
Nancy Mace
前任喬·坎寧安英语Joe Cunningham (American politician)
前任詹姆斯·H·梅里爾英语James H. Merrill
继任馬克·史密斯英语Mark Smith (South Carolina politician)
出生Nancy Ruth Mace
(1977-12-04) 1977年12月4日47歲)
国籍 美国
配偶Chris Niemiec

Curtis Jackson
学历要塞軍校英语The Citadel B.S.
喬治亞大學 M.S.

南希·露斯·梅斯(英語:Nancy Ruth Mace,1977年12月4日)是美国商人及共和黨籍的政治人物,現為代表南卡羅萊納州第一國會選區的聯邦眾議員。

梅斯於2018年到2020年期間擔任南卡羅來納州眾議院英语South Carolina House of Representatives第99區議員,範圍涵蓋哈那汗芒特普林森東北部及丹尼爾島英语Daniel Island,是南卡羅來納州首位當選國會議員的共和黨女議員[1]



1977年梅斯出生于美国北卡罗来纳州自由堡,父親是美國陸軍准將詹姆斯·埃默里·梅斯(James Emory Mace),母親是教師安妮·梅斯(Anne Mace)[5][6][7]。1999年,梅斯成為第一位從要塞軍校學員計畫畢業的女性[7],並獲得了工商管理學位[8]。梅斯寫了《與男人為伴:要塞裡的女人》(西蒙與舒斯特,2001年),講述了這段經歷。梅斯其後在喬治亞大學獲得了新聞與大眾傳播碩士學位[9]

2008年,梅斯創辦了一家名為「The Mace Group」的公關和顧問公司[10][11]









2017年9月18日,梅斯以共和黨人的身份申請參加南卡羅來納州議會第99區席位的補選,該席位由詹姆斯·梅里爾英语James H. Merrill空出,梅里爾在就數起道德違規行為提出起訴和認罪協議後於當月早些時候辭職[23]。她在11月14日的共和黨初選中獲得了49.5%的選票,距離徹底贏得提名還差13票。在11月28日的決選中,她以63-37%擊敗了第二名、芒特普萊森特鎮議員馬克·史密斯(Mark Smith)。

梅斯在2018年1月16日大選中以2,066票對1,587 票(57%–43%)擊敗民主黨候選人辛迪·博特賴特(Cindy Boatwright)[24]。她於2018年1月23日就職。


梅斯共同發起了一項法案,反對在南卡羅來納州海岸進行海上鑽探英语Offshore drilling[26]和她反對總統特朗普在南卡羅來納州海灘提供石油鑽探租賃的計劃[27]

南卡羅來納州自然保護選民對梅斯反對海上鑽探和地震測試的投票記錄給予了100%的終身評價[28][29]。南卡羅來納州增長俱樂部英语Club for Growth授予梅斯2019年納稅人英雄獎[30][31]




2019年6月,梅斯宣布她將尋求南卡羅萊納州第一國會選區的共和黨提名,當時的代表是民主黨議員喬·坎寧安英语Joe Cunningham (American politician),坎寧安在2018年出人意料地贏得了該席位[34]。她以57.5%的得票率贏得了共和黨初選[35]。梅斯的競選重點是禁止南卡羅來納州海岸的海上鑽探並恢復南卡羅來納州低地國家的經濟[36]。她聲稱坎寧安正在海軍陸戰隊尋求跨性別平等,她聲稱這將關閉帕里斯島海軍陸戰隊新兵基地英语Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island[37][38]

2020年美國眾議院選舉中,梅斯擊敗了坎寧安。她於2021年1月3日上任就任聯邦眾議員[39]。梅斯沒有投票彈劾川普,但她批評他在2021年1月6日国会山骚乱中所扮演的角色。因此,川普在2022年中期選舉共和黨初選中支持前南卡羅來納州眾議員凱蒂·阿靈頓英语Katie Arrington角逐梅斯的國會席位,梅斯仍然擊敗了阿靈頓[40]。她於2022年美國眾議院選舉擊敗了民主黨候選人連任[41]


