省的做很多无用功。我最近上班比较忙,不知道您有没有时间组织一下?开个讨论组或页面都行,需要讨论的内容我们慢慢商量,最好是编辑过程中遇到的不统一的问题。-iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年5月9日 (三) 03:33 (UTC) RE:创建页面您好,阁下先试试创建鱼 (星官),应该是半角括号前没有括号所以被挡了。-Lakokat 2012年5月9日 (三) 14:40 (UTC)
Re: 关于维基百科的ipv62001:778:0:ffff:64:0:d050:98c9,2001:778:0:ffff:64:0:d050:98b9,2001:778:0:ffff:64:0:d050:9885这三个IP不是维基媒体基金会所有,搜索了一下是属于某NAT64服务提供者(google:2001:778)。2620:0:862:1::80:2是upload.wikimedia.org的IPv6服务(目前WMF的DNS服务器貌似有选择性地为upload.wikimedia.org发送此AAAA记录,至少DNS配置里面有,具体向谁发送就不知道了),里面是一个反向代理,然后前段时间限制了只允许通过它连接upload.wm.o。除此之外,维基百科主站没有提供IPv6连接。Liangent (留言) 2012年5月14日 (一) 09:12 (UTC)
關於"鄧朝貴"Hi LoganXue, 請問怎樣才可保留以上藝術家在當代藝術家之頁面符合維基百科之原則,我己刪除了一些瀕及宣傳性的字眼及篇幅及連接了很多中肯實在的資料,但還是不幸被刪。請指教。regards ken[[[User:Ganjiedeng|Ganjiedeng]](留言) 2012年5月19日 (六) 04:24 (UTC)] Re: 关于User:林品宏我先溝通看看,再停不下來也只好暫時封禁了。-- by User:Alberth2 汪汪 @ 2012年5月21日 (一) 12:24 (UTC) RE:文革中死去的名人得闻阁下对于文革中死去的名人的建议,本人表示赞同(本人使用的代理服务器(IP段:无法编辑被墙掉的页面:EX:文化大革命),本人发现文化大革命受害者列表中的内容和文革中死去的名人也有一些重叠的部分,考虑将内容整合后将文革中死去的名人并入到文化大革命。另:本人对维基百科的许多地方仍然不熟悉,至于这条内容是不是属于 Example (留言) 也不是很明了,望见谅。夏至远行(留言) 2012年5月23日 (三) 03:34 (UTC) Re. 图片当然不行,自由版权需要原作者明确的授权。乌拉跨氪 2012年5月23日 (三) 11:25 (UTC) RE.邀请函在下很乐意,然十分抱歉,在下6月考试和论文很多实在抽不开身,且周末本人不在学校,故无法参加阁下(学长?)组织的双周聚会。另外本人发现维基百科上并无江湾校区的图像,若诸君到时有空或参加人数较多,能否拨冗或分组前往江湾校区考察拍摄?(其实我还很贪心的希望能有人去枫林和张江考察,不过貌似不现实= =) ETES(留言) 2012年5月23日 (三) 15:14 (UTC) RE.关于复旦维基考察在下自以为只是维基百科的一个菜鸟级编辑者,也从未参加过任何线下活动,恐怕难以胜任。抱歉。ETES(留言) 2012年5月23日 (三) 15:28 (UTC) re:南方中西星名对照表找了接近一個小時,大概只能確定在什麼位置,卻無法找到對應的恒星,抱歉。--iamchenzetian♥Talk:iamchenzetian 2012年5月25日 (五) 18:52 (UTC) 授予IP封禁例外權通知您好,现已授予您IP封禁例外权限,登录後即可編輯頁面。如果該權限已無用,請申請解除權限。詳見Wikipedia:IP封禁例外。祝您编辑愉快。--AddisWang (留言) 2012年6月2日 (六) 07:00 (UTC)—AddisWang (留言) 2012年6月2日 (六) 07:00 (UTC) 給您一些果仁蜜餅!
