{{cite book
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{{cite book
| last = Mumford
| first = David
| authorlink = David Mumford
| title = The Red Book of V...
| publisher = Springer-Verlag
| series = Lecture Notes ...
| volume = 1358
| edition = 2nd expanded
| location = Berlin
| date = 1999
| page = 198
| doi = 10.1007/b62130
| isbn = 354063293X
| mr = 1748380
| zbl = 0945.14001 }}
{{cite book
| last1 = Cordell | first1 = Bruce R.
| first2 = Jeff | last2 = Grubb
| first3 =David | last3 = Noonan
| title = Manual of the Planes
| location = Berlin
| publisher = Wizards of the Coast
| year= 2001
| pages = 198-203
| month = September
| isbn = 0-7869-1850-8 }}
Cordell, Bruce R.; Grubb, Jeff; Noonan, David (September 2001). Manual of the Planes. Berlin: Wizards of the Coast. с. 198—203. ISBN0-7869-1850-8. {{cite book}}: Перевірте значення |isbn=: контрольна сума (довідка)
| last =
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| first = David | last = Mu...
| author-link = David Mumfo...
| title = The Red Book of V...
| place = Berlin
| publisher = [[Springer-Verlag]]
| series = Lecture Notes ...
| volume = 1358
| edition = 2nd expanded
| year = 1999
| page = 198
| doi = 10.1007/b62130
| isbn = 354063293X
| mr = 1748380
| zbl = 0945.14001 }}
| last1 = Cordell | first1 = Bruce R.
| last2 = Grubb | first2 = Jeff
| last3 = Noonan | first3 = David
| title = [[Manual of the Planes]]
| place = Berlin
| publisher = [[Wizards of the Coast]]
|pages = 198-203
| date = September 2001
| year = 2001
| isbn = 0-7869-1850-8 }}
| last =
| first =
| author-link =
| last2 =
| first2 =
| author2-link =
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| jfm = }}
| last = Breyer
| first = Stephen
| author-link = Stephen Bre...
| title = Copyright: A Rejo...
| journal = UCLA Law Review
| volume = 20
| pages = 75–83
| date = October 1972
| year = 1972 }}
Breyer, Stephen (October 1972), Copyright: A Rejoinder, UCLA Law Review, 20: 75—83
| last1 = Bailey | first1 = David H.
| author1-link = David H. Bailey
| last2 = Borwein | first2 = Peter
| author2-link = Peter Borwein
| last3 = Borwein | first3 = Jonathan M.
| author3-link = Jonathan Borwein
| title = The Quest for Pi
| journal = Mathematical Intelligencer
| volume = 19
| issue = 1
| pages = 50–57
| publisher = Springer-Verlag
| location = Berlin
| date = 25 June 1997
| year = 1997
| url = http://crd.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/...
| issn =0343-6993
| doi = 10.1007/BF03024340
| mr = 1439159
| zbl = 0878.11002 }}
{{cite web
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| url =
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(Write date as Month Day Year; e.g., July 22 2009. Comma will be added automatically.)
{{cite web
| last = Hansen
| first = James E.
| authorlink = James E. Hansen
| last2 = Ruedy | first2 = R.
| last3 = Sato | first3 = M.
| last4 = Lo | first4 = K.
| title = GISS Surface Temperature An...
| work =
| publisher = [[Goddard Institute for...
| date = December 15, 2005
| url = http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gis...
| format =
| doi =
| accessdate = September 28, 2006 }}
| last1 = Hansen | first1 = James E.
| author1-link = James Hansen
| last2 = Ruedy | first2 = R.
| last3 = Sato | first3 = M.
| last4 = Lo | first4 = K.
| title = GISS Surface Temperature An...
| publisher = [[Goddard Institute for ...
| date = December 15, 2005
| year = 2005
| url = http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gis...
| accessdate = September 28, 2006 }}
{{cite conference
| first =
| last =
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| title =
| booktitle =
| pages =
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| date =
| location =
| url =
| doi =
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| accessdate = }}
{{cite conference
| first = M.
| last = Turk
| authorlink =
| coauthors = Pentland, A.
| title = Face recognition ...
| booktitle = Proc IEEE Con...
| place = Maui, Hawaii
| pages = 586–591
| year = 1991 }}
Turk, M.; Pentland, A. (1991). Face recognition using eigenfaces. Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Maui, Hawaii. с. 586—591.
{{cite conference
| last1 = Evans | first1 = N. R.
| last2 = Schaefer | first2 = G.
| last3 = Bond | first3 = H.
| last4 = Karovska | first4 = M.
| last5 = Nelan | first5 = E.
| last6 = Sasselov | first6 = D.
| title = Direct detection of the ...
| booktitle = American Astronomical Society 207th ...
| publisher = AAS
| date = January 9, 2006
| url = http://www.aas.org/ ... 30.htm }}
| first =
| last =
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| url =
| doi =
| id = }}
| last1 = Turk | first1 = M.
| last2 = Pet... | first2 = A.
| contribution = Face recog...
| series = Proc IEEE Confere...
| place = Maui, Hawaii
| pages = 586–591
| year = 1991 }}
Turk, M.; Petland, A. (1991), Face recognition using eigenfaces, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Maui, Hawaii, с. 586—591 {{citation}}: Пропущений або порожній |title= (довідка)
| last1 = Evans | first1 = N. R.
| last2 = Schaefer | first2 = G.
| last3 = Bond | first3 = H.
| last4 = Karovska | first4 = M.
| last5 = Nelan | first5 = E.
| last6 = Sasselov | first6 = D.
| contribution = Direct detection of ...
| series = American Astronomical...
| publisher = AAS
| date = January 9, 2006
| contribution-url = http://...30.htm }}
{{cite encyclopedia
| title =
| encyclopedia =
| volume =
| pages =
| publisher =
| date =
| id =
| accessdate = }}
{{cite encyclopedia
| title = Kirkegaard...
| encyclopedia = Grote Winkler Pri...
| editor-last = Winkler Pri...
| editor-first = Anthony
| editor-link = Anthony Win...
| volume = 9
| publisher = Elsevier
| year = 1882 }}
Winkler Prins, Anthony, ред. (1882). Kirkegaard, Ole Lund. Grote Winkler Prins. Т. 9. Elsevier.