2023年10月2日,眾議院通過了一項名為《MACE法案》的網路安全法案,旨在實現聯邦網路安全工作要求的現代化。該法案由梅斯提出,也是眾議院議長凱文·麥卡錫領導下通過的最後一項法案。梅斯的立法人員以她的名字命名該法案,作為對梅斯自我的一個玩笑[43][44]。10月3日,梅斯投票贊成罷免共和黨同僚麥卡錫的眾議院議長職務[45][46][47] 。梅斯表示,「麥卡錫沒有貫徹她的立法,以解決該國強姦工具包積壓的問題,擴大節育的範圍,通過平衡預算修正案,並建立一個在發生大規模槍擊事件時通知人們的警報系統”[48]




2024年11月18日,梅斯在眾議院提出一項法案,禁止跨性別者使用出生時指定性別以外的洗手間,即禁止新當選的眾議院首位跨性別議員莎拉·麦克布莱德使用出生時指定性別以外的洗手間[51][52]。梅斯將麦克布莱德描述為“一個試圖強迫自己進入女性空間的生理男人”和一個“穿裙子的男人”,後來又說道“一個穿裙子的男人認為他與我平等,這是一種冒犯」[51][53],並證實麥克布萊德「絕對」是她法案的目標[54]。梅斯在與記者交談時宣布,她將“拼盡全力”將麥克布萊德排除在國會大廈的女廁之外[55]。此法案亦禁止麥克布萊德使用「中性廁所」,題為「禁止眾議院議員、官員和僱員使用除與其生理性別相對應的設施以外的單一性別設施以及用於其他目的。」[56][57] 共和黨議員瑪麗·米勒英语Mary Miller馬特·羅森代爾英语Matt Rosendale共同贊助了她的法案[58]。兩天后,梅斯宣布了一項新的決議,禁止「生理男性進入所有聯邦財產的女性空間」[59]



