弗朗西斯·米勒·費斯米爾(英語:Francis Miller Fesmire,1959年11月16日—2014年1月31日)是一名美國急診科醫生,也是全國公認的心肌梗塞專家[1]。他撰寫了多篇學術論文,並協助美國急診醫師學會[1][2][3][4][5]和美國心臟協會/美國心臟病學會[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]制定治療疑似心肌梗塞患者的臨床標準指南。他對胸痛患者進行了大量研究調查,報告在急診室進行連續12導聯心電圖監測[14][15][16]、兩小時三角心臟標記測試[15][17][18]和核心臟壓力測試的有用性[19]。他的研究成果是2002年發表在《急診醫學年鑑》上的《厄蘭格胸痛評估協議》(The Erlanger Chest Pain Evaluation Protocol)[20]。2011年,他出版了長篇小說《納許維爾天際線》(Nashville Skyline)[21],該書獲得ForeWord Reviews五星好評[22]。他近期的研究涉及急診胸痛患者的風險分層[23][24]。
1996年,費斯米爾獲得急診醫學基金會的青年研究員獎,以表彰他在制定胸痛患者快速評估方案方面所做的工作[26]。2006年,他因1988年的一份病例報告獲得搞笑諾貝爾獎的醫學獎,該報告詳細介紹使用數位直腸按摩治療頑固性單側呃逆(打嗝)的方法[27][28]。2008 年,費斯米爾被美國急診醫師學會評為急診醫學英雄[1][26]。
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Tennessee Heroes of Emergency Medicine. American College of Emergency Physicians. [September 26, 2010]. (原始内容存档于January 15, 2010).
- ^ American College of Emergency Physicians. Clinical policy for the initial approach to adults presenting with a chief complaint of chest pain, with no history of trauma. Annals of Emergency Medicine. February 1995, 25 (2): 274–299. PMID 7832368. doi:10.1016/S0196-0644(95)70342-X.
- ^ American College of Emergency Physicians. Clinical policy: Critical issues in the evaluation and management of patients with acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina. Annals of Emergency Medicine. May 2000, 35 (5): 521–525. PMID 10783419. doi:10.1067/mem.2000.106387.
- ^ Fesmire FM, Brady WJ, Hahn S, Decker WW, Diercks DB, Ghaemmaghami CA, Nazarian D, Jagoda AS. Clinical Policy: Indications for Reperfusion Therapy in Emergency Department Patients with Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction. Annals of Emergency Medicine. October 2006, 48 (4): 358–383. PMID 16997672. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2006.07.006 .
- ^ Fesmire FM, Decker WW, Diercks DB, Ghaemmaghami CA, Nazarian D, Brady WJ, Hahn S, Jagoda AS. Clinical Policy: Critical issues in the evaluation and management of adult patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Annals of Emergency Medicine. October 2006, 48 (4): 358–383. PMID 16934648. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2006.07.005.
- ^ Krumholz HM, Anderson JL, Brooks NH, Fesmire FM, Lambrew CT, Landrum MB, Weaver WD, Whyte J, Bonow RO, Bennett SJ, Burke G, Eagle KA, Linderbaum J, Masoudi FA, Normand SL, Piña IL, Radford MJ, Rumsfeld JS, Ritchie JL, Spertus JA. ACC/AHA clinical performance measures for adults with ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Performance Measures (Writing Committee to Develop Performance Measures on ST-Elevation and Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction). Circulation. January 2006, 113 (5): 732–761. PMID 16391153. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.172860 .
- ^ Anderson JL, Adams CD, Antman EM, Bridges CR, Califf RM, Casey DE, Chavey WE, Fesmire FM, Hochman JS, Levin TN, Lincoff AM, Peterson ED, Theroux P, Wenger NK, Wright RS, Smith SC, Jacobs AK, Halperin JL, Hunt SA, Krumholz HM, Kushner FG, Lytle BW, Nishimura R, Ornato JP, Page RL, Riegel B. ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina/non ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina/Non ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction). Circulation. August 2007, 116 (7): e148–e304. PMID 17679616. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.181940 .
