巴弗滅最早于1195年出现在欧西坦/普罗旺斯游吟诗人Gavaudan[1]的诗篇《Senhors, per los nostres peccatz》中。 1250年在一首哀悼第七次十字军东征失败的诗中,游吟诗人Austorc d'Aorlhac再一次提到了「Bafomet」。 另外,在被译成欧西坦语的拉蒙·尤依早期作品《Libre de la doctrina pueril》(现仅存世四篇[2])中,有一篇穆罕默德生平简介的题目就是「De Bafomet」。
圣殿骑士面临多达100余种罪名的指控。与腓力四世的政敌们遭到的指控一样,它们大都是莫须有的。 我们所熟知的圣殿骑士所谓「崇拜偶像、鸡奸、向十字架吐口水或撒尿」的行为,早先就被用来指控当时被腓力四世绑架的教皇波尼法爵八世。而对于圣殿骑士崇拜异教偶像巴弗滅的指控是前所未有的。[4][5]《圣殿骑士百科全书》作者Karen Ralls指出,无论是《圣殿骑士法规》中还是中世纪圣殿骑士的文件中都从未提及过巴弗滅这一名字。[6]
撒旦教會的創始人安東·拉維於1966年成立了這個頗有影響力的神秘學團體。這個組織以「巴弗滅印記(英语:Sigil of Baphomet)」作為它的官方標誌:一個置於逆五角星內的巴弗滅山羊頭顱。根據安東・拉維的說法,聖殿騎士團崇拜的巴弗滅就是撒旦的符號。巴弗滅在撒旦教儀式中是很顯著的存在,它會作為符號被放置在撒旦儀式的祭壇上[7]。根據拉維在《撒旦聖經》中的敘述,他解釋了巴弗滅這個符號:
^The relevant lines are translated in Michael Routledge (1999), "The Later Troubadours", in The Troubadours: An Introduction, Simon Gaunt and Sarah Kay, edd. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 112: ab Luy venseretz totz lo cas / Cuy Bafometz a escarnitz / e·ls renegatz outrasalhitz (with his [i.e. Jesus'] help you will defeat all the dogs whom Mahomet has led astray and the impudent renegades).
^The other chapters are De la ley nova, De caritat, and De iustitia. The three folios of the Occitan fragment were reunited on 21 April 1887 and the work was then "discovered". Today it can be found in BnF fr. 6182. Clovis Brunel dated it to the thirteenth century, and it was probably made in the Quercy. The work was originally Latin, but medieval Catalan translation exists, as does a complete Occitan one. THe Occitan fragment has been translated by Diego Zorzi (1954), "Un frammento provenzale della Doctrina Pueril di Raimondo Lull", Aevum, 28(4), 345–49.
^Karen Ralls, Knights Templar Encyclopedia: The Essential Guide to the People, Places, Events, and Symbols of the Order of the Temple (New Page Books, 2007).