布拉赫主要关注民主制的维护和发展问题。[1]布拉赫在他所有著作中贯穿了人权价值、多元化与宪法价值的观点,同时号召德国与西方的民主价值观结为同盟。[1]他把民主制度视为易碎的制度,并提出只有对此关切的公民力量能予以担保。[1]这一主题始于布拉赫1948年出版的第一部书籍《Verfall und Fortschritt im Denken der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit》,此书关注罗马共和国的垮台及奥古斯都的崛起。他1955年的书籍《Die Auflösung der Weimarer Republik》(魏玛共和的瓦解)是他最著名的著作,其中他不把德国民主制的崩溃归咎于“德意志特殊道路”或者其他非个人力量的因素,而是有意选择的人为行动。[1]在这本书中,布拉赫否定了“Sonderweg”分析和作为马克思主义理论的作为资本家“策划”结果的国家社会主义(《凡尔赛和约》导致魏玛共和国崩溃),以及把纳粹专政简单视为“命运”安排的结果的观点。[1]布拉赫在《魏玛共和的瓦解》中引入的的结合政治科学和历史学的方法论在1950年代被认为是高度革新并且有争议的。[1]德国历史学家艾伯哈德·科尔布写道《魏玛共和的瓦解》在魏玛共和的消亡方面“作为一部研究的著作仍是出类拔萃的”。[2]布拉赫写道即使几乎所有德国人都拒绝凡尔赛和约,对于1930年3月“总统制政府”的来临或9月国会选举开始的纳粹党的崛起这都没有任何作用。[3]布拉赫进一步写道魏玛时代的司法系统已经为审判而政治化,几乎所有人都从他们在帝国时代的经历起步,倾向于把用于政治犯罪的非常宽松的判决实施于权利的名义下。[4]在《魏玛共和的瓦解》中,布拉赫写道司法系统对魏玛共和的崩溃有一部分责任,“为其被专制与极权的运动打下台做了贡献。”[4]
1960年代,布拉赫是由恩斯特·诺尔特代表的泛法西斯主义理论主要批评者。布拉赫批评泛法西斯主义的整体观念为知性上站不住脚,并指出那是一部分德国人的个人选择作为对诺尔特的导致国家社会主义的“后设政治学的”的哲学观念的反驳。[26]布拉赫的代表作,1969年的著作《Die deutsche Diktatur》(德国的独裁者)部分程度上是为反驳诺尔特的泛法西斯主义理论而写的,反而展现了作为人为行动造就并支持的极权主义之治的纳粹独裁的画面。[27]在《德国的独裁者》中,布拉赫反驳了泛法西斯主义的理论,反而用极权主义的理论和社会科学的方法去解释纳粹德国。[28]作为把历史学作为社会科学的倡导者,布拉赫表现出了对诺尔特泛法西斯主义的哲学理论的强烈不满。[29]在1971年的评论中,美国历史学家Lucy Dawidowicz称《德国的独裁者》是“……一部举世无双的卓越作品,结合了最细致的客观现实和对民主精神的强烈的承诺”,[30]1989年,英国历史学家Richard J. Evans称《德国的独裁者》是“有价值”的著作。[31]
在1976年出版的题为《The Role of Hitler: Perspectives of Interpretation》的短文中布拉赫提出希特勒在他所属的时代被严重低估了,而且那些拒绝极权主义模型而支持法西斯主义模型的历史学家处在犯下同样错误的危险中。[32]在布拉赫的观点中,希特勒是“世界历史性”的人物,被认为是德意志民族主义最为激进的类型以及最具破坏性的革命的化身,而且那些强加了希特勒的个性,因此国家社会主义正确称呼是“希特勒主义”。[32]在他论文中,布拉赫坚持希特勒本身在许多方面有某种意义上缺乏的“非人的”对于传记作家来说的任何现实的兴趣,但是指出希特勒那些平凡的气质致使他先在魏玛共和国,然后在1930年代的国际舞台被竞争对手和同盟低估了。[36]同时,布拉赫告诫了像他指出的格哈德·里特(英语:Gerhard Ritter)那样的历史学家的希特勒“妖魔化”的辩护趋向,让许多德国人只是在“魔鬼”希特勒头上责怪纳粹的罪行。[37]其中布拉赫批评了不够充分的英雄史观,布拉赫指出宣称社会发展比个人角色更重要的社会史学家是错误的。[38]
布拉赫提出“希特勒所赞成的一个深重、盲目和冷酷的基本准则”是反犹主义,[30]提到屠杀犹太人在二战期间对于希特勒来说十分重要,出自纯粹军事观点的看法的来源可能会更加投入于战斗而不是倾向于大屠杀。[48]1981年,英国马克思主义史学家Timothy Mason在他的著作《The "Fuehrer State" : Myth and reality》中题为《Intention and explanation: A Current controversy about the interpretation of National Socialism》的论文里创造了“蓄意主义”的术语作为回击布拉赫与Klaus Hildebrand的一部分都被Mason指责过分集中于希特勒作为对犹太大屠杀的解释。