給您一隻寵物貓!这只不错. Uncle_H(留言) 2012年6月2日 (六) 08:39 (UTC)
南高加索语族南高加索语族由于不符合速删标准,模板以被移出,如有异议请联系在下,祝好!--AddisWang (留言) 2012年6月3日 (日) 17:10 (UTC)
关于快删条目蒋希宁条目已经添加内容,并将不断完善,谢谢。因不太熟悉维基用法,还望多指教! RE:请求CU请自行到m:SRCU提出。我可翻译。不过嘛,我觉得有时候有些行为无视就好。--Lakokat 2012年6月15日 (五) 14:53 (UTC)
RE:不当的用户名您好,我觉得那个用户名尚可,如果他持续加入广告,警告后到WP:VIP提报就好。如果以后发现一些不当的用户名,例如公司名称、攻击性用户名等,可在该账户进行第一次编辑后提报WP:UAA或直接找一个管理员处理。--Lakokat 2012年6月16日 (六) 13:32 (UTC) Re: 关于维基百科的ipv6请求要带上host头。已经开放。Liangent(留言) 2012年6月16日 (六) 14:34 (UTC) 关于米兰达级星舰条目的快删该条目我已经受托维基化(参考同类条目,NX级星舰格式),请验收并提出建议,谢谢 Ps:本人创建的条目辽宁省2011年确定的省示范性普通高中名单的确命名有误,建议参考条目辽宁省首批示范性普通高中列表,移动到辽宁省2011年确定的省示范性普通高中列表,如果您同意,我将进行此操作燃玉(留言) 2012年6月22日 (五) 09:10 (UTC) 求助用戶Phatomof 繁花落葉及 Miroir合力刪除有援引來源,隱瞞新聞報導,相關的項目例如回到三國 點解阿Sir係阿Sir 及名媛望族。明明CU證實了IP不同,都要屈人是破壞者傀儡,弄得管理員誤信他們而禁封。他們不但刪除有援引來源,隱瞞新聞報導,更過份到在(回到三國負面評語上之廣管局收到的投訴都要刪除),此不準人編輯的行為,實在令人都看不過眼。使到維基弄成是一個只許貼劇集的正面報導,不許貼劇集的負面報導的局面,請求幫忙! RE:貌似有编辑战不好意思,该电视台的剧集条目我不太想理会。。。如果人身攻击过了,欢迎警告然后VIP-Lakokat 2012年6月23日 (六) 14:10 (UTC) Re. 貌似有编辑战从编辑内容中很容易看出是不是傀儡,User:Specialgood的傀儡专注于与陳法拉相关的内容。User:People92与之前被封禁用户添加的内容一致,即可怀疑其是傀儡。如果是其他人身攻击或是3RR之类的行为则无须考虑傀儡的问题,警告后仍犯封禁即可。乌拉跨氪 2012年6月23日 (六) 14:25 (UTC) 申訴冤枉用戶People92跟Maxdik不是同一人,根本不是傀儡。管理員未有正式證據去證實,只憑類似的編輯,被認定是同一人,而被永久禁固,實在太不公平。請求用CU查証。 請閣下看看編輯內容,用戶Phatomof 繁花落葉及 Miroir合力刪除有援引來源,隱瞞新聞報導,相關的項目,更過份到在(回到三國負面評語上之廣管局收到的投訴都要刪除),此不準人編輯的行為,實在令人都看不過眼,有類似用戶去編輯也合理。請閣下及管理員明察,不要使到維基弄成是一個只許貼劇集的正面報導,不許貼劇集的負面報導的局面,請求幫忙!--people93(留言) 2012年6月24日 (六) 04:03 (UTC)
但是用戶Phatomof、ArikamaI、繁花落葉及 Miroir不接受討論,堅持回退及要求管理員乌拉跨氪禁封,管理員乌拉跨氪未有正式證據去證實,只憑類似的編輯,被認定是同一人,相信本人此賬號很快又被他冤枉禁封,之前已冤枉People92跟Maxdik是同一人,含冤實在太不公平,請求可有什麼方法?請幫助用CU查証。維基是否這樣不講理?不歡迎新用戶?只信舊用戶??---people93(留言) 2012年6月24日 (六) 14:03 (UTC) 關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目张可可已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年6月26日 (二) 01:49 (UTC) 關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目麗莎·雷已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年6月27日 (三) 02:31 (UTC) 小问题麻烦看一下小行星4179#探测和该段的参考来源(论坛),同样的语句在嫦娥二号也有出现。在下虽然找到一则可靠来源,但苦于天文知识匮乏,故烦请您帮忙修改,谢! 某合理来源 --AddisWang (留言) 2012年6月27日 (三) 12:45 (UTC) 關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目张学智已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年6月28日 (四) 02:42 (UTC) re已有重定向[2]--MakecatTalk 2012年7月6日 (五) 00:41 (UTC) 關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目李旺陽已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年7月6日 (五) 02:17 (UTC) 關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目都本基已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年7月19日 (四) 02:14 (UTC) 關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目艾神、杜斌 (记者)、關懷愛滋已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年7月21日 (六) 00:36 (UTC) Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, June 2012Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. A new page, m:Wikimedia Highlights, June 2012 is available for translation. Please translate it here: The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2012-09-15. This is the first large-scale notification from the system you signed up to a little while ago (thank you!). If you are experiencing any trouble with the notification system at all, please post it on [3], or post a bug in Bugzilla if you are familiar with it.
