据我了解,卢梭是在名为《论政治经济学》的文章里唯一一次用到了“公共意志的表达”这一表述,这篇文章的内容使这一表述在名流中的影响甚微…….但是它确实是对他的学说的一个准确的总结,准确到让评论者们毫不犹豫的接受了它。在卢梭对法律的定义中,《山中书简》(法语: Lettres écrites de la montagne)在书面上阐述了最接近的定义。其中《山中书简》总结了《社会契约论》中的论点,在《社会契约论》 中,法律被定义成:“基于共同利益的公意做出的公共且庄严的声明”。[2]
如卢梭所用,“公共意志”被认为与法治,[3]和斯宾诺莎提出的“公意”(拉丁文: mens una)在一些程度上是相同的。[4]
^quoted in James Swenson, On Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Stanford University Press 2000), p. 163.
^Lettres de la montagne, quoted in Swenson (2000), p. 164. See also: Patrick Riley, The General Will before Rousseau (Princeton University Press, 1988) and Mark Hulliung "Rousseau, Voltaire and the Revenge of Pascal" in the Cambridge Companion to Rousseau, edited by Patrick Riley (Cambridge University Press: 2000), pp. 57-77.
^See Maurice Cranston's introduction to the Social Contract, Penguin Classics, 1968, pp. 9-42.
^for Spinoza's mens una, see Jonathan Israel, Radical Enlightenment (Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 274.
^Patrick Riley, "The General Will Before Rousseau", Political Theory 6: 4: Special Issue: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Nov., 1978): 485-516
^Diderot: Political writings: Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought, edited by John Hope Mason and Robert Walker (Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 20. Compare Rousseau: “Cast your eyes on all the nations of the world, go through all the histories. Among so many inhuman and bizarre cults, among this prodigious diversity of morals and character, you will find everywhere the same ideas of justice and decency, everywhere the same notions of good and bad” (Emile, 288, [IV 597-98]).
^Of the Social Contract, Book IV, Chapter 1, Paragraphs 1 & 2