世界产业工人联合会的“大比尔”·海伍德(英语:William D. Haywood)等人谋求使赤色职工国际独立于共产国际。“大比尔”·海伍德被依据美国1917年间谍法判处长刑,弃保潜逃,长期居住在莫斯科。[6]法国与西班牙的代表提出了工团主义的世界产业工人联合会的观点。[6]最终,工团主义立场在这届大会上是少数派,大会批准了汤·曼与Rosmer提出的议案:在赤色职工国际与共产国际之间保持最密切的可能联系,组织之间的联合任务,在各国的赤色工联与共产党之间保持真实且亲密的革命团结。[7]
1927年5月20日在汉口召开“泛太平洋劳动大会”(也称作“第二次太平洋劳动会议”)。除赤色职工国际总书记洛佐夫斯基亲自出席主持,各国代表有日本六人,朝鲜一人,法国一人,苏联五人,中国十五人,美国二人,英国一人,爪哇一人。共开会七日,五月二十六日闭幕。决定设立太平洋职工书记处(英语:Pan Pacific Trade Union Secretariat)作为赤色职工国际亚洲太平洋地区协调中心。[25]
Constitution of the Red International of Labour Unions: Adopted at the First World Congress Held in Moscow, July 1921. London: British Bureau, Red International of Labour Unions, 1921.
J.T. Murphy, The 'Reds' in Congress: Preliminary Report of the First World Congress of the Red International of Trade and Industrial Unions. London: British Bureau, Red International of Labour Unions, 1921.
Tom Mann, Russia in 1921. British Bureau, Red International of Labour Unions, 1921.
Resolutions and Decisions, RILU, 1923: Resolution on the Report of the Executive Bureau. n.c.: Red International of Labor Unions. Executive Bureau, n.d. [1923?].
^, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 398.
^, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 399.
^First Report on the Activities of the International Federation of Trade Unions (July 1919-December 1921). Amsterdam: n.d.; pg. 73. Cited in E.H. Carr, Socialism in One Country, 1924-1926: Volume 3, Part 1. London: Macmillan, 1964; pg. 526.
^ 6.06.1Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pp. 399-400.
^ 29.029.1William Z. Foster, History of the Three Internationals: The World Socialist and Communist Movements from 1848 to the Present. New York: International Publishers, 1955; pg. 326.
G.M. Adibekov, Krasnyi internatsional profsoiuzov: Ocherki istorii Profinterna. (The Red International of Trade Unions: Studies in the History of the Profintern.) Moscow: Profizdat, 1971. —Translated into German as Die Rote Gewerkschaftsinternationale, Berlin, 1973.
Birchall, Ian. "Profintern: Die Rote Gewerkschaftsinternationale 1920–1937," Historical Materialism, 2009, Vol. 17 Issue 4, pp 164–176, review (in English) of a German language study by Reiner Tosstorff* Josephine Fowler, "From East to West and West to East: Ties of Solidarity in the Pan-Pacific Revolutionary Trade Union Movement, 1923–1934." International Labor and Working-Class History, no. 66 (2004), pp. 99–117.
B.A. Karpachev, Krasnyi Internatsional profsoiuzov: Istoriia vozniknoveniia i pervye gody deiatel'nosti Profinterna, 1920-1924 gg. (The Red International of Trade Unions: History of the Origins and First Activities of the Profintern, 1920–1924). Saratov: Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta, 1976.
Krasnyi internatsional profsouzov v bor'be za osushchestvlenie leninskoi taktiki edinogo fronta 1921-1923. (The Red International of Trade Unions and the Struggle for Implementation of the Leninist Tactic of the United Front, 1921–1923). Saratov: Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta, 1976.
Kevin McDermott, The Czech Red Unions, 1918-1929: A Study in Their Relation with the Communist Party and the Moscow Internationals. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs/Columbia University Press, 1988.
Albert Resis, The RILU: Origins to 1923. PhD dissertation. Columbia University, 1964.
Arthur Rosenberg, "Communism and the Communist Trade Unions" (1932) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Mike Jones, trans., What Next. —First published as "Kommunismus und kommunistische Gewerkschaften" in Internationales Handworterbuch des Gewerkschaftswesen, Berlin, 1932, pp. 979–984.
Geoffrey Swain, "Was the RILU Really Necessary?," European History Quarterly, No. 1 (1987), pp. 57–77.