- ^ Krumholz HM, Anderson JL, Bachelder BL, Fesmire FM, Fihn SD, Foody JM, Ho PM, Kosiborod MN, Masoudi FA, Nallamothu BK. ACC/AHA 2008 performance measures for adults with ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Performance Measures (Writing Committee to develop performance measures for ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction). Circulation. December 2008, 118 (24): 2596–2648. PMID 19001027. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.191099 .
- ^ Wright RS, Anderson JL, Adams CD, Bridges CR, Casey DE Jr, Ettinger SM, Fesmire FM, Ganiats TG, Jneid H, Lincoff AM, Peterson ED, Phillippides GJ, Theroux P, Wenger NK, Zidar JP. 2011 ACCF/AHA focused update of the guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina/non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (updating the 2007 guideline). A report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines developed in collaboration with the American College of Emergency Physicians, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons. J Am Coll Cardiol. May 2011, 57 (19): 1920–1959. PMID 21450428. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.02.009 .
- ^ Jneid H; Anderson JL; Wright RS; Adams CD; Bridges CR; Casey DE Jr; Ettinger SM; Fesmire FM; Ganiats TG; Lincoff AM; Peterson ED; Philippides GL; Theroux P; Wenger NK; Zidar JP. 2012 ACCF/AHA focused update of the guideline for the management of patients with unstable angina/non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction (updating the 2007 guideline and replacing the 2011 focused update): a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. August 2012, 60 (7): 645–681. PMID 22809746. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2012.06.004.
- ^ Newby LK, Jesse RL, Babb J, Christenson RH, De Fer TM, Diamond GA, Fesmire FM, Gersh BJ, Geraci S, Larsen G, Kaul S, McKay C, Philippides G, Weintraub WS. ACCF 2012 Clinical Expert Consensus Document on Practical Clinical Consideration in the Interpretation of Troponin Elevations. A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert Consensus Documents. J Am Coll Cardiol. December 2012, 60 (23): 2427–2463. PMID 23154053. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2012.08.969 .
- ^ O'Gara PT, Kushner FG, Ascheim DD, Casey DE, Chung MK, de Lemos JA, Ettinger SM, Fang JC, Fesmire FM, Franklin BA, Granger CB, Krumholz HM, Linderbaum JA, Morrow DA, Newby LK, Ornato JP, Ou N, Radford MJ, Tamis-Holland JE, Tommaso CL, Tracy CM, Woo YJ, Zhao DX, Anderson JL, Jacobs AK, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Brindis RG, Creager MA, DeMets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Kushner FG, Ohman EM, Stevenson WG, Yancy CW. 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. January 2013, 127 (4): 3362–3425. PMID 23247304. doi:10.1161/CIR.0b013e3182742cf6 .
- ^ Cannon CP, Brindis RG, Chaitman BR, Cohen DJ, Cross JT Jr, Drozda JP Jr, Fesmire FM, Fintel DJ, Fonarow GC, Fox KA, Gray DT, Harrington RA, Hicks KA, Hollander JE, Krumholz H, Labarthe DR, Long JB, Mascette AM, Meyer C, Peterson ED, Radford MJ, Roe MT, Richmann JB, Selker HP, Shahian DM, Shaw RE, Sprenger S, Swor R, Underberg JA, Van de Werf F, Weiner BH, Weintraub WS. 2013 ACCF/AHA Key Data Elements and Definitions for Measuring the Clinical Management and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes and Coronary Artery Disease: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Data Standards (Writing Committee to Develop Acute Coronary Syndromes and Coronary Artery Disease Clinical Data Standards). Circulation. March 2013, 127 (9): 1052–1089. PMC 5681220 . PMID 23357718. doi:10.1161/CIR.0B013E3182831A11.
- ^ Fesmire FM, Percy RF, Bardonner JB, Wharton DR, Calhoun FB. Usefulness of Automated Serial ECG Monitoring During the ED Evaluation of Chest Pain Patients. Annals of Emergency Medicine. January 1998, 31 (1): 3–11. PMID 9437335. doi:10.1016/S0196-0644(98)70274-4.
