委內瑞拉陸軍,正式名稱為委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾共和國國家軍(西班牙語:Ejército Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela), 是委內瑞拉武裝部隊的六個軍種之一。[2] 該軍隊要參與陸上地面軍事行動,並應對可能危及國家主權的外部或內部威脅。[2] 陸軍直接聽令於人民政權國防部。陸軍分為六個作戰兵種和四個指揮部:作戰、後勤、教育和陸軍航空兵。 委內瑞拉陸軍指揮官、官兵、技術員和軍醫均畢業於委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾軍事大學軍事院校,並且會被授予少尉軍銜,院校如下:
1821年6月24日,委內瑞拉軍隊在卡拉沃博戰役中戰勝西班牙帝國。不久委內瑞拉獨立。 歷史獨立
已隱藏部分未翻譯内容,歡迎參與翻譯。 With the beginning of the Venezuelan War of Independence on 19 April 1810 and the subsequent war in the country, a 军校 was created in 1810 by decree of the Supreme Board of 卡拉卡斯 for the training of officers for the 共和主义 cause. The 保皇派 reaction was fast and by 1812 the First Republic of Venezuela was dissolved. A war to the death begun (guerra a muerte), with neither side giving quarter. On 11 April 1817, 1,800 Republicans under General Píer won a major victory against the Royalists at San Félix (southeast of Caracas), where the revolutionaries defeated 1,500 Royalists under General Nicolás María Cerruti. The Royalists suffered 593 dead and 497 captured, of whom 160 peninsulares (西班牙人 born in the 伊比利亚半岛). All of the Spaniards were 斬首. The Republicans lost 31 dead and 65 wounded. The war continued until 1824 with successes and failures on each side. On 7 August 1819, the army of 新格瑞那達共和國, under the command of the Liberator 西蒙·玻利瓦尔, defeats the Royalist troops under the command of General José María Barreiro in the Battle of Boyacá, being the first republic of the so-called Bolivarianas (Bolivarians) to obtain their independence of the 西班牙帝國; a day that also celebrates the National Army of Colombia. The liberating army, whose central nucleus are the infantry battalions of Rifle troops, 跳躍者, Vencedores, the British Legions, plus the contingents of the 槍騎兵 Bravos de Apure of General 何塞·安东尼奥·派斯·埃雷拉, and whose contingents are made up mainly of Colombian-Venezuelan troops under the supreme leadership of Bolívar, are now waging the Venezuelan campaign as part of 大哥倫比亞共和國. On 24 June 1821, the Republicans obtained a decisive victory over the Royalists in the battle at Battle of Carabobo, and today is celebrated as the day of the Venezuelan Army. After the Battle of Carabobo, the remnants of the Royalist armies that managed to escape from the battlefield took refuge in 卡貝略港, while in the east they did the same in 庫馬納. Cumaná was taken shortly after by the Republicans, but the heavily fortified city of Puerto Cabello resisted under 攻城戰 until 1823, during which time it served as the base for the Spanish reconquest of territories in western Venezuela. Afterwards, these troops take part in the Southern Campaign under the command of 元帅 安东尼奥·何塞·苏克雷, and went on to liberate 厄瓜多尔 in the 皮钦查战役, Peru in the Battle of Junín, and Upper Peru (today 玻利維亞) in the 阿亚库乔战役. 20世紀20世紀,委內瑞拉當局依據普魯士模式下對軍隊進行改革,這使得軍隊走上了現代化和專業化道路。不過隨之而來的是軍隊開始干預國政,委內瑞拉出現政治不穩定、政變和獨裁統治等局面。在1940年至1958年期間,軍國主義在該國政治中占主導地位,1952年時任國防部長希門內斯自任臨時總統,推翻委內瑞拉合眾國,建立了現在的政權。1958年,民主運動最終迫使軍方停止干預國政。 隨著佩雷斯希門尼斯的推翻和民主的回歸,委內瑞拉軍隊開始對付國內的由委內瑞拉共產黨和左翼革命運動(Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria ,MIR)的極端分子領導的民族解放武裝部隊(Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional,FALN)。此外委內瑞拉軍隊也參與了聯合國在尼加拉瓜的維和行動。 21世紀21世紀,委內瑞拉軍隊從俄羅斯手中購買了大量軍備,該國軍隊幾乎實現了全面現代化。[5][6] 委內瑞拉武裝部隊是拉丁美洲第四大軍隊,僅次於巴西、哥倫比亞和墨西哥的軍隊。[7]
已隱藏部分未翻譯内容,歡迎參與翻譯。 Mission and visionIts mission, as the ground forces of the 委內瑞拉軍事, is to:
Functions of the ArmyIn accordance with the Article 9 of the National Armed Forces Organic Law as amended, the functions of the Army are to
Official hymnSpanish lyricsChorus
Chorus 裝備步兵武器
Army major commands陸軍總司令部
特種部隊99th Army Special Operations Brigade[12] Army divisions and corps第1步兵師
The 79th Andes Air Defense Artillery Brigade reports directly to the Operational Strategic Command, while being in the 2ID's territorial jurisdiction. 第 3 步兵師
Since 2016 the newly created 34th CCB reports also to the Operational Strategic Command. 第 4 裝甲師
第 5 叢林步兵師
第 6 工兵團
(*): Marks promotion to the rank of full General (and appointment as Minister of Defense) after serving term as Commanding General of the Army 參考文獻