Maria Anna Ludmilla Euphrosina von und zu Arco auf Valley
理查德·里昂-達爾伯格-阿克頓,第二代阿克頓男爵、Elizabeth Mary Catherine Dalberg-Acton、Mary Elizabeth Anne Dalberg-Acton、Annie Mary Catherine Georgiana Dalberg-Acton、John Dalberg Dalberg-Acton、Jeanne Marie Dalberg-Acton、Robert Dobson
約翰·愛默里克·愛德華·達爾伯格-阿克頓,第一代阿克頓男爵,KCVO(英語:John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton,1834年1月10日—1902年6月19日),英國歷史學家、自由主義者,英文常簡稱「Lord Acton」(阿克頓勳爵)。
你的准则是不以评价他人的方式评价教皇和国王,并以善意假设他们不会做错,我对此无法接受。如果存在任何假设,那将与权力的持有人相对立,他的权力愈发增加,其对立就愈发增加。必须以历史责任弥补法律责任的缺失,權力使人腐化,絕對的權力絕對導致腐化。伟人几乎从来都是坏人,就算他们施加的是影响而不是权威。而当你以权威再加上腐败的趋势或必然,就更是如此。没有比以下说法更为离经叛道,即职位会使拥有它的人变得圣洁。就是在这一点上,对天主教的否定和对自由主义的否定相通并一直持续,而且目的是可以通过学习来懂得如何使得其手段变得正当。 (I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favorable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. That is the point at which the negation of Catholicism and the negation of Liberalism meet and keep high festival, and the end learns to justify the means.)
——阿克頓1887年《致書信予曼德爾·克雷頓》(Letter to Archbishop Mandell Creighton,討論「自由與權力」)[1][2]
上句出自阿克頓1887年《致書信予曼德爾·克雷頓》(Letter to Archbishop Mandell Creighton,討論「自由與權力」),亦为阿克頓最广为人知的格言。晚年在劍橋大學講授法國大革命史,有集稿《法國大革命講稿》。美國普林斯頓大學歷史學教授亨利·查爾斯·李(英语:Henry Charles Lea)(Henry C. Lea)指稱阿克頓的史學太過道德化,其著述被人譏為「阿克頓通諭」。