- ^ 15.0 15.1 Fesmire FM. A rapid rule out protocol for identification and exclusion of acute myocardial infarction: Continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring in conjunction with the 2-hour ΔCK-MB. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. October 2000, 18 (6): 698–702. PMID 11043626. doi:10.1053/ajem.2000.16302.
- ^ Fesmire FM. Which chest pain patients potentially benefit from continuous 12-lead ST-segment monitoring with automated serial ECG. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. November 2000, 18 (7): 773–778. PMID 11103727. doi:10.1053/ajem.2000.18036.
- ^ Fesmire FM, Percy RF, Bardonner JB, Wharton DR, Calhoun FB. Serial CK-MB Testing During the Emergency Department Evaluation of Chest Pain: Utility of a 2 hour Delta CK-MB of +1.6 ng/ml. American Heart Journal. August 1998, 136 (2): 237–244. PMID 9704684. doi:10.1053/hj.1998.v136.89571.
- ^ Fesmire FM, Fesmire CE. Improved identification of acute coronary syndromes with second generation cardiac troponin I assay: Utility of 2-hour delta cTnI > + 0.02 ng/ml. Journal of Emergency Medicine. February 2000, 22 (2): 147–152. PMID 11858918. doi:10.1016/S0736-4679(01)00456-5.
- ^ Fesmire FM, Hughes AD, Stout PK, Wojcik JF, Wharton DR. Selective dual nuclear scanning in low risk patients with chest pain to reliably identify and exclude acute coronary syndromes. Annals of Emergency Medicine. September 2001, 38 (3): 207–215. PMID 11524638. doi:10.1067/mem.2001.116594.
- ^ Fesmire FM, Hughes AD, Fody EP, Jackson AP, Fesmire CE, Gilbert MA, Stout PK, Wojcik JF, Wharton DR, Creel JH. The Erlanger chest pain evaluation protocol: a one-year experience with serial 12-lead ECG monitoring, two-hour delta serum marker measurements, and selective nuclear stress testing to identify and exclude acute coronary syndromes. Annals of Emergency Medicine. December 2002, 40 (6): 207–215. PMID 12447334. doi:10.1067/mem.2002.129506.
- ^ Fesmire, Francis. Nashville Skyline 1st. Lulu.com. 2011. ISBN 978-0-5576-9779-3.
- ^ ForeWord Review Nashville Skyline. ForeWord Review. [August 16, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-01).
- ^ Fesmire FM, Martin EJ, Cao Y, Heath GW. Improving risk stratification in chest pain patients: The Erlanger HEARTS3 score. Am J Emerg Med J Am. November 2012, 30 (9): 1829–1837. PMID 22626816. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2012.03.017.
- ^ Probability of ACS. Yu Cao. [July 4, 2014]. (原始内容存档于July 7, 2014).
- ^ 25.0 25.1 Faculty-Emergency Medicine CV (PDF). University of Tennessee Chattanooga College of Medicine. [September 28, 2010]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-09-21).
- ^ 26.0 26.1 Francis Fesmire, MD named hero of emergency medicine. Chattanoogan.com. [September 26, 2010]. (原始内容存档于May 22, 2011).
- ^ Fesmire FM. Termination of intractable hiccups with digital rectal massage. Annals of Emergency Medicine. August 1988, 17 (8): 872. PMID 3395000. doi:10.1016/S0196-0644(88)80594-8.
- ^ Winners of the Ig Nobel Prize. Improbable Research. August 2006 [September 26, 2010]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-31).
- ^ Ig Nobel prizes hail digital rectal massage. NewScientist. [February 15, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-18).
- ^ 30.0 30.1 Faculty-Emergency Medicine. University of Tennessee Chattanooga College of Medicine. [September 26, 2010]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-25).
- ^ Emergency Medicine Residency Program Committee. utcomchatt.org. [August 16, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-13).
- ^ Clinical Policies Committee. ACEP.org. [August 16, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).