Darius Brubeck[*][[Darius Brubeck (muzician american)|]] Chris Brubeck[*][[Chris Brubeck (muzician american)|]] Matt Brubeck[*][[Matt Brubeck (musician)|]]
Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific[*][[Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific (school at University of the Pacific in the US)|]] University of the Pacific[*][[University of the Pacific (private university in Stockton, California, United States)|]] Mills College at Northeastern[*][[Mills College at Northeastern (liberal arts and sciences college located in Oakland, United States)|]] Shasta High School[*][[Shasta High School (high school located in Redding, California)|]]
A format un cvartet cu saxofonistul Paul Desmond în 1951. Piesa Take Five a devenit prima piesă de jazz instrumental care s-a vândut în peste un milion de exemplare.[15]