Thank you! Meta translation administrators, 2012年7月26日 (四) 13:13 (UTC)re:动员令天文学属于小动员令中的自然与自然科学分类。比不限主题的分数高不少。--MakecatTalkDC10 2012年8月21日 (二) 14:27 (UTC) re
--MakecatTalkDC10 2012年8月23日 (四) 00:13 (UTC)
翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, July 2012Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page m:Wikimedia Highlights, July 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面的重要度是中。
Note: This time, the "Wikimedia Foundation highlights" section does not include the usual coverage of the most notable work of Foundation staff during that month. Instead, it contains a list of talks given by Foundation staff at Wikimania, summarizing their most important work the year over. It looks like a lot of text, but only the talk titles will need to be translated. The intention is that these titles alone can already give readers a good overview of what the Foundation is working on in general. You are receiving this message because you signed up to the new translation notification system. Questions about this system can be asked at [4], and you can manage your subscription at [5]. Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年9月3日 (一) 00:22 (UTC)Re: 关于用户名的问题已处理。--Jimmy Xu 查 · 论 · 编 2012年9月4日 (二) 08:51 (UTC)
已大致處理完畢,這類用戶可以在Wikipedia:需要管理員注意的用戶名-- by User:Alberth2 汪汪 @ 2012年9月5日 (三) 02:18 (UTC) 邀請您參與條目質量提升活動LoganXue您好: 為了提升中文維基百科的條目數量及品質,條目質量提升計畫已經重新啟動並已大幅改版,成為多元化型態子計畫方式展開,相信您的支持,將有可能會成為維基成長的重要助益,若您對於一些條目品質現況感到不滿,或者對於某些主題條目需要關注提升,竭誠歡迎您參與子計畫之協作條目,或者至計畫發起處 發起子計畫。若您支持該計畫請先至此 簽名,或至討論頁提出一些建議或問題。總之,這是可自由發起條目補強協作的相關平台,歡迎任何人(包含IP用戶)在該計畫提出協作請求或者幫忙協作,這比起在一兩個同好之間對話或條目討論頁互動性更佳。 根據過去經驗,計畫的成敗關鍵在於消息是否散佈開來,請將此消息繼續推介給你您認識的維基人,若要發邀請函,可以使用以下代碼:{{subst:QA/邀請}}張貼在對方的對話頁中,感謝您的義舉。 邀請人:RekishiEJ(留言) 2012年9月6日 (四) 16:21 (UTC) 目前票選中的主題:武俠小說提升計劃 - 人文提升計畫 - 新聞相關 -南極地理條目提升計劃 -颶風主題計劃 -哈利波特條目提升計劃
目前進行中的主題: (更多候选主题)
關於TOTW候選目前該頁面仍有若干重要、篇幅不長但語文版本數目過少(少於十個)的候選只有提名人投票或反對票佔總票數三分之一以上,如en:United for Peace and Justice、en:Sense About Science、en:Christopher Poole、en:2005 Cronulla riots、en:Super Meat Boy、en:Creation of Yugoslavia、en:Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research、en:Habitual offender、en:List of computer criminals、en:The war to end war、en:Essay mill、en:List of airports in Finland、en:Autocorrection、en:Learned pig、en:Sluggishly progressing schizophrenia、en:Crime Does Not Pay (comics)、en:Education in Cuba、en:Hanung Bramantyo、en:List of most visited art museums in the world、en:Microsoft Java Virtual Machine、en:Little Caesar (film)、en:This Film Is Not Yet Rated、en:? (film)、en:Blackwater Baghdad shootings、en:Low-definition television、en:Cyclone Tracy,希望你能參與TOTW候選投票,畢竟先前已經有一些這類的候選落選(如en:Fear of youth、en:Fear of crime、en:British comics、en:United States of Africa、en:Artistic license、en:Customer experience、en:List of deadly fungi、en:Genna crime family、en:Go Ask Alice、en:Four Freedoms (Norman Rockwell)、en:Sino-Albanian split、en:Physics and Star Wars、en:CD-Text、en:LGBT tourism、en:Smart power、en:Second Superpower、en:Nomenclature codes、en:Basketball (ball)、en:Kick-Ass (comics)、en:WoWWiki、en:Asian Century、en:Lucifer Chu、en:Image stitching、en:Google Chrome Frame、en:Cloud gaming、en:Thaification、en:Intel 440BX、en:Socialism (Marxism)、en:Crony capitalism、en:Historiography and nationalism、en:Anarchism and nationalism、en:Michael P. Fay、en:Yamazaki Ansai、en:Yoshinogari site、en:Shinbutsu bunri、en:Independent bookstore、en:alt.religion.scientology、en:Control message、en:Malaysian Malaysia、en:iLoo、en:ESPN Radio、en:Bulbous plant、en:Houston Museum of Natural Science、en:Military of Austria-Hungary、en:Visual music、en:List of murderers by number of victims、en:Lee Kwon Mu、en:Generation Kill、en:Private defense agency、en:Private intelligence agency、en:Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.、en:River Tone、en:Canoe River train crash、en:Site-specific browser、en:Newspaper theft、en:Christianised sites、en:Tableless web design、en:George B. Post、en:File viewer、en:4DOS、en:Coconut doughnut、en:The central science、en:Difference between chemistry and physics、en:1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + · · · 、en:Artificial scarcity、en:Kurt Chew-Een Lee、en:McMartin preschool trial、en:Day-care sex-abuse hysteria、en:Press Association、en:Eric Eldred、en:Collier's Weekly、en:Linguistic Society of America、en:Diary of a Camper、en:Armed Forces & Society、en:Mary Ellen Wilson等),而TOTW就是每週各語文版本維基百科翻譯二個條目(2010年第8周以前是一個條目)以擴充各語文維基百科收錄範圍的計劃,這類條目的落選對不少語文版本維基百科是大憾事,我不希望類似案例重演。--RekishiEJ(留言) 2012年9月6日 (四) 16:21 (UTC)
翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, August 2012Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page m:Wikimedia Highlights, August 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。
As every month, translations are wanted for the new edition of the "Wikimedia Highlights", consisting of the most relevant information from the Foundation's general and technical monthly reports for August, with a short selection of other important news from the Wikimedia movement.
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated on the most important WMF activities, MediaWiki development work and other international news from the past month. You are receiving this message because you signed up to the translation notification system. Questions about this system can be asked at [6], and you can manage your subscription at [7].Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年9月18日 (二) 16:02 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy AppealHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page m:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-10-31。
