نوبل انعام برائے کیمیا وصول کنندگان دی لسٹ

ہر سال رائل سویڈش آکیڈمی آف سائنس، سویڈیش آکیڈمی، کارولینسکیا انسیٹیوٹ تے ناروینجین نوبل کمیٹی نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والےآں دا اعلان کردی ا‏‏ے۔ ایہ انعام ایداں دے ادارےآں یا شخصیتاں نو‏‏ں دتا جاندا اے جنھاں نے کیمیاء، طبعیات، ادب، امن، فعلیات یا طب دے میدان وچ نمایاں ترین کم انجام دتا ہوئے۔ الفریڈ نوبل د‏‏ی وصیت دے مطابق ایہ انعام نوبل فاؤنڈیشن دے زیر انتظام ا‏‏ے۔ ہر نوبل انعام یافتہ نو‏‏ں اک سونے دا تمغا، اک ڈپلومہ تے اک خاص رقم د‏‏ی دتی جاندی ا‏‏ے۔ اس رقم د‏‏ی قیمت ہر سال نوبل فاؤنڈیشن د‏‏ی طرف تو‏ں طے کيتی جاندی ا‏‏ے۔


سال وصول کنندگان ملک وجہ
1901 یاکوبس ہینریکوس وانت ہوف نیدرلینڈز "[for his] discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions"[۱]
1902 ہرمن امیل فشر جرمنی "[for] his work on sugar and purine syntheses"[۲]
1903 سوانٹے اگسٹ آرہینیس سویڈن "[for] his electrolytic theory of dissociation"[۳]
1904 سر سر ولیم ریمسی برطانیہ "[for his] discovery of the نبیل فارغہ, and his determination of their place in the periodic system"[۴]
1905 اڈلف وون بئیر جرمنی "[for] the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, through his work on نیل (رنگ) and hydroaromatic compounds"[۵]
1906 ہنری مویسن فرانس "[for his] investigation and isolation of the element فلورین, and for [the] electric furnace called after him"[۶]
1907 ایکوارڈ بچنر جرمنی "for his biochemical researches and his discovery of cell-free fermentation"[۷]
1908 ایرنسٹ ردرفورڈ برطانیہ
New Zealand
"for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances"[۸]
1909 ولہلم اوسٹوالڈ جرمنی "[for] his work on catalysis and for his investigations into the fundamental principles governing chemical equilibria and rates of reaction"[۹]
1910 اوٹون ولاچ جرمنی "[for] his services to organic chemistry and the chemical industry by his pioneer work in the field of alicyclic compounds"[۱۰]
1911 میری کیوری Poland/France "[for] the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element"[۱۱]
1912 وکٹر گرگنارڈ فرانس "for the discovery of the […] Grignard reagent"[۱۲]
پاول سباٹئیر فرانس "for his method of hydrogenating organic compounds in the presence of finely disintegrated metals"[۱۲]
1913 الفرڈ ورنر سویٹزرلینڈ "[for] his work on the linkage of atoms in molecules […] especially in inorganic chemistry"[۱۳]
1914 تھیوڈر ولیم رچرڈ امریکا "[for] his accurate determinations of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements"[۱۴]
1915 رچرڈ ولسٹیٹر جرمنی "for his researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll"[۱۵]
1916 نئيں دتا گيا
1918 فرٹز ہیبر جرمنی "for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements"[۱۶]
1919 نئيں دتا گيا
1920 والتھر نرنسٹ جرمنی "[for] his work in thermochemistry"[۱۷]
1921 فریڈرک سوڈی برطانیہ "for his contributions to our knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances, and his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes"[۱۸]
1922 فرانسسولیم ایسٹون برطانیہ "for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule"[۱۹]
1923 فرٹز پریگل آسٹریا "for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances"[۲۰]
1924 نئيں دتا گيا
1925 فائل:Richard Adolf Zsigmondy.jpg رچرڈ اڈولف زگمونڈی جرمنی / ہنگری "for his demonstration of the heterogeneous nature of colloid solutions and for the methods he used"[۲۱]
1926 The (Theodor) Svedberg سویڈن "for his work on disperse systems"[۲۲]
1927 ہائنرش اٹو ویلینڈ جرمنی "for his investigations of the constitution of the bile acids and related substances"[۲۳]
1928 ایڈولف اٹو رائنہولڈ ونڈاؤس جرمنی "[for] his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the حیاتینs"[۲۴]
1929 آرتھر ہارڈن برطانیہ "for their investigations on the fermentation of sugar and fermentative enzymes"[۲۵]
Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin سویڈن
1930 ہانز فشر جرمنی "for his researches into the constitution of haemin and chlorophyll and especially for his synthesis of haemin"[۲۶]
1931 کارل بوش جرمنی "[for] their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods"[۲۷]
فریڈرخ برجیاس جرمنی
1932 ارونگ لینگمر امریکا "for his discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry"[۲۸]
1933 نئيں دتا گيا
1934 Harold Clayton Urey امریکا "for his discovery of ڈیوٹیریئم"[۲۹]
1935 Frédéric Joliot فرانس "[for] their synthesis of new radioactive elements"[۳۰]
آئرین جولیٹ کیوری فرانس
1936 Petrus (Peter) Josephus Wilhelmus Debye نیدرلینڈز "[for his work on] molecular structure through his investigations on dipole moments and the diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases"[۳۱]
1937 Walter Norman Haworth برطانیہ "for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C"[۳۲]
پاول کرر سویٹزرلینڈ "for his investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2"
1938 رچرڈ کوہن جرمنی "for his work on carotenoids and حیاتینs"[۳۳]
1939 Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt جرمنی "for his work on sex hormones"[۳۴]
لیپولڈروزکا سویٹزرلینڈ "for his work on polymethylenes and higher terpenes"[۳۴]
1940 نئيں دتا گيا
1943 جارج دتی ہیوسی جرمنی "for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes"[۳۵]
1944 اوٹو ہان جرمنی "for his discovery of the جوہری انشقاق of heavy nuclei"[۳۶]
1945 ارٹوری المری ورٹنن فن لینڈ "for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method"[۳۷]
1946 James Batcheller Sumner امریکا "for his discovery that enzymes can be crystallized"[۳۸]
جان ہورڈ نورتروپ امریکا "for their preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in a pure form"[۳۸]
ونڈل میریڈتھ سٹینلی امریکا
1947 Sir Robert Robinson برطانیہ "for his investigations on plant products of biological importance, especially the alkaloids"[۳۹]