在他1976年著作《Zeitgeschichtliche Kontroversen》中,布拉赫批评了马克思主义新左翼对纳粹时代的解释,理由是这类的解释“在国家社会主义意识形态和极权主义方面缩小到1933-45年间野蛮行为的消失为道义上的现象的范围”,布拉赫感到那意味着“……新一波庸俗化甚至辩护开始了”。[53]在他1977年发表在《Historische Zeitschrift》杂志上的题为《Zeitgeschichte im Wandel der Interpretationen》的短文中,布拉赫提出1960年代末的学生运动导致“马克思主义的复兴”并伴随“新左翼”运动日益掌控大学课程。[54]其中布拉赫感到一些价值观产生的成果,太多所产生的按他的观点的出版物以“简略的武装”写成,其中“以学术的背景和名义推行的意识形态的斗争”有着学术标准上的侵蚀性的效果。[54]布拉赫写道1960年代末的学生运动“政治化而且常常……反对性地曲解”历史学家的成果。[55]在他1978年著作《Schlüsselwörter in der Geschichte》中,布拉赫警告新左翼和他与之相关联的“极权主义的诱惑”,最重要的是红军派恐怖主义团体是对西德民主制度的严重威胁,并称那些学者在他们分内这类倾向发生之前予以回击为时太晚。[21]布拉赫警告政治体系之外进行的“和平”和“绿色”运动推出了另类的乌托邦系统的一个激进版本,他警告民主制度中的潜在危机持续会导致逐渐削弱德国民主制度。[1]西德左翼分子又攻击布拉赫是新纳粹主义并给他贴上“美国走狗”的标签。布拉赫特别地警告“通过从人物和事件的历史理论化和意识形态化的异化,去显示和实行作为主导对资本主义和民主的当代批判主题的取向”。[56]随着同样的主线,布拉赫批评回归到他认定为粗鲁的1920-1930年代共产国际理论把民主制标记为“晚期资本主义”和“晚期资产阶级”统治形式,以及新左翼把联邦共和国表示为纳粹政权“复活”的做法。[57]
在他1982年著作《Zeit der Ideologien》(意识形态的时代)的引言中,布拉赫写到“当认识到高度倾向性的政治期望被发现以破除某些限制降临的时候,出现了一种对峙的重现,在德国尤为令人痛苦,而且是通常被认为已经克服了的”。[1]布拉赫抨击共产主义所宣称的以“科学规律”得出的历史法则“是其相对论的鼎力支持者和同情者,而且是其特别偏执且强迫性的特性”的源头。[52]布拉赫写到:“共产主义政治有一些神秘,有一些对个人的理性能力的超越,有一些东西完全只有集体及其领导者享有”,这些促使其本身“只由精英人士通晓”。[52]作为他批评共产主义的一部分,布拉赫写到:
1990年代,布拉赫提出通过展望民主在对抗极权中有了很大改进,他警告这没有时间可以扬扬得意。[1]1992年,布拉赫写到民主制度作为一个政体“自我节制并洞察人的缺点,就像专政是人的意识形态上的傲慢的统治。”[1]布拉赫主张在1989年以后的世界对于民主制有着比1914-89年更好的机会,只有在未来的世界建立并维护一个公民社会是困难的工作,而且这一任务可能从来没有完结。[1]在他1992年著作《Turning Points in Modern Times》中,布拉赫抨击诺尔特宣称的德国国家社会主义不过是苏联的“镜像”。[64]布拉赫写道诺尔特的著作把残暴的种族主义“平凡化”,布拉赫声称通过表明国家社会主义的核心仅仅是苏联社会主义的“复制”以及由此不是和苏联同等的罪恶。[65]在2003年《明镜》新闻杂志的采访中,布拉赫高度批评了总理格哈特·施罗德反对伊拉克战争,并告诫不要用反美赢得选举作为德美关系的潜在破坏,这一发展令布拉赫感到痛惜。[66]他于2016年9月19日去世,享年94岁。[67]美国历史学家Jeffrey Herf在讣文中写道:
Verfall und Fortschritt im Denken der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit: Studien zum Zeitgeühl und Geschichtsbewusstein des Jahrhunderts nach Augustus, 1948.