Last years translation/El año pasado, traducción/العام الماضي ترجمة/Прошлогодний перевод This letter is a new translation request, but re-uses large parts of the 2011 Jimmy Appeal, with slight modifications in the second version. If the 2011 Jimmy Letter has been translated into your language, you can probably re-use much of it for this translation. :-)Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年9月27日 (四) 18:44 (UTC)關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目济州国际自由城市开发中心已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年10月4日 (四) 02:02 (UTC) 關注度過期閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目高级辅助驾驶系统已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2012年10月12日 (五) 02:16 (UTC) 翻译通知:FDC portal/Proposals/CentralNotice2012Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page FDC portal/Proposals/CentralNotice2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-10-15。 This banner will invite logged-in editors on all projects to participate in the current public review phase about funding requests by 12 organizations, regarding more than 10 million US dollars of donation money.
(Questions about the translation notification system can be asked at [8], and you can manage your subscription at [9].)
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年10月14日 (日) 08:07 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/AdrianneW AppealHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/AdrianneW Appeal is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-10-31。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年10月23日 (二) 17:10 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, September 2012Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, September 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated on the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from September.
You are receiving this message because you signed up to the translation notification system. Questions about this system can be asked at [10], and you can manage your subscription at [11].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年11月1日 (四) 11:34 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Landing Page and Banner messagesHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Landing Page and Banner messages is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-11-21。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年11月14日 (三) 16:55 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-12。
If you have any questions, post: help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年11月27日 (二) 18:11 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-12。
If you have any questions, post: help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月4日 (二) 00:12 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-12。
If you have any questions, post: help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月4日 (二) 01:18 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Impact Of Wikipedia Video (subtitles) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-12。
If you have any questions, post: help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月4日 (二) 17:53 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Poongothai video (captions)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Poongothai video (captions) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-12。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月5日 (三) 00:00 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Poongothai video (captions)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Poongothai video (captions) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-12。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月5日 (三) 06:37 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Poongothai video (captions)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Poongothai video (captions) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-12。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月6日 (四) 00:14 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, November 2012Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, November 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [12]. You can manage your subscription at [13].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月12日 (三) 16:46 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/WEB documentary clip (captions)Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/WEB documentary clip (captions) is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2012-12-26。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2012年12月20日 (四) 13:58 (UTC)Fudan Univeristy页面存废讨论通知您好,您先前创建或编辑的页面「Fudan Univeristy」已被提出存廢討論,正在討論條目的存廢。 翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, December 2012Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, December 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [14]. You can manage your subscription at [15].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年1月29日 (二) 08:05 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa postHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa post is available for translation. You can translate it here:
This is the text for a blog post that will be published (together with the translation) at .
