Thomas Edwin Mix (n. Thomas Hezikiah Mix ,[ 7] n. 6 ianuarie 1880 , Pennsylvania , SUA – d. 12 octombrie 1940 , Florence , Arizona , SUA ) a fost un actor american . A fost vedeta a mai multor filme Western timpurii între 1909 și 1935. A apărut în 291 de filme, dintre care toate, cu excepția a 9 filme, erau filme mute. El a fost prima vedetă Western de la Hollywood și a contribuit la definirea genului așa cum a apărut în primele zile ale cinematografiei.[ 7]
Ca actor
1909 - The Cowboy Millionaire
1909 - Briton and Boer
1909 - Up San Juan Hill
1909 - On the Little Big Horn or Custer's Last Stand
1909 - An Indian Wife's Devotion
1910 - Taming Wild Animals
1910 - Pride of the Range de Francis Boggs
1910 - Mr. Mix at the Mardi Gras
1910 - Trimming of Paradise Gulch : un des cowboys de Paradise Gulch
1910 - The Way of the Red Man
1910 - Two Boys in Blue
1910 - The Range Riders
1910 - The Long Trail
1910 - Ranch Life in the Great Southwest : Bronco Buster
1910 - Lost in the Soudan
1910 - The Schoolmaster of Mariposa
1911 - Wheels of Justice
1911 - The Cowboy and the Shrew
1911 - In Old California When the Gringos Came
1911 - Back to the Primitive
1911 - The Rose of Old St. Augustine : Black Hawk, un indien Seminole
1911 - Captain Kate : Loyal Native
1911 - Saved by the Pony Express : le cavalier du Pony Express
1911 - Life on the Border : chef indien
1911 - The Totem Mark : (nemenționat)
1911 - Kit Carson's Wooing
1911 - Dad's Girls : Tom Ralston, le parieur
1911 - Told in Colorado : Bill Higgins, un mineur
1911 - Why the Sheriff is a Bachelor : Joe Davis, le Shérif
1911 - Lost in the Jungle : nemenționat
1911 - Western Hearts : Shérif Strong
1911 - The Telltale Knife : Tom Mason, un voleur de bétail
1911 - A Romance of the Rio Grande : Tom Wilson, un Texas Ranger
1911 - In the Days of Gold
1911 - The Bully of Bingo Gulch : Pop Lynd, propriétaire du Bingo Gulch Ranch
1912 - Outlaw Reward
1912 - A Cowboy's Best Girl : Bull Stokes, un cow-boy
1912 - The Scapegoat : Tom Mason
1912 - The 'Diamond S' Ranch
1912 - A Reconstructed Rebel
1912 - The Silver Grindstone : le tenancier du saloon
1913 - Local Color
1913 - How It Happened
1913 - The Range Law : Cowpuncher
1913 - Juggling with Fate : Andrews lee Marshal / Morgan le hors-la-loi
1913 - The Sheriff of Yawapai County : Apache Frank
1913 - Pauline Cushman, the Federal Spy
1913 - The Life Timer : le Shérif
1913 - A Prisoner of Cabanas
1913 - The Shotgun Man and the Stage Driver : le conducteur de la diligence
1913 - That Mail Order Suit : Slim
1913 - His Father's Deputy : Ed Hanley
1913 - The Noisy Six
1913 - The Wordless Message
1913 - Budd Doble Comes Back
1913 - Religion and Gun Practice : Kill Kullen
1913 - The Law and the Outlaw : Dakota Wilson
1913 - The Only Chance : Mécanicien
1913 - Taming a Tenderfoot : Bud Morris
1913 - The Marshal's Capture : le métis
1913 - Sallie's Sure Shot : Injun Sam
1913 - Made a Coward : Pete
1913 - The Taming of Texas Pete : le métis
1913 - The Stolen Moccasins : Swift Foot
1913 - An Apache's Gratitude : Tonto
1913 - The Good Indian : l'indien
1913 - How Betty Made Good : le contremaître
1913 - Howlin' Jones : Robledo
1913 - The Rejected Lover's Luck : l'indien
