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^This reaction is not a true ene reaction, because it is not concerted; singlet oxygen forms an "epoxide oxide" exciplex, which then abstracts the hydrogen. See Alberti et al, op. cit.
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Bodner, GM (2002) Lecture Demonstration Movie Sheets: 8.4 Liquid Oxygen—Paramagnetism and Color, West Lafayette, IN, USA: Purdue University Department of Chemistry, see Liquid Oxygen---Paramagnetism and Color (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) and Lecture Demonstration Movie Sheets (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) ,2015年8月11日访问;请参阅Bodner, G.M; K. Keyes & TJ Greenbowe (1995)普渡大学讲座演示手册,第 2 版,美国纽约州纽约市:John Wiley and Sons。 [较早出现的关于不同氧氣量子態磁性的参考资料。 ]