英文:If anybody comes, give him a gift.(若有人來了,給他一份禮物)。此處針對不確定對象的anybody,用陽性的him作為代名詞。
法文:Vos amis sont arrivés — ils étaient en avance. (你的朋友們都到了,他們早到了。)此處用陽性複數的代名詞ils,而不是陰性複數的代名詞elles,除非已確定所有朋友都是女性才會用elles(不過名詞也要改為陰性複數的amies,過去分詞也要改為arrivées)。
英語的第三人稱單數會區分性別。陽性的代名詞是he,衍生的詞語有him、his及himself,陰性的代名詞是she,衍生的詞語有her、hers及herself,中性的代名詞是it,衍生的詞語有its和itself。第三人稱複數代名詞是they,衍生的詞語有them、their、themselves等,這個代名詞不分性別,也曾用來指單數的第三人稱(例如Where a recipient of an allowance under section 4 absents themself from Canada, payment of the allowance shall ...[11])
一般來說,he指男人,she指女人,一般不太會用it來指稱人,不過若是嬰兒,又沒有其他提示性別的詞語(例如兒子、女兒),而其性別不是討論重點時,有時會用it指稱嬰兒。It多半會用來指動物,不過若說話者希望指出動物的性別,或是表達對動物的同情時(例如寵物、家中飼養動物等),會使用he或she。若動物已有名字,就會用he或she的代名詞,(例如 Fido adores his blanket)[12]。
^Garner, Bryan A. Garner's Modern English Usage. Oxford University Press. 2016: 460. ISBN 978-0-19-049148-2.
^Garner, Bryan A. Garner's Modern English Usage. Oxford University Press. 2016: 195. ISBN 978-0-19-049148-2. ... resort to it cautiously because some people may doubt your literacy
^Siewierska, Anna; Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal Pronouns; in Haspelmath, Martin; Dryer, Matthew S.; Gil, David; Comrie, Bernard (eds.) The World Atlas of Language Structures, pp. 182–185. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN0-19-925591-1
^Corbett, Greville G. Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender Systems. Dryer, Matthew S.; Haspelmath, Martin (编). The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library. 2011 [2013-04-27]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-01).
^Garner, Bryan A. Garner's Modern English Usage. Oxford University Press. 2016: 821. ISBN 978-0-19-049148-2.
^ 13.013.1Ettner, Charles. In Chinese, men and women are equal - or - women and men are equal?. Hellinger, Maris; Bussmann, Hadumod (编). Gender Across Languages: The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men 1. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2001: 36.
^Mair, Victoria. A Gender-Neutral Pronoun (Re)emerges in China. late. 2013-12-26 [2020-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-30). [...]others— all pronounced tā—are now being replaced by the actual letters “ta”!