Die Aufösung der Weimarer Republik: eine Studie zum Problem des Machtverfalls in der Demokratie 1955.
"Stufen totalitärer Gleichsaltung: Die Befestigung der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft 1933/34" pages 30–42 from Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Volume 4, Issue # 1, January 1956, translated into English as "Stages of Totalitarian "Integration" (Gleichschaltung): The Consolidation of National Socialist Rule in 1933 and 1934" pages 109-128 from Republic To Reich The Making of the Nazi Revolution Ten Essays edited by Hajo Holborn, New York: Pantheon Books 1972, ISBN0-394-47122-9.
co-edited with Annedore Leber & Willy BrandtDas Gewissen steht auf : 64 Lebensbilder aus dem deutschen Widerstand 1933-1945, 1956, translated into English as The Conscience in Revolt : Portraits of the German Resistance 1933-1945, Mainz : Hase & Koehler, 1994 ISBN3-7758-1314-4.
co-written with Wolfgang Sauer and Gerhard Schulz Die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung: Studien zur Errichtung des totalitären Herrschaftssystems in Deutschland 1933-34, 1960.
“Problems of Parliamentary Democracy in Europe” pages 179-198 from Daedalus, Volume 93, Issue # 1 Winter 1964.
Deutschland zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur: Beiträge zur neueren Politik und Geschichte, 1964.
Adolf Hitler, 1964.
Die deutsche Diktatur: Entstehung, Struktur, Folgen des Nationalsozialismus, 1969, translated into English by Jean Steinberg as The German Dictatorship; The Origins, Structure, and Effects of National Socialism; New York, Praeger 1970, with an Introduction by Peter Gay.
Das deutsche Dilemma: Leidenswege der politischen Emanzipation, 1971, translated into English as The German Dilemma: The Throes of Political Emancipation, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975 ISBN0-297-76790-9.
Die Krise Europas, 1917-1975, 1976.
Zeitgeschichtiche Kontroversen: Um Faschismus, Totalitarismus, Demokratie, 1976.
"The Role of Hitler: Perspectives of Interpretation" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide, edited by Walter Laqueur, Harmondsworth, 1976, ISBN0-520-03033-8.
Europa in der Krise: Innengeschichte u. Weltpolitik seit 1917, 1979.
(editor) Quellen zur Geschichte des Paramentarimus und er politischen Partein, Bd 4/1 Politik und Wirtschaft in der Krise 1930–1932 Quellen Ära Brüning Tel I, Bonn, 1980.
Geschichte und Gewalt: Zur Politik im 20. Jahrhundert, 1981.
“The Disputed Concept of Totalitarianism,” pages 11–33 from Totalitarianism Reconsidered edited by Ernest A. Menze, Port Washington, N.Y. / London: Kennikat Press, 1981, ISBN0-8046-9268-8.
Zeit der Ideologien: Eine Geschichte politischen Denkens im 20. Jahrhundert, 1982, translated into English as The Age Of Ideologies : A History of Political Thought in the Twentieth Century, New York : St. Martin’s Press, 1984, ISBN0-312-01229-2.
co-edited with Hermann Graml Widerstand im Dritten Reich : Probleme, Ereignisse, Gestalten, 1984.
