William Jardine
William Jardine
23 de fevereiro de 1800Edimburgo
21 de novembro de 1874 (74 anos )Sandown
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda
Sir Alexander Jardine of Applegirth, 6th Bt. Janet Dorcas Maule
Hyacinth Symonds Hooker, Jean Jane Home Lizars
Catherine Strickland, Jane Hume Jardine, Margaret Ellen Hossells Jardine, Sir Alexander Jardine, 8th Baronet, Ellen Jardine, William Jardine, Charles John Jardine
Alma mater
ornitólogo, naturalista
William Jardine (Edimburgo , 23 de fevereiro de 1800 – Edimburgo, 21 de novembro de 1874 ) foi um naturalista escocês .
Pintura, por Sir William Jardine, 1833
Jardine tornou a história natural disponível para todos os níveis da sociedade vitoriana editando os quarenta volumes extremamente populares da The Naturalist's Library (1833-1843) emitidos e publicados por seu cunhado, o impressor e gravador de Edimburgo, William Home Lizars. A série foi dividida em quatro seções principais: Ornitologia (14 volumes), Mammalia (13 volumes), Entomologia (7 volumes) e Ictiologia (6 volumes); cada um preparado por um naturalista líder. James Duncan escreveu os volumes de insetos. Os artistas responsáveis pelas ilustrações incluíram Edward Lear . O trabalho foi publicado em Edimburgo por W. H. Lizars.[ 1]
Jardine escreveu muitos livros e editou a série e escreveu muitos dos livros para a The Naturalist's Library . Os livros estão listados abaixo por data de publicação com os da The Naturalist's Library em um título separado.
1825 to 1843, Illustrations of Ornithology , escritas com Prideaux John Selby em quatro volumes:
1848, Contributions to Ornithology for 1848 : Vols. I and II
1850, Contributions to Ornithology for 1850 : Vols. III and IV
1851, The Natural History of Selborne , por Gilbert White com adições, notas suplementares uma breve biografia do reverendo Gilbert White por Jardine
1853, Contributions to Ornithology for 1852 : Vol. V
1858, Memoirs of Hugh Edwin Strickland, M.A.
The Naturalist's Library
Jardine editou a série de livros que foram publicados como parte da The Naturalist's Library, e incluem (na ordem em que foram publicados):[ 2]
1833, Ornithology: Humming Birds: Part I
1833, The Natural History of Monkeys
1833, Ichthyology: British Fishes: Part II
undated, Ornithology: Humming Birds: Part II
1834, Mammalia: Vol. II: The Felinae
1834, The Natural History of Gallinaceous Birds: Vol. I
1835, The Natural History of Fishes of the Perch Family
1835, Entomology: Vol. III: British Butterflies
1836, The Natural History of Parrots
1836, Mammalia: Vol. V: Pachyderms
1836, The Natural History of British Moths, Sphinxes, &c.
1837, The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea or Whales
1837, The Natural History of Foreign Butterflies
1837, The Natural History of the Birds of Western Africa
1838, The Natural History of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland: Part I: Birds of Prey
1838, The Natural Arrangement and Relations of the Family of Flycatchers or Muscicapidae
1838, A History of British Quadrupeds
1839, The Natural History of the Amphibious Carnivora, Including the Walrus and Seals, Also of the Herbivorous Cetacea, &c.
1839, The Natural History of Dogs: Canidae or Genus Canis of Authors: Including Also the Genera Hyaena and Proteles: Vol. I "Ninho da Abelha Comum (B. terrestris )", gravado por William Home Lizars
1840, The Natural History of Dogs: Canidae or Genus Canis of Authors: Including Also the Genera Hyaena and Proteles: Vol. II
1840, Introduction to Entomology
1841, The Natural History of Marsupialia or Pouched Animals
1841, The Natural History of Horses: The Equidae or Genus Equus of Authors
1841, The Natural History of the Fishes of Guiana: Part I
1841, The Natural History of Exotic Moths
1842, The Natural History of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland: Part III: Rasores and Grallatores
1842, An Introduction to the Mammalia
1843, Ichthyology: Fishes, Particularly Their Structure and Economical Uses
1843, The Natural History of the Fishes of Guiana: Part II
1844, The Natural History of Game-Birds
1852, The Natural History of Beetles
sem data, Ornithology: Pigeons
1859, Entomology: Bees
1860, Ichthyology: British Fishes: Part I
1860, Ornithology: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland: Part IV
1862, Ornithology: Birds of Western Africa: Part I
1864, The Natural History of the Nectariniadae, or Sun-Birds
1866, Mammalia: Deer, Antelopes, Camels, &c.
1866, Mammalia: Goats, Sheep, Oxen, &c.
1866, Ornithology: Parrots
1866, Ornithology: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland: Part II
Suplementos posteriores incluem os seguintes títulos: The Natural History of Man , Humming Birds Volume 3 e um único volume que reuniu as memórias de "grandes naturalistas".
Ligações externas
Obituary in Nature , Vol. 11, 74–76, 26 November 1874
Obituary in Osbert Salvin (Editor), Ibis, Quarterly Journal of Ornithology , Vol. V, page 522, 1875
Jackson, Christine Elisabeth; Davis, Peter (2001). Sir William Jardine: a life in natural history . [S.l.]: Leicester University Press. ISBN 0-7185-0164-0
Jardine, Sir William (1838). Natural History of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Part I. Birds of Prey . 9 . Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars
"Sir William Jardine " lithograph by Thomas Herbert Maguire, printed by M & N Hanhart c. 1851 at the National Portrait Gallery
Jardine, William (1833) The Natural History of Humming-Birds, Vol. 1 - digital facsimile from the Linda Hall Library