- Romances[3]
- Who Calls the Tune, 1953
- The Odd Flamingo, 1954
- Change Here for Babylon, 1955
- The Solitary Child, 1956
- Devil by the Sea, 1957
- Just Like a Lady, 1960
- In Honour Bound, 1961
- Tortoise by Candlelight, 1963
- Under the Skin, 1964
- A Little Love, A Little Learning, 1965
- A Woman of My Age, 1967
- The Grain of Truth, 1968
- The Birds on the Trees, 1970
- Anna Apparent, 1972
- George Beneath a Paper Moon, 1974
- Afternoon of a Good Woman, 1976
- Familiar Passions, 1979
- Walking Naked, 1981
- The Ice House, 1983.
- Circles of Deceit, 1987
- Family Money, 1991
- A Nice Change, 1997
- Infantil[3]
- The Secret Passage, 1963
- On the Run, 1964
- The White Horse Gang, 1966
- The Witch's Daughter, 1966
- A Handful of Thieves, 1967
- The Runaway Summer, 1969
- Squib, 1971
- Carrie's War, 1973
- The Peppermint Pig, 1975
- Rebel on a Rock, 1978
- The Robbers, 1979
- Kept in the Dark, 1982
- The Finding, 1985
- Princess Alice, 1985
- Keeping Henry, 1988
- The Outside Child, 1989
- Humbug, 1992
- The Real Plato Jones, 1993
- Granny the Pag, 1996
- Off the Road, 1999
- William Tell, 1981
- St. Francis of Assisi, 1983
- In My Own Time, 1994