1948 Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius سویڈن "for his research on electrophoresis and adsorption analysis, especially for his discoveries concerning the complex nature of the serum proteins"[۴۰]
1949 فائل:William Giauque Nobel.jpg William Francis Giauque امریکا "for his contributions in the field of chemical thermodynamics, particularly concerning the behaviour of substances at extremely low temperatures"[۴۱]
1950 Otto Paul Hermann Diels وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی "for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis"[۴۲]
کرٹ الڈر وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی
1951 ایڈون مکملن امریکا "for their discoveries in the chemistry of transuranium elements"[۴۳]
گلین ٹی سی بورگ امریکا
1952 آرچر جوہن پورٹر مارٹن برطانیہ "for their invention of partition chromatography"[۴۴]
رچرڈ لاورنس ملنگٹن سنجی برطانیہ
1953 ہرمن سٹاوڈنگر وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی "for his discoveries in the field of macromolecular chemistry"[۴۵]
1954 لینس پالنگ امریکا "for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances"[۴۶]
1955 ونسنٹ ڈیو وگنیوڈ امریکا "for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone"[۴۷]
1956 سر سیریل نورمن ہنشلوڈ برطانیہ "for their researches into the mechanism of chemical reactions"[۴۸]
نکولے سیمینو سوویت اتحاد
1957 Lord (Alexander R.) Todd برطانیہ "for his work on مرثالثہs and nucleotide co-enzymes"[۴۹]
1958 فریڈرک سنگر برطانیہ "for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of insulin"[۵۰]
1959 جاروسلیو ہیروسکی Czechoslovakia "for his discovery and development of the polarographic methods of analysis"[۵۱]
1960 فائل:Willard Libby.jpg Willard Frank Libby امریکا "for his method to use carbon-14 for age determination in archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science"[۵۲]
1961 ملون کیلون امریکا "for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants "[۵۳]
1962 میکس پیروٹز برطانیہ "for their studies of the structures of globular proteins"[۵۴]
جان کینڈریو برطانیہ
1963 کارل زیگلر وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی "for their discoveries in the field of the chemistry and technology of high polymers"[۵۵]
گیلیو ناٹا اطالیہ
1964 فائل:Dorothy Hodgkin Nobel.jpg ڈوروتھی ہودگکنگ برطانیہ "for her determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances"[۵۶]
1965 فائل:Robert Woodward Nobel.jpg رابرٹ برن ودورڈ امریکا "for his outstanding achievements in the art of organic synthesis"[۵۷]
1966 Robert S. Mulliken امریکا "for his fundamental work concerning chemical bonds and the electronic structure of molecules by the molecular orbital method"[۵۸]
1967 مینفرڈ ایگن وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی "for their studies of extremely fast chemical reactions, effected by disturbing the equilibrium by means of very short pulses of energy"[۵۹]
رونالڈ جارج ورے فورڈ نورش برطانیہ
جارج پورٹر برطانیہ
1968 لارز اونسگر امریکا "for the discovery of the reciprocal relations bearing his name, which are fundamental for the thermodynamics of irreversible processes"[۶۰]
1969 ڈیریک بارٹون برطانیہ "for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry"[۶۱]
اوڈ ہسل ناروے
1970 گرہارڈہرز برگ ارجنٹائن "for his discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates"[۶۲]
1971 لویس ٖفیڈریکو لیلوئر کینیڈا/جرمنی "for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals"[۶۳]
1972 کرسچن بی اینفنسن امریکا "for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active conformation"[۶۴]
فائل:Stanford Moore.jpg سٹینفورڈ موری امریکا "for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule"[۶۴]
فائل:William Howard Stein.jpg William H. Stein امریکا
1973 ارنست اوٹو فسچر وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی "for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds"[۶۵]
جیوفرے ولنکسن برطانیہ
1974 Paul J. Flory امریکا "for his fundamental work, both theoretical and experimental, in the physical chemistry of macromolecules"[۶۶]
1975 جان کونفورتھ آسٹریلیا
"for his work on the تجسیمی کیمیا of enzyme-catalyzed reactions"[۶۷]
ولادمیر پریلوک Yugoslavia/Switzerland "for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions"[۶۷]
1976 William N. Lipscomb امریکا "for his studies on the structure of boranes illuminating problems of chemical bonding"[۶۸]
1977 فائل:Ilya Prigogine.jpg الیا پرگوگین Belgium "for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures"[۶۹]
1978 فائل:Peter Dennis Mitchell.jpg پیٹر ڈی میشل برطانیہ "for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory"[۷۰]
1979 ہربرٹ سی براون امریکا "for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively, into important reagents in organic synthesis"[۷۱]
فائل:Georg Wittig.jpg جارج وگ وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی
1980 پاول برگ امریکا "for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA"[۷۲]
Walter Gilbert والٹر گلبرٹ امریکا "for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids"[۷۲]
Frederick Sanger فریڈرک سنگر برطانیہ
1981 کنیچی فوکوئی جاپان "for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions"[۷۳]
روالڈ ہوف مین امریکا
1982 ارون کلگ برطانیہ "for his development of crystallographic electron microscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically important nucleic acid-protein complexes"[۷۴]
1983 ہنری ٹاوبی امریکا "for his work on the mechanisms of electron transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes"[۷۵]