  1. ^ Republican Nancy Mace secures State House District 99 seat. The Daniel Island News. 2018-01-19 [2022-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-22). 
  2. ^ Beavers, Olivia. The curious case of Nancy Mace. Politico. October 26, 2021 [May 11, 2022] (英语). 
  3. ^ Byrd, Caitlin. Trump demanded loyalty. SC Republican Nancy Mace won't give it to him anymore.. The State. January 7, 2021 [July 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于January 30, 2021). 
  4. ^ Feit, Noah. After her life was risked, SC's Mace wants Trump held accountable for Capitol riot. The State. January 17, 2021 [July 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于January 24, 2021). 
  5. ^ BG James Emory Mace. [November 24, 2024]. 
  6. ^ Meet Nancy Mace, who introduced the transphobic bathroom bill targeting Sarah McBride: she grew up in a military family and published the book In The Company of Men: A Woman at The Citadel. South China Morning Post. November 24, 2024 [November 24, 2024]. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Byrd, Caitlin. Nancy Mace pushes back after Shannon Faulkner claims to be Citadel grad: 'She doesn't wear The Ring'. The Post and Courier. March 15, 2018 [July 28, 2023] (英语). 
  8. ^ Nancy Mace. The Citadel. [August 19, 2020]. (原始内容存档于January 8, 2021). 
  9. ^ Brett, Jennifer. Nancy Mace became first woman to graduate from The Citadel. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. September 4, 2016 [August 19, 2020]. 
  10. ^ Harper, Scott. Graham faces tough opponents. Georgetown Times. April 24, 2014 [July 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于December 4, 2020). 
  11. ^ Jackson, Gavin. Senate hopeful Mace says change needed for SC. The Morning News. October 15, 2013 [July 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于May 12, 2023). 
  12. ^ Largen, Stephen. Ties to FITSNews a Campaign Issue for Graham Challenger. Free Times (The Post and Courier). August 7, 2013. (原始内容存档于January 1, 2024). 
  13. ^ Fry, Erika. A Day in the Life of South Carolina's 'Sic Willie'. Columbia Journalism Review. November 20, 2023. (原始内容存档于October 16, 2017). He also has a business partner, Nancy Mace—Folks notes that she is the first woman to graduate from The Citadel—who built the site and works as his promoter and occasional editor. 
  14. ^ Bell, Rudolph. 2 GOP Senate hopefuls skipped primary. The Greenville News. May 23, 2014 [July 11, 2023]. 
  15. ^ Catanese, David. Nancy Mace: Has The Tea Party Found Their New Sarah Palin?. Dame Magazine. August 6, 2013 [July 11, 2023]. 
  16. ^ Self, Jamie. Some US Senate candidates did not always go to the ballot box. The State. April 6, 2014 [July 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于June 8, 2016). 
  17. ^ Howie, Craig. Mace makes S.C. Senate run official. Politico. August 3, 2013 [July 11, 2023]. 
  18. ^ McDuffie, Jade. Nancy Mace announces run against Sen. Lindsey Graham. The Post and Courier. August 2, 2013 [July 11, 2013]. (原始内容存档于April 26, 2021). 
  19. ^ Nancy Mace announces she will run for U.S. Senate. WCIV. August 3, 2013 [July 11, 2023]. 
  20. ^ Walshe, Shushannah. The Primary That Wasn't: Lindsey Graham Wins, Avoids Runoff. ABC News. June 11, 2014 [July 11, 2023]. 
  21. ^ SC - Election Results. South Carolina State Election Commission. [July 11, 2023]. 
  22. ^ Byrd, Caitlin. Nancy Mace gives South Carolina Legislature its first state lawmaker with clear ties to Trump. The Post and Courier. January 20, 2018 [October 24, 2019]. (原始内容存档于June 4, 2019). 
  23. ^ Suspended Lawmaker Jim Merrill Resigns Hours Before Court Hearing. WLTX. August 31, 2017. 
  24. ^ Estabrook, Katie. Republican Nancy Mace Secures State House District 99 Seat. The Daniel Island News. January 19, 2018 [January 9, 2021] (美国英语). 
  25. ^ Byrd, Caitlin. It took SC Rep. Nancy Mace 25 years to share she was raped. She never expected this.. The Post & Courier. May 14, 2019 [November 4, 2019]. 
  26. ^ Tripp, Drew. Trump puts 10-year ban on offshore oil drilling off SC coast. WCIV. September 8, 2020 [October 20, 2020]. 
  27. ^ Fears, Darryl. For many Republicans, Trump's offshore drilling plan and beaches don't mix. The Washington Post. February 28, 2018 [October 20, 2020]. 
  28. ^ Nancy Mace. Conservation Voters of South Carolina. [October 14, 2020]. 
  29. ^ Novelly, Thomas. SC 1st Congressional District: Cunningham and Mace differ on climate change science views. The Post and Courier. September 13, 2020 [October 20, 2020] (英语). 