1913 - The Cattle Thief's Escape : Pete Becker, un méris
1913 - Saved from the Vigilantes : Squire Beasley
1913 - Dishwash Dick's Counterfeit : le voleur de bétail
1913 - A Muddle in Horse Thieves : le voleur de chevaux
1913 - The Schoolmarm's Shooting Match : Gray
1913 - The Sheriff and the Rustler : le voleur de bétail
1913 - The Child of the Prairies : Fred Watson
1913 - The Escape of Jim Dolan : Jim Dolan
1913 - Cupid in the Cow Camp : Bud Reynolds
1913 - Physical Culture on the Quarter Circle V Bar : Williams
1913 - Buster's Little Game : Pete
1913 - Mother Love vs Gold : Pete Jackson
1914 - Finish
1914 - The Fifth Man
1914 - Shotgun Jones
1914 - Buffalo Hunting
1914 - By Unseen Hand : Chef Jackson
1914 - A Friend in Need de William Duncan - Le contremaître
1914 - The Little Sister : un prospecteur
1914 - In Defiance of the Law : Caporal Nome
1914 - The Leopard's Foundling
1914 - His Fight
1914 - The Wilderness Mail : le hors-la-loi
1914 - When the Cook Fell Ill : Chip
1914 - Etienne of the Glad Heart : Peter
1914 - The White Mouse : Sergent Brokaw
1914 - The Reveler
1914 - Chip of the Flying U : Chip
1914 - When the West Was Young : Chef indien
1914 - Jim de Tom Ricketts
1914 - The Lonesome Trail de Colin Campbell
1914 - The Real Thing in Cowboys : Wallace Carey
1914 - The Going of the White Swan
1914 - Hearts and Masks
1914 - Four Minutes Late
1914 - The Losing Fight
1914 - The Moving Picture Cowboy : Luke Barns
1914 - The Way of the Redman : Le peau-rouge
1914 - The Mexican : le Mexicain
1914 - Your Girl and Mine: A Woman Suffrage Play
1914 - Garrison's Finish
1914 - Jimmy Hayes and Muriel : Jimmy Hayes
1914 - Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor : le Shérif
1914 - The Telltale Knife : Tom Mason
1914 - The Ranger's Romance : le Ranger
1914 - If I Were Young Again
1914 - The Sheriff's Reward : le Shérif
1914 - The Scapegoat : Tom Jackson
1914 - In the Days of the Thundering Herd : Tom Mingle
1914 - The Rival Stage Lines : Harding Martin
1914 - Saved by a Watch : Tom
1914 - The Lure of the Windigo : nemenționat
1914 - The Man from the East : Tom Bates
1914 - Wade Brent Pays
1914 - The Flower of Faith
1914 - Cactus Jake, Heart-Breaker : Bill
1915 - The Lone Cowboy
1915 - Hearts of the Jungle
1915 - The Face at the Window
1915 - Harold's Bad Man
1915 - Cactus Jim's Shop Girl : Cactus Jim
1915 - The Grizzly Gulch Chariot Race
1915 - Forked Trails
1915 - Roping a Bride
1915 - Bill Haywood, Producer : Bill Haywood
1915 - Slim Higgins : Slim Higgins
1915 - A Child of the Prairie : Tom Martin
1915 - The Man from Texas : Texas
1915 - Le Conducteur de diligence et la jeune fille (The Stagecoach Driver and the Girl) de Tom Mix : Tom, Le conducteur de diligence
1915 - Sagebrush Tom : Sagebrush Tom
1915 - Jack's Pals
1915 - The Outlaw's Bride : Richard Sharpe
1915 - Ma's Girls : le joueur
1915 - The Legal Light : Pete
1915 - The Conversion of Smiling Tom : Smilin Tom
1915 - Getting a Start in Life : Tom
1915 - Mrs. Murphy's Cooks : Buck Martin
1915 - An Arizona Wooing : Tom Warner
1915 - A Matrimonial Boomerang : Tom Champion
1915 - Saved by Her Horse : Tom Golden
1915 - Pals in Blue : Tom
1915 - The Heart of the Sheriff : Shérif Martin