1984 فائل:Robert Bruce Merrifield.jpg رابرٹ بروس میریفیلڈ امریکا "for his development of methodology for chemical synthesis on a solid matrix"[۷۶]
1985 ہربرٹ اے ہاوپٹمین امریکا "for their outstanding achievements in developing direct methods for the determination of crystal structures"[۷۷]
جیروم کارلی امریکا
1986 Dudley R. Herschbach ڈیوڈلی آر ہرچبچ امریکا "for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes"[۷۸]
یوآن ٹی لی امریکا / جمہوریۂ چین
John C. Polanyi کینیڈا / ہنگری
1987 ڈونالڈ جے کرام امریکا "for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity"[۷۹]
Jean-Marie Lehn فرانس
چارلس جے پیڈرسن امریکا
1988 جوہن ڈیزنہوفر وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی "for their determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre"[۸۰]
Robert Huber رابرٹ ہوبر وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی
ہرمٹ مشل وفاقی جمہوریہ جرمنی
1989 سڈنی آلٹ مین کینیڈا
"for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA"[۸۱]
Thomas R. Cech تھومس چیک امریکا
1990 الیاس جیمز کورے امریکا "for his development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis"[۸۲]
1991 Richard R. Ernst رچرڈ آر ارنسٹ سویٹزرلینڈ "for his contributions to the development of the methodology of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy"[۸۳]
1992 روڈلف اے مارکس امریکا/کینیڈا "for his contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems"[۸۴]
1993 Kary B. Mullis امریکا "for contributions to the developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry […] for his invention of the پولیمرز زنجیری تعامل (PCR) method"[۸۵]
Michael Smith کینیڈا "for contributions to the developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry […] for his fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies"[۸۵]
1994 George A. Olah امریکا / ہنگری "for his contribution to carbocation chemistry"[۸۶]
1995 پاول جے. کوٹزن نیدرلینڈز "for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone"[۸۷]
ماریو جے. مولینا میکسیکو
F. Sherwood Rowland امریکا
1996 Robert F. Curl Jr. امریکا "for their discovery of fullerenes"[۸۸]
Sir Harold W. Kroto برطانیہ
Richard E. Smalley امریکا
1997 پاول ڈی. بویر امریکا "for their elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)"[۸۹]
جان ای واکر برطانیہ
Jens C. Skou ڈنمارک "for the first discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+ -ATPase"[۸۹]
1998 Walter Kohn والٹر کوہن امریکا "for his development of the density-functional theory"[۹۰]
John A. Pople برطانیہ "for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry"[۹۰]
1999 احمد زیول مصر "for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy"[۹۱]
2000 الان جے ہیگر امریکا "for their discovery and development of conductive polymers"[۹۲]
Alan G. MacDiarmid امریکا
نیوزی لینڈ
ہیڈکیشراکوا جاپان
2001 William S. Knowles امریکا "for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions"[۹۳]
Ryōji Noyori ریوجی نیوری جاپان
K. Barry Sharpless امریکا "for his work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions"[۹۳]
2002 John B. Fenn John B. Fenn امریکا "for the development of methods for identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules […] for their development of soft desorption برقی پھوار تائین for mass spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules"[۹۴]
کوئیچی ٹناکا جاپان
Kurt Wüthrich کرٹ وتھرچ سویٹزرلینڈ "for the development of methods for identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules […] for his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution"[۹۴]
2003 پیٹر اگری امریکا "for discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes […] for the discovery of water channels"[۹۵]
Roderick MacKinnon روڈرک مککینون امریکا "for discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes […] for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels"[۹۵]
2004 ارون چیکونور Israel "for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation"[۹۶]
اورامہ Israel
ارون روس امریکا
2005 ایو شوواں فرانس "for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis"[۹۷]
Robert Grubbs رابرٹ ایچ. گربس امریکا
رچرڈ آر. شروک امریکا
2006 راجر ڈی کورنبرگ امریکا "for his studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription"[۹۸]
2007 گر ہارڈ ارٹل جرمنی "for his studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces"[۹۹]
2008 اوسامو شمومورا جاپان[۱۰۰] "for the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP"[۱۰۱]
مارٹن کالفی امریکا
راجر ٹسین امریکا
2009 وینکٹ رامن رامکرشنن United States
United Kingdom
"for studies of the structure and function of the رائبوسوم"[۱۰۲]
تھامس اے. سٹیٹز امریکا
Ada E. Yonath Israel
2010 رچرڈ ایف ہیک امریکا "for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis"[۱۰۳]
ای ایچی نگیشی جاپان
Akira Suzuki جاپان
2011 ڈان سیکٹ مین Israel "for the discovery of quasicrystals"[۱۰۴]
2012 رابرٹ لیفکووٹز امریکا "for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors"[۱۰۵]
برائن کوبلکا امریکا
2013 مارٹن کارپلس امریکا
"for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems"[۱۰۶]
مائیکل لیوٹ امریکا
اریا وارشل امریکا
2014 ایریک بیٹزگ امریکا "for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy"[۱۰۸]
سٹیفین ہیل رومانیا
ولیم ای مورنر امریکا
2015 ٹامس لینڈل  سویڈن
"for mechanistic studies of DNA repair"[۱۰۹]
پال ایل موڈرچ  امریکہ
عزیز سنجر  ترکی