  30. ^ Antle, W. James II. Winner in GOP South Carolina House primary shows Trump imprimatur still a big advantage. The Washington Examiner. June 11, 2020 [October 20, 2020] (英语). 
  31. ^ Cunningham, Mace spar over taxes, Parris Island, voting record in Congressional debate. WCIV. October 6, 2020 [October 20, 2020]. 
  32. ^ Benson, Adam. SC becomes 43rd state to outlaw shackling of pregnant inmates. The Post and Courier. May 21, 2020 [October 20, 2020] (英语). 
  33. ^ Governor McMaster signs bill banning shackling of pregnant inmates. ABC Columbia. Associated Press. May 22, 2020 [October 20, 2020]. 
  34. ^ Byrd, Caitlin. SC congressional candidate Nancy Mace touts Trump ties in new TV ad. The Post and Courier. April 14, 2020 [September 29, 2020] (英语). 
  35. ^ Live: South Carolina State Primary Election Results 2020. The New York Times. June 24, 2020 [December 15, 2020]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  36. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为FXStabil11092020的参考文献提供内容
  37. ^ Bollinger, Alex. Nancy Mace was never an LGBTQ+ ally. She was always a transphobic extremist.. LGBTQ Nation. 2024-11-21 [2024-12-07] (英语). 
  38. ^ Nancy Mace says Joe Cunningham put Parris Island 'on the chopping block.' Did he?. 
  39. ^ Rivera, Ray; Phillips, Patrick; Jacobs, Harve; Donahue, Lillian. Nancy Mace wins U.S. House race beating Joe Cunningham. live5news.com. November 3, 2020 [November 4, 2020] (美国英语). 
  40. ^ Greenwood, Max. Mace defeats Trump-backed primary challenger in South Carolina. The Hill. June 14, 2022 [June 15, 2022]. 
  41. ^ South Carolina First Congressional District Election Results. The New York Times. November 8, 2022 [November 10, 2022]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  42. ^ Hulse, Carl. After Stimulus Victory in Senate, Reality Sinks in: Bipartisanship Is Dead. The New York Times. March 6, 2021. 
  43. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为SlateJune4的参考文献提供内容
  44. ^ House passes cybersecurity employment equality bill introduced by Rep. Mace. Fox 31. October 3, 2023. 
  45. ^ Final Vote Results for Roll Call 519. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. [October 3, 2023]. 
  46. ^ Kevin McCarthy removed as House speaker in historic vote: Highlights. NBC News. October 4, 2023. 
  47. ^ Republicans discover the 'dark' side of Nancy Mace. MSNBC. October 6, 2023. 
  48. ^ Byrd, Caitlin. A day after Congress chaos, defiant Nancy Mace defends her role in McCarthy exit as speaker. Post and Courier. October 4, 2023. 
  49. ^ Kayanja, Ian. Rep. Mace introduces PAAW Act to halt painful taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs & cats. WCIV Charleston, SC. April 11, 2024 [July 2, 2024]. 
  50. ^ GOP Congresswoman Nancy Mace says her use of 'Republic of Taiwan' was '100%' intentional. Yahoo News. November 29, 2021. 
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 Talbot, Haley; Rimmer, Morgan; Raju, Manu. Republican introduces anti-transgender bathroom resolution at Capitol after first transgender woman elected to Congress. CNN. October 19, 2024 [November 19, 2024] (英语). 
  52. ^ BathroomResolution. DocumentCloud.org. [November 18, 2024]. 
  53. ^ Rep. Nancy Mace finally mastered the right-wing media universe. Washington Post. November 21, 2024. 
  54. ^ Matza, Max. Republican lawmaker moves to bar trans colleague from women's bathrooms. BBC. [November 20, 2024]. 
  55. ^ Nancy Mace: Capitol transgender bathroom rules protect women. NewsNation. [November 20, 2024]. 
  56. ^ 118TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION, House Resolution 1579 (PDF). United States Congress. [November 20, 2024]. 
  57. ^ Mace, Nancy. REP. NANCY MACE'S RESOLUTION TO PROTECT WOMEN'S PRIVATE SPACES AT THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL. Nancy Mace. House.gov Press Release. November 18, 2024. 
  58. ^ Cosponsors: H.Res.1579 — 118th Congress (2023-2024). congress.gov. November 18, 2024 [November 21, 2024]. 
  59. ^ Mace, Nancy. Rep. Nancy Mace Doubles Down on Ban for Biological Men from Women's Spaces on All Federal Property. mace.house.gov. November 20, 2024 [November 21, 2024]. 
  60. ^ Speaker Johnson declares support for banning Sarah McBride's access to women's restrooms. Associated Press News. November 20, 2024 [November 29, 2024]. (原始内容存档于November 29, 2024). 
  61. ^ Talbot, Morgan Rimmer, Manu Raju, Haley. Republican introduces anti-transgender bathroom resolution at Capitol after first transgender woman elected to Congress | CNN Politics. CNN. 2024-11-19 [2024-11-21]. (原始内容存档于November 19, 2024) (英语). 



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