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This template creates a {{cite web}} citation for music sales certification data from different regions. The citation created is as accurate as possible using the parameters given. Remember to check the output (e.g., for red error messages, broken links) when using this template; as an editor it is your responsibility to check your additions.
|region= — region in which the certification was awarded
|title= — title of work
|artist= — performing artist or group
|type= — album/single/video/jazz/compilation/videosingle/ringtone/EP (see support below)
To list Australian certifications for U2's album Achtung Baby, note that although the album was released in 1991 the last certification (to date) was in 1998
Regions supported by template, with relevant parameters
title artist type=album/video
Information for old singles and compilation albums as well as new digital downloads is unavailable
certyear type=album/single/video source id
Use |certyear= to cite the yearly archives from 1990 to 2022 To cite ARIA Top 50 charts (from July 2019), set |id= to YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. |id=2019-07-22. To cite the Australian artist Top 20, set |domestic=true To cite ARIA Top 50 yearly charts (from 1988) set |source=yearchart Can also set |source=book to use Ryan, Gavin. Australia’s Music Charts 1988–2010 : [англ.]. — PDF. — Mt Martha, Victoria, Australia : Moonlight Publishing, 2011. and |id= is the page number.
title artist type
certyear type
artist type
title artist type certmonth certyear digital
certmonth and certyear are only used as backward compatibility if both title and artist are not supplied, in which case the old database is used (only valid from 2001) Set |digital=true for digital downloads or |type=ringtone for ringtones
Central America
certyear source id type
Use |source=chart to use weekly charts, which is required before 2004. |certyear= is the chart year and |id= is the chart week. Otherwise, if id is specified, will use the node number (accessible from the URL after search). Otherwise will use the default location http://www.ifpi.dk/certificeringer-0
Albums only. Only up to 2014.
artist domestic
Will use domestic certifications if |domestic=true
artist title type=album/single/video/compilation source certyear award number
Use |source=archive to use SNEP archives as source, requires |certyear=, |award= and |number= for multiple awards. Use |source=infodisc for unofficial www.infodisc.fr tables (Manual search required)
From 2009 to 2011 only.
title artist type=album/single/video best=yes*/no
In cases where the best certification does not show up (known bug), set |best=no to show the entire certification history
id type certyear certweek domestic
Referenced from wayback machine archive, e.g. here. id is the full 14 digit timestamp, e.g. 20070114174502. Use |certyear= and |certweek= for correct titles. Supports |domestic=true where relevant (albums before 2011 and singles from 2021)
Hong Kong
Albums only. Only up to 2008.
award number certyear
From 2005 to 2013 only.
From 2009 only. Use |id= for referencing the individual page (found at the end of the URL after clicking «Richiedi Targhetta»). Otherwise, manual search required.
certmonth certyear digital streaming type
Set |digital=true or |type=ringtone for digital download certifications Set |streaming=true uses the streaming certifications
artist title type
Manual search required
artist type
Manual search required
New Zealand
type=album/single/compilation id source domestic archive-url archive-date
Supports five sources: If |source=archive, uses Radioscope certifications archive which only go April 2007 to July 2011. If |source=book, uses Scapolo, Dean. The Complete New Zealand Music Charts: 1966 – 2006 : [англ.]. — Wellington : Maurienne House, 2007. — ISBN 978-1877443-00-8. and |id= is the page number. If |source=radioscope, uses the 2024 RadioScope certification search which has certifications since 2013. This options requires manual search. If |source=newchart, uses the new website at aotearoamusiccharts.co.nz which has charts from 1975. In this case |id= is the date of the chart in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Setting |domestic=true will use the domestic charts. Otherwise, or if |source=oldchart, uses the defunct website at nztop40.co.nz which had charts from 1975. In this case |id= is the number of the chart and setting |domestic=true will use the domestic charts. This option also requires setting |archive-url= and |archive-date=.
From 2023
artist certyear
type=album/single/video/jazz award certyear
Uses ZPAV source with annual certlists if 1995<=certyear<=2023, where award is mandatory to identify the section (Gold, Platinum and Diamond). Otherwise, can be used OLiS source, with manual search required.
certyear id source archiveurl archivedate
Supports three sources. The first is working and the latter two are obsolete and used only for backward compatibility:
audiogest: Used if certyear>=2018. Requires |id=FILENAME, where filename is according to the stored URL http://www.audiogest.pt/uploads/files/FILENAME.
Obsolete 1 afp: Used if |source=archive. Works correctly only for 2007<=certyear<=2010. Uses an archived version.
Obsolete 2 artistas-espectaculos: Used in all other cases. Requires |id=XXXXYY where XXXX is the year and YY is the week in which the title charted. Requires |archiveurl= and |archivedate=, but will provide a helper link if they are not supplied. Works correctly only for 2004<=certyear<=2010.
Albums only
Albums only. From 2019 only
South Africa
artist title
South Korea
type streaming
From April 2018 only
certyear certweek id type streaming digital artist title
If |id= is set, will use the El portal de Música entry to reach the specific title. In this case, id should be set to the end of the url for that title, e.g. for citing «Viva La Vida», the url is https://www.elportaldemusica.es/single/coldplay-viva-la-vida-2 and one needs to set |id=coldplay-viva-la-vida-2. Also |type= is mandatory in this case. Otherwise, if |certweek= is used, |certyear= is the year for the certification and |certweek= is the week number on which the PDF is available from the dropdown available under the week tab. This option supports |streaming=true, |digital=true and |type=ringtone, relevant only for 2008 certifications. Otherwise, |artist= and/or |title= are used to search the El portal de Música certification database.
certyear certweek position type=single/album artist source
Use |source=artist to cite by |artist=. Use |source=chart to cite by |certyear= and |certweek= from a chart, where |position= can be used to ease navigation. Otherwise, can use |certyear= for an archived citation but only until 2011.
artist title certyear
Will use title if available, artist as a second option, and certyear as last option.
From 2004 to 2009 only
United Kingdom
artist title id type
|id= is mandatory if both |artist= and |title= are specified. The value can be found by clicking the certification and looking for the number at the end of the URL, e.g., for https://www.bpi.co.uk/award/1237-2003-2 use |id=1237-2003-2. Otherwise, manual search required
United States
title artist type=album/single/video/videosingle/ringtone/EP Spanish