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [16]. You can manage your subscription at [17].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年2月13日 (三) 00:03 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa postHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Wikipeidia Education Program: Walaa post is available for translation. You can translate it here:
This is the text for a blog post that will be published (together with the translation) at .
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [18]. You can manage your subscription at [19].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年2月13日 (三) 13:39 (UTC)翻译通知:Template:OurProjectsHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Template:OurProjects is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有低重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2013-03-31。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年2月20日 (三) 00:36 (UTC)翻译通知:FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-1Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-1 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。
This banner will invite logged-in editors on all projects to participate in the current public review phase about funding requests by 4 Wikimedia organizations. Around 2.6 million US dollars of donation money are available in this FDC round.
(Questions about the translation notification system can be asked at [20], and you can manage your subscription at [21].)
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年3月5日 (二) 06:39 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letterHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2013-03-30。 The thank you letter has been had minor formatting changes and some changes to the text however the work is only minor and shouldn't :) Thank you again
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年3月14日 (四) 02:27 (UTC)翻译通知:FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-2Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-2 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。
These banners are for a "last call" inviting logged-in editors on all projects to participate in the current public review phase (until March 31) about funding requests by 4 Wikimedia organizations, for around 1.3 million US dollars of donation money.
(Questions about the translation notification system can be asked at [22], and you can manage your subscription at [23].)
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年3月27日 (三) 13:44 (UTC)翻译通知:Free knowledge based on Creative Commons licensesHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Free knowledge based on Creative Commons licenses is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。
Hello, please translate this very important brochure to explain the free content nature of Wikimedia projects. You can take your time to translate it, but your translation can have a long-term impact.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年4月10日 (三) 12:21 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2013-04-26。 Please translate to help inform non-English-language users about the important upcoming Wikimedia Foundation elections, including those for the Board of Trustees and the Funds Dissemination Committee . If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [24]. You can manage your subscription at [25].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年4月18日 (四) 20:33 (UTC)翻译通知:Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcementHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2013-05-13。 Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年5月1日 (三) 08:22 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, April 2013Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。
Please help non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [26]. You can manage your subscription at [27].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年5月25日 (六) 23:47 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePollHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2013-06-06。 We could greatly use your help doing some quick translations for the SecurePoll (voting) interface that will be used for this years Board and FDC elections. The translation consists of a short, 2 sentence, intro for the vote and 3 short 'titles' saying which vote or question they will be on. The page also lists the candidates for each election which do not need to be translated but can be transliterated if that makes sense for your language/script. Thank you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask on the Elections talk page.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年6月3日 (一) 00:27 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [28]. You can manage your subscription at [29].
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年6月13日 (四) 18:36 (UTC)翻译通知:Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communitiesHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:
This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年7月16日 (二) 01:54 (UTC)翻译通知:Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communitiesHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:
This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年7月16日 (二) 01:55 (UTC)翻译通知:Admin activity review/2013/Notice to inactive right holdersHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to inactive right holders is available for translation. You can translate it here:
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年8月4日 (日) 03:43 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年8月31日 (六) 00:31 (UTC)翻译通知:Grants:Index/Eligibility requirementsHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:
Dear translators,
I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate. Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary. Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts! Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMFYour help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年12月2日 (一) 21:58 (UTC)翻译通知:Grants:Index/Eligibility requirementsHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:
Dear translators,
I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate. Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary. Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts! Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMFYour help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年12月2日 (一) 22:01 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013Hello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有中重要度。
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2013年12月12日 (四) 02:35 (UTC)翻译通知:Privacy policyHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Privacy policy is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。
The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new privacy policy is ending on January 15. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be
close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends. The main text of the privacy policy is contained in the following pages, please click "Translate" on each of them: Privacy policy / Summary / What the policy doesn't cover / Definitions Please also consider translating the FAQ and other supplementary material, which can be found (along with the main text) here: [30]Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2014年1月8日 (三) 08:43 (UTC)翻译通知:Data retention guidelinesHello LoganXue,
You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to 中文(中国大陆) on Meta. The page Data retention guidelines is available for translation. You can translate it here: 这个页面有高重要度。
The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new data retention guidelines is ending on February 14. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends.
Please click "Translate" on both of these pages: Introduction explaining the discussion phase / Main text of the guidelinesYour help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community. Thank you! Meta translation coordinators, 2014年2月10日 (一) 05:18 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
This is the second in a series of blogs posts by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, explaining the work of the Board Governance Committee. It is planned to be published at on Friday, February 28.