  1. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1901 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  2. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  3. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  4. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1904 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  5. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1905 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  6. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1906 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  7. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1907 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  8. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  9. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1909 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  10. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  11. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  12. ۱۲.۰ ۱۲.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1912 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  13. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1913 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  14. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1914 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  15. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1915 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  16. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1918 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  17. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1920 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  18. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1921 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  19. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  20. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1923 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  21. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1925 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  22. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1926 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  23. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1927 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  24. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  25. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1929 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  26. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1930 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  27. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1931 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  28. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1932 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  29. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1934 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  30. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1935 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  31. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  32. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1937 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  33. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1938 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  34. ۳۴.۰ ۳۴.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1939 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  35. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1943 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  36. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  37. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1945 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  38. ۳۸.۰ ۳۸.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1946 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  39. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1947 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  40. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1948 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  41. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1949 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  42. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1950 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  43. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  44. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1952 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  45. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1953 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  46. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1954 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  47. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1955 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  48. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1956 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  49. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1957 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  50. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1958 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  51. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1959 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  52. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1960 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  53. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1961 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  54. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1962 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  55. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1963 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  56. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1964 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  57. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1965 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  58. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1966 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  59. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1967 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  60. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1968 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  61. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  62. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1970 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  63. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1971 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  64. ۶۴.۰ ۶۴.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1972 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  65. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1973 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  66. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1974 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  67. ۶۷.۰ ۶۷.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1975 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  68. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1976 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  69. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  70. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1978 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  71. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1979 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  72. ۷۲.۰ ۷۲.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  73. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1981 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  74. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1982 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  75. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1983 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  76. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1984 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  77. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1985 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  78. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  79. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1987 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  80. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1988 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  81. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1989 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  82. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  83. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1991 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  84. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1992 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  85. ۸۵.۰ ۸۵.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  86. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1994 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  87. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1995 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  88. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  89. ۸۹.۰ ۸۹.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1997 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  90. ۹۰.۰ ۹۰.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  91. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  92. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  93. ۹۳.۰ ۹۳.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  94. ۹۴.۰ ۹۴.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  95. ۹۵.۰ ۹۵.۱ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  96. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  97. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2005 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  98. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  99. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  100. As of 26 October 2008, the nobelprize.org website page for the 2008 award gives Shimomura's country as "USA". However, the press release from the Nobel Foundation on 8 October 2008, announcing the award, states that Shimomura is a Japanese citizen. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008–Press Release at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 2008-10-08)
  101. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  102. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  103. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  104. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  105. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012 at nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  106. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 at www.nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  107. 3 Jewish professors -- two of them Israeli -- share 2013 Nobel Prize in chemistry | The Times of Israel
  108. "Microscope work wins Nobel Prize". BBC. 8 October 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20181226095920/https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-29536525. 
  109. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 at www.nobelprize.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])


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