Acest articol se referă la un personaj mitologic. Pentru un stat african, vedeți Egipt. Pentru un cătun din Regatul Unit, vedeți Egipt, Buckinghamshire.
Căsătorit cu
Caliadne[*][[Caliadne (naiad, wife of Aegyptus)|]] Gorgo[*][[Gorgo (wife of Aegyptus)|]] Argyphia[*][[Argyphia (wife of Aegyptus)|]] Tyria[*][[Tyria (wife of Aegyptus)|]] Hephaestine[*][[Hephaestine (wife of Aegyptus)|]] Isaea[*][[Isaea (daughter of Agenor in Greek mythology)|]] Euryrrhoe[*][[Euryrrhoe (consort of Aegyptus)|]]
Aganippe[*][[Aganippe (daughter of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Busiris[*][[Busiris (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Chthonius[*][[Chthonius (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Polyctor[*][[Polyctor (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Dryas[*][[Dryas (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Phantes[*][[Phantes (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Potamon[*][[Potamon (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Lynceus[*][[Lynceus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Bromius[*][[Bromius (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Eurylochus[*][[Eurylochus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Hermos[*][[Hermos (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Lixus[*][[Lixus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Peristhenes[*][[Peristhenes (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Hippothous[*][[Hippothous (mythological Greek character, son of Aegyptus)|]] Hippocorystes[*][[Hippocorystes (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Hyperbius[*][[Hyperbius (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Pandion[*][[Pandion (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Proteus[*][[Proteus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Daephron[*][[Daephron (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Lycus[*][[Lycus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Cisseus[*][[Cisseus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Imbrus[*][[Imbrus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Chrysippus[*][[Chrysippus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Sthenelus[*][[Sthenelus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Clitus[*][[Clitus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Lampus[*][[Lampus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Oeneus[*][[Oeneus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Menalces[*][[Menalces (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Aegyptus[*][[Aegyptus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Periphas[*][[Periphas (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Idmon[*][[Idmon (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Chaetus[*][[Chaetus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Istrus[*][[Istrus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Euchenor[*][[Euchenor (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Eurydamas[*][[Eurydamas (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Agaptolemus[*][[Agaptolemus (Son of Aigyptus)|]] Alces[*][[Alces (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Diocorystes[*][[Diocorystes (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Alcmenor[*][[Alcmenor (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Chalcodon[*][[Chalcodon (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Hippolytus[*][[Hippolytus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Menemachus[*][[Menemachus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Aegius[*][[Aegius (Greek mythical character, son of Aegyptus)|]] Argius[*][[Argius (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Cercetes[*][[Cercetes (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Enceladus[*][[Enceladus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Arbelus[*][[Arbelus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Canthus[*][[Canthus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Archelaus[*][[Archelaus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Agenor[*][[Agenor (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Andromachus[*][[Andromachus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Antimachus[*][[Antimachus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Antiochus[*][[Antiochus (mythological Greek character, son of Aigyptos)|]] Amyntor[*][[Amyntor (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Antipaphus[*][[Antipaphus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Aristonous[*][[Aristonous (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Asterius[*][[Asterius (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Athletes[*][[Athletes (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Cassus[*][[Cassus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Clytus[*][[Clytus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Daephron[*][[Daephron (son of Aegyptus by Hephaestine)|]] Demarchus[*][[Demarchus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Dolichus[*][[Dolichus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Echomius[*][[Echomius (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Eudaemon[*][[Eudaemon (mythological Greek character, son of Aigyptos)|]] Eurysthenes[*][[Eurysthenes (mythical son of Aegyptus)|]] Metalces[*][[Metalces (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Hyperantus[*][[Hyperantus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Midamos[*][[Midamos (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Xanthus[*][[Xanthus (son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Idas[*][[Idas (son of Aegyptus by Hephaestine in Greek mythology)|]] Obrimus[*][[Obrimus (Ancient Greek character)|]] Perius[*][[Perius (one of the 50 sons of Aegyptus in Greek mythology)|]] Asterides[*][[Asterides |]] Plexippus[*][[Plexippus |]] Panthius[*][[Panthius |]] Podasimus[*][[Podasimus |]] Polydector[*][[Polydector |]] Protheon[*][[Protheon |]][1] Pugnon[*][[Pugnon |]]
Belus[*][[Belus (son of Poseidon in Greek mythology)|]][2]
Anchiroe[*][[Anchiroe (naiad in Greek mythology)|]]
Egipt a cucerit un regat propriu, dându-i numele său. Danaus conducea Libia, care i-a fost oferită de către tatăl Belus. Dar aceasta este cucerită de Egipt, care îl constrânge pe fratele său geamăn să fugă cu cele 50 de fiice ale sale și să găsească refugiu în Argolide. Danaidele se răzbună însă în noaptea nunții pe verii lor, ucigându-i pe toți, cu excepția Hypermnestrei, care-și cruță soțul, pe Lynceus. Egipt moare și el, îndurerat de moartea fiilor săi.
N.A.Kun, Legendele și miturile Greciei Antice. Editura Științifică, 1964
Anca Balaci, Mic dicționar mitologic greco-roman, Editura Științifică, București 1966
Victor Kernbach, Dicționar de mitologie generală, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, 1989
George Lăzărescu, Dicționar de mitologie, Casa editorială Odeon, București, 1992, ISBN 973-9008-28-3