最古老與最高貴的薊花勳章(英語:The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle)是授予蘇格蘭騎士的一種勳章,它現在的版本是英國國王詹姆斯二世在1687年時所制定的。薊花勳章的配戴者極為稀少,在一般情況下,除英國君主以外,在世的受勳者只有16人。但英國君主有權再額外授予其他人薊花勳章,如英國王室成員與外國君主等。與其它勳章不同的是,只有英國君主才有資格授予薊花勳章,而毋需經過英國首相的建議或提名。
薊花勳章由詹姆斯二世在1687年設立,他宣稱這是古代就已有的勳章,但他的說法並沒有可靠的證據支持,因為他的說辭是根據傳言而來。傳說,蘇格蘭國王阿查斯(英语:Achaius, King of Scots)與盎格魯-撒克遜國王艾塞斯坦開戰時不幸處於下風,此時他看見聖安德烈十字在天空出現,因而相信是聖安德烈顯靈[2]:4。這使蘇格蘭軍士氣大盛,並因此扭轉情勢獲得勝利。阿查斯為此製作薊花勳章以奉獻給聖安德烈[3]。然而這個傳說最大的破綻在於阿查斯根本沒和艾塞斯坦發生戰爭,他們甚至不在同一個時代[2]:4。而另一個傳說則表示阿查斯在809年設立薊花勳章以紀念蘇格蘭和查理曼帝國的同盟。其它版本還有蘇格蘭國王羅伯特·布魯斯在班諾克本之戰設立或恢復了薊花勳章等[4]:890。
薊花勳章的所有受勳者會共組成一個騎士團,這個騎士團有五位軍官:主教長、監督、領行官、首席紋章官與秘書長。主教長通常由蘇格蘭教會的神職人員擔任。這個位置在1763年成為皇室禮拜堂(英语:Dean of the Chapel Royal)院長的職務之一,但在1969年時兩者被分別任命[19]。而監督一職則依據1687年的法令負責保管印璽,但直到1913年以前都沒有人出任此一職務[20],在1913年以後監督一職都固定由團裡的騎士擔任。領行官屬於綠杖領行官之一,但和嘉德勳章的黑杖領行官不同的是,薊花勳章的領行官並毋需在英國上議院任職[21]。首席紋章官由紋章院的院長擔任[22],同時也常兼任秘書官一職。
每年6至7月,英國君主會居住在聖十字宮長達一週的時間,並在那裡舉行授予薊花勳章的儀式[5]。每個薊花勳章受勳者在教堂都有一個專屬坐席,位置上飾有受勳者的盾徽,並放有他們的頭盔、綴以頂飾與披風。如果受勳者有貴族爵位,在頭盔下還會放有表示其身份的冠冕[33]:32-33。然而根據法律,女性(除了女王以外)一般不會被授予頭盔與頂飾,因此會以小冠冕來代替(如果她有貴族身份的話)[34]。唯一的例外是馬里昂·費沙夫人(Lady Marion Fraser),她的位置上飾有與男性受勳者相同的頭盔與頂飾[32]:208。和其它英國勳章不同的是,受勳者的薊花勳章不會放在這個位置上,而是放在毗鄰的聖吉爾斯大教堂裡[35]:42。聖吉爾斯大教堂裡每個受勳者的位置上都有一塊記錄歷任受勳者的瓷牌,除了姓名以外,還標明他們的盾徽與受勳日期等[32]:7-8、54。
^This version of the foundation, although without the date, is given in the warrant 'reviving' the Order in 1687. (1687 warrant, quoted in Statutes, 1978, p1)
^Mackey, A.G.; Haywood, H.L. Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Kessinger Publishing. 1946. ISBN 0-7661-4719-3(英语).引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Members of the Order had to be Knights Bachelor before appointment (1703 Statutes, article 14, quoted in Statutes (1978), p17); only men could be created as such.
^Additional statute, 12 June 1937, quoted in Statutes (1978), p60
^Many such statutes are quoted in Statutes (1978), all of which follow a fixed formula.
^Additional statute 17 January 1842, quoted in Statutes (1978), p33. The first Royal Knight (other than a monarch) was a younger son of George III, HRH The Prince William Henry (later William IV), however he was admitted as one of the twelve ordinary knights (Nicolas, p51).
^Additional statute of 18 October 1962, quoted in Statutes (1978), p63
^Statute of 8 October 1913, quoted in Statutes (1978), p49
^1703 Statutes, article 13, quoted in Statutes (1978), p17, refer to the office only as the Usher, and does not specify the colour of his baton of office, however by the time of a statute of 17 July 1717 he is referred to as Green Rod.
^1703 Statutes, article 11, quoted in Statutes (1978), p17 does not assign any duties to Lord Lyon, but merely prescribes his vestments and insignia.
^ Statutes, article 2, quoted in Statutes (1978), pp15–16
^Statute of 17 February 1714/15, quoted in Statutes (1978), p20
^1703 Statutes, article 5, quoted in Statutes (1978), pp15–16
^1703 Statutes, article 3, quoted in Statutes (1978), p15. In the 1687 statutes the riband was purple-blue; the colour was changed by Queen Anne when she refounded the Order.
^1703 Statutes, article 3, quoted in Statutes (1978), p15 refers to this item of insignia as the medal.
^1703 Statutes, article 7, quoted in Statutes (1978), pp16
^Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage. 倫敦: Debrett's Peerage Ltd. 1995 (英语).
^1703 Statutes, article 13, quoted in Statutes (1978), pp15–16, says only that he carries his "baton of office"
^, C.J.; Hodgson, L. Stall Plates of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle in the Chapel of the Order within St Giles' Cathedral, The High Kirk of Edinburgh. 愛丁堡: Heraldry Society of Scotland. 2001. ISBN 0-952525-83-6(英语).引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Paul, J.B. The knights of the Order of the Thistle: a historical sketch by the Lord Lyon King of Arms, and a descriptive sketch of their chapel by J. Warrack. 愛丁堡. 1911 (英语).
^ 35.035.1Innes of Learney, T. Scots heraldry; a practical handbook on the historical principles and modern application of the art and science 2nd. 愛丁堡: Oliver and Boyd. 1956 (英语).
Order of the Thistle. Statutes of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle: revived by His Majesty King James II of England and VII of Scotland and again revived by Her Majesty Queen Anne. 愛丁堡. 1978 (英语).