Nutrition is one determinant the quality of human resources, because undernourished will might cause failure growth and development on child. On child a preschool are the group that need attention will the nutrition, as they are in the growth and development. More than 50 % of the children was suffering from a development. The purpose of research to know nutritional status of relations with children growth a preschool age 3 to 5 years in Midanutta’lim Mayangan Village Subdistrict Jogoroto District Jombang. Method : The research use analytic correlation design with cross sectional approached.…

Preschoolers are children aged between 3-6 years. In this age, children are undergoing the process of growth and development that is very rapid and important for the process of further developments. In the initial survey, it was obtained a few preschool children experiencing fine motor development suspect. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of finger painting on fine motor development of preschool children in Sartika 1 Sumurgenuk kindergarten Babat Lamongan. This study used a pre-experimental design with the approach of one-group pre-post test design and statistical analysis…

The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia as one of the adult health indicators are still high when compared with other countries in ASEAN. Every pregnant women face the risk of death, so that the necessary efforts to improve the health status of pregnant women to maternity, is mentoring by volunteers. This study aims to investigate the influence implementation of assistance cadres to visit antenatal care (ANC) pregnant women at high risk. Research is correlational design with cross sectional approach. The subject of the study 29 pregnant women at high risk SPR score ≥10 at second and t…

Based on Spatial Planning of Surabaya in 2010-2030, the government was efforted to manage the road network infrastructure for pedestrians, which will be redesigned 12 pedestrian ways that were existed since 2010 to 2012. However, the condition of pedestrian facilities were still underutilized by citizen that was seen from the lack of pedestrian activity carried on pedestrian ways redesigned . The main purpose of the research was known the design concept in redesigned pedestrian way in Surabaya. This research was used Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) as a dsecriptive method and site analysis as …

Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat konsep ecotourism di kawasan wisata Nepa, Kabupaten Sampang Madura secara komprehensif melalui kesesuaian potensi yang ada di kawasan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif secara kualitatif terhadap data primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara serta penyebaran kuisioner. Teknik analisis deskriptif ini dimaksudkan agar data dapat diinterpretasikan sesuai dengan kondisi karakter fisik di lapangan serta persepsi masyarakat.Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, konsep ecotourism masih berpeluang untuk bisa dibuat berdasarkan karakter fisik kawasan. Meski…

The development of alternative energy can be applied by any community, especially farmers in the village, considering the potential of livestock in Indonesia which reached 16.019 million. Farmers can perform the processing of manure waste to independent energy fulfillment by the community. In the development of independent energy fulfillment, it takes charge of the community for its implementation. The purpose of this study is assessed the benefit of using biodigester. The value of such interest is to view at the balance of interests of the use of biodigester and costs incurred by the farmers.…

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat vitalitas kegiatan perdagangan di Kayutangan serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik skoring serta metode pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat vitalitas kegiatan perdagangan di Kayutangan menggunakan analisis sinkronik diakronik dan analisis faktor. Tingkat vitalitas kegiatan perdagangan di Kayutangan menunjukkan pada tingkat vitalitas sedang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sinkronik diakronik, aspek ekonomi merupakan aspek…

Urban area as one of the busiest space than another spaces that have various applied systems on it. The complexity of social, economic, ecology and culture systems in urban area was needed an effective and efficience management method toward urban sustainable livelihood. Nowadays, the eco-city development in Surabaya City, Indonesia and Lubhu Urban Area, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal has been developed. In addition, it was emerging some problems between the stakeholders. The research aims are identifying and mapping the potential conflict of stakeholder also conceiving new management strategy to red…

Tahu Sumedang merupakan salah satu industri yang paling strategis dan prioritas di Kabupaten Sumedang berdasarkan rencana pembangunan jangka menengah wilayah dan sektor industri. Saat ini ada beberapa masalah strategis industri tahu sumedang seperti bahan dasar tahu Sumedang adalah kedelai yang diimpor dari AS, sehingga tidak menyerap produk pertanian lokal serta adanya Rencana pembangunan jalan tol Cisumdawu yang melewati Kabupaten Sumedang membuat orang hanya melewati kota tanpa mengunjungi kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan sumber daya lokal berdasarkan isu-isu strategis di …

Karakter dari suatu suku dapat dilihat dari tradisi dan budaya yang terbentuk dalam suatu permukiman dan masih menjaga local wisdom mereka, hal ini dapat terlihat dari permukiman tradisional Suku Sasak di Dusun Limbungan Kabupaten Lombok Timur, yang menjaga rumah adat mereka dari segala perubahan. Tujuan dari studi adalah mengidentifikasi karakteristik non fisik sosial budaya masyarakat Dusun Limbungan, dan mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik pola tata ruang permukiman yang terbentuk, menganalisis pola tata ruang permukiman tradisional yang terbentuk akibat pengaruh fisik dan non fisiknya, da…

