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Owyhee River[*][[Owyhee River (river in the United States of America)|]], Malheur River[*][[Malheur River (river in the United States of America)|]], Powder River[*][[Powder River (river in the United States of America)|]], Heart River[*][[Heart River (river in the United States of America)|]], Boise River[*][[Boise River (river in Idaho, United States)|]], Salmon River[*][[Salmon River (river in Idaho, United States)|]], Clearwater River[*][[Clearwater River (river in Idaho, United States)|]], Raft River[*][[Raft River (river in Box Elder County, Utah and Cassia County, Idaho in the United States)|]], Palouse River[*][[Palouse River (tributary of the Snake River in Idaho and Washington state in the United States)|]], Bruneau River[*][[Bruneau River (river in Owyhee County, Idaho and Elko County, Nevada in the United States)|]], Grande Ronde River[*][[Grande Ronde River (river in Asotin County, Washington and Wallowa and Union counties in Oregon in the United States)|]], Gros Ventre River[*][[Gros Ventre River (river in the United States of America)|]], Payette River[*][[Payette River (river in Payette, Gem, and Boise counties in Idaho, United States)|]], Salmon Falls Creek[*][[Salmon Falls Creek (river in Nevada and Idaho in the United States)|]], Burnt River[*][[Burnt River (river in Oregon, United States)|]], Greys River[*][[Greys River (river in the United States of America)|]], Lewis River[*][[Lewis River (river in United States of America)|]], Malad River[*][[Malad River (river in Gooding County, Idaho,United States)|]], Portneuf River[*][[Portneuf River (river in Idaho, United States)|]], Salt River[*][[Salt River (river in the U.S. state of Wyoming)|]], Tucannon River[*][[Tucannon River (river in Columbia County and Garfield County, Washington state, United States of America)|]][1], Weiser River[*][[Weiser River (river in Adams, Washington, and Valley counties in Idaho, United States)|]], Henrys Fork[*][[Henrys Fork (river in Madison and Fremont counties in Idaho, United States)|]], Hoback River[*][[Hoback River (river in the United States of America)|]], Bannock Creek[*][[Bannock Creek (river in Oneida and Power counties in Idaho, United States)|]], Blackfoot River[*][[Blackfoot River (river in Bingham and Caribou counties in Idaho. United States)|]], Goose Creek[*][[Goose Creek (creek in Box Elder County, Utah and Cassia County, Idaho in the United States)|]], Sailor Creek[*][[Sailor Creek (river in the United States of America)|]], Succor Creek[*][[Succor Creek (tributary of the Snake River in the U.S. states of Idaho and Oregon)|]], Willow Creek[*][[Willow Creek (river in Idaho, United States of America)|]], Imnaha River[*][[Imnaha River (tributary of the Snake River in Oregon)|]], Birch Creek[*][[Birch Creek (river in Asotin County, United States of America)|]][1], Anaconda Creek[*][[Anaconda Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County, Washington, United States)|]][1], Shovel Creek[*][[Shovel Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Oregon and Washington, United States of America)|]][1], Bear Creek[*][[Bear Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County, Washington, United States)|]][1], Couse Creek[*][[Couse Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County, Washington state, United States of America)|]][1], Tenmile Creek[*][[Tenmile Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County, Washington state, United States of America)|]][1], Asotin Creek[*][[Asotin Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County, Washington state, United States of America)|]][1], Dry Creek[*][[Dry Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County, Washington, United States)|]][1], Alpowa Creek[*][[Alpowa Creek (tributary to the Snake River in Asotin County and Garfield County, Washington state, United States of America)|]][1]
La sud de Lewiston, statul Idaho, Snake River traversează Hells Canyon (Defileul-Iadului), care are pereți verticali ce ating până la 2.410 m, fiind printre cele mai adânci chei din lume. După confluența cu Clearwater River, pe teritoriul statului Washington, râul Snake are pe cursul său mai multe baraje cu hidrocentrale. În apropiere de Pasco, statul Washington, Snake River se varsă în fluviulColumbia.
Numele său actual de Snake (Șarpe) provine probabil de la curburile numeroase pe care le are pe cursul său, asemănător modului cum un șarpe se deplasează, și/sau al literei S, sau al unui simbol asemănător litereiS, semn al indienilor Shoshone, pe care aceștia l-au folosit în decursul contactului cu Lewis și Clark pentru a descrie râul.
^ abcdefghijNational Hydrography Dataset[*][[National Hydrography Dataset (hydrography dataset representing the water drainage networks of the United States)|]]Verificați valoarea |titlelink= (ajutor)