Translations are also still welcome for the first post in the series, titled "Introduction to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees", where Vice Chair Phoebe Ayers explains the Board, its mandate, and its work within the community. It will hopefully remain a useful reference for a long time to come. It can be translated at [31]. 非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年2月26日 (三) 19:35 (UTC)翻译通知:Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round2/Staff summary/Progress report form/Q2嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round2/Staff summary/Progress report form/Q2已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
This report is written by FDC Staff and is intended for the FDC, FDC grantees, and the larger movement. It includes a summary table of financial information from this past quarter, and summaries of each entity’s progress report in this past quarter.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年3月12日 (三) 10:35 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
This is the text of a just published blog post summarizing the actions taken to protect users of Wikimedia sites against the recently discovered "Heartbleed" security vulnerability. (The post explains that users will need to re-login the next time they use their accounts and suggests to change passwords as a standard precautionary measure, but it is currently not intended to enforce a password change for all users.) Completed translations will be added to the blog post.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年4月10日 (四) 19:14 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, March 2014嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, March 2014已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from the month of March. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps.
Help is also still welcoming in translating the previous issue of the Wikimedia Highlights which was published last week, at [32]. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [33]. You can manage your subscription at [34]. 非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年5月1日 (四) 05:06 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年5月26日 (一) 08:51 (UTC)翻译通知:Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20140606嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20140606已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2014-06-20。 Please help us translate our Thank You email that is sent to our donors on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's new executive director Lila Tretikov. We would highly appreciate your help on this in order to make sure the letter is available for our donors to read in their native language.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年6月6日 (五) 13:53 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from May. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年7月1日 (二) 07:39 (UTC)翻译通知:Mailing lists/List info嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Mailing lists/List info已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
We are re-designing our mailing list information pages and we would very much appreciate if you could please translate a few short phrases so that non-English speakers are able to easily sign up to our Mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年8月19日 (二) 00:09 (UTC)翻译通知:Single User Login finalisation announcement/RenameUser announcement嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Single User Login finalisation announcement/RenameUser announcement已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2014-09-08。 Translators,
I (Keegan) am sending a message on behalf of Stewards and WMF engineering to inform communities about local renaming being turned off in the middle of September as usernames start moving global. Please translate this message so I can deliver it in a proper, localized form.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年9月3日 (三) 03:59 (UTC)翻译通知:File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
There is a new initiative to clean up file information pages across Wikimedia wikis. In order to reach out to the communities in their native language, we would like to ask for your help to translate a few pages. In addition to the one linked above, there are two short pages:
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年10月20日 (一) 13:28 (UTC)翻译通知:Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。
Global AbuseFilters were recently enabled on many Wikimedia projects. As we'd like to notify the affected wikis about it, we've created a page for announcing this: Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement. We'd like to make the announcement accessible to as many users as possible and therefore would like to ask for your help in translating the announcement.
In order to reach out to the communities in their native language, we would like to ask for your help in translating the following mass message which will be sent to the affected wikis as well: The message will be sent in about three days time from now (on 13 November) so if you are planning on translating the message, please make sure that Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement (condensed) is translated before the deadline.非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年11月10日 (一) 17:12 (UTC)翻译通知:Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014/ED Response嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014/ED Response已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有低重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年11月20日 (四) 12:05 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, October 2014嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, October 2014已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from October. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年12月2日 (二) 07:55 (UTC)翻译通知:Admin activity review/2014/Notice to communities嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Admin activity review/2014/Notice to communities已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2014年12月21日 (日) 23:10 (UTC)翻译通知:Stewards/Elections 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Stewards/Elections 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。
I apologize for the delay, but the 2015 Steward election banners are now available for translation. They consist of two banners with a few short phrases:
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年1月11日 (日) 04:35 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from December, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年1月31日 (六) 23:58 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, January 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, January 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from January, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年2月28日 (六) 21:32 (UTC)翻译通知:User:Keegan (WMF)/Quicktranslate嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面User:Keegan (WMF)/Quicktranslate已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2015-03-19。 Hello,
A very important sentence to the message that is being sent to users that may be renamed due to single-user login finalization has been added. Please take a moment to translate this one sentence, it's very important.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以点此更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年3月19日 (四) 02:21 (UTC)翻译通知:User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2015-03-31。 During the messaging to 2.8 million accounts begin affected by SUL finalization, about 10,000 accounts across the wikis, mainly Commons, were incorrectly notified about their account needing to be renamed. This message is for those accounts, and it needs to be delivered as soon as possible.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以点此更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年3月27日 (五) 22:15 (UTC)翻译通知:Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2015-04-12。 This is a short message for accounts that will be renamed next week as part of single-user login finalisation.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以点此更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年4月7日 (二) 22:35 (UTC)翻译通知:Single User Login finalisation announcement嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Single User Login finalisation announcement已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2015-04-16。 Please check new and updated paragraphs, in particular make sure that the correct daye for the finalisation (15th April 2015 and following days) is mentioned, as in English source.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以点此更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年4月15日 (三) 19:23 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, March 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, March 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from March, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年5月4日 (一) 03:03 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from April 2015, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年5月13日 (三) 21:57 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, May 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, May 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from May, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年6月11日 (四) 19:11 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, October 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, October 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from October, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年11月13日 (五) 00:32 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikipedia 15/Knowledge is joy嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikipedia 15/Knowledge is joy已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
For Wikipedia 15, we'd like these three words translated into as many languages as possible!! Thank you all!!
