1950年5月,賀伯特發表了《戴尼提:現代心靈健康科學(英语:Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health)》一書。這本書在該年6月就進入《紐約時報》銷售排行榜,並且盤據榜上直到該年年底。但有人指出,書籍零售商曾經收到來自出版社,但已貼有其他書店價格標籤的《戴尼提》,因此懷疑銷售數字為虛構交易產生,不過這並未經過公允證實。《戴尼提》吸引了廣大群眾使用書中的指示,把書中的方法互相應用到彼此身上,並且自己就成為戴尼提的實踐者。在這個不斷成長的戴尼提運動中,賀伯特發現自己成了其領導者。賀伯特變成一位家喻戶曉的演說者,並且在紐澤西州伊莉莎白市,成立了「賀伯特戴尼提研究基金會」。他在基金會訓練了第一批戴尼提的諮商員,或稱「聽析員」。
Encyclopedia of Religious Freedom, Catharine Cookson, Taylor & Francis, 2003, ISBN 0415941814.(page 430/431)
Philosophers and Religious Leaders: An Encyclopedia of People Who Changed the World, Christian D. Von Dehsen & Scott L. Harris, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999, ISBN 1573561525. (page 90).
James R. Lewis, "Clearing the Planet: Utopian Idealism and the Church of Scientology" in: Syzygy, Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture, Vol.6:1-2, 1997, page 287; ISSN 1059-6860
^The New Religious Movements in America by Eugene V. Gallagher, Greenwood Publishing Group, Jan 2004
^reference: "Clearing the Planet: The Adoption of the Teachings of L. Ron Hubbard by Louis Farrakhan, and its Significance for the Eschatology of the Nation of Islam” by Jacob Michael King, Claremont Graduate University, 2014
^Clearing the Planet: The Adoption of the Teachings of L. Ron Hubbard by Louis Farrakhan, and its Significance for the Eschatology of the Nation of Islam” by Jacob Michael King, Claremont Graduate University, 2014.
^Tests & Poison, TIME Magazine, 1950-09-18 [2008-02-10], (原始内容存档于2013-06-24)
See e.g. Gardner, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science; Bauer, Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method and Science Or Pseudoscience: Magnetic Healing, Psychic Phenomena, and Other Heterodoxies; Corsini et al., The Dictionary of Psychology.
Ari Ben-Menahem (2009). "Demise of the Dogmatic Universe". Historical Encyclopedia of Natural and Mathematical Sciences. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 4301-4302. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68832-7. ISBN 978-3-540-68831-0.