1982年毕业后,他供职于美国地质调查局。在很多年后,他着重于月球勘测与推行月球探险活动。他也成为美国国家航空航天局(NASA)空间科学及太阳系探索部门(Office of Space Science, Solar System Exploration Division)的主要观测员之一,专长于星球火山地质活动及其影响,包括水星和火星。
Anne and Paul Spudis, Moonwake: The Lunar Frontier, Xlibris Corporation, 2005, ISBN1-4257-0091-8.
Paul D. Spudis, Blogging the Moon: The Once and Future Moon Collection, Apogee Prime Books, 2010, ISBN978-1-926837-17-8
Paul D. Spudis, The Value of the Moon: How to Explore, Live, and Prosper in Space Using the Moon's Resources, Smithsonian Books, 2016, ISBN1588345033, ISBN978-1588345035.
Graham Ryder and P. D. Spudis, Volcanism prior to the termination of the heavy bombardment: Evidence, characteristics, and concepts, 1979, Conference on the Lunar Highlands Crust, 132-134.
P. Spudis and Graham Ryder, Apollo 17 impact melts and the geology of the Taurus-Littrow highlands, 1980, Conference on Multiring Basins, 86–88.
Spudis, P.D., S.W. Asmar, D.B.J. Bussey, N. Duxbury, L.J. Friesen, J.J. Gillis, B.R. Hawke, G. Heiken, D. Lawrence, J. Manifold, M.A. Slade, A. Smith, G.J. Taylor, and R.A. Yingst, 2002, Lunar Exploration Manned and Unmanned, in The Future of Solar System Exploration, 2003-2013 (M. Sykes, Ed.), Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 272, 77-88.
Sorensen T.C. and Spudis P.D., 2005, The Clementine Mission – A 10-year perspective. Jour. Earth System Sci. 114, 6, 645-668.
E. "Pete" Aldridge (Chair), C.S. Fiorina, M.P. Jackson, L. A. Leshin, L.L. Lyles, P.D. Spudis, N. D. Tyson, R.A, Walker, and M.T. Zuber, A Journey to Inspire, Innovate, and Discover, June 2004, President's Commission on Implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy.
Spudis P.D., 2011, The Moon: Port of Entry to Cislunar Space. In Toward a Theory of Space Power: Selected Essays, C.D. Lutes and P.L. Hays, eds., Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, Washington DC, Chapter 12.
Spudis, P. D. et al., 2010, Initial results for the north pole of the Moon from Mini-SAR, Chandrayaan-1 mission, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L06204, doi:10.1029/2009GL042259.
Spudis P.D. and Lavoie A.R., 2011, Using the Resources of the Moon to Create a Permanent Cislunar Space Faring System. Space 2011 Conf. and Expos., Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics, Long Beach CA, AIAA 2011-7185, 24 pp.
Lavoie T. and Spudis P.D. (2016) The Purpose of Human Spaceflight and a Lunar Architecture to Explore the Potential of Resource Utilization. AIAA Space 2016, SPACE Conferences and Exposition, AIAA 2016-5526[3]
^Lavoie, Tony; Spudis, Paul D. AIAA SPACE 2016. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 2016-09-09 [2017-03-08]. doi:10.2514/6.2016-5526. (原始内容存档于2019-08-29) –通过arc.aiaa.org (Atypon).