ABSTRACT : The final project makes a useful application on_line sales to offer and disseminate good information quickly and easily. And also through this study was hoping to help inspire readers to try on_line sales business that create new jobs and earn extra income. The software used in designing information systems application sales on_line are using PHP. By using PHP application packages that we need to design a web site available. On_line sales system includes the use of sites by customers like regestrasi customer, purchasing, ordering goods, edit your personal data and providing the late…

ABSTRACT:The development of technology makes the computer system evolved. These developments have broad impact on all sectors, including in education. With reference to the school academic information services SMS (Short Message Service) to support the goals of education are more advanced. The choice of communication technology in the form of SMS is due to the more practical, inexpensive, and efficient way to deliver informasi.Short message service (SMS) is a technology that is very much in demand and is used by many in the community. In addition to its superior in terms of practicality and ea…

Abstract: Humans will experience signigicant life events in the life. One of the significant events is birth event. The birth certificate is a letter or authentic record made by the civil registration agency which fully and clearly contains official informations on the child's name, birth place, birth time, parents name, and the status of child's nationality. Considering the importance of the birth event and to establish well-ordered community, therefore an executive administratif agency is necessary to record the birth event. The Population and Civil Registration Agency in Sragen is the execu…

ABSTRACT : Printing is an industrial process for mass-producing writing and printing picture. Servis  needed today more and more people as it can facilitate the delivery of information. Printing Mahardika still using conventional systems in transaction that are still common errors in preparing reports.Conducted purpose of research is the creation of an information system to facilitate ordering and payment transactions in the printing. Research methods used were observation, interview and literature study, Analysis, design, and implementation. With existence of this system is expected can as…

Abstract : Vocational Secondary School Kikil Arjosari Pacitan already has media and online learning or e-learning. But in the delivery of the subject matter is still lacking and need to display additional refrensi through the website to support e-learning before. Along with the development of information technology rapidly increasing need for a concept of IT-based teaching and learning mechanisms become more terelakan. The concept, known as the e-learning can bring influence the occurrence of conventional education transformation process into digital form, both the content and the system. So i…

ABSTRACTS: Information /  JavaAplication  a  business  activity  is executed  (for example,  business transactions)  in electronic and  computer  or  selling activities  -  purchase of goods  or services. There are several advantages that can be taken that the sales process easier than the old system, the process of recording  statements  easier  than  the  old system,  the process  becomes easier pengechekan goods  than  the old system, and  the transaction process easier  than  the old system with his existing java…

Deskripsi: Dalam pendataan stok barang hanya mengandalkan pencatatan pada sebuah buku saja sehingga tidak jarang ketika ditinggal pemiliknya, para pegawai mengalami kesulitan dalam melihat harga barang karena harus mencari dulu dalam buku besar. Sistem penjualan memiliki banyak kelemahan, kebanyakan terjadi kesalahan pada pencatatan, dan pencarian data yang sulit karena setiap dilakukan mencari data penjual harus mencari pada buku besar. Tidak ada informasi khusus yang menginformasikan tentang jumlah stok barang sehingga tidak jarang ketika stok sudah habis pemilik toko baru mengetahui ketika …

ABSTARCT: More and more expanding information technology it and exploiting of internet as information media, hence at project of this Final Duty will be conducted by Development Of Vocational Website High School of Bhinneka Masterpiece 04 Ampel-Boyolali With SMS GATEWAY as trouble-shooting effort that happened in Vocational High School 04 Ampel Boyolali. This SMS Gateway later will be used to support performance productivity and effectively, So that old fellow or the pupil sponsor still get information effectively and efficient through seluler telephon ( SMS) Regulary real time during hour at…

Abstract: Department of Trade and Industry Cooperative pacitan district is the agency engaged i n selling excellent products pacitan city, the media need to do promotion and marketing of the product. Media promotion and marketing of this product contains about as well as profile information agency that will be used by the staff to help in the promotion and delivery of information. Department of Trade and Industry Cooperative pacitan district already has a conventional form of media promotion. But with seiringnya technological developments, it is necessary the creation of media-based marketing …

Kinerja merupakan alat ukur keberhasilan organisasi termasuk Kecamatan Ungaran Timur. Banyak factor yang mempengaruhi besarnya kinerja diantaranya etos kerja, kompetensi dan kepemimpinan. Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini yang berkaitan dengan etos kerja yaitu kurang efektif dalam memanfaatkan waktu kerja. Kompetensi yaitu masih kurangnya upaya dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Kepemimpinan yaitu seringnya pergantian pegawai yang menduduki posisi pimpinan. Kinerja pegawai yaitu kualitas dan kuantitas kerja rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara et…