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年11月20日 (五) 00:35 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, November 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, November 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from November, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年12月11日 (五) 20:22 (UTC)翻译通知:2015 Community Wishlist Survey嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面2015 Community Wishlist Survey已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2015年12月21日 (一) 13:04 (UTC)翻译通知:Template:StrategyButton2016/editintro/Communities嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Template:StrategyButton2016/editintro/Communities已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2016-01-18。 - This is the part of a series of community consultation pages. The WMF Community Advocacy team has put together a list at We're hoping to launch the consultation on January 18th. Realizing getting all translations in place before the launch of the consultation may not be possible (and that people will likely help with translations after the launch), I'd be really grateful for any assistance especially that you can give in translating the templates at that Meta page link, like this one. It'll probably be harder for casual translators to help out with those!
- Text should be stable at this point. I've just made what I hope will be the last modification to those pages! - Thank you for all you do, and I hope you will not only assist in translation (if you are able) but also take part in the consultation. Your input will be very welcome. - Questions or concerns? Please let me know at Thanks! Maggie
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年1月12日 (二) 02:06 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from December, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年1月25日 (一) 22:51 (UTC)翻译通知:Admin activity review/Notice to communities嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Admin activity review/Notice to communities已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。
* The 2015 admin activity review process is starting. We need your cooperation to translate missing message, but also to proofread and correct already existing messages. Understanding of messages that we're going to be sent in the next weeks are very important. Thank you very much for your help.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年2月8日 (一) 15:58 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, January 2016嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, January 2016已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from January, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年2月22日 (一) 19:46 (UTC)翻译通知:User:CKoerner (WMF)/Work/Completion Suggester inital rollout嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面User:CKoerner (WMF)/Work/Completion Suggester inital rollout已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有低重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2016-03-07。 If you have time this weekend, please help translate this page to inform communities about improvement to search.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年3月4日 (五) 19:55 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikipedia嗨!LoganXue,
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年3月12日 (六) 02:14 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, February 2016嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, February 2016已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from February, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年3月18日 (五) 19:20 (UTC)翻译通知:Tech/Server switch 2016嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Tech/Server switch 2016已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2016-04-07。 Please help translate this message about planned maintenance for the servers. Editors and other contributors will not be able to save their changes or upload images for about 30 minutes on both Tuesday, 19 April and Thursday, 21 April. This will affect ALL the WMF wikis, not just Wikipedia. I will send this message to hundreds of wikis before this event, and I hope that your languages will be included.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年3月23日 (三) 18:34 (UTC)翻译通知:Interface editors嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Interface editors已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年3月29日 (二) 12:46 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from March, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年4月13日 (三) 19:21 (UTC)翻译通知:Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from April, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年5月17日 (二) 20:45 (UTC)翻译通知:Template:Usurpation requested嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Template:Usurpation requested已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年9月5日 (一) 22:27 (UTC)翻译通知:Template:Usurpation requested嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Template:Usurpation requested已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2016年9月5日 (一) 22:29 (UTC)翻译通知:Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Toolkit/Discussion Coordinator Role嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Toolkit/Discussion Coordinator Role已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2017年3月9日 (四) 23:33 (UTC)翻译通知:Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Process/Briefing嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Process/Briefing已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2017年3月10日 (五) 22:19 (UTC)翻译通知:Meta:Babylon/Translators newsletter嗨!LoganXue,
您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Meta:Babylon/Translators newsletter已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
This page explains a new service: to keep translators posted about messages that need a particular effort, we have created a new newsletter. that newsletter is distributed on wiki as a notification and does not requires an email to subscribe.
This message is both to kindly suggest you to translate the page explaining that new process, and also to invote you to subscribe to that newsletter. :)
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2017年11月21日 (二) 18:15 (UTC)给您的果仁蜜饼!
