^Tang, Irwin. APA Community Should Tell Shaquille O'Neal to 'Come down to Chinatown.'. AsianWeek(英语:AsianWeek). 2003-01-03 [2010-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-09). Also in June, Shaq announced that he would test Yao's toughness by taking an elbow to Yao's face. This comment, combined with Shaq's racist taunts are particularly disturbing, as Asian Pacific Americans often suffer racial taunts while being assaulted or physically intimidated.
^Chung, L.A. 'Ching-chong' joke spreads ignorance. 聖荷西信使報. 2006-12-16 [2010-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-09). Those words once accompanied violence and lynchings. "Ching-Chong Chinaman" rhymes dating to the 19th century weren't just schoolyard taunts. To be ignorant of that, as O'Donnell was, doesn't eliminate the history. Americans also mock Chinese Americans such as calling them by their Chinese name, Such as "Hon Man" or any other name