A Medalha Telford (em inglês: Telford Gold Medal) é o mais destacado prêmio da Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) por um artigo ou série de artigos. Foi instituída em 1835 por um legado de Thomas Telford, o primeiro presidente da ICE.
Em 1834 morreu o engenheiro civil e primeiro presidente da Institution of Civil Engineers de 1820 a 1834, Thomas Telford, deixando em seu testamento sua biblioteca ao Institution of Civil Engineers, bem como um legado de £ 2000, destinado para ser usado com o propósito de prêmios anuais. O conselho do instituto decidiu aplicar os prêmios de forma honorária a monetária, sendo os prêmios honorários denominados "Medalhas Telford", nas formas de ouro, prata e bronze. Candidatos adequados para os prêmios foram autores de desenhos, modelos, diagramas ou ensaios relativos à engenharia civil ou qualquer novo equipamento de invenção relativa a engenharia pesquisa em geral, considerado o mais seminal e influente. Os prêmios deveriam ser abertos a ingleses e estrangeiros de forma igual.[1] Após a provisão para a Medalha Telford, a renda restante é usada para até quatro prêmios anuais para trabalhos apresentados à Instituição.[2]
1969 "The influence of geological features of clay deposits on the design and performance of sand drains",[18] and "Failure of foundations and slopes on layered deposits in relation to site investigation practice",[19] to P. W Rowe,
2000 Professor Scott Sloan, ARC Centre of Excellence in Geotechnical Science and Engineering, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, Hai-Sui Yu Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Nottingham[27]
2001 "Measurement and analysis of temporary prop loads at Canary Wharf underground station, east London" - Melanie Batten and William Powrie[28]
2002 "Effect of strength anisotropy on the behaviour of embankments on soft ground" - Zdravkovic L., Potts D.M. & Hight D.W.[29]
2003 The effect of strength anisotropy on the behaviour of embankments on soft ground David Potts, David Hight and Lidija Zdravkovic[21]
2004 “Coupling of hydraulic hysteresis and stress-strain behavior in unsaturated soils” Simon Wheeler -University of Glasgow, Dr Radhey Sharma - Iowa State University, and Marc Buisson - Sogreah Consultants, France, [30]
2005 “Conveyance of a managed vegetated two-stage river channel” - Emeritus Professor Robert Sellin and David van Beesten[31]
2006 "Aznalcóllar Dam failure" - Gens, A. and Alonso, E. E.[32]
2009 "Generation and alleviation of sonic booms from railway tunnels" Alan Vardy[34]
2010 "Wireless sensor networks: creating 'smart infrastructure'" - Professor Kenichi Soga, Dr. Campbell Middleton and Paul Fidler[35]
2011 "The safety of masonry buttresses" - Santiago Huerta[36]
2012 The Accelerator Driven Thorium Reactor Power Station Victoria Ashley Roger Ashworth John Earp & David Coates (joint)[37]
↑Society for the Illustration and Encouragement of Practical Science (London, England) (1836), John W. ParkerThe Magazine of popular science and journal of the useful arts, 1: 398–400 http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BiM2AQAAIAAJ|url= missing title (ajuda)|capítulo= ignorado (ajuda)
↑Institution of Civil Engineers (1853). «Annual Report». Great Britain: The Institution. Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 12: 115–117, 169, 178. Consultado em 12 de junho de 2012
↑The Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Jan 1953, Vol 2 Part 1, pp 76-95, as Paper No 5881. The award of the Telford Premium was reported in the same journal, vol 4, 1955
↑Muir Wood, Sir Alan (1990). Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society: Geoffrey Morse Binnie (13 November 1908 - 5 April 1989). London: Royal Society. pp. 45–57
↑P.W. Rowe, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers supplement , vol. 1 (1968), pp. 1-72
↑Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers supplement , vol. 1, (1968) pp. 73-131.
↑Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering, Thames Water Ring Main Volume 102, Issue 6, November 1994 , pages 60 - 75
↑«Douglas E. Oakervee, OBE». Thames Estuary Research and Development company. Consultado em 14 de junho de 2012Texto " Chartered Civil Engineer" ignorado (ajuda)