Kepuasan konsumen merupakan evaluasi purna beli dimana alternatif yang dipilih dapat memberikan hasil (outcome) yang sama atau melampaui harapan konsumen, sedangkan ketidak puasan dapat terjadi apabila hasil yang diperoleh tidak memenuhi harapan yang diinginkan konsumen. PT. Nissin Biscuits Indonesia menjadi salah satu bagian dalam persaingan memperkuat pasar, karena banyaknya pesaing akan mempengaruhi tingkat pendapatan perusahaan dimana loyalitas pelanggan menjadi faktor terpenting guna menunjang kelangsungan perusahaan. Loyalitas merupakan perilaku pembelian ulang semata-mata menyangkut pem…

Kepuasan konsumen merupakan evaluasi purna beli dimana alternatif yang dipilih dapat memberikan hasil (outcome) yang sama atau melampaui harapan konsumen, sedangkan ketidak puasan dapat terjadi apabila hasil yang diperoleh tidak memenuhi harapan yang diinginkan konsumen. PT. Nissin Biscuits Indonesia menjadi salah satu bagian dalam persaingan memperkuat pasar, karena banyaknya pesaing akan mempengaruhi tingkat pendapatan perusahaan dimana loyalitas pelanggan menjadi faktor terpenting guna menunjang kelangsungan perusahaan. Loyalitas merupakan perilaku pembelian ulang semata-mata menyangkut pem…

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Rasio Profitabilitas dan Rasio Pasar terhadap Harga Saham perusahaan indeks LQ-45. Rasio-rasio keuangan yang diteliti yaitu rasio Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity(ROE), Net Profit Margin (NPM) dan Earnings Per Share (EPS). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode asosiatif kausal (sebab-akibat) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang berasal dari laporan keuangan perusahaan Indeks LQ-45 yang terdaftar di BEI pada tahun 2013-2017. Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Adapun sampel dal…

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Rasio Profitabilitas dan Rasio Pasar terhadap Harga Saham perusahaan indeks LQ-45. Rasio-rasio keuangan yang diteliti yaitu rasio Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity(ROE), Net Profit Margin (NPM) dan Earnings Per Share (EPS). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode asosiatif kausal (sebab-akibat) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang berasal dari laporan keuangan perusahaan Indeks LQ-45 yang terdaftar di BEI pada tahun 2013-2017. Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Adapun sampel dal…

Learning aims to improve students' competencies. Learning objectives will be achieved if students understand the material being studied optimally. Therefore, appropriate learning models necessary to achieve these goals, particularly in mathematics. The learning model is selected learning model that can make students feel comfortable in the learning of mathematics, and the learning model chosen is Accelerated Learning. Accelerated Learning has five stages of learning, namely: 1) motivate the mind, 2) obtain information, 3) investigate the meaning, 4) triggers a memory, 5) show off what you have…

Human values concerning the rules that apply in considering whether the practices relating to humanity has been implemented, based on fairness and equality. Therefore, humanitarian values include; Respect for keagamanan religious affiliations, Respect keragamanan ethnic tribes and nations against keragamanan, Awards keragamanan culture on individual potential, keragamanan Respect for gender equality before the law, equality Respect in obtaining a sense of security, Respect for equality in obtaining educational services, Respect for freedom of speech.

Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah kurang maksimalnya hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VII SMPPerintis 2 Bandar Lampung yang disebabkan oleh pembelajaran matematika kurang memenuhi kebutuhan belajar matematika siswa. Dalam proses pembelajaran kondisi yang diharapkan yaitu hasil belajar yang baik, guru harus dapat menciptakan suasana yang dapatmerangsang siswa sehingga siswa senang dan aktif mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Dengan demikian tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalahuntuk menganalisis pengengaruh strategi pembelajaran active sharing knowledge yang dikombinasikan denga…

Learning with Flash cards are the amazing way stimulates learning for children. Using flash card is a popular and effective learning technic, especially for preschool children. Flash cards are designed by standard measure for binginners. Using “see and say” method and matching technic, Flash cards teach basic concept, like color, shape, number, and letter. Even short poetry for children can be taught by using Flash cards. Repeating poetry and matching words and pictures in one learning activity make children to master some flashcards concept as a fun game.This research aims to know real, f…

Mathematics is one of the primary lessons learned at every level of education, from elementary school, high school, even college. This indicates that mathematics plays an important role and should be controlled by each individual. Constructivist learning approach Needham model is expected to condition the student in order to achieve the expected competencies. Problems in mathematical learning approach Needham Model Kostruktivisme appear mainly on the second and third stages of learning. Students difficulty of building their own knowledge because students are accustomed briefed directly by the …

Based on the results of observation on the odd semester XI F class of SMP Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung 2014/2015 in mind that learning process in the classroom is still using methods lectures so students tend to be passive. To resolve the issue, so researchers are looking for solutions to change the model of learning so that they can create an atmosphere of active learning, and improve learning outcomes i.e. cooperative learning model type with Jigsaw. The purpose of this research is to increase the activity and results of the study of biology students through the application of cooperative learnin…