燕鵙科(學名:Artamidae)是鸟纲雀形目中的一个科,分布於南亞、澳洲以及印太地區海域的島嶼(如斐濟)[1]。 本科包括有24個現生種,分屬三個亞科、六個屬: Artamids used to be 單型, containing only the woodswallows, but it was expanded to include the family Cracticidae in 1994. Some authors, however, still treat the two as separate families.[2] Some species in this family are known for their beautiful song. Their feeding habits vary from nectar sucking (woodswallows) to predation on small birds (pied currawong). 喙粗而短,體型似燕,因而得名。而其多於森林活動,故又有「森燕」[1](Woodswallow[3])一稱。 種類