This research was conducted to find out the Body Condition Score (BCS, in nine scale) of 30 Limousine crossbred cows in Balongpanggang, Gresik regency at the time of  Artificial Insemination,  21 and 60 days later. Questionnaires obtained to identify the knowledge of farmers and inseminators in estrous detection. Conception Rate (CR) and Service per Conception (S/C) counted based on pregnancy diagnosis through rectal palpation 60 days post insemination. The result showed that the average of BCS in pregnant cows at 60 days post insemination was highest compared to the others. Conception rate and service per conception of the cows were 60% and 1.63 respectively, meanwhile the knowledge of estrous detection of farmers was lower compared to those of inseminator. It could be concluded that implementation of AI technique in Limousine crossbred cows at Balongpanggang, Gresik regency was good enough, but the knowledge of farmers about estrous detection needs to be improved.

Published by Universitas Airlangga
Journal Name OVOZOA Journal of Animal Reproduction
Contact Phone+62315992377
Contact Name Prof. Dr. Imam Mustofa, drh., M.Kes
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Location Kota surabaya, Jawa timur INDONESIA
Website OVZ||
ISSN ISSN : 23026464, EISSN : 2722967X, DOI :,
Core Subject Health, Agriculture,
Meta Subject Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry, Veterinary,
Meta DescOvozoa Journal of Animal Reproduction (Ovozoa J Anim Reprod) published original articles, review articles, and case reports in Indonesian or English, in the scope of veterinary reproduction and animal reproductive biotechnology from researchers, lecturers, students, and practitioners around Indonesia and worldwide. The main objective of the Ovozoa J Anim Reprod is to disseminate the results of scientific researches in the field of animal reproduction. Ovozoa J Anim Reprod invites manuscripts in the areas:  Development of reproductive diagnostic techniques  Development of reproductive technologies  Infectious and non-infectious reproductive diseases  Comparative pathology of reproductive diseases  Reproductive endocrinology  Infertility  Environmental and stress effects on reproduction  Better understanding of the in vivo fertilization process  Better understanding of embryonic development  Artificial insemination and embryo transfer  In vitro fertilisation and embryo culture  Sexual selection of sperm and embryo  Semen and embryo preservation  Reproductive cloning  Stem cell in reproduction  Development of assisted reproductive technologies  Molecular biology, genetics, proteomics, metabolomics application to reproductive biology
PenulisSeptian H, Fajar , Mustofa, Imam , Sektiari L., Bambang
Publisher ArticleUniversitas Airlangga
Subtitle Article Ovozoa : Journal of Animal Reproduction Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ovozoa : Journal of Animal Reproduction
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DOI Number DOI: 10.20473/ovz.v8i1.2019.76-81
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