{{cite encyclopedia
| last = Kramer
| first = Martin
| authorlink = Martin Kramer
| editor-last = Boyd
| editor-first = Kelley
| title = Bernard Lewis
| encyclopedia = Encyclopedia of Hist...
| volume = 1
| pages = 719–720
| publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn
| location = London
| date = 1999
| url = http://www.oocities.com/mart... }}
Kramer, Martin (1999). Bernard Lewis. У Boyd, Kelley (ред.). Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing. Т. 1. London: Fitzroy Dearborn. с. 719—720.
| last =
| first =
| contribution =
| year =
| title =
| editor-last =
| editor-first =
| volume =
| pages =
| place =
| publisher =
| id = }}
| contribution = Kirkegaard...
| title = Grote Winkler Pri...
| editor-last = Winkler Pri...
| editor-first = Anthony
| editor-link = Anthony Win...
| volume = 9
| publisher = Elsevier
| year = 1882 }}
Winkler Prins, Anthony, ред. (1882), Kirkegaard, Ole Lund, Grote Winkler Prins, т. 9, Elsevier
| last = Kramer
| first = Martin
| author-link = Martin Kramer
| contribution = Bernard Lewis
| editor-last = Boyd
| editor-first = Kelley
| title = Encyclopedia of Historians ...
| volume = 1
| pages = 719–720
| publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn
| place = London
| year = 1999
| contribution-url = http://...is.htm }}
Kramer, Martin (1999), Bernard Lewis, у Boyd, Kelley (ред.), Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, т. 1, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, с. 719—720
{{cite news
| last =
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{{cite news
| last = Finn
| first = Gary
| title = What a growing lad needs is ...
| pages =
| newspaper = The Independent
| location = London
| date = 31 August 1998
| url = http://www.independent.co.uk ...
{{cite news
| last = Andersen
| first = David
| coauthors = Witter, Lameen
| title = Former Marine, Go Daddy CEO...
| work = Marine Corps News
| date = 17 February 2006
| url = http://www.military.com/Caree...
| accessdate = 6 June 2006 }}
| last =
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| last = Finn
| first = Gary
| title = What a growing lad needs is ...
| pages =
| newspaper = The Independent
| location = London
| date = 31 August 1998
| url =http://www.independent.co.uk ...
| archiveurl = http://www.webcitation ...
| archivedate = 2010-03-06
{{cite newsgroup
| title =
| author =
| date =
| newsgroup =
| id =
| url =
| accessdate = }}
{{cite newsgroup
| author = Gary S. Terhune
| title = Lost Ctrl-Alt-Del...
| date = January 11, 2004
| newsgroup = microsoft.pub...
| id = uAIVMjC2DHA.2336@TK2...
| url = http://groups.googl...
| accessdate = May 16, 2006 }}
{{cite newsgroup
| title = How can helping "Kids in Af...
| author = Trodel
| date = June 10, 2006
| newsgroup= humanities.philosophy.ob...
| id = 1149950890.204481.35810@h76g20...
| url = http://groups.google.com/grou...
| accessdate = July 3, 2006 }}
| inventor1-last = Degermark
| inventor1-first = Mikael
| inventor2-last = Brodnik
| inventor2-first = Andrej
| inventor3-last = Carlsson
| inventor3-first = Svante
| inventor4-last = Pink
| inventor4-first = Stephen
| title = Fast routing lookup system
using complete prefix tree, bit vector,
and pointers in a routing table for
determining where to route IP datagrams
| issue-date = 2001
| patent-number = 6266706
| country-code = US}}
US 6266706, Degermark, Mikael; Andrej Brodnik & Svante Carlsson et al., "Fast routing lookup system using complete prefix tree, bit vector, and pointers in a routing table for determining where to route IP datagrams", issued 2001
{{cite video
| people =
| title =
| medium =
| publisher =
| location =
| date =
| url = }}
{{cite video
| people = Al-Issawi, Omar (Director)
| title = [http://www.imdb...]
| medium = Television production
| publisher = Al-Issawi, Om...
| location = Lebanon
| date = 2001 }}
Al-Issawi, Omar (Director) (2001). Harab libnan (Television production). Lebanon: Al-Issawi, Omar. {{cite AV media}}: Зовнішнє посилання в |title= (довідка)
{{cite video
| people = Dick Cavett
| title = The Dick Cavett Show — Rock...
| medium = DVD
| publisher = Shout Factory
| date = 2005 }}
Dick Cavett (2005). The Dick Cavett Show — Rock Icons (1969) (DVD). Shout Factory.
This template allows for a cartoonist field to be used instead of the individual fields if there is a sole creator, as in Bone, or an artist field if the penciller and inker is the same person.