翻译通知:VisualEditor/Newsletter/2020/July嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面VisualEditor/Newsletter/2020/July已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2020年7月6日 (一) 20:26 (UTC) 翻译通知:Tech/News/2020/32嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Tech/News/2020/32已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2020年7月31日 (五) 05:26 (UTC) 翻译通知:Tech/Server switch 2020嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Tech/Server switch 2020已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2020年8月15日 (六) 13:02 (UTC) 翻译通知:Wikimedia CH嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia CH已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2020年12月17日 (四) 07:43 (UTC) 翻译通知:Project wiki representatives嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Project wiki representatives已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
The five year old strategy process has resulted in recommendations. After Global Conversations the number one priority is to establish an Interim Global Council, who will draft a Movement Charter, which will lead to the formation of a Global Council.
Please help in translating the concise page "Project wiki representatives" which asks contributor to select for each project wiki a representative, who will help in implementing the first strategic priority.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年2月6日 (六) 12:09 (UTC) 翻译通知:VisualEditor/Newsletter/2021/June嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面VisualEditor/Newsletter/2021/June已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2021-06-20。 This short newsletter is good news about posting comments on wiki. You can try out the "Discussion tools" in the Beta Features here at Meta-Wiki, too: Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures. Thank you!
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年6月16日 (三) 00:16 (UTC) 翻译通知:Template:InternetArchiveBot header嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Template:InternetArchiveBot header已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
The InternetArchiveBot team has come up with a new header for its documentation and user pages designed to make important links as easy to find as possible. We use this header on the bot's global user page, and we have it set up to show the labels in your interface language, meaning that the labels will appear in Russian on Russian Wikipedia (unless you override the interface language).
In order for this feature to work, we need translations of those labels. There are only six labels:
If you know how to say those things in another language, you can help! And your work will make it easier for non-English speakers to use InternetArchiveBot. 非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年6月29日 (二) 16:20 (UTC) 翻译通知:InternetArchiveBot/Problem嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面InternetArchiveBot/Problem已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Thank you to everyone who translated "Template:InternetArchiveBot header". The template is now available in 64 languages (including variants)! Now when people visit the bot's user page on those language wikis, they will be greeted with navigation options in their language. (We have since added one more link to the header – "Translate" – translations are appreciated!)
This page I am requesting translations for is the "report problem" page for InternetArchiveBot, directing the user to different places depending on the kind of problem they are having. There are a total of 17 terms to translate, consisting of short phrases and sentences. This page is directly linked from the header on InternetArchiveBot's global user page, so your work will likely be seen.
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年7月12日 (一) 23:14 (UTC) 翻译通知:Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Voting嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Voting已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年8月2日 (一) 10:21 (UTC) 翻译通知:Hack4OpenGLAM嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Hack4OpenGLAM已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Welcome to translate the messages of the Hack4OpenGLAM hackathon, taking place at the Creative Commons Summit 20–24 September! Your work is appreciated!
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年8月10日 (二) 10:25 (UTC) 翻译通知:Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021 Election Results/Short嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021 Election Results/Short已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有高重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2021-09-07。 This short text (125 words) is meant to announce the results of the board elections on September, 7 to as much communities and volunteers as possible on such short notice in their native tongue. Please help us to make that happen!
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年9月6日 (一) 19:03 (UTC) 翻译通知:Lingua Libre嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Lingua Libre已提供翻译。您可在此翻译: 这个页面有中重要度。 翻译这个页面的截止日期是2021-11-30。 非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年9月18日 (六) 10:33 (UTC) 翻译通知:Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Election translation嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Election translation已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
2 sentences, 21 words!
Movement Charter Drafting Committee Elections are coming. Translating the voting tool SecurePoll in as many native tongues is crucial for this. But: there are two sentences we need to be translated for this. Please support the effort to make this a global experience. Thank you for helping out!
非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年10月6日 (三) 14:03 (UTC) 翻译通知:Grants:MSIG/Announcements/2021/Global message嗨!LoganXue, 您收到此通知,是因为您作为一名中文(中国大陆)的翻译者在Meta注册了。页面Grants:MSIG/Announcements/2021/Global message已提供翻译。您可在此翻译:
Hi everbody! The Movement Strategy and Governance team is announcing a Movement Strategy Implementation Grants program to the communities.
We want to reach out to as many communities as possible, calling out volunteers globally. Please support us and help translating the announcement in all the languages you speak, it is only 50 words. We will send it out as a mass message later. Beyond this: if you would like to, please check out the program and spread the word. We would appreciate your help in sharing this news in social media channels of your community. We are grateful for all your support, you are awesome!非常感谢您的帮助。像您一样的翻译者正在不断努力帮助Meta成为一个真正多语言的社群。 您可以更改您的通知设置。 感谢您! Meta翻译协调员, 2021年10月21日 (四) 14:24 (UTC) 邀請您參與管理人員任免及仲裁委員會制度討論
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