
Egybolis vaillantina
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera
总科: 夜蛾總科 Noctuoidea
科: 夜蛾科 Noctuidae
Latreille, 1809 (recent major revisions by Lafontaine & Fibiger (2006)
Hacker & Zilli (2007)
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2010))
Noctua pronuba英语Large Yellow Underwing


约4,200 属
35,000 种







  1. 丽夜蛾亚科 Acontiinae
  2. 剑纹夜蛾亚科 Acronictinae
  3. Aediinae
  4. 虎蛾亚科 Agaristinae英语Agaristinae
  5. 杂夜蛾亚科 Amphipyrinae英语Amphipyrinae
  6. Araeopteroninae(降級為Araeopteron英语Araeopteron,在裳蛾科Boletobiinae英语Boletobiinae亞科中
  7. Bagisarinae英语Bagisarinae
  8. Balsinae
  9. 苔藓夜蛾亚科 Bryophilinae英语Bryophilinae
  10. 裳夜蛾亚科 Catocalinae
  11. Cocytiinae西班牙语Cocytiinae
  12. Condicinae英语Condicinae
  13. 冬夜蛾亚科 Cuculliinae
  14. Cydosiinae
  15. Dilobinae英语Dilobinae
  16. Dyopsinae
  17. 绮夜蛾亚科 Erastriinae
  18. Eriopinae
  19. Eucocytiinae
  20. 尾夜蛾亚科 Euteliinae
  21. 文夜蛾亚科 Eustrotiinae
  22. 行军虫亚科 Hadeninae
  23. 实夜蛾亚科 Heliothinae英语Heliothinae
  24. 兰纹夜蛾亚科 Lophonyctinae
  25. Metoponiinae
  26. 夜蛾亚科 Noctuinae
  27. Oncocnemidinae英语Oncocnemidinae
  28. Pantheinae英语Pantheinae
  29. Phytometrinae(?)
  30. 金翅夜蛾亚科 Plusiinae
  31. Psaphidinae
  32. 皮夜蛾亚科 Sarrothripinae
  33. Sinocharinae
  34. 蕊翅夜蛾亚科 Stictopterinae
  35. Stiriinae
  36. Strepsimaninae
  37. Thiacidinae
  38. Ufeinae
  39. 木冬夜蛾亚科 Xyleninae


  1. ^ Fibiger, M., 1990. Noctuinae 1. - Noctuidae Europaeae 1, Sorø, Denmark
  2. ^ Fibiger, M., 1993. Noctuinae 2. - Noctuidae Europaeae 2, Sorø, Denmark
  3. ^ Fibiger, M., 1997. Noctuinae 3. - Noctuidae Europaeae 3, Sorø, Denmark.
  4. ^ Roeder, K.D. (1974). Acoustic sensory responses and possible bat-evasion tactics of certain moths. In Proc. Canadian Society of Zoologists’ Annual Meeting, M.D.B. Burt, ed. (Fredericton: University of New Brunswick Press), pp. 71–78. Surlykke, A. (1984). Hearing in Notodontid moths: A tympanic organ with a single auditory neuron. J. Exp. Biol. 113, 323–335. Ratcliffe, J.M., Fullard, J.H., Arthur, B.J., and Hoy, R.R. (2009). Tiger moths and the threat of bats: decision-making based on the activity of a single sensory neuron. Biol. Lett. 5, 368–371. "An Aerial-Hawking Bat Uses Stealth Echolocation to Counter Moth Hearing" Holger R. Goerlitz, Hannah M. ter Hofstede, Matt R.K. Zeale, Gareth Jones, and Marc W. Holderied - Current Biology 20, 1568–1572, September 14, 2010 doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.07.046
