Шаблон Singleschart2 — облегченный вариант шаблона Singleschart, взятого из английской Википедии для удобства создания и перевода статей о музыкальных релизах (синглы).
При помощи шаблона генерируется таблица музыкальных чартов с указанием чарта, ссылки на релиз, мечта в чарте; сноска на источник (чарт) появляется в разделе Примечания.
В другом языковом разделе есть более полный шаблон Singlechart2/doc (англ.).
Шаблон используется для отображения позиции в определённом чарте музыкального сингла, с автоматическим формированием ссылки на источник. Шаблоны должн быть вставлены в таблицу.
для любых чартов обязательными являются параметры назания чарта и места. Остальные параметры имогут являться обязательными в зависимости от того или иного чарта.
Рекомендуется всегда заполнять параметры «song=» и «artist=». Параметр artist используется по умолчанию для именования сноски, если она используется где-то ещё в статье.
rowheader по умолчанию отображается как false. Если поставить true, названия чартов будут заголовками.
The parameters publishdate, accessdate, and refname are optional. Whether the other parameters are required or not depend on the chart being referenced. See the tables in the Support section below.
chart (or first parameter, without name): Chart identifier. Must be one of the options listed under Chart ID in the tables of the Support section below. Often named as a country or nationality (e.g., Spain or Spanish), but sometimes named for a specific chart (e.g., Billboardjapanhot100). Some charts allow more than one identifier; the results produced are identical.
peak (or second parameter, without name): The number you found to be the peak postion achieved by the single on the specific chart to date. If the song has not appeared on the chart (due to low popularity or lack of release in a country), you can enter a dash (-, not a hyphen -). Usually, it’s better to omit the template completely.
song: Title of the single. Made-up words, slang, «hip» spellings, tricky punctuation, etc., can make this parameter difficult to correctly determine. Make sure to check the resulting reference URL (Preview) before saving the definitive version of the article.
songid: Numeric identifier used by some chart listings (see UKchartstats below). Determined by performing a search at the chart listings' website for the single (or performer or album, then following a link through to the single’s page). The songid can be found in the Web address (URL) by inspection. For example, the page for «Genie In A Bottle» at www.chartstats.com has the URL http://www.chartstats.com/songinfo.php?id=27705, so the songid to use is 27705.
artist: Name of the single’s perfomer. As for the song parameter, odd spellings and clever stylings (e.g., Ke$ha) can make this parameter difficult to correctly determine. The German chart, for example, typically requires names in lastname, firstname format. Make sure to check the resulting reference URL (Preview) before saving the definitive version of the article. Also note that this parameter is required for all charts where you are reusing the references using the default naming (see Output section below). If you use the refname parameter, however, artist may not be absolutely necessary.
artistid: Numeric identifier used by some chart listings (see Billboard charts). Determined by performing a search at the chart listings' website for the artist (or single or album, then following a link through to the performer’s page). The artistid can be found in the Web address (URL) by inspection. For example, the page for Eric Clapton at www.billboard.com has the URL http://www.billboard.com/#/artist/eric-clapton/50403, so the artistid to use is 50403.
url: The URL of the reference where you found the song’s peak position for the chart. Used only for particular charts (see Support tables) where there is no indexing system, not necessary (or even used) for others.
urltitle: The title of the page for the reference where you found the song’s peak position for the chart. Used in combination with the url parameter, and only for particular charts (see Support tables) where there is no indexing system, not necessary (or even used) for others.
date: Date of the chart in the format YYYYMMDD, an 8-digit number indicating year (Y), month (M) and day (D). Used only for certain charts (see Frenchdigital below); not necessary (or even used) for others. This date is used solely to create the reference URL to the download chart, and is not displayed textually in the references list. For general citation of any chart’s publication date, use the optional publishdate parameter.
year: Four-digit year indicating the year being reported by the chart. Used in combination with the week parameter and only for certain charts; not necessary (or even used) for others. Not necessarily the same as the publication date referred to by publishdate.
week: Two-digit week indicating the week being reported by the chart. Week is a number from 01 to 53, with a leading 0 for weeks 01-09 (some charts do not require the leading zero; consult Support tables below). Used in combination with the year parameter and only for certain charts; not necessary (or even used) for others. Not necessarily related to the publication date referred to by publishdate.
note: For adding a note about a particular version of a song, e.g., note=extended dance mix, or {{singlechart2|Australia|1|song=I'm the Urban Spaceman|artist=The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band|note=uncensored version}}.
publishdate: Date of publication of the reference generated by the template, in the same format as other dates in citations in the same article. Optional parameter.
accessdate: Date that the reference generated by the template was retrieved to determine peak position. Should be in the same format as other dates in citations in the same article. Optional parameter.
refname: Enables you to specify a name for the reference generated by the template. If no value is provided for refname the default reference name (in the form sc_Chartid_artist, see Output below) will be used. A reference with a name can be reused for claims elsewhere in the article. Optional parameter.
The template’s expansion results in two output items:
a row of output for a two-cell table row, and
a reference
The output row includes the piping character to divide the left cell from the right cell. The left cell includes the country and/or chart name, with wikilinks to the chart article(s), as well as the reference note[n] as if it were enclosed in <ref></ref> tags. Any note included with the note parameter is shown in the left cell as well. The right cell contains the peak position number, including the code to horizontally center the number in the table cell.
The citation generated by this template will appear in the list in place of <References/> or the {{reflist}} template, like any other references. The reference produced will be given a name in the form "sc_Chartid_artist" by default, i.e., if the article uses
{{singlechart2|Australia|1|song=I'm the Urban Spaceman|artist=Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band|note=album version}}
then the citation could be used to support other statements on the page using a reference as in
...some fact supported by the same source.<ref name="sc_Australia_Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band"/>
Alternatively, the name can be overridden using the refname parameter, i.e.,
{{singlechart2|Australia|1|song=I'm the Urban Spaceman|artist=Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band|refname=bonzosinoz}}
which could then be used as a citation to support other statements on the page using a reference as in
...some fact supported by the same source.<ref name=bonzosinoz/>
Note that the refname parameter does not require the use of quotation marks, but names with spaces in them will necessitate quotation marks in the name parameter of <ref> (for example, you would need to use <ref name="bonzos in oz"/> if you used spaces in the name).
Year и week — год и неделя определяются по тому году, когда песня вошла в чарт. Week — число от 01 до 53, (с добавлением 0 для 01-09). Неделя необходима для показа нужного чарта.
Дата в формате yyyy-mm-dd. Из-з ограничений движка Wikimedia, опция «artist search» не может быть использована. Таким образом можно указать позиции 1-40, для 41-100 следует использоать UKchartstats.
Другие международные чарты не поддерживаются шаблоном {{singlechart}} и источники придётся добавлять вручную (см. Бразильский чарт из примера выше).
* Параметр artist нужен для оформления сносок. Можно использовать refname, для того, чтобы использовать этот источник в нескольких местах. Использование параметров song и title настоятельно рекомендуется.
Чарты Billboard
Billboard требуют имя музыканта или название группы и id. Эти данные можно найти через поиск на www.billboard.com. Например Katy Perry на www.billboard.com — http://www.billboard.com/#/artist/katy-perry/958673 . 958673 — id Katy Perry. Это и есть параметр artistid в шаблоне. Например,
{{singlechart|Billboardhot100|1|artist=Katy Perry|artistid=958673}}ставит Кэти Перри на 1 место чарта Billboard Hot 100.