語言中現有的字彙,但對其下了全新的山達基的定義。例如,「價」(valence)這個字在化學、語言學、心理學和數學中具有多種現有意義,通常指某物的能力或價值。賀伯特將其重新定義為「具有『印痕庫』『質量』或某人的『心靈影像圖片』『質量』的身份,而不是由自己選擇的身份」(an identity complete with 'bank' 'mass' or 'mental image picture' 'mass' of somebody other than the identity selected by oneself)。
英國哲學家和邏輯學家伯特蘭·羅素斷言:“……只要我們對詞語的使用保持一致,我們如何定義它們就無關緊要了”。然而,哲學家 L.蘇珊·斯特賓(L. Susan Stebbing)曾稱:「…但是,使用在某種意義上大衆已經熟悉的詞來表達與其原始含義不同並易於與其混淆的含義,很容易導致不幸的後果。這會使人很難不回到原義,從而使自己和他人(的理解)陷入明顯的悖論之中,甚至是明顯的欺詐[5]。」
^James R. Lewis Scientology, p. 109, Oxford University Press US, 2009 ISBN978-0-19-533149-3
^Scientology's devious tricks to hold its members hostage for life. 60 Minutes Australia. August 6, 2023. Claire was able to decipher for the jury the Church's own records [...] the reports were laden with the language of Scientology that had to be decoded in such a way that anybody could understand what took place, and that was the role that [Claire] played.|at=被忽略 (帮助)
^L. Susan Stebbing A Modern Introduction to Logic, p. 224, Harper & Row, 1961, 1st ed. 1930
賀伯特, L·羅恩. Modern Management Technology Defined: Hubbard dictionary of administration and management. 山達基教會. 1976. ISBN 0884040402. OL 8192738M.《定義現代管理技術:賀伯特行政管理字典》