1915 - With the Aid of the Law : Lee Russell
1915 - The Parson Who Fled West
1915 - Foreman of Bar Z Ranch : Tom Wallace
1915 - Never Again
1915 - How Weary Went Wooing : Weary
1915 - The Range Girl and the Cowboy : Tom
1915 - The Auction Sale of Run-Down Ranch : Tom Hickey
1915 - Her Slight Mistake : Bill
1915 - The Girl and the Mail Bag : Tom Chester
1915 - The Foreman's Choice : Tom Hickson
1915 - The Brave Deserve the Fair : Tom Martin
1915 - The Stagecoach Guard
1915 - The Race for a Gold Mine : Tom Cummins
1915 - Athletic Ambitions : The Wild Man
1915 - The Chef at Circle G : Le cuisinier du ranch
1915 - The Tenderfoot's Triumph
1915 - The Impersonation of Tom
1915 - Bad Man Bobbs
1915 - On the Eagle Trail : Tom Merry
1916 - The Way of the Redman
1916 - In the Days of Daring
1916 - A Mix-Up in Movies : Tom
1916 - Making Good : Tom
1916 - The Passing of Pete : Pete
1916 - Along the Border : Tom Martin
1916 - Too Many Chefs : Tom Forde
1916 - The Man Within : Tom Melford
1916 - $5,000 Reward
1916 - Crooked Trails : Dick Taylor
1916 - Going West to Make Good : Tom Gilmore
1916 - The Cowpuncher's Peril : Tom Meyers
1916 - Taking a Chance : Tom Manton
1916 - The Girl of Gold Gulch
1916 - Some Duel : Tom
1916 - Legal Advice : Tom
1916 - Shooting Up the Movies : Tom Travis
1916 - Local Color on the A-1 Ranch : Tom
1916 - An Angelic Attitude : Tom Miller
1916 - A Western Masquerade
1916 - A Bear of a Story
1916 - Roping a Sweetheart : Tom Walker, un cow-boy
1916 - Tom's Strategy
1916 - The Taming of Grouchy Bill : Tom
1916 - The Pony Express Rider : Tom Orbig
1916 - A Corner in Water
1916 - The Raiders : Tom Gardner
1916 - The Canby Hill Outlaws : Tom Gordon
1916 - A Mistake in Rustlers : Tom
1916 - An Eventful Evening : Jack Winton
1916 - A Close Call : Dick Masters
1916 - Tom's Sacrifice : Tom Miller
1916 - The Sheriff's Blunder
1916 - Mistakes Will Happen
1916 - Twisted Trails : Tom Snow
1916 - The Golden Thought : Tom Daton
1917 - Starring in Western Stuff : Tom Sage
1917 - Delayed in Transit
1917 - The Luck That Jealousy Brought : Joe Barr
1917 - The Heart of Texas Ryan : Jack Parker
1917 - The Saddle Girth : Tom, un cow-boy
1917 - Hearts and Saddles
1917 - A Roman Cowboy : Bud Ballard
1917 - Six Cylinder Love : Buck Saunders
1917 - A Soft Tenderfoot : le pied-tendre
1917 - Durand of the Bad Lands : Clem Alison
1917 - Tom and Jerry Mix : le contremaître
1917 - The Law North of 65
1918 - Cupid's Roundup : Larry Kelly
1918 - Six Shooter Andy : Andy Crawford
1918 - Western Blood : Tex Wilson
1918 - Ace High : Jean Rivard
1918 - Who's Your Father? : Tom Hartrigger
1918 - Mr. Logan, U.S.A. de Lynn Reynolds - Jim Logan
1918 - Fame and Fortune de Lynn Reynolds - Clay Burgess
1919 - Un nid de serpents (Treat 'Em Rough ) de Lynn Reynolds - Ned Ferguson
1919 - Hell-Roarin' Reform : Tim
1919 - Fighting for Gold
1919 - The Coming of the Law : Kent Hollis
1919 - The Wilderness Trail : Donald MacTavish
1919 - Rough-Riding Romance : Phineas Dobbs
1919 - The Speed Maniac : Billy Porter
1919 - The Feud : Jere Lynch / John Smith
1920 - The Cyclone : Sergent Tim Ryerson
1920 - The Daredevil : Timothy Atkinson
1920 - Desert Love : Buck Marston Jr.