There are three known kraits species of the Genus Bungarus (Elapidae) inhabit Java Island, Indonesia. Two species out of the three species, i.e., Bungarus candidus (Malayan kraits) and Bungarus fasciatus (Banded kraits) are commonly found in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Province. However, a longterm  research about herpetofauna diversity in the Southern slope of Mount Merapi since 2006 until 2011 shows no species records from genus Bungarus. A nocturnal survey on April 28th, 2012 was administerd around the Kaliurang recreational area. We found snake which was suggested belong to the gen…

Donan River dredging impacts on ecological regions and communities around the basin. Dredging from Buoy 27 to Buoy segment 34 as an effort to reduce silting of existing in Cilacap and Donan River shipping channel maintenance efforts limestone PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk. Cilacap Plant. The purpose of the study is to determine the condition of post-dredging water quality in terms of physical and chemical factors, to determine the condition of post-dredging water quality in terms of biological factors; and to analyze the relationship between physical, chemical, and biological factors post-dredging s…

Inulinase has a capacity to convert inulin into fructose hence it could be used in high fructose syrup production. Inulinase is not readily available in Indonesian market. This enzyme could be obtained from thermotolerant yeast found in Dahlia variabilis. Therefore this study was conducted to identify inulinolytic yeast in D. variabilis. The results showed  that an inulinolytic yeast isolate 23 DUCC from D. variabilis tubers was found. The inulinolitic yeast produces inulinase (E.C. Based on the identification and determination, the isolate is known to be Kluyveromyces marxianus.  T…

Batik industry is one of the traditional textile industry in Indonesia which produce wastewater. Pollutants that contained in wastewater such as heavy metal and dyes. White rot fungi (Pleurotus ostreatus) from spent mushroom known can adsorb heavy metal and can decolorize dyes in wastewater. Spent mushroom have potential as an adsorbent because it still contains mycelium and cellulose. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of incubation system and volume of waste batik for  adsorption Zn and decolorization by spent mushroom…

Karsinoma nasofaring (KNF) merupakan tumor ganas pada sel epitel nasofaring dan merupakan penyakit multifaktor yang bersifat endemik. Tipe KNF tidak berdiferensiasi (KNF WHO-3) telah terbukti konsisten dengan infeksi EBV. Gen litik BRLF1 berperan sebagai mediator transisi dari fase laten menjadi litik. Pengukuran aktivitas mRNA EBV di lokasi tumor primer perlu dilakukan karena lebih mencerminkan patogenesis KNF yang  sesungguhnya dari pada diagnosis serologi dan pengukuran DNA EBV di sirkulasi darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai ekspresi relatif mRNA BRLF1 Epstein-Barr Vi…

Ethnobotany is important in Indonesia because there are a lot of unknown things about the traditional plant usages by traditional people. One of them is the Kampung Pulo’s traditional people in Garut District of West Java’s province. This research aims to determine the diversity, usage and part of plants used by Kampung Pulo’s traditional people. The methods used are survey and data collection has been exploration, by interview and direct observation. The data were by analyzed by using descriptive analysis  plant diversity, usage for, part used and how they were used by Kampu…

Soil bacteria group which can release soil P-adsorbed is phosphate bacteria (PB). PB can release soil P-adsorbed through: 1) acidification, 2) chelating 3) ligand exchange 4) mineralization and 5) compete colloid sorption site. PB have a potential to release soil P-adsorbed. This study was aimed to determining the character and PB inoculant potential in soil P-adsorbed release. The results of BLASTn PB showed that  isolate 1 was Pseudomonas trivialis, isolate 5 was Pseudomonas putida and  isolate 9 was Pseudomonas fluorescens. Based on the growth curve on day 5th (the end log. phase) pop…

One of emissions in the air that’s harmful to human  health is lead ( Pb ). The negative effects caused  by lead  and then required solutions for reducing the metal, its called phytoremediation. The Plant which acts as an agent of phytoremediation is Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd.). Research to find out the lead content in Angsana’s leaf at four locations, knowing the influence of exposure to lead against the activity of an enzyme peroxydases and chlorophyll content in the Angsana’s leaf. The location for collection of samples conducted in four  location at Purw…

A study on the effect of interactions between paclobutrazole and KNO3 application on the quality and quantity of Dendrobium ‘Sarifah Fatimah’ orchid cutflower was conducted. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) employing two factors, i.e. paclobutrazole doses (100, 150, 200 ppm) and KNO3 doses (100, 200, and 300 ppm), replicated three times respectively providing 27 experimental units. The results showed that paclobutrazole and KNO3 application had significant effect on the reproductive parameters. To accelarate flowering and higher quality and qua…

Tomato juice can be used as an alternative health drinks readily accepted by society because it tastes good and refreshing, affordable and beneficial to health because contain high nutritional content. Fermentation in this study using a mixed culture of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) of Lactobacillus plantarum and L. delbruekii isolated from fruits and vegetables pickle. The accuracy of starter concentration is one of the factors that affect the quality of a product of fermented beverages. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of mixed cultures of L. plantarum and L. delbruekii in…