Die Totalitäre Erfahrung, 1987.
"Der historishe Ort des Zweiten Weltkrieges" pages 347-374 from 1939-An Der Schwelle Zum Weltkrieg: Die Entfesselung Des Zweiten Weltkrieges Und Das Internationale System edited by Klaus Hildebrand, Jürgen Schmadeke & Klaus Zernack, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co 1990, ISBN3-11-012596-X.
Wendezeiten der Geschichte: Historisch-politische Essays, 1987-1992, 1992, translated into English Turning Points In Modern Times : Essays On German and European History, translated by Thomas Dunlap ; with a foreword by Abbott Gleason, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1995, ISBN0-674-91354-X.
co-edited with Manfred Funke & Hans-Adolf Jacobsen Deutschland 1933–1945. Neue Studien zur nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft, 1992.
co-written with Eberhard Jäckel; Johannes Gross;, Theodor Eschenburg & Joachim FestGeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1994.
Geschichte als Erfahrung. Betrachtungen zum 20. Jahrhundert, 2001.
co-edited with P. M. Brilman & H. M. Von Der DunkJustiz und NS-Verbrechen, 2008.
co-edited with Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, Volker Kronenberg, & Oliver Spatz Politik, Geschichte und Kultur. Wissenschaft in Verantwortung für die res publica. Festschrift für Manfred Funke zum 70. Geburtstag, 2009.
^原文:"The complaints about democracy and liberalism that Bracher examined in The German Dictatorship find echoes in our own time. Our institutions are far more stable than those of the Weimar Republic, but the appeal of authoritarianism and conspiracy-theorizing is growing in Western politics. Therefore Bracherʼs work on how democracy was destroyed in Germany in the 1930s remains uncomfortably relevant. Moreover, the era of totalitarian ideology and politics did not end with the collapse of Communism in Europe. Using Bracherʼs criteria, it continues, most importantly in the Islamist movements that have fueled the terrorism of recent decades. Totalitarianism has changed both its geographical location and its cultural coordinates, but in its inhumanity and irrationality it merits comparison with its 20th-century predecessors. Here, too, Karl Bracherʼs work will remain important for years to come both for historians of the Nazi and Communist dictatorships and for advocates of liberal democracy in a world that faces multiple illiberal challenges."[52]
^Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold ; New York page 44.
^Marrus, Michael The Holocaust In History Toronto: Key Porter, 2000 page 85.
^ 18.018.1Lukacs, John The Hitler of History, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997 page 201.
^Laqueur, Walter Review of Die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung: Studien zur Errichtung des totalitaren Herrschaftssystems in Deutschland 1933/34 pages 235-236 from International Affairs, Volume 37, Issue # 2 April 1961 page 235.
^Laqueur, Walter Review of Die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung: Studien zur Errichtung des totalitaren Herrschaftssystems in Deutschland 1933/34 pages 235-236 from International Affairs, Volume 37, Issue # 2 April 1961 page 236.
^, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold ; New York page 25.
^Iggers, Georg The German Conception of History, Middletown: Connecticut; Wesleyan University Press, 1968 page 266.
^Lukacs, John The Hitler of History, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997 pages 202-203.
^, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold ; New York page 51.
^Hildebrand, Klaus "He Who Wants to Escape the Abysss Will Have to Sound It Very Prcisely: Is the New German History Writing Revisionists?" pages 188-195 from Forever In The Shadow Of Hitler? edited by Ernst Piper, Atlantic Highlands, N.J. : Humanities Press, 1993 page 190.
^Maier, Charles The Unmasterable Past Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988 pages 84-85, 87 & 100-101
^Maier, Charles The Unmasterable Past Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988 pages 84-85 & 87 & 100-101
^Maier, Charles The Unmasterable Past Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988 page 101
^Maier, Charles The Unmasterable Past Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988 page 87
^ 30.030.1Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Review of The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Effects of National Socialism pages 91-93 from Commentary, Volume 52, Issue # 2, August 1971 page 91.
^Evans, Richard In Hitler’s Shadow, Pantheon: New York, 1989 page 186.
^, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold ; New York page 73.
^Marrus, Michael The Holocaust In History, Toronto: Key Porter, 2000 page 46.
^Gerwarth, Robert The Bismarck Myth: Weimar Germany and the Legacy of the Iron Chancellor, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 page 164.
^, Robert The Bismarck Myth: Weimar Germany and the Legacy of the Iron Chancellor, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 page 165.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide, Harmondsworth, 1976 page 212.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide, Harmondsworth, 1976 page 213.
^, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 page 214.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 page 211.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 page 212.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 pages 214-215.
^, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 page 217.
^ 43.043.1Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 page 215.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 pages 220-221.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 page 222.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 pages 222-223.
^, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide Harmondsworth, 1976 pages 217-218.
^Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Review of The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Effects of National Socialism pages 91-93 from Commentary, Volume 52, Issue # 2, August 1971 page 92.
^ 49.049.1Burleigh, Michael & Wippermann, Wolfgang The Racial State : Germany 1933-1945, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991 page 20.
^Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold ; New York page 15; Bracher, Karl Dietrich "The Role of Hitler" pages 211-225 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide, edited by Walter Laqueur, Harmondsworth, 1976 pages 212-213 & 218.
^Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold ; New York page 18.
^ 54.054.1Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold ; New York page 15.
^Maier, Charles The Unmasterable Past, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1988 page 90.
^Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold page 16.
^Kershaw, Ian The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, London : Arnold page 15.
^, Karl Dietrich "Letter to the Editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 6, 1986" pages 72-73 from Forever In The Shadow Of Hitler? edited by Ernst Piper, Atlantic Highlands, N.J. : Humanities Press, 1993 page 72
^, Charles The Unmasterable Past, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1988 page 85.
^Laqueur, Walter The Fate of the Revolution, New York: Collier Books, 1987 page 241.
^, Walter The Fate of the Revolution, New York: Collier Books, 1987 page 242.
^üller, Jan-Werner Another Country: German Intellectuals, Unification, and National Identity, Harvard: Yale University Press, 2000 page 98.
^Müller, Jan-Werner Another Country: German Intellectuals, Unification, and National Identity, Harvard: Yale University Press, 2000 page 138.
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich Turning Points In Modern Times, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1995 p. 141
^Bracher, Karl Dietrich Turning Points In Modern Times, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1995 p. 35
Anthon, Carl Review of Die nationalsozialistische machtergreifung: Studien zur errichtung des totalitären herrschaftssystems in deutschland 1933/34 pages 715-716 from The American Historical Review, Volume 67, Issue # 3, April 1962.
Balfour, Michael Review of The German Dilemma: The Throes of Political Emancipation page 579 from International Affairs, Volume 51, Issue # 4 October 1975.
Bonham, Gary Review of The German Dilemma pages 631-651 from World Politics, Volume 35, Issue # 4, July 1983.
Cooling, B.F Review of The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure, and Effects of National Socialism page 35 from Military Affairs, Volume 36, Issue # 1, February 1971.
Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Review of The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Effects of National Socialism pages 91–93 from Commentary, Volume 52, Issue # 2, August 1971.
Dawidowicz, Lucy S. The Holocaust and the Historians, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1981, ISBN0-674-40566-8.
Dijk, Ruud van "Bracher, Karl Dietrich" pages 111-112 from The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, Volume 1, edited by Kelly Boyd, London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishing, 1999 ISBN1-884964-33-8.
Frankel, Joseph Review of The Age of Ideologies: A History of Political Thought in the Twentieth Century pages 148-149 from International Affairs, Volume 61, Issue # 1, Winter 1984-1985.
Freeden, Michael Review of The Age of Ideologies: A History of Political Thought in the Twentieth Century pages 268-269 from The English Historical Review, Volume 103, Issue # 406 January 1988.
Funke, Manfred (editor) Demokratie und Diktatur: Geist und Gestalt politischer Herrschaft in Deutschland und Europa, Festschrift für Karl Dietrich Bracher (Democracy and Dictatorship: The Spirit and Form of Political Power in Germany and Europe) Düsseldorf: Droste, 1987.
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