現在的尋水術可能在十五世紀間開始於德國,當時被用於探測金屬。早在1518年馬丁路德便將這種尋找金屬的技術列為「違反第一戒」(也就是神秘主義)[4]。在1550年版德國製圖家塞巴斯丁‧明斯特(Sebastian Munster)的《世界誌》(Cosmographia)中,有刻版畫描繪採礦作業中拿著叉桿行走的人。叉桿被標記為「Virgula Divina – Glück rüt」(拉丁文的「神聖棒」),不過刻版畫本身沒有文字標示。1556年,德國礦冶學家阿格裡科拉(Georgius Agricola)在描述如何處理礦石開採和冶煉的《論礦冶》(De re Metallica)中,詳細地描述了如何使用探測術探測金屬礦物。[5]
Samuel Sheppard1651年的著作《Epigrams theological, philosophical, and romantick》中有一篇諷刺短詩這麼寫:
Virgula divina.(神聖逗號)
Some Sorcerers do boast they have a Rod,(有些術士誇耀他們的桿)
Gather'd with Vowes and Sacrifice,(集合了誓约與犧牲)
And (borne about) will strangely nod(將承擔奇異點頭)
To hidden Treasure where it lies;(到藏寶所在)
Mankind is (sure) that Rod divine,(人們認定桿神聖)
For to the Wealthiest (ever) they incline.(因為他們絕不屈身於最富)
慕尼黑研究發表五年之後,一位生理教授暨強力懷疑論者,Jim T. Enright,強調正確的數據分析程序。提出異議表示這項研究的結果僅僅是符合統計波動,並且是不顯著的。他相信此實驗提供了「對尋水者所聲稱的能力,可想像的最有說服力的反證」[17],指出其數據分析是「特殊、超常規,以及量身訂做」。如果用「較平常的分析」取代它,[18]他發現最好的尋水者平均比中線猜測在十公尺中接近了四公分,好了0.0004%。這項研究的作者則回應表示:「根據什麼理由可以Enright可以得到完全不同的結論?很明顯,他的數據分析過於粗糙,甚至不合法的。」[19]在慕尼黑的研究結果也證實了德國心理學家Ertel博士的論文[20]。他先前曾干預關於「火星效應(英语:Mars effect)」的統計爭議。但Enright仍未信服。[21]
^Decem praecepta Wittenbergensi populo praedicta, Martin Luther
^William Barrett and Theodore Besterman. The Divining Rod: An Experimental and Psychological Investigation. (1926) Kessinger Publishing, 2004: p.7
^FIX ME (could not access entire article) Claudia Sandlin. Divining Ways; Dowsers Use Ancient Art in Many Kinds of Searches. Washington Post. 1989-11-30 [2011-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-22). [Louis Matacia] worked as a Marine Corps analyst at Quantico during The Vietnam War teaching Marines how to dowse...
^Ongley, P. New Zealand Diviners. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. 1948, 30: 38–54. via Hines, Terence. Pseudoscience and the Paranormal Second. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. 2003: 420. ISBN 9781573929790.
^Wagner, H., H.-D. Betz, and H. L. König, 1990. Schlußbericht 01 KB8602, Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. As quoted by Enright in Skeptical Enquirer
^Enright, Jim T. The Failure of the Munich Experiments. Skeptical Inquirer. Paul Kurtz. January–February 1999 [2006-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-17). The researchers themselves concluded that the outcome unquestionably demonstrated successful dowsing abilities, but a thoughtful re-examination of the data indicates that such an interpretation can only be regarded as the result of wishful thinking.