《製造共識︰大眾傳播的政治經濟學》(英語:Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media)為愛德華·塞繆爾·赫爾曼與諾姆·喬姆斯基共著的一本書。該書於1988年出版,書中並指出在美國,大眾傳播媒體為有效且強大的意識形態機構,其宣傳模式的特點在於透過市場機制、內化的假設和自我審查,但盡可能避免使用脅迫來完成政治宣傳的目的。[1]書名「製造共識」(Manufacturing Consent)則引用自沃爾特·李普曼1922年的著作《公眾輿論》(Public Opinion)所使用的「共識的製造」(the manufacture of consent)一詞,這裡的「共識」(consent)是指被治者的同意(consent of the governed)這一概念。[2]
2007年5月15日至17日間,在一場於溫莎大學舉辦的名為「二十年的宣傳?:有關赫爾曼與喬姆斯基宣傳模式理論持續的適用性的批判性討論與證明」(英語:20 Years of Propaganda?: Critical Discussions & Evidence on the Ongoing Relevance of the Herman & Chomsky Propaganda Model)的研討會上,赫爾曼與喬姆斯基發表了宣傳模式理論的後續發展,研討會適逢此書首次出版的29週年紀念。[15]
^p. xi, Manufacturing Consent. Also, p. 13, Noam Chomsky, Letters from Lexington: Reflections on Propaganda, Paradigm Publishers 2004.
^Chomsky, Noam. 1996. Class Warfare. Pluto Press. p. 29: "Ed Herman and I dedicated our book, Manufacturing Consent, to him. He had just died. It was not intended as just a symbolic gesture. He got both of us started in a lot of this work."
^To learn more about Noam Chomsky, there is a website that collects all of his all articles, debates, and personal information: https://chomsky.info/ (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^Herman, Edward, and Noam Chomsky. 1979. The Political Economy of Human Rights, Volume I: The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism. Cambridge: South End Press.
^Herman, Edward S.; Chomsky, Noam. 製造共識: 大眾傳播的政治經濟學 = Zhi zao gong shi: Da zhong chuan bo de zheng zhi jing ji xue. Beijing: Peking University. 2011. ISBN 978-7-301-19328-0. OCLC 774669032.
Mullen, Andrew. The Propaganda Model after 20 Years: Interview with Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. 2009, 6 (2): 12–22. doi:10.16997/wpcc.121.