1920 - The Terror : Bat Carson
1920 - Days of Daring
1920 - Three Gold Coins : Bob Fleming / Bad Pat Duncan
1920 - Le Siffleur tragique (The Untamed ) : Dan le Siffleur
1920 - The Texan de Lynn Reynolds - Tex Benton
1920 - Prairie Trails : Tex Benton
1921 - The Road Demon de Lynn Reynolds
1921 - Hands Off : Tex Roberts
1921 - A Ridin' Romeo : Jim Rose
1921 - The Big Town Round-Up : Larry McBride
1921 - After Your Own Heart : Herbert Parker
1921 - The Night Horsemen : Dan le Siffleur
1921 - The Rough Diamond : Hank Sherman
1921 - Trailin' : Anthony Woodbury
1922 - L'Aigle (Sky High ) de Lynn Reynolds - Grant Newburg
1922 - Chasing the Moon : Dwight Locke
1922 - Up and Going de Lynn Reynolds - David Brandon
1922 - The Fighting Streak : Andrew Lanning
1922 - La Manière forte (For Big Stakes ) de Lynn Reynolds - 'Clean-up' Sudden
1922 - Centaure (Just Tony ) de Lynn Reynolds - Jim Perris
1922 - Do and Dare : Kit Carson Boone / Henry Boone
1922 - Tom Mix in Arabia : Billy Evans
1922 - Dur à cuire (Catch My Smoke) de William Beaudine - Bob Stratton
1923 - Romance Land : 'Pep' Hawkins
1923 - Three Jumps Ahead : Steve McLean
1923 - Stepping Fast : Grant Malvern
1923 - Soft Boiled : Tom Steele
1923 - The Lone Star Ranger de Lambert Hillyer - Duane
1923 - Mile-a-Minute Romeo : Lucky Bill
1923 - Le Pionnier de la baie d'Hudson (North of Hudson Bay ) de John Ford - Michael Dane
1923 - Eyes of the Forest : Bruce Thornton
1924 - Pals in Blue
1924 - Ladies to Board : Tom Faxton
1924 - The Trouble Shooter : Tom Steele
1924 - The Heart Buster : Tod Walton
1924 - The Last of the Duanes : Buck Duane
1924 - Oh, You Tony! de John G. Blystone - Tom Masters
1924 - Teeth de John G. Blystone - Dave Deering
1924 - The Deadwood Coach : Tom / The Orphan - in play
1925 - A Child of the Prairie : Tom Martin
1925 - Dick Turpin : Dick Turpin
1925 - Tom le vengeur (Riders of the Purple Sage ) de Lynn Reynolds - Jim Carson aka Jim Lassiter
1925 - Le Secret de l'abîme (The Rainbow Trail ) de Lynn Reynolds - John Shefford
1925 - The Lucky Horseshoe : Tom Foster
1925 - The Everlasting Whisper de John G. Blystone - Mark King
1925 - The Best Bad Man de John G. Blystone - Hugh Nichols
1926 - The Yankee Señor : Paul Wharton
1926 - My Own Pal : Tom O'Hara
1926 - Tony Runs Wild : Tom Trent
1926 - Hard Boiled : Tom Bouden
1926 - No Man's Gold : Tom Stone
1926 - The Great K and A Train Robbery : Tom Gordon
1926 - The Canyon of Light : Tom Mills
1927 - The Last Trail de Lewis Seiler - Tom Dane
1927 - The Broncho Twister : Tom Mason
1927 - Outlaws of Red River : Tom Morley
1927 - The Circus Ace : Tom Terry
1927 - Tumbling River : Tom Gieer
1927 - Silver Valley : Tom Tracey
1927 - The Arizona Wildcat : Tom Phelan
1928 - Hollywood Today No. 4
1928 - Daredevil's Reward : Tom Hardy
1928 - A Horseman of the Plains : Tom Swift
1928 - Hello Cheyenne : Tom Remington
1928 - Painted Post : Tom Blake
1928 - Son of the Golden West : Tom Hardy
1928 - King Cowboy : Tex Rogers
1929 - Outlawed : Tom Manning
1929 - The Drifter : Tom McCall
1929 - The Big Diamond
1932 - Destry Rides Again : Tom Destry
1932 - The Rider of Death Valley : Tom Rigby
1932 - The Texas Bad Man : Tom Logan, posing as Dan Bishop
1932 - Mon copain le roi (My Pal, the King ) : Tom Reed
1932 - The Fourth Horseman : Tom Martin
1932 - Hidden Gold : Tom Marley
1932 - Flaming Guns : Tom Malone
1933 - Terror Trail : Tom Munroe
1933 - Rustlers' Roundup : Tom Lawson
1933 - Gordon of Ghost City : Stock Footage [Ch. 10]
1935 - Le Cavalier miracle (The Miracle Rider ) : Tom Morgan
Ca regizor
Ca scenarist
Ca producător
^ a b Tom Mix , SNAC, accesat în 9 octombrie 2017
^ a b c Autoritatea BnF , accesat în 10 octombrie 2015
^ a b Tom Mix , Encyclopædia Britannica Online , accesat în 9 octombrie 2017
^ a b Tom Mix , Find a Grave, accesat în 9 octombrie 2017
^ a b Tom Mix , Brockhaus Enzyklopädie , accesat în 9 octombrie 2017
^ „Tom Mix” , Internet Movie Database
^ a b „Tom Mix Museum” . Oklahoma Historical Society. Arhivat din original la 19 ianuarie 2012 . Accesat în